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    Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.,Section C,饮水现做蟹鳖说惨瘤硷日弯蔚施厂惧牲淡异冉锡遇小岗弧肄蜒督果孔贼渝Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语, 继续学习定语从句。 2.能够快速找到段落 的中心句、辨别论证句。 3.电脑和网络是把双刃剑, 利用它服务于学习、生活的同时, 不能沉溺于游戏, 要自觉远离不良信息的诱惑。,学习目标,咏枫躇受肌槽暑早抓熄枫蝇酗遇溃眶嘲毖醒穆椒攫掠扇草邱稠虐困痈辨富Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,1a 1. Tick the fields we use the computer in.,education business industry communication daily life medical care entertainment sports,炔男吓瘴派旺兢始竿诣劣霞沈虫苫稼皑购碍舌太竭匙信蕾敝犹穴慷峪怀腋Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,What is the passage about ?,The Importance of Computers,赊觅滑或犁聚苗氯搪攻泣阶篱果磋量呆操抽箔妇故琵抚洗眨殆朽荐沸涌无Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.,1. Since computers were invented in the USA in the 1950s, they have become very important in many areas of work and leisure. 2. Since the Internet came into being, peoples lives at home have been changed, too. 3. Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too.,船蘸衅酣巡怖斧弗扁剑规陶汞谊衡垦酣汽稍洽禁题佬一憋迂翌澳磕鞭南询Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,Paragraph 1,control the speed and direction of a spaceship,find diseases easily and solve other problems,do dangerous work,used to place and cancel orders,杏超品佬纯毯阿靛回稳嘘缮脖乒镍蔑抵芋伶剃聊迷垫灸咕盔颓剑虞才谁妆Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,1.There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.毫无疑问电脑在技术和贸易业都非常有用。,(1)doubt (n.),Doubt is the key to knowledge.,There is no doubt that we will be successful.,(2)doubt (vt.)+ 从句,I doubt whether/if he'll change his mind.,I don't doubt that they will be able to solve the problems.,(3)doubt (vi.)+ about / of,There is no reason to doubt of his honesty.,Paragraph 1,doubt n. & v. 怀疑,疑惑,棵挛厉企稗枚疽馋酿需刀泛劈醒眉锤企泡监州叭拟蓄距桥挂祭贡冻账处夸Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,2.For example , tiny computers which are inside patients bodies can keep their hearts beating normally.例如,病人体内植入微电脑能帮助病人的心脏正常跳动。,tiny very small in size adj. 极小的,微小的,a tiny girl,Paragraph 1,欧饰浊秋影弯滔裸犬摘藏斩擅卢托披标墩遏税信莎茄锣头邀醇束妓眼痔茨Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,Paragraph 2,3.The whole world is connected.网络连接了全世界。,connect v. 连接 connection n. 关系,联系,1.connect A with B 使A与B连接,2.connect A to B 把A连接到B上,弃库诡寄轮险诚彤哄永渐秽畔玉凸否联悉燃箕览滔携质高痒樟惨抒佃帐食Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,Paragraph 2,come into being more and more be used to do sth thanks to do business instead of chat online make the world smaller,做生意,做买卖 形成,产生 越来越多 被用来做某事 代替 网上聊天 使世界更小 多亏于,由于,窥袋题披脉浴疥遗攀骚拦冤惫爵笛丙诵打炳萄凋陇捆肤谚瓜胸檄保运捷样Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,Paragraph 3,1. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.比如:如果我们使用的电脑工作的时间太长,我们就会头昏眼花。 for instance =for example 用来举例说明 such as 用来列举事物 E.g. (1)Many countries, for instance (for example), Japan, has a lot of earthquakes. (2)I like fruits, such as apples, pears and bananas. 2. Work on 从事,专心于,饮拣塔揭态照畜她澄迸辉订忘癣埠肺币诽屠葛棱厢实桨靳抉鞘山隙翠独滤Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,3. Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us.另外,我们在网上看到的东西并不都是真实的、有益的。,注意:besides与except用于肯定句时,except意为“除之外(没有)”;besides意为“除之外(还有)”。 如: I have another blue pen besides this one. 除了这支外,我还有另一支蓝色钢笔。(1+1,共2支) We all passed the exam except Tom. 我们都通过了考试,汤姆除外。(整体中汤姆一人不及格) 4. use properly 合理地使用,账幕说圭怀渍瓮列蛇虱永淤因恃肝栓箍统苔颅僳破娄啪馅承士瀑器李棋烹Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,1b 2. Complete the following diagram.,computers,usage,problem,work,daily life,get headaches or _. dont have enough time _. something on Internet is not _.,play games and _. _ and _ at home. _ by sending e-mails and _.,_ of a spaceship. help doctors _. _ in factories. help businessmen _.,control the speed and direction,find diseases easily,place and cancel orders,control the robots,watch movies,do shopping,do business,communicate,chatting online,sore eyes,to study or exercise,true or good to us,据威镭盟协裕抄早胜凋盂搂肃该旧驮瀑獭逢毕巨壶半赌曝谎郊插忿绘粳衬Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,Exercise,properly, besides, brought, get, enough,Computers have improved our lives, but they have _problems, too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may _ headaches or sore eyes. If we play computer games too much, we wont have _ time to study or exercise. _ , not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us. Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used _.,brought,get,enough,Besides,properly,羊凳倒挥尹浊吉伎胁辈普虫跪祖丝醇考坦萨裹帮查栗剃芥俏错珊纹腹恍以Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,2 Write a short passage with the title with One Day Without Computers. The following information may help you. Suppose you were on a special day in 2030. During the day, there were no computers in the world. What trouble would you have? You may begin like this:,One Day Without Computers Today, when I got up, I just turned on the computer as usual, but it didnt work. Then I tried my brothers PC, my parents, even my dogs, but none of them worked. Later, it was reported on TV that all of the computers in the world broke down today,意并骏腆榨朵目祭洞六哇分适玫威搜孜藻雁拷便纽肾问瞅揣馋蟹奈晋莆耳Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,One Day Without Computers Today, when I got up, I just turned on the computer as usual, but it didnt work. Then I tried my brothers PC, my parents, even my dogs, but none of them worked. Later, it was reported on TV that all of the computers in the world broke down today. So the world is quite different. For instance, we cant play games, watch movies or do shopping at home. Besides, we cant communicate by sending e-mails or chatting online. Without the help of computers, businessmen cant place or cancel orders online. Teachers cant give lessons to their students. Whats worse, robots controlled by computers cant do dangerous work for humans. Even the doctors cant find the diseases easily. In short, we almost have trouble with everything without computers today.,You can write it like this:,讥刨笋靳猾迅亡鄙撇饿星赴衬槐窃后曝次沦盔誉威痴掌溢这娥仰衙沤漂剧Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,小结,We learn: 1. Some words: doubt, tiny, inside, brain, cancel, connect 2. Some phrases: no doubt, for instance 3. Some sentences: (1) There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. (2) Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly. We can: 1. Talk about the importance of computers. 2. Write a composition by using our imagination.,凉棕围已岛伏如沸阮匹替洛砖讼盆扔茫娄哥理拴恒鹤纠何份孵肉泄赊柯茁Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,作业,1. Read 1a. 2. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learned today. 3. Finish Section C in your workbook. 4. Review Sections A-C.,汝锁仅佩麻秽株涩造肯首焰捣恒宝噶还彭幸筋双牧坐紫袖摊糙踏整些娠似Unit4Topic3SCUnit4Topic3SC,


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