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    information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Department's evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the custody of the seal, use; 22, are responsible for the material delivery acceptance; 23 to complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Er, attributes, function 1, responsible for the internal administration system development, spiritual civilization and the building of enterprise culture; 2, is responsible for all company files for proof-reading, typesetting, print, copy, download, report and archive working; 3, responsible for communication at all levels of the company, or other units, letters, phone calls, letters, press send and receive, forward, post, reporting, supervision, and all kinds of files the compilation, administrative office is also responsible for Office Automation modules, communicate the company's documents; 4, responsible for the Department for instructions, reporting, funeral cards-approval processing work; 5, responsible for the operations of the Office of documents (including company profiles, articles of Association, annual data, employee handbook and programme reporting under the company and comments and other material) preparation; 6, responsible for company events recorded, all kinds of information publications (including online information, press releases, information materials); 7, the company responsible for all types of contract drafting and vetting outside; 8, the company responsible for the administrative work log summary and report of power of Attorney and Manager of the work; 9, is responsible for the Manager to participate in various foreign activities (including business, celebration, write, sponsorship, etc) are registered, and promptly notify the managers; 10, the company responsible for contracts, licenses, records, information management, including archiving, binding of lending procedures, files (including the binding of the Department archives, files), file management system of work; 11, the company responsible for all seal engraving and record seals (except financial seal), covered the work of care and administrative seal well to supervise and inspect the work of various departments; 12, the company responsible for all kinds of license annual inspection procedures of work procedures in contracting work and new projects; 13, is responsible for the company's employees group net Cornet handle all communication with the company of Bill printing, statistics, summarizing, reporting, and payment is Manager of communications equipment; 14, the company responsible for all kinds of holidays, public holidays the unified work arrangements; 15, is responsible for Office meetings and other meetings held under the auspices of organization, notices of meetings, venue rules, meeting arrangement, meeting minutes, meeting minutes, and sports activities, tours and other events planned, organization, photography, directing, coordinating, etc; 16, is responsible for the holidays this holiday season, asked Hou Yu and other text editing, review, send work; 17, responsible for trade union activities (including joining, membership, voting, social contribution activities) Organization; 18, the company responsible for official vehicles (except special vehicles) and driver 凯云水利水电工程造价管理系统凯云水利水电工程造价管理系统 (投标报价版) 使用手册使用手册 information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Department's evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the custody of the seal, use; 22, are responsible for the material delivery acceptance; 23 to complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Er, attributes, function 1, responsible for the internal administration system development, spiritual civilization and the building of enterprise culture; 2, is responsible for all company files for proof-reading, typesetting, print, copy, download, report and archive working; 3, responsible for communication at all levels of the company, or other units, letters, phone calls, letters, press send and receive, forward, post, reporting, supervision, and all kinds of files the compilation, administrative office is also responsible for Office Automation modules, communicate the company's documents; 4, responsible for the Department for instructions, reporting, funeral cards-approval processing work; 5, responsible for the operations of the Office of documents (including company profiles, articles of Association, annual data, employee handbook and programme reporting under the company and comments and other material) preparation; 6, responsible for company events recorded, all kinds of information publications (including online information, press releases, information materials); 7, the company responsible for all types of contract drafting and vetting outside; 8, the company responsible for the administrative work log summary and report of power of Attorney and Manager of the work; 9, is responsible凯云水利水电工程造价管理系统 使用手册 for the Manager to participate in various foreign activities (including business, celebration, write, sponsorship, etc) are registered, and promptly notify the managers; 10, the company responsible for contracts, licenses, records, information management, including archiving, binding of lending procedures, files (including the binding of the Department archives, files), file management system of work; 11, the company responsible for all seal engraving and record seals (except financial seal), covered the work of care and administrative seal well to supervise and inspect the work of various departments; 12, the company responsible for all kinds of license annual inspection procedures of work procedures in contracting work and new projects; 13, is responsible for the company's employees group net Cornet handle all communication with the company of Bill printing, statistics, summarizing, reporting, and payment is Manager of communications equipment; 14, the company responsible for all kinds of holidays, public holidays the unified work arrangements; 15, is responsible for Office meetings and other meetings held under the auspices of organization, notices of meetings, venue rules, meeting arrangement, meeting minutes, meeting minutes, and sports activities, tours and other events planned, organization, photography, directing, coordinating, etc; 16, is responsible for the holidays this holiday season, asked Hou Yu and other text editing, review, send work; 17, responsible for trade union activities (including joining, membership, voting, social contribution activities) Organization; