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    一、定语从句一 定于从句的关系词that指物,有时也指人,在从句中做主语或宾语The girl that is standing under the tree is Mary.The book that he gave me was not the one that I lent him.which指物,做主语或宾语The chair which I sat in was a broken one.The college which we visited yesterday was very good.who, whom指人,分别作主语和宾语The man who did the robbery has been caught.Whos the boy whom you were talking to just now?whose指人,作定语Mr John is the person whose bike was stolen.when指时间,做时间状语I still remember the day when I first met him 7 years ago.where指地点,做地点状语That is the factory where he worked several Years ago.why指原因,做原因状语Please give me a reason why you are late again.二 关系词的用法1 只能使用that的情况1)当先行词是nothing, something, anything,all,each等不定代词时All that I want is peace and quiet.2) 当先行词被all,any,some,no,not,every,each等修饰时I have some friends that are very interesting.3)当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时This is the first gift that I bought for my mother.The tallest building that I have ever seen is this one.4)当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only 等词修饰时This is the very book that I lost yesterday.5)当先行词又有人有有物时The guests spoke highly of the children and their performance that they saw at the childrens Palace6)当主语中含有疑问词which时Which are the books that you bought for me?7)当先行词是系动词be后面的表语或关系词本身是从句的表语时China is not the country that it used to be 50 years ago.He is no longer the man that he used to be.8)当主语以There be 结构开头时There is a seat in the corner that is still free.There are two tickets of the film that are for you.2 只能使用which的情况1)非限制性定语从句中Mary has a book, which is very precious2)在介词之后This is a house in which lives an old man3)当主句中的主语被that修饰时 That god which I found in the street belongs to Mary.4)当关系代词后面带有插入语时Ive bought you some books which, I think, may interest you.3 只用who不用that1)先行词是one,ones或anyone时Anyone who breaks the law should be punishedShe is the only one of the students who has been to Beijing2)先行词是those或被those修饰,指人时Those who learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed.3)在以there be的句子中,先行词为人时There is a girl outside who wants to see you4)当定于从句中又有定语从句。且先行词都为人时The student that won the first prize is the monitor who works hard5)在非限制性定语从句中指人I met a friend of mine in the street, who had just come back from America6)定语从句中有插入语时Jim is a man who I believe is honest4 as & which1)非限制性定语从句中,两者均可替代整个主句或句中某个部分,在从句中做主语、宾语、表语。如从句在主句之后,两者皆可用。They failed in the exam, as/which is natural.She seems a scientist, as/ which in fact she is.2)如从句在主句之前,用asAs we all know, his parents were killed in the war.As is known to all, the earth travels around the sun.3)如关系代词代表主句全句意思,有“正如。”“就像。”之意时,用asWe won the match, as we had expected.He agreed to the plan, as was to be expected三 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句Now Chinese people know more and more about WTO, which China entered in 2001All the members of WTO know the day when China joined it in 2001.单项选择1 Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _ in the burning train.A details B trips C events D experiences2 In a way, I think, we both won; I won the game, but cousin won my _A friendship B respect C support D favor3 Jack London worked very hard and finally he_ his goal. A made B found C developed D achieved4 Because of the snow he drove just 280 kilometers in five hours, and the _ speed was 56 kph. A basic B whole C total D average5 The performance _ nearly three hours, but few people left the theater early.A covered B reached C played D lasted6 With the development of social construction, our country will _ more and more advanced technology and management from abroad.A lead B bring C introduce D result 7 - Keep me informed _ the latest news. - OK A by B at C for D of8 _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A There B This C That D It9 It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.A how B which C that D where10 I dont like the way _ you laugh at her A which B in which C by which D on which用合适的关系代词或关系副词填空1 Who is the man _ is reading the newspaper over there?2 The girl _ I mentioned just now was the not the one that you are talking about.3 A chemists shop is a shop _ sells medicine.4 The film_ we saw last was wonderful.5 Who is the man _ you just talked to?6 This is the house_ I