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    本科生毕业论文(设计)册学院 XXX学院 专业 XXXX 班级 XXXX级XX班 学生 XX 指导教师 XXX 本科生毕业论文设计从文化角度分析新闻翻译以及新闻翻译的方法研究作者姓名: XX 指导教师: XXX 所在学院: XXX学院 专业(系): XXXX 班级(届): XXXX 届 XXXX年5月5日Analysis of the Cultural Perspective and the Methods in News TranslationBYXX XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English At XXXX UniversityMay 5th, XXXXXXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 从文化角度分析新闻翻译以及新闻翻译的方法研究 学 院: XXX学院 专业: XXXX 班级:XXXX级XX班 学生姓名: XX 学号:XXXXX指导教师:XXX 职称: XXX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本文的研究目标是探讨新闻翻译在文化角度以及相应的技巧策略的应用。其主要任务是通过对新闻特点的了解以及结合相应的翻译方法和策略,指导新闻翻译实践,促进新闻发展使得新闻翻译得到更多重视。2、 论文(设计)的主要内容 本文共有三章:第一章介绍新闻种类及新闻翻译的特点;第二章介绍了文化对新闻翻译的原因及影响和培养译者的跨文化意识;第三章介绍新闻翻译的策略技巧。3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线本文的基础条件是翻译学家和新闻工作者对新闻翻译的研究结果。研究路线是对新闻的特点做出详细阐述,并结合文化方面融合恰当的翻译方法和策略,将其应用于新闻翻译中。4、主要参考文献Lawrence Venuti.2000.The Translation Studies Reader.Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.Newmark.P.1982.Approaches toTranslation.Oxford.Pergamon Press.刘其中,2004,新闻翻译教程,北京:中国人民大学出版社。张健,2007,报刊英语研究,上海:上海外语教育出版社。5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16日-3月23日3提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 XXXX 专业 XXXX 届学生姓名XX论文(设计)题目 从文化角度分析新闻翻译以及新闻翻译的方法研究指导教师XXX专业职称XXX所属教研室翻译系教研室研究方 向翻译与文学课题论证:研究译者在跨文化意识情况下,运用恰当翻译策略和翻译技巧实现对新闻的翻译,从而促进新闻发展使得新闻翻译得到更多重视。方案设计:第1章 介绍新闻特点第二章介绍文化对新闻翻译的原因及影响和培养译者的跨文化意识 第三章探讨新闻翻译的策略技巧。 进度计划:3.14-3.16 确定论文题目3.16-3.23 拟写论文提纲3.23-3.30 提交并修改论文提纲 3.30-4.20 提交并修改论文初稿4.20-5.8 拟写并提交论文终稿指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见:教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XX学院XXX学院专业XXX年级(班)XXX级X班论 文 题 目从文化角度分析新闻翻译以及新闻翻译的方法研究完成时间XXX年5月5日论文内容摘要新闻翻译是新闻传播的重要方式,读者可以通过阅读对世界各地获得更多的信息。新闻翻译的来源广泛同时新闻的时效性要求译员在很短的时间内准确的把握新闻的内容。对译员来说也是一种有挑战的工作。新闻翻译不简简单单是将一种语言翻译成另一种语言,而且其中包含着相关的文化背景。译员不仅要准确清晰的翻译出原文,同时要考虑到新闻的受众。本文介绍新闻的特点和新闻的基本内容,重点探讨了在文化方面的新闻翻译以及相应的翻译技巧,从而使新闻翻译更地道更专业。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称讲师初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录:记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见:组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见:评定成绩: 盖章: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature ReviewTranslation is an important part in spreading international news and it increasingly attracts peoples attention. In recent years, the number of the achievements in news translation is increase progressively and at the same time the scope of the studies is broader than before. Classify and summary the objectives, thoughts and methods and finally build up a theory frame that translators can follow these rules. And the new researcher will be easier to know their own position and find a proper way in the specific study. There are some features in news translation in recent years research. First, the number of the thesis is obviously growing. Teachers and students from colleges begin to pay attention to news translation. Second, periodicals and the researchers on news translation are also increasing. From 1979 to 2006 foreign language periodicals take up most proportions while periodicals about news only have several passages. Since 2007, periodicals about news have increased year by year. Meanwhile the writers are from many kinds of vocations such as journalists, editors, teachers and students, government department of global communication and publishing house. Third, news translation in minority languages is growing in number and scope. From 1979 to 2006 there are only 5 passages that are related to news translation of minority languages. While in recent 5 years the number of the passages reaches 13. Besides, the theme of these researches is wider.Many translation theories can be used in news translation such as functional theory of translation, relevance theory and so on. Functional theory lays stress on the function of the translation, the target language readers, and the background of the two languages. This theory is becoming more and more popular and through selective translation, translating and editing and other skills, translators make news translation more readable and clear.News has its own features, so the translation of news is limited by many elements. So in recent years researches, many new theories appear for instance, adaptation theory, eco-translation, and communication theory. Also, some common periodicals provide lots of high quality research papers about news translation to readers.News reports are timely and faithful. Different languages and cultures make news translation have its own features. Therefore, news translation can not entirely abide by the traditional standards of translation. There