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    English Pronunciation ABC,International Phonetic Alphabet Word stress Sentence stress & intonation Other phonetic rules,International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA),国际音标(旧称万国音符)是国际 语音学协会(IPA - International Phonetic Association) 于1888年拟定的 一套为各国语言注音的语音符号。我们 这里所说的国际音标是专门为英语注音 的那一部分标音符号。目前我国通用的 国际音标共有48个, 其中, 元音音标20个, 辅音音标28个。,Quiz : Read English alphabets correctly,Practice of some difficult sounds,1) e æ bed bad; men, man; pen, pan; lend land 2) i: ei real rail; greet, great; mean, main; read raid 3) e ai bet bite; red write; said side, head, hide 4) au : house horse; loud lord; south sauce; now nor; count corn; cloud clause 5) au shout fond; gown gone; down done,Some sounds for identifying,1) v w vet wet; vest west; vine wine; very well 2) s sink think; sort thought; miss myth; mass math 3) z ð closing clothing; breeze breathe; bays bathes 4) n thin thing; sin sing; ban bang ;win wing; ran rang,Word Stress in English,Word stress is a magic key to understanding spoken English. Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for them that they don't even know they use it. Non-native speakers who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two problems: They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast. The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them.,Understanding Syllables(音节),To understand word stress, it helps to understand syllables. Every word is made from syllables. Each word has one, two, three or more syllables. Examples: Dog (dog1) green(green1) quite(quite1) Quiet (qui-et 2) orange (or-ange2) table(ta-ble2) expensive (ex-pen-sive3) interesting(in-ter-est-ing4) realistic(re-al-is-tic4) unexceptional(un-ex-cep-tion-al5) Notice that (with a few rare exceptions) every syllable contains at least one vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or vowel sound.,What is Word Stress?,In English, we do not say each syllable with the same force or strength. In one word, we accentuate ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly (big, strong, important) and all the other syllables very quietly.,Let's take 3 words as example: photograph, photographer and photographic.,Two Principles:,One word, one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. So if you hear two stresses, you have heard two words, not one word.) The stress is always on a vowel.,Quiz,Read aloud following words properly. 1. arise 2. beloved 3. unless 4. magnificent 5. immediately 6. exaggeration 7. species 8. specific 9. obvious 10. parade,Answers: 1. arise 2. beloved 3. unless 4. magnificent 5. immediately 6. exaggeration 7. species 8. specific 9. obvious 10. parade,What are the rules of word stress?,1. Stress on first syllable in (1) Most 2-syllable nouns: PRESent, EXport, CHIna, TAbleMost (2) 2-syllable adjectives: PRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy,2. Stress on last syllable in Most 2-syllable verbs Examples: to preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN,There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change with a change in stress. The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first syllable, it is a noun (gift) or an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it becomes a verb (to offer). More examples: export, import, contract, object, etc.,3. Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end) Rule: Words ending in ic Example: GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGic Words ending in -sion and tion teleVIsion, reveLAtion,For a few words, native English speakers don't always “agree“ on where to put the stress. For example, some people say teleVIsion and others say TELevision. Another example is: CONtroversy and conTROversy.,4. Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end),Rule:Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and gy Example: deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogy Words ending in al Example: CRItical, geoLOGical,Compound words (words with two parts),Rule for compound nouns, the stress is on the first part Example:BLACKbird, GREENhouse For compound adjectives, the stress is on the second part Example: bad-TEMpered, old-FASHioned For compound verbs, the stress is on the second part Example:to underSTAND, to overFLOW,Sentence stress(句子重音),(Sentence stress): 每个词都有它的词重音,一般地 说, 英语中每一个词在孤立的情况下, 不论 是实词还是虚词, 都有词的重音, 即使是单 音节词, 虽然本身没有轻重的对比, 在孤立 的情况下, 也是重读的。但是在连贯言语 中并不是每一个词都保留自己的词重音。