lived two years ago.7 The factory _ his father works is in the west of the city.8 This is the reason_ he was late for class.9 Do you have anything_ is important to tell me?10 I have some books _ are very good.11 This is the first present _ I bought myself.12 The biggest bird _ I caught is this bird.13 Which is the house _ you bought for your daughter?14 Peter has a pen, _ is very expensive.15 A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do.16 In 1998, he went to Oxford University_ he got interested in Chinese culture.17 David was one of the most helpful students _ we ever had.18 Most of the students_ he taught have become his friends.19 Is that the reading room _ has newspapers and magazines?20 Its a place _ has big desks but no anything else.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句介词的宾语只能用which(指物)或whom(指人),即介词+which/whom1) 当介词放在关系代词的前面时,介词宾语只能用which或Whom,关系代词不能省略He paid the boy $ 10 for washing ten windows, most of which hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help.2) 当介词位于定语从句的句末时,可用that/which (指物),that/whom/who(指人)作介词的宾语,而且作介词宾语的关系代词往往省略。This is the hero (that/who/whom) we are proud of.This is the pen (which/that) I wrote the letter with.3) “复合介词短语+冠词代词which”引导的定语从句,这种结构引导的定语从句常与先行词用逗号分开,定语从句常用倒装语序。He lived in a big house, in front of which stood a big tall tree.注意:在一些固定的动词短语中,由于动词和介词不可分割,因此不能把介词置于关系代词之前This is the pen which Im looking for.This is the pen for which Im looking. 4) 介词+which/whom+不定式结构The poor man has no house in which to live.The poor man has no house to live in.The poor man has no house in which he can live.2 介词+关系代词中介词的确定 一些原则:1)根据先行词与介词的搭配决定好He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.Nearby were two boats in which they had come to the island.2) 根据先行词在定语从句中所表达的意思决定There are two buildings, the larger of which stands nearly a hundred feet high.The factory produces million pairs of shoes every year, 81% of which are sold abroad.3) 根据定语从句中谓语动词的搭配决定Now Mary and Jim have two possessions in which they both took great pride.The English play in which my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.3 用来增加定语从句试题难度的常用方法1)在定语从句中,适当加入插入语Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others unhappy.2) 把先行词与定语从句隔开,即考查“分列式定语从句”We saw some natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, to whom we gave some bells and glasses.1 单项选择In order to look after her sick mother, he asked for a months _A holiday B vocation C leave D rest2 With the living conditions improving, more and more Chinese go abroad for their _ A vocation B leave C off D holiday3 In stead of devoting his time to studies, he wastes his time _ girls.A to run after B running after C run after D ran after4 During this visit, the manager _ our guide.A looked as B acted as C regarded as D thought as5 Does this meal cost 500 yuan? I _ something better than this.A prefer B expect C suggest D suppose6 He asked Joe to get in _ with them, in case Joe needed help.A connection B touch C sense D relation7 How much do you _for mending a pair of shoes?A cost B charge C give D spend8 Mike often argues _ his friend _ small things angrily, which sometimes makes us very happy.A with; for B with; about C to; for D to; about9 The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearbyA find B to find C on finding D in finding10 I _ him to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen.A asked B advised C persuaded D prevented11 You are late again. Dont you know you are_ to have arrived here half an hour ago?A suggested B hoped C supposed D thought12 Why are you anxious? It isnt your problem_.A on purpose B in all C on time D after all13 -Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? -Yes. I gave it to her_ I saw her.A while B the moment C suddenly D once14 The children were left _ of a neighbor when they were on holiday.A in charge B in the charge C under charge D at charge15 Because he pronounced the words in correctly, he _ the two words that are different in meaning.A went up B mixed up C brought up D came up语法练习 用介词+which/whom的形式填空1 Art is something _ I know very little.2 This is the shop_ I bought my favorite dress.3 This is the photo _ I told you last week.4 The headmaster is the person _ I got the cup.5 Xiaoming is the person _ we learned how to write with