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    GESE-4 主讲教师:jack,北京师范大学 学士 英语专业 诺森比亚大学 硕士 商科 3. 2008年 奥运会安全局翻译 会议口译工作 4. 2009 年 新东方 总部 教师 5. 2010年 海天考研 教师 6. 2011年 ABC 教学主管 7. 2012 年 智尚国际教育 教学总监,初级段(三一口语 4级) 考试时间:10分钟 考试内容:两部分 总体要求: 能理解、熟悉话题中所述的要点 参与对话,就个人感兴趣或与日常生活相关的熟悉话题进行交流并陈述个人意见、看法 具备一定的语言能力描述经历、发生的事情,说明事情原因,并能就意见、看法及计划作出说明解释,第一部分:自选话题讨论(5分钟) 考生就个人感兴趣的或任何一个熟悉的话题,根据所考级别的要求,自己事先进行准备。 自选话题不宜从第二部分的6个对话题目中选取。 话题内容应由考生自己准备,不能机械背诵。考生要熟悉所谈话题,理解含义,语言正确,恰当地表达个人观点。建议考生在准备话题时,预先考虑考官围绕话题可能提出的一些问题。来自同班的考生尽可能不选择与其他考生相同的话题。若选择相同话题,应从不同方面去谈论。 考生在自选话题部分,应准备足以讨论5分钟的材料。考生可借助自带的画片,照片,图表,模型或实物进行讨论,但不可带鸟、昆虫、爬行动物或者其他活的动物进入考场; 更不允许携带刀具或其它利器等危险物品进入考场。,在第一部分,所有4-6级考生都要向考官提问至少一个与自选话题相关的问题。 所有4-6级考生的自选话题部分必须填写话题表Topic form(见附表1),并带入考场与考官进行讨论。 考官不一定按话题表上所列讲述点顺序提问题,但考生准备时,各讲述点应围绕中心话题展开。 话题表Topic form中4级要求围绕所选话题准备4个讲述点, 5级应准备5个讲述点,6级应准备6个讲述点。所填写的讲述点不能太笼统,如:“Introduction to topic” , “Conclusion to topic”, “What I did next ”, 正确填法参见(附表1)。 在4级考试中,考官会问及话题表中的4个讲述点;在5、6级考试中,考官至少会问及话题表中4个或4个以上的讲述点。话题表是4、5、6级第一部分考试的关键, 若事先未填写话题表,该部分考试将无法进行。考生若没有准备自选话题,本部分不给成绩,本次考试也就无法通过。,第二部分:对话 (5分钟) 考官从考生所选级别的对话题目中任选两个话题与考生进行谈论。在对话部分中,考官虽然只选两个话题与考生交谈,但该级别中列出的所有话题考生都需做充分准备。 考官也可能使用与日常生活相关的图片与考生展开讨论。这一部分的考试要求考生具有相当的语言能力,应能与考官开展真实有内容而又轻松的交流。 对话部分不过多地采用一问一答方式进行,要求考生尽量主动表述,尽可能引入所考级别要求的语言功能及语法项目。 在本部分中,5级考生应至少问考官1个与对话话题相关的问题;6级考生应至少问考官2个与对话话题相关的问题,交际能力 第一部分:自选话题 就所列的4个讲述点给予陈述 根据考官所提问题作出回答,并有所讨论;若考官有要求,应提供更多的事实和细节 向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能 第二部分:对话 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 用简单语言与考官进行讨论 简短直接地与考官进行适度的交流,对话题目 假日 商店 工作 业余爱好或体育运动 食物 周末或季节性活动 语言功能 讲述过去的事情 谈论未来的计划和打算 表达简单的比较 表达好恶 表述动作发生的方式和频繁程度,新增语法项目 规则动词和常用不规则动词的一般过去时 用going to 表示将来要做或要发生的事情 表示方式与频繁程度的副词 形容词的比较级和最高级 连词 but,词汇 与自选话题相关的词汇 与对话话题相关的词汇 表示动作发生频繁程度的副词和词组,如:sometimes, often, never, every day, once a week 表示过去时间的副词,如:yesterday, last night 语音 自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音正确 语流中恰当使用弱式发音 过去时结尾ed的三种不同发音,如:played /-d/ , walked /-kt/, wanted /-id/ 特别提示: 除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求,Greetings Good morning / afternoon! How are you?/ How are you doing? Fine. Thank you very much. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too. Glad to see you./ Me, too. Which school / grade are you in? Why do you take GESE exam? Nice day, isnt it? Yeah, its warm and sunny.,If you dont understand the examiners question, dont worry and you can say: Would you please rephrase that? What do you mean by XX? Im sorry, I cant catch you. Would you please repeat that? Would you please say that again?,Gap Fillers 表示正在思考:Let me see./ How to say/ It is not easy to say/ It is hard to say 表示陈述事实:you know/ to be honest/ to be frank/ to tell you the truth/ in fact 表示要表达自己的看法:in my opinion/ I think 表示解释自己的句子:what I mean is / that is to say / what I want to say is,Brain storm and Talk around Ive got an egg in my hand. So imagine how many ways you can use it in. You dont know the word “watch”, but you should say something to make the people understand what you mean.,section 1 Holiday,What do you often do on summer vacation or winter holidays? Do you like summer holiday/vacation holiday? Where are you going to go next winter vacation? Where do you usually go on summer/winter holidays? Who will you go with? How did you think of the trip?,Where did you go last summer holiday? What was the weather like there? What did the place look like? How did you go there? Whats your favorite holiday? What do people do on this holiday? What did you do during this National Day?,What did you do last summer vacation? Was your last summer vocation a pleasant one? How did you spend your last summer holiday? Where did you go? Were you busy with your homework? Whats your plan for the next holiday?,What are you going to do next weekend? Did you enjoy your last summer holiday? Why or why not? How did you feel when you saw the sea for the first time? Did you meet someone or something unforgettable?,Section 2 Shopping,When did you go shopping? What kind of goods did you buy? Where do you usually go shopping? Where can you do your shopping near your house?. What's the difference between a Department Store and a Supermarket? Who do you go shopping with?,How often do you go shopping? What kind of goods do you often buy? What do you often buy when you go shopping? Where do you often go shopping? Do you like going shopping? What are the differences between shopping centers and supermarkets?,How often do you go shopping in a week? Did you do shopping on line? Do you usually go shopping with your mother or father? Do you prefer to buy something online or at department store? Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop? Do you ever buy second-hand things? (“used things“) Where do you prefer to shop?,What do you think of shopping on line? Who do you prefer to go shopping,your parents ,your friends or alone? Where is your favorite shopping place? Which do you prefer, large stores or small stores? When you go shopping which do you like to buy better, food or clothes? Do you like bargaining when you are shopping? Why? Do you often buy things on discount? Why? What are the advantages of window shopping?,Section 3 School and Work (工作),How is your school life? Whats your favorite book? Which is your first book you read? What about your English teacher? What subjects did you do at school last year? What subjects are you going to have? Who is the busiest in your family? What does your father do?,What does your mother do? Where does your father/mother go to work? Is he busy? What time does your father/mother go to work in the morning? What subject do you like? What subject dont you like? What do/dont you enjoy doing at school? What do you enjoy doing at school? What dont you like doing? What interesting things are you going to do next year?,Section 4 Hobbies/ Sports (业余爱好/体育运动),What's your hobby? How often do you play tennis? About once a month. Who do you often play with? Whats your favorite sport? Who taught you? Where did you learn it?,Whats your parents favorite sport? Do you like playing computer games? Why? How often do you play football? Which book did you read yesterday? Where did you buy it? Do you like playing computer games? Why? What do you like to do in your free time?,What's your favorite sport? Did you do it yesterday? Do you have any hobbies? When did you start it? What do you like about it? How much time do you spend on it? What do you like to do in your spare time? Do many people have the same hobby?,What do you enjoy/ like doing? How do you spend your weekends? Do you like sports? / What do you often play? How do you like football?/ Why do you very much like it? Do you play tennis? / Who do you often play it with?,Section 5 Food (食物),Do you like western food or Chinese Food? Do you like fruit? What do you like to cook? When did you go to eat KFC/Macdonalds last time? What's your favorite food? What food dont you like? What did you eat last supper? Whats your favorite food? Why? How often do you eat it? Where do you go for eating it? Would you like to go out for dinner or just stay at home?,Which one do you prefer, western food or Chinese food? What do you think of KFC or MacDonalds? Is western food healthy food? What do you usually have for breakfast? What did you have for lunch yesterday? What are you going to have for supper this evening? How often do you eat out in restaurants?,How often do you have western food like McDonalds and KFC? How often do you have snacks? How often does your mother make dumplings for you? How often do you have meals with your friends? What's your favorite food? What's the difference between Chinese food and western food?,What did you have for lunch yesterday? Do you have same food for breakfast? What do English-speaking people usually have for breakfast? What are you going to have for supper? Do you like drinking coffee/ cola? Which food is healthier, Chinese food or foreign food?,Section 6 Weekend/ Seasonal Activities (周末活动/季节性活动),What did you study in your school? What (kind of) subject do you like? What do you often do on weekends? What will you do tomorrow? What did you do yesterday? What are you going to do this afternoon? What do you often play in the park? What do you often do on weekends?,What are you going to do this afternoon? What do you like to do on the internet? Tell me what you did last weekend. What do you usually do during the summer holiday? What do you usually do at weekends? What did you do last weekend? What are you going to do next weekend? What are you going to do next summer holiday? Tell me what you did last summer holiday?,


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