is a multiplicity of views on the question that which translation principals can be used in news translation. Researchers analyze many conditions and classify into detailed ones. For example, researchers conclude the functions of news headline, lead and body. In different part, translators will use different methods to translate the news. At the beginning, news translation pays more attention on the faithfulness, that is to say translate the news using the method of literal translation. While with the development of news translation, paraphrase often can be seen in news translation. Also the translation is more readable and lay stress on the target language readers. Through researches on news translation criticism, the researchers summarize the qualities of news translators and the shortages of news reports. And these researches have practical guidance to news translation and make great contribution to the further study of news translation. Compared to the former researches, the recent researches are theoretic generalization and give news translators an orientation. Before 2007, news translation criticism is a weak link. The research achievements are relevantly less, besides the scope of the research is mainly about the mistranslating in news translation. In the recent 5 years this subject has attracted many researchers attention and the range is extensive. Researchers summarize the reason that lead to the mistranslating of news including misunderstanding the news, translating news rigidly and so on. And then some researches present that different ideologies will have influences on news translation. In order to suit the main consciousness and the aesthetic habits of target language readers, translators use the strategies of foreignizing. Researches on news translation become theorization at present. While viewing from the research contents and degree, there are also many limitations. In view of the recent study results, theories of the news translation badly need to be strengthened and so do the systematic researches on news translation theories. Second, the forms of research and the conversation of languages are monotonous. Furthermore news translation in China is lagging. News translation is not regarded as an independent subject but usually just as a part of the translation. It can not get much attention. A researcher on news translation should recognize the features of news translation and do systematic research so as to find the law of news translation. Last but not least news translation is lack of the guidance of methodology. Most of the research methods are getting from the former experience and some comments.In general, news translation started late in our country so most of the materials are the achievements in twenty nineties. However in recent 20 years, especially since the new century researcher attention on this field is obviously enhanced. The news translation theories, translation criticism, translation principals and other aspects, all of these have some breakthroughs. Most of the researchers integrate the theory with practice and regarding the reality as the starting point. This can lay a good foundation for further study. 摘要新闻翻译是新闻传播的重要方式,读者可以通过阅读对世界各地获得更多的信息。新闻翻译的来源广泛同时新闻的时效性要求译员在很短的时间内准确的把握新闻的内容。对译员来说也是一种有挑战的工作。新闻翻译不简简单单是将一种语言翻译成另一种语言,而且其中包含着相关的文化背景。译员不仅要准确清晰的翻译出原文,同时要考虑到新闻的受众。本文介绍新闻的特点和新闻的基本内容,重点探讨了在文化方面的新闻翻译以及相应的翻译技巧,从而使新闻翻译更地道更专业。关键词: 新闻英语 特点 文化 翻译方法AbstractNews translation is a very important way of spreading news. Readers can get more information about the rest of the world. The source of the news translation is broad but it requires translators to grasp the main idea of the news accurately in limited time. This is a challenging job for translators. News translation is not only translating one language into another language but also it contains the relevant cultural background. Translators should translate the original news accurately and clearly. Meanwhile they should think of the target language readers. This thesis introduces the features of news and the fundamental contents of news. Furthermore, the thesis lays stress on viewing news translation in cultural perspective and the translation methods used in news translation so as to make news translation more professional. Key words:news translation;features;culture;translation method ContentsIntroduction1Chapter 1 Brief Introduction of English News71.1 Classification of News81.1.1 Features81.1.2 News comment91.2 Features of the news translation91.2.1 Lexical Features101.2.2 The main structure of news121.2.3 Grammatical Features131.3.4 Punctuation15Chapter 2 Culture Perspectives152.1 Cultural influence and the