brushes.6 Family fights are the things _ I feel upset.7 This is the book_ the main character is a soldier.8 The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _ are beyond our control.A most of them B most of which C most of what D most of that9 The way _ you are doing this is completely crazy.10 The picture, _ he paid $ 1000, was once owned by a duke.11 Geometry, _ I know nothing, seems a very dull subject.12 I had nothing _ to focus.13 I cannot believe that that restaurant, _ I have eaten such wonderful meals, is going to close down.14 He is telling a story of Lei Feng, _ every one of us is proud.15 They tried to think of a plan _ they could finish their task ahead of time.16 We went through a period_ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.A which B whose C in which D with which17 It is reported that two schools, _ are being built in my hometown, will open next yearA they both B which both C both of them D both of which18 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.A in which B by which C which D that19 Mary received training in computer for one year, _ she found a job in a big company.A after that B after which C after it D after this20 After school I should come home, because this is a family _ we spent time together.二、介词和介词短语 分类:1 表示时间:1)接时间点:at 9 oclock; before Sunday2) 接某天:on Dec. 9th; on a winter evening3) 接一段时间:in 1967; during his lifetime2 表示地点:1)接某地为点的概念:at the airport; to Beijing2) 接某地为线概念:across the river; up the mountain3) 接某地为面:across the country; throughout the country4) 接某地为立体空间概念:in/inside/into/out of/outside the house3 表示工具或媒介:by means of a bus4 表示抽象方式:by train/ satellite5 表示内容:talk about sb/ talk of sth6 表示原因:for no reason; because of; as a result of7 表伴随(原因/条件): with do much work to do1 双词介词 according to按照 ahead of 在。之前 along with与。一起 apart from 除。之外 as for 至于as to 至于 because of 因为 but for 要不是 care of 由。转交 due to 由于 except for 除了 instead of而不是 irrespective of不顾 next to贴近 out of由于,从里面出来 owing to 因为,由于 what with由于previous to 在。之前 prior to 在。之前 regardless of 不顾,不惜 save for 除了 thanks to 幸亏,由于 together with 与。一起up to 一直到,忙于2 三词介词by means of 利用 by reason of 由于 by way of 经由,作为 for fear of 以免 for lack of 因缺少 in addition to 此外 on behalf of 代表 in case of 如果发生 in comparison with与。相比 in connection with与。有关 in place of 代替in contrast to/with与。不同 in consequence of由于 in danger of 有。的危险 in line with 与。一致 in point of 就。而言 in return for 对。的回报 in search of 寻找 in spite of 尽管 in terms of 从。方面in view of 鉴于 on account of 由于on top of 在。上面 under cover of 在。掩护下 with/ without reference to 关于/不顾 with/without regard to 关于/不顾 with respect to 关于 without prejudice to无损于3 四词介词: At the beginning/end of 在。开头/结尾 at the point of 在。的关头at the expense of 以。为代价 at the mercy of 受。的摆布for the benefit of 为。的利益 for the purpose of 为。的目的for the sake of 为了 in the care of 由。照管 in the event of 如果发生 in the interest(s) of 为。的利益 on the eve of 在。的前夕 on the point of 正要。之际 on the verge of 濒于 with the exception of 除。以外with the help of 在。的帮助下 in the eyes of 从。的观点来看1 His ill-health may be well be _ malnutrition.A due to B next to C thanks to D up to2 I wish I could do something _ the kindness I have received from you.A in terms of B in return for C in the way of D in search of 3 The children were left _ an aunt.A in the event of B in the pay of C in the wake of D in the care of4 _ three children he had an adopted daughter.A Except for B Save for C Along with D In addition to5 No agreement was reached _ how much we must pay.A up to B thanks to C as to D due to6 _ your help I should have failed.A But for B Due to C Owing to D Thanks to7 Fruit is rich_ vitamins.A with B in C of D for8 I disapprove _ people who make promises which they dont keep.A with B at C on D of9 He compared the girl _ a flower.A to B with C in D for10 She joined _ in singing the song.A on B in C with D for三、反义疑问句反义疑问句形式:陈述句+反意附加问句;陈述句+非反意附加问句形式: 1 肯定的陈述句+否定的附加问句 That clock is slow, isnt it?2 否定的陈述句+肯定的附加问句 That clock isnt slow, is it?3祈使句+附加问句 Carry this parcel for me, will you?Remember to buy some meat, wont you?一些规则:1 当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody 等指人的合成词时,附加问句部分的主语通常用theyNobody phoned while I was out, did they?Everyone enjoyed the party, didnt they?Somebody b


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