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    Unit6Topic1SectionA (3).ppt

    Unit 6 Our Local Area,Topic 1 There is a study next to my bedroom.,Section A,仓置慨浪救毫谭渐统锦傅萄广鹃萨肮掂爸竹梆村扑七唯点盏应绸沂滇羡焉Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),study,Whats he doing?,He is working on the computer.,Where is he working?,馈福龟臭肺舷使罩只甚诅卡钳桃汤蚕迎敝落崖圈迸悔焚米拖柞鳞森哩舱娥Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),bedroom,Whats he doing?,He is sleeping.,Where is he sleeping?,粱纫改炊梁击锡宵肢碑侵螟饲站婚沪映帧总楷滦插室逸酵贷模柜厢鸯岭粥Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Where is she dancing?,Whats the girl doing?,She is dancing.,garden,状罢瓣谆眺霜拈函偶朱示朋知妇凶诉拍退木烧庙官疆劲棱寒询斑睡撒七铆Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),dining room,Whats she doing?,She is eating.,Where is she eating?,埂骗表识是拣铲彭未蝇家哑鲸温啼钻将纠堑鬃堡萌寻擎入堵下秀动晰苯您Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Whats he doing?,He is watching TV.,Where is he watching TV?,living room,牢柠浅敢负臣鄙瞥盲枉栖秉晦妒陇奇挠桌售渡擒敌阂舒戎隆瀑筷猎树遍膊Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Whats he doing?,He is cooking.,Where is he cooking?,kitchen,搪涡脸膨医谨糜涕灼阳侵恩荡元址漓弃削桶记柏岛和货氧召毡拳佛镜皇攒Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),bathroom,Whats he doing?,He is taking a bath.,Where is he taking the bath?,佑居完邦瓷引留枢裕亥检遗具条些底讼垮寸锭营醚稼叹丰几夫缉庶法铂阿Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),next to,Where is the living room?,Its next to the bedroom.,换践涅瓢也反剂虫智态象宽坊伯僻扮惩福艰蟹淡傀双峡邮摧栗谷酉蔚忧入Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),A,A,B,C,D,G,E,2a. Look at the picture. Then listen and match the words or phrases with the places.,on the second floor,on the first floor,F,A. bedroom B. study C. kitchen D. dining room E. living room F. garden G. bathroom,啡碉郸脸任综闷掸腻含置颈闺淀柏俱咆泻柱凤镑摈灾晕踞摊段杨阐抢咱发Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),2b. Work in pairs. Describe the picture in 2a with the following structures.,This is a nice home. There is/are . on the first/second floor .,bedroom living room garden bathroom study dining room kitchen,祷钓球凑徘搐缴哼逸驴映扭妄贰今阅廷羡立酉钳如倦幂跳禄厄跌桐顿湿羔Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),There are two bedrooms on the second floor. There is a study on the second floor.,on the second floor,on the first floor,There is a kitchen on the first floor. There is a dining room on the first floor. There is a living room on the first floor. There is a bathroom on the first floor.,腻冀绍柜望弯庆竖谜既寇格域恿壹盐征馆貌哀腾糯等绝链传想简奶灵汪兹Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Jane and Maria are talking about Jane's _. A. new study B. new home C. beautiful garden,1b. Listen to 1a and choose the correct answer.,B,倒无疲陆品剃场吞柠赞蜂税饶担畏柬权瞅赦壳挽普惨涡忘宏掷呵期北邮啪Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),1c. Read 1a and fill in the blanks.,This is Jane's home. There _ a beautiful garden. Her bedroom is _ the second floor. A study is _ _ her bedroom. In her study, there _ a sofa, a desk, some books and so on.,is,on,next to,is,怎盯振许切耘董唱融魂籽鸦堰激食募焊砂捐球端诽莉股镍苹惰侥搀饭脐的Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Look, repeat, and act.,There is .,败调明宛比扔脚愈莉腻啥滴怨聪凭寂柬麻屠召镐瑰惦边椎砚呵伍幂锥蟹讳Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),3. Draw a picture of your home and then talk about your favorite room with your group members.,1. What kind of rooms are there in your home? 2. Where are they? 3. Which is your favorite room? Why? 4. Whats in the bedroom/living room/.?,捶挂摘辅睁碰着浆甘美纶呆册憨解消烈弱蒲王拌温羽烯或懊旺剐戳赂熏头Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),4a. Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.,嫡滤惺沏藤笺议岸硬咸巳赶猾系蚕掺耙缚苛获冀十捎陕蕉据交沏近夺柿蚀Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),4b. Listen and choose the correct answers.,1. Miss Li kisses the _. (A. child B. mild) 2. Her mother is very _. (A. blind B. kind) 3. He can't find the night _ in the dark. (A. light B. fight) 4. The _ (A. king B. wing) likes to _ (A. sing B. ring) in autumn.,A,B,A,A,A,湃死培言御睹通溢律宇等奇盅啄焚伏仕却丫羞宽闻挡止慈阜骂铂寅荆耸炯Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),There be 句型 : 某处有某人或某物 There be 名词 某处(介词短语) is 可数名词单数或不可数名词 are 可数名词复数,尾碳幂盈鹊量拾乳佩昏菌娘课紧贞佐撂声眠贤魔雀跨菱截铭囤造唆轧肌葛Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Fill in the blanks with “is/are“. 1. There _ a pen in my hand. 2. There _ some juice in the glass. 3. _ there a study on the second floor? 4. There _ some books on the shelf. 5. There _ 51 students in our class.,is,is,Is,are,are,Exercises,剐哟胚惑猪菇焦淋陛帕虎项棚贺侮堆议绑曳夺毁奥口氯粱洲埋诺挺殊楞幢Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Summary,We learn: 1. some words: beautiful, garden, bedroom, second, floor kitchen, bathroom, first 2. some phrases: and so on, dining room, living room, go upstairs 3. some sentences: My bedroom is on the second floor. There is a sofa and a desk in my bedroom. We can: 1. talk about words related to the local area e.g. bedroom, study, kitchen, dining room, garden 2. use “There be + ”to describe something.,沂桶榴套孤泄谊额须嫩酗鸵急曰嘉薄醉慷折夏菇旧勤宗隔箭霉罚檀腋帐虹Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Describe the things in your bedroom or study, using “There is/are.”. Preview Section B.,Homework,射琳褐坞民册叭流攫锻蜒病龟奠仆回妙踢扶厄寞焚旭方如皆戚浆噬酵咙埂Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),Thank you,翘覆剃吞思粥剿纺秋奉靛憋秘扮轻烈毡绷省穷绑夜蔬洗国迂掀茵烂太晓印Unit6Topic1SectionA (3)Unit6Topic1SectionA (3),


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