importance to know the culture162.2 Different reasons that influence news translation172.2.1 Cognitive difference172.2.2 Thinking differences172.2.3 Audience psychology182.2.4 Concept of value192.3 Cultivate translators consciousness of cross-culture19Chapter 3 Methods Used in News Translation.203.1 Strategies213.1.1Foreignizng213.1.2 Domesticating223.2 Techniques233.2.1 Literal translation233.2.2 Paraphrase243.3 Skills243.3.1 Selective translation253.3.2 Translating and editing25Conclusion28Bibliography31 IntroductionThe news translation is an important part in spreading the international news. Owing to the reforming and the opening up policy,China has a close relationship with the rest of world, so having a good knowledge of the fastest and latest news of the world is essential. News translation is a very important way for Chinese people to get the information of the whole world. Nowadays almost 80% of the news is written in English. And most people in China can not read English news directly, so English news translation is a pressing matter of the moment.With the rapid improvement of the society and the development of the technology, appear many new words that translators have never met before. Meanwhile the source of the news translation is broad which includes politics, economies, culture, and so on. Its a challenging job for translators because they need to posses a broad and profound erudition and because they should be familiar with the news home and abroad. It is necessary to study and know news translation and then to find some new ways or thoughts in this field according to the research and to the situation of news translation. News translation is not taken seriously in recent years. However, it is of great importance. It is closely related to peoples life and people can know more about the world. Translators should lay stress on news translation and have more researches on this. Through studying news translation, translators can know more about news translation. The researches on news translation will have significant influences. Although in recent years, translators in news translation have achieved lots of achievements, there are also some problems.First, in view of the recent study results, theories of the news translation badly need to be strengthened and so do the systematic researches on news translation theories. In the process of news translation, translators should draw on experiences of Chinese and Western theories and finally make a breakthrough in theories of news translation. But things are different. So studying the theories of news translation is an urgent job that translators need to do. Although the headline is very important in news, many of the researches make most efforts in studying news headlines only, which, to some extent, lags the vision to be broader. So far, there is no definite methodology of news translation. A great number of the methods get from the experience, so the results of researches are inevitably one-sided and superficial.Second, Chinese news also needs to be translated into other languages. In term of news translation, translating from English into Chinese is the commonest one while translating Chinese news into other languages, such as French, Germany, Japanese and some languages of minority nationalities, is not attached much importance.Third, most of the news translation studies written translation rather than oral interpenetration. This is not fit in with the modern world in which the information spread so fast. Therefore, interpretation needs enough attention.On the whole, news translation in China is lagging. News translation is not regarded as an independent subject but usually just as a part of the translation. It can not get much attention. So a researcher on news translation should recognize the features of news translation and do systematic research so as to find the law of news translation. Based on this purpose, this thesis will have an introduction to the English news and to get a deep understanding of English news features so as to help the journalists or translators to translate English news of high quality. Also, the thesis lists some important elements that influence news translation and analyzes how to make a good use of words, sentences, punctuation, and figure of speech in news translation. And then it discusses the structure of news translation including headline, lead, and body so as to indicate that having a good knowledge about news and news translation is essential. Chapter 1 Brief Introduction of English News1.1 Classification of NewsNews can be classified into dif


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