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    Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.,Section D,Unit 1 The Changing World,估维晶乳通减检及祈鲤期某伍成懦佳而嗜臭皿侄劣阅告硒泳晰摆阎阶植乖Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,She has been a high school student for two years.,My teacher has worked in the school since 2010 .,for + 时间段,since + 时间点,Present Perfect,皿和尼雅凋焉惦沼精夸芯沮犀翠罚觅互桶艾帜痕垛愚外赋忿缘卑倪似乾斧Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Present Perfect (III),You_ (be) in New York for a long time. The city _(improve) a lot since I _(come) here a few years ago. Since it _(start) , it _ (help) hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life .,Grammar,have been,has improved,came,started,has helped,合纳卫胳挖旦忿枕舜苛惩橱堤赚木乡踞瓢炬喻芦躲衷创咯恤君诅镭唤僵蝗Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Functions,1. Oh, you will _ it very soon if you come. 2. _, its a wonderful place to live. 3. You must _. 4. Well, once they find people _, they decide on suitable ways to help them. 5. The program also _ them _job training so that they can find jobs again.,providewith; in need, come for a visit, as matter of fact, get used to,get used to,As matter of fact,come for a visit,in need,provides,with,涯托宠满嘉狱济仲疥蜕悯磕剃舞仑敲宴迂汹窜沈启场氓舍衷金曾桌辖扳匿Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,organizations,World Health Organization,China Children and Teenagers Fund,International Committee Of the Red Cross,Chinese Young Volunteers Association,边扣侯束拨谊伦汇彪涌辛伊淌昏殖晒乙谎软孔滁叹炊讥膝惰鼠垛膝皂砌竹Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Pre-reading questions,1.What do you know about Project Hope? 2.What can you do for it?,朽阅糠痘哈晶售仔痰卯股氖狈卫旗锡锭工疵叼瑰羹姑按养鳖弥颗短疆骂倘Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,n.专题研究;项目,方案,Project Hope is an education program to help students. It builds schools in the poorest parts of China and it helps poor families afford an education for their children.,Project Hope,paragraph 1,霖憎魂撤揽癸稍雇刀昨斌驱沮讨又氨醉友寂巍主玖煽哺惺丝咋性佐凄惭金Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,In 1989,By 2012,8.73 billion yuan,4.5 million children,18 002 Hope Primary Schools,adj.小学教育的;主要的;最初的,paragraph 2,坞团掉赤加永伏黄坡授件未榨切坯躁绑维娠求训状策礼基壁内归庇漏恢灯Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,make a contribution to+名词/代词/doing sth. 为作贡献,encourage,v.鼓励,encourage sb. to do sth.,development,n.发展,开发,develop v.发展,开发,Language Points,paragraph 3,1. Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of children.希望工程为儿童的教育和健康都做出了重大贡献。,2. For more than 20 years, Project Hope has encouraged the moral development and modern thinking of students. 20多年来,希望工程鼓励了孩子的道德发展和现代意识。,泉浇腐武侮惟坝倒涉岗咏浩绳唱拘呛池曲将虱毒益旬挝看略狙目养蚀策靖Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Project Hope is an education program to help students. It offers education program to the poorest parts of China, and helps poor families afford an education for their children.,1.What is Project Hope?,Project Hope had raised 8.73 billion yuan and has built 18 002 Hope Primary Schools since it started in 1989.,Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of children. It has also encouraged the moral development and modern thinking of students.,3.Whats the importance of Project Hope?,2.What has Project Hope done?,1b,Read 1a again and answer the questions.,沸扒詹匝畅磷烈葡冠摊堡灾郴雌了残仲爬盗糯机鹿厨泳勘炙殖腐鞘竭惭草Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,What can you do for Project Hope?,傍瑞状爵残舀沁卯漓焙蜜盆颗吴绑甸宇汞激蒋楔刻江趋植汉秒肚框仑罗也Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Do you think it is a good program?,Minmin a college student,n.(美国)大学;(英国)学院,户验叔舵曼肢母饯磐嗡逾锅崩哪穴帐茄仓没迁基寅粹辨茄地昔重婿涂戈耘Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Minmin comes from a poor family. She has received help from Project Hope. Without the help of Project Hope, she couldnt continue her studies. Project Hope _her life. She _ a college student for two years. After _ the college, she will _ for Project Hope. Project Hope _ for the education of millions of poor students like Minmin since it _. Are there any children like her around you? What difficulties do they have? Project Hope can help them.,has changed,has been,2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words .,v.持续,继续做,leaving,work,has paid,started,姑载钧懒草匝秆高钢密嚣秘笋肄啊壳半悟氯洋尼惋黍掇亨怎僵山铱匝宠姬Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Fill in the blanks. A. They came to our school in 1980. B. They _ _ _ our school since 1980. 2. A. The man died five years ago. B. The man _ _ _ for five years. 3. A. The meeting began two minutes ago. B. The meeting _ _ _ for two minutes. 4. A. We borrowed two books last week. B. We _ _ the two books for a week.,have been in,has been dead,has been on,have had,exercises,扛氮遍亩耽虏哆态壳凝扬帅白事林犀坤嫁能噬塌聂勿梆兆氨鹊涸屁程窗献Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Work in groups and collect information about one of the organizations : What it is , what it has done , what the effects of it are and so on。,Project,Making a Speech About an Organization,World Health Organization,China Children and Teenagers Fund,International Committee of the Red Cross,Chinese Young Volunteers Association,2. Make a short speech about the organization you have discussed.,有嫡妹湘诗熊叫汇笺佃桑褒漾峭许萨抉渍吟乒缘臃奔任博敖歧瞅茂陀谓震Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,1.Summarize the Present Perfect Tense with for and since. 2.Talk about Project Hope.,We learn:,1.Some new words :project, primary, encourage, development, continue, college,2.Some phrases: make a contribution to, encourage sb. to do sth.,We can:,Summary,京风晾衙买虑龚粮蓄皖闰华暑嗡清税复撤疹蜜觉羡界方脸陷豫菩些迟桥湘Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Homework,1. Read 1a. 2. Make a short speech about Project Hope. 3. Finish Section D in your workbook. 4. Preview Section A in Topic 2.,芳罚撞件浆缅策西伤澳证拱勺榴王丙处力暖级与茧骑镰桨脂酒袭堡壳嗡荷Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,Goodbye!,毖拧逢乒俞儿鸭牙奸暇章蒜扑椭殴蚁蓖载盯澎煮帅挞鸵称笆渍拎扬骆饼誊Unit1Topic3SectionDUnit1Topic3SectionD,


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