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    A骐骥高中英语小测验 1I.A.briefmissioncompletemonumentchallengeresulted inadapt toexpectationboardglorious1. A party of soldiers was landed secretly on the island; their _ was to blow up the airport.2. His great success was beyond our _.3. Please answer the question in _ sentence.4. Its the time for us to _ the plane for New York5. He died bravely in anti-Japanese war and it was a _ death.6. That he liked to _ difficulties led to his success.7. The air crash _ the death of 157 passengers, including 25 children.8. He gave a _ introduction on the subject before he made the lecture.9. They suggested she should _ herself _ her new conditions.10. The success of the space walk is a _ to our exploring space.B. steppedbroadcastpressedexpectedconferencecontinuedscaredare focusing oncauseauthority11. The _ of the accident resulted from his careless driving.12. In those days students had no respect for _ in universities or colleges.13. She _ forward to receive the gold medal.14. The pretty girl _ her face against the window, which made her look ugly. 15. Mr. Shelly cannot see you now; he is in _. 16. The children were _ by the ghost story. 17. Launching the rocket is being _ live. 18. She is _ to be admitted to the famous university.19. If the situation is _, I am afraid their company will go bankrupt. 20. Today the leaders in these countries _ their attention _ the financial crisis. II. 21. Do you notice a girl in red _ the library?A. enteredB. to enterC. enter inD. enter22.The boys were often seen _ under the tree.A. playB. to playC. playedD. playing23.When the old lady came into the room, she heard the children _ the English song again.A. singB. to singC. singingD. sang24. I cant have you _ to mother so rudely.A. speakingB. to speakC. speakD. spoke25. There is something wrong with my watch. Ill have it _ tomorrow.A. repairB. repairingC. to repairD. repaired26. Being young people, we should be _ our parents.A. independent onB. independent withC. independent fromD. independent of27. Be sure _ a letter to me as soon as you get to London.A. to writeB. writeC. writingD. of writing28. The man fixed my bike _ charge.A. free fromB. free ofC. freedom ofD. free without29. They found _ impossible for them to finish the work within such a short time.A. thatB. thisC. itD. themselves30. When Alice and Jimmy _, the play began.A. were seatedB. seatedB. were seatingD. had seated31. The master teacher, Mr. Green is good at _ studies.A. historyB. historicC. historicalD. historys32. Another Pujiang Bridge is _.A. in the progressB. under the wayC. in progressesD. under way33._, the girl is ready to do her best to help the sick woman.A. As she is youngB. She is young thatC. Young as she isD. She is young34.It is _ that most of them want to stay at home.A. such bad weatherB. such a bad weatherC. so bad weatherD. so bad a weather.35. Nobody knows the _ of the accident.A. courseB. reasonC. excuseD. cause36. The policeman has warned him several times, but he _ it.A. takes little notice ofB. pays no attention onC. took no attention toD. pays particular notice of37. Ive never heard such good music _ she plays.A. likeB. whichC. asD. that38. Whats _ population of Shanghai?Shanghai has _ population of 16 million.A. a theB. the aC. /D. thethe39. _ by what she said, I dont think that she will support usA. JudgingB. JudgedC. Being judgedD. Having judged40. He had too much coffee, which made him _ the whole night.A. keep wakeB. stay awakeC. stay wakeD. keep awakenIII. Cloze: AI believe its very important to get to places on time. _41_ this belief I like leaving home _42_ for an appointment. Arriving early for things is more common for me _43_arriving late. _44_taking an airplane trip, I allow extra time for the ride to the _45_. I _46_ a lot of time to check in, I get my first choice in seating, and my _47_ always makes it on the plane. I can have a leisurely drink or a snack before _48_ the plane. I even have time to buy flight insurance. _49_, Im a particularly relaxed passenger.My friends expect me to be early for party. They can count on me to be the _50_ guest to arrive. Im known as an early bird to all.41.A. Because ofB. Due toC. Thanks toD. Since42.A. on timeB. first