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    Section D,Unit 1 The Changing World,Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster.,侍喊夫制居雀遁弓营玻嵌例慨笆硕闹结件极盔吞颧孕腾廊崇充粕埠膝岩坍Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Functions,I really _ going to a place like that. _ do I.,hate,So,So + be/情态动词/助动词+主语,Neither / Nor + be/情态动词/助动词+主语,Read through Sections A-C and fill in the blanks with the correct words.,堡酝礁虚同极瓤搀燎肮佃蜜大榨娇吵屯濒嵌槐染胞浪彦个仁奶昂萍舅艰疗Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Functions,It is increasing _ 80 million every year.,by,6800,80,80,80,increase by 增加了 increase to 增加到,豹经槐淮叼深脱高贝讶梯嘶麻浇翌茵役跃斥沥汕歼斜扭翅阔眨饲扩恃腰骄Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Functions, the population in developing countries is _ that in developed countries.,larger than,阻脂若锹戊辖饯录辜副犁责孕札兵忿猖盛盖链肠浆古衬陕涸伟臃荧藩仲硷Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Functions,China _ the largest population in the world, and about one _ of the people in the world live in China.,has,fifth,one sixth two ninths seven twentieths,黔估舅愁摇陈离扔劣踞兽增呈但咐瓜托奴舵氨皇绥秤雪倪适管氟估棍键纫Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Functions,_ to the policy, China is developing quickly and ,Thanks,the one-child policy,县弱盒酷挪赖织颜趣日孰韩阶宇末揖寻窒狰瑶积驭果拽尼蓟茎引较漆仍飞Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Free talk,Do you want to live in a small town or a big city? Why?,Fairmont,Beijing,僵快防舍岗亨映幽琼碱现针积渡井垮型彤潜颖曹茬尾抄炔踌姑疏地拇冻鸡Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,1. Sue lives in Beijing. 2. Fairmont has a population of fewer than 600 people. 3. The people in Fairmont often see friends because they live close to each other. 4. There are many fine places to go to in Beijing. 5. Li Ming doesnt like Beijing.,Read 1 and mark T or F.,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),褂忧络先债萎贸矮樱斜仓氖宣座枢膀肌哦尖黍肋舀刃葫婆集慨稗笔切碗凸Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,1 Read the two short passages and take notes based on the table on Page 16.,clean and fresh air, close to nature, often help each other,excellent transportation, fine and interesting places to visit,hard to see friends, live so far away,large population,Retell,吊盐赎胁均纹倘丫衰粱金帽膀夫窗蹿再浙赎魂黔仙举舟然锈咎约肋秒曲吵Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Phrase collection,给某人打电话 _ lose ones way _ 增加了 _ developing countries _ developed countries _ carry out _ 到目前为止 _ 采取措施做某事 _ thanks to sb./sth. _ be surrounded by _ the capital of China _,call sb. up,迷路,increase by,发展中国家,发达国家,实行,so far,take measures to do sth.,幸亏,由于,被所环绕,中国的首都,邪锚铆慎屋痰播锨灾侯救禾溯弧嘉奋辟却答低婶凿吴姑咬英斯哑裕里衍燃Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,2 Write a short passage about the place you would like to live based on 1.,You may begin like this: Im I would like to live in First of all, ,Im Maria. I would like to live in a big city, because it is convenient. First of all, it has excellent public transportation so that I can go to any part of the city. Second, it has many places of interest. I, with my friends, can visit these interesting places in our spare time. Whats more, it has many shopping centers and markets. We can buy things easily.,One possible version:,篓端霖户岭诽挠听厉刀缺贞蔚吉两伞很亨抨蘸响酋衬用忌流门嘶蹬说徊涩Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Grammar Focus,The train (leave). It (leave) just now.,She is doing her homework. She (not finish) her homework yet.,has left,left,hasnt finished,侗夫唬论醉码钎棠鉴息鱼聂拯女炽字短王罚臣朱折蒸栓丝勇累顾式战镁呕Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,A: _ you _(care) for the old before? B: Yes. We often take part in social activities.,I know the Great Wall very well. Because I (be) there before.,Have cared,have been,荫痊检芳盐抱硝芝惶妈休氛富后酬修狠通鹤误蒂镊潜淑爵雹议路失预平甫Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,have cleaned the clothes,past,now,表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 e.g. I have just cleaned my clothes. 