,Sentence stress,句重音通常是名词、形容 词、副词、实意动词、数词和感叹词。 助动词和情态动词在句尾有重音,在 句首可有可无, 在句子内部则没有。 而冠词、连词、介词和人称代词一般 都不重读。 为了更好地表情达意、突出强调 某个词时应有词重音, 重读不同的词可 表达不同的意思。,Intonation,英语的语调的三种主要调型:升调、 降调和 升降调,其中最主要的是降调 和升调。,Rules: ? ?,一般来说,陈述句、特殊疑问句、祈使句、感叹句读降调; 一般疑问句读升调; 反意疑问句往往读降升调, 如: You are a student, arent you? 根据不同语气也可读降降调。 选择疑问句常读升降调,如: Do you study English or French? 并列句常读升降调,如: These are mine, and those are yours.,Quiz,Read following sentences with proper tones. 1. He gave me a thank-you note the other day. 2. When are you coming to see us? 3. Did you do it on the computer? 4. This is a beautiful painting, isnt it? 5. Who are to do presentations next time, Jane, Bob, Mary or Anyone else? 6. Come and have dinner with us.,Answer:,1. He gave me a thank-you note the other day. 2. When are you coming to see us? 3. Did you do it on the computer? 4. This is a beautiful painting, isnt it? 5. Who are to do presentations next time, Jane, Bob, Mary or Anyone else? 6. Come and have dinner with us.(polite) 7. Come and have dinner with us. (order),意群和停顿、连读与不完全爆破: Sense-group, Pause, Incomplete plosion,这三者与语调有密切关系。 意群 (Sense-group) 和停顿 (Pause): 一个句子可以是一个语调组,但语调 组并不等于一个句子。小于句子的语 音单位是意群。意群是句子内部有相 对完整意义的一组词。,Pause,停顿: 在一个较长的句子中, 如果按意群 来读、意群之间梢加停顿, 就可以让听者 听清我们语流中的意群和句子, 也可以喘 一口气, 接着再说, 而且能体现出英语所 特有的节奏和韵律, 但是在一个意群中不 可停顿。有人曾对停顿时间的长短提出过 一个大致的比例:意群之间如没有标点符 号,停半拍;有逗号处停一拍;有分号处 停两拍;有句号处停三拍;当然不一定这 么机械,但大致上还应有一个适当的停顿 时间比例,例如:,They live in that large house / on the other side / of the bridge. / In the morning / the boy goes to school early. / Sometimes / he was late, / because his mother was in poor health. / It is very important for us / to take part in manual labour / from time to time. /,Examples:,连读 (Liaison):,在连贯的语流中,前一个词的尾辅音 和后面紧跟的词的词首是元音时,就 自然地拼在一起读,这称之为连读. 如: a lot of, one o f us, most o f us, all o f us, look a t it, a map of China, an exercise-book, half a n hour Can you speak English or French?,在以字母r(或re)结尾的词中,r(或 re)一般是不发音的。但如果后面的词 的词首是元音时, r(或re)就发/r/ 音, 并与后面词的词首元音连读,如: a pair of shoes, for a long time Where (r)is he? There (r)i s a book on the desk. 连读是连贯的、较快的语流中一种自然 产生的现象, 不要故意为连读而连读。 有时连句子本身都还读得不太流利却故 意连读, 反而影响了语流的流畅, 甚至混 淆了意思或让人家根本听不懂你说的是 什么。例如:Try it over and over again.,不完全爆破 (Incomplete plosion),在英语中,/ p /, / b /, / t /, / d /, / k /, / 是爆破音。爆破音在某些情况下不发 生爆破,而仅是在口腔中形成阻碍。 在有不完全爆破音的句子或词中乍听 起来好像爆破音都吃掉了, 而实际上 在发不完全爆破音时,口腔部位完全 和发爆破音时相同,只是不送气而停 顿一下。在以下几种情况下发生不完 全爆破:,两个爆破音相邻时, 前面一个发不完全爆破音, 如: a(c)tor, ne(ck)tie, bla(ck)board Si(t) down. I can(t) come. I don(t) believe he is a ba(d) boy. 等。,爆破音/ p /, / b /, / t /, / d /, / k /, / 在 / t /, / d /, / m /, / n /, /, / ð / 的前面时 发不完全爆破音,如:pi ( c ) ture, o ( b ) ject, kin(d)ness He is a goo(d) child. Try on this bla(ck) jacket. Goo(d) morning. Goo(d) night. I don(t) know. You may kee(p) the book if you need it. 等。 / t /, / d / 在 / l /, / s / 前,发不完全爆破音,如:mos(t)ly, frien(d)ly, sa(d)ly, ou(t)side, mi(d)summer等。,词尾是清音时,加后缀-s 和ed 后就要根据 “清-清, 浊-浊” 的原则只加上一个 s 或 d 音就可以了。 尾音是清音时加 -s读作 s, 如:lamps, maps, desks, asks, ducks, laughs, jokes, looks. 尾音是浊音时加 -s 读作与它相对应的浊音z 如:dogs, eggs, legs, doors, leaves, fans, games, hotels, rings, saves, seasons, shoes, borrows, bowls, loves, pencils, bowls, conditions, corners, continues, cows, ears ;,尾音是清音时加 ed读作 t 如: talked, walked, washed, touched, jumped, reached, faced, pushed, finished. 尾音是浊音时加-ed 或 -d只读作 d , 如:called, tired, rained, raised, received, removed, refused。 但是在词尾是 t 或 d 时, 后面加 ed 的读音则有变化, 原来 ed 中不发音的 e 此时发 i 音 而成为 -tid -did ,如:wanted, invented, started, posted, repeated, reported, tasted, united, mended, decided, wounded。 当词尾是 s 、 z 、 t 或 d 加 s 或 es 时读成 -siz , -ziz , -iz , -tiz , -diz , 如:losses, boxes, roses, houses, wishes, brushes, watches, fetches, oranges, bridges, fridges。,不完全送气音:,当 s 的后面有 p 、 t 或 k 时, 发 p 、 t 、 k 音就不要完全送气, 因为 s 与 p 、 t 、 k 都是清辅音, 两个 相邻的清辅音很难都完全送气。因此要发 p 、 t 、 k 音时就要读成与它们相对 应的、不完全送气的比较弱而模糊的类似 浊辅音 b 、 d 、 的音, 但是音标的 写法不变. 如: sport, spring, spy; study, story, stick; sky, skate, skirt, school。,Tongue twister,1. Five fat frogs fund five flying flies and five flying mosquitoes. 2. He sells seashells on the seashore, and she sells seashells, sherry and sand-shoes on the seashore. 3. Mr. Knox keeps his socks with spots and clocks in a pale pink chocolate box. 4. A pretty girl breeds a pretty bird. Clean it when the bird is dirty. Water it when the bird is thirsty. Feed it when the bird is hungry. The bird feels lucky and happy. 5. Swan, swan, over the sea. Swan, swim, swan. Swan, swan, back again. Well swum, swan.,


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