C. lateD. early43.A. exceptB. norC. thanD. but44.A. IfB. WhenC. UnlessD. Though45.A. bus stopB. railway stationC. airportD. sea port46.A. getB. haveC. leaveD. keep47.A. luggageB. bagsC. suitcaseD. parcels48.A. arrivingB. getting toC. reachingD. boarding49.A. In factB. And thenC. As a resultD. For that50. A. welcomedB. firstC. bestD. friendlyBKnowledge is power. But there is on _51_ thing that we must remember. A strong mind needs a strong body in order to _52_ it most useful.There are _53_ good exercises. They are helpful and healthful. Many of them may be taken _54_during rainy weather. _55_ exercises, however, are _56_ as helpful as those taken out of the doors in pure, fresh air. It is because in fresh air more oxygen is taken into out systems and more wastes are given off. The air in the house does not _57_ fresh very long. But out of doors it is usually fresh and pure.But what shall we play? There are a number of games such as football, basketball, racesAny game _58_ plenty of movement is good. The best are those which are played out of doors.Do not neglect your body. It is _59_ as much importance as your mind. Our country now needs men with strong minds, good judgment, and _60_bodies.51. A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others52.A. letB. takesC. doD. make53.A. a great manyB. a plenty ofC. the number ofD. much54.A. indoorsB. outdoorsC. indoorD. outdoor55.A. IndoorsB. Outdoors C. IndoorD. Outdoor56.A. seldomB. hardlyC. neverD. /57.A. remainB. makeC. becomeD. keep58.A. which haveB. withC. that haveD. with which59.A. aboutB. ofC. notD. for60.A. prettyB. wellC. rather goodD. sound骐骥高中英语小测验 1KEYI.A.1. mission 2. expectation 3. complete 4. board 5. glorious 6. challenge7. resulted in 8. brief9. adaptto 10. monumentB. 11. cause 12. authority13. stepped 14. pressed15. conference 16. scared17. broadcast18. expected19. continued20. are focusingonII.21-25 DBCAD26-30DABCA31-35 CDCAD36-40 ACBABIII. ClozeA.41-45 ADCBC46-50CADCBB. 51-55BDAAC56-60CABBD骐骥高中英语小测验 2New Concept Lesson 17I.A.is locatedsuspendedagreeableelegantdescribelengthfaintestimatedcurrentconcrete1. Can you estimated the proper benefits from the contract?2. Was she agreeable to what you said?3. What do you think of the current financial situation?4. Shanghai museum is located in the centre of the city.5. A praise is abstract, but a gold medal is a concrete object.6. Sales of this drug have been suspended until more tests have been performed.7. The students complained about the length of the exam paper.8. The dress looks elegant.9. There is a faint hope that she may be cured.10. The police asked her to describe the robber.B.Despitecreated platformobject tonamed afterexploredesignedextendedtakeinto accountfulfill11. China is planning to launch another spaceship to explore the surface of the moon.12. He was named after his father.13. Do you know who designed the Sydney Opera House?14. I strongly object to being treated like a child / to his treating me like a child.15. We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.16. The Edinburgh train will depart from platform six.17. The hot weather extended into October.18. Despite driving very fast to the airport, the dentist missed the plane.19. Now that you have made a promise you should fulfill it. 20. The writer created many tragedy characters.II. Choose the best answer:21. They were late for the ceremony that day. When we got there, the flag _.A. was raisingB. has been raisedC. is being raisedD. was being raised22. My house needs _, So I must have it _.A. painting, paintedB. painted, paintingC. painting, paintingD. painted, painted23. These are houses _ were blown off by the strong wind.A. which roofsB. whos roofsC. whose roofsD. whose roof24. The farmers _ a new farming method last year.A. tried ofB. tried forC. tried outD. tried in25. Remember, the gambler always _.A. deserves to be lostB. deserves to loseC. is deserving being lostD. deserves to be losing26. They were late for work because their car had been _.A. put upB. made upC. held upD. kept up27. In the modern world many things are made of plastics _ wood.A. exceptB. besidesC. without D. instead of28. Can you _ the young lady? She is Li Hong.A. knowB. learnC. thinkD. recognize29. _ we see anyone in trouble, we should do our best to help him.A. WheneverB. WhoeverC. HoweverD. Whatever30. The first place _ we will visit is the factory _ make plastic bags.A. that, whichB. were, thatC. that, whereD. which, where31. _ his speech was a long one, nobody lost interest.A. AsB. SinceC. ForD. Although32. The sports meeting _ next week.A. will take placeB. will be taken placeC. is take placeD. is going to be taken place33. Thats all _ I want to tell you.