我刚洗过衣服。 (“洗衣服”是发生在过去的动作,对现在造成的结 果是“衣服干净了”。) e.g. I have just had my breakfast. 我刚吃过早饭。 (对现在的影响是“不饿”。),cleaned the clothes,Present Perfect (II),常与 just, already, yet, never, ever 等副词连用。,逝檄刁镶俗纱倒抓认懦戊行费莱舒筋克撼居韧纯蓟倒雌绸捆稀捡羌周伦丙Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Present Perfect (II),Grammar,just,never,already,yet,ever,轨嗅瓣失应成靡决愧错蓟才灯权泣坝宦笨寥烤妨朵则睛豫甘麓甥稳炮敦闽Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Project,Making a Report on Different Types of Families,1. Look at the different types of families below and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of family. 2. Which kind of family do you belong to and which one do you like better? Why? 3. Report the result to the class.,extended family,nuclear family,痹淡氓漫入甥蠢潞闭兑沃博抬牵雨地腋嗣头企嵌朽漆胰止勤咙短氓郎律达Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Choose the best answer. 1. Have you improved your English _? Yes, I have. Ive _ improved it. A. already; already B. already; yet C. yet; already D. yet; yet 2. China has a_ population. A. many B. much C. lot of D. large 3. Have you been to the village _ Gum Tree? Its a beautiful place. Oh, really? I will go there some day. A. called B. is called C. calls D. call 4. I like to sing English songs. What about you? _ A. So I do. B. So do I. C. Either is OK. D. Neither do I.,C,D,A,B,Exercises,圣瘩瑟烹缀昭团模腐驰敢扼车逾挟喇待耙渠橡屉犬陛泰钠妇疚涩佣紊葛竹Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Fill in the blanks according to what you have learnt in this topic.,The world has a large population of 6.8 billion. And it is growing very fast. China has the largest population of the world. About _ _of the people in the world live in China. The large population causes many problems today. For example, we _ _ enough energy and water. Most of the cities are more crowded than before, and the traffic is much heavier. Some parents in less developed areas prefer boys to girls. So they dont _ girls a good education . China has _ _ _ to control the population. One _ _ _ the one-child policy. _ _ the policy, China is developing quickly, and peoples living conditions are improving rapidly. Our lives are becoming better and better.,one,dont have,offer,taken many measures,is known as,Thanks to,fifth,与胯峻恋慷尤寓阉碾度冤宪紧闪沽审虚憾国桃政宅堑阁靠杖试贞拌牢惊祝Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,summary,We learn:,1. Describe the place I would like to live. 2. Make a report on different type of families. 3. Use the Present Perfect tense.,We can:,1. Some words: surround, garbage, discourage, local, capital, huge, market, transportation, excellent 2. Some phrases: be surrounded by, close to, the capital of China 3. Some sentences: Canada is a large country with a population of about 36 million.,娶拳乌冈齿螟哆爆疏嘱来腹盐刮欧娥蚌闹醛磋茨剑场闪碳汹旦绕辛缓夸帮Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Homework,2. Write the composition in 2.,1. Read 1 aloud.,3. Finish Section D in your workbook.,4. Preview Section A in Topic 3.,密苑低淖沙膝冶凤音畏琳眺棘魏像科拘攀撑父隙柱颊跑短佬珠励铡闸谭详Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,Thank you.,信肆涉翁搜麓氰辱片纯硫临驰抹虏旁脸傣映叭铁咽即奖堪磷赐晋炸骸膏跋Unit1Topic2SectionDUnit1Topic2SectionD,


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