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. of what34. We must keep them from _ our plan.A. knowB. knowingC. to knowD. known35. At last they found a restaurant _.A. with a stones throwB. with a stones throwC. within a stones throwD. with a stones throw36. Thank you very much _ your coming to our party.A. to B. forC. /D. because37. _ new products have been produced.A. The number ofB. A great deal ofC. A number ofD. Million of38. _ larger the English vocabulary you have, _ easier you will find it to read English books.A. A, aB. The, aC. A, theD. The, the39. There are seven days in a week _Sunday.A. includingB. includedC. exceptD. besides40. You should know smoking _ your health.A. affectsB. enjoysC. effectsD. develops41. Books _ ball games are popular _ most of the boy students.A. on, withB. in, toC. of, forD. to, by42. On shining spring days, the old man often goes fishing _.A. as a funB. for funsC. for funD. as fun43. It was _ you to help me out when I was in trouble.A. kind forB. good forC. good ofD. kind to44. The teacher who had just come back from America gave us _ how to study English well.A. some advice onB. some advices aboutC. advice toD. an advice on45. I cant finish the work in _ time.A. so shortB. such a shortC. so a shortD. such short a III. Cloze:When you buy a T-shirt, or a fur coat in a store, it often _46_ a label telling who made it or from what store _47_ bought. Indeed, some labels show the dress is _48_ and mean it is very expensive, so buyers secretly wish they _49_ be carried for ever. _50_, buyers who deal with the cheapest products would be _51_ to do away with labels entirely._52_, there is _53_ label more important than the one _54_ from which store the dress was bought. When a person buys a fur coat, or a jacket from a store, a label telling what the product is made _55_ should be stuck to it.This label is _56_ by law. _57_ telling what the product on show is made of, the label should be _58_ clear English and be where one can find it easily. The _59_ on the label must be the truth.The reason for this label is that most buyers today arent expert enough to know exactly what kind of fur or material they are buying. The buyer must believe in the store _60_ sells the products or in what the labels say.46. A. hasB. usesC. carriedD. carries47. A. theyB. they wereC. youD. it was48. A. famousB. welcomedC. unknownD. nice49. A. mustB. mightC. shouldD. ought50. A. On the other handB. At the other handC. From the other handD. in the other hand51. A. pleasantB. pleasingC. pleasedD. please52. A. MoreoverB. HoweverC. FirstlyD. Unexpectedly53. A. the otherB. anotherC. the othersD. other54. A. showingB. showedC. meaningD. meant55. A. fromB. byC. ofD. in56. A. wantedB. neededC. wishedD. required57. A. BesidesB. ExceptC. Except forD. Beside58. A. withB. usingC. inD. at59. A. massageB. newsC. informationD. advice60. A. thatB. whereC. in thatD. who骐骥高中英语小测验 2KEYI.A.1. estimated2. agreeable3. current4. is located5. concrete6. suspended7. length8. elegant9. faint10. describeB.11. explore12. named after13. designed14. object to15. takeinto account16. platform17. extended18.Despite19. fulfill20. createdII.21-25 DACCB26-30 CDDAA31-35 DABBC36-40 BCDAA41-45 ACCABIII. Cloze:46-50. DDABA51-55. CBBAC56-60. DACCA骐骥高中英语小测验 3New Concept Lesson 18I.A.In response todisplayedlined upIn spite ofemotionallyceilingrarelyformedfamiliarwent mad1. Stop behaving so _!2. He _ went anywhere except to his office.3. She _ great self-control when they told her the news.4. I _ the habit of calling in on him in the evening.5. _ a slight improvement in sales, the company is still making a loss.6. The plane has an operational _ of 50,000 feet.7. _ your inquiries, Im sorry to inform you that we cannot help you in thematter.8. The place is _ to us all.9. He _ behind the others to wait his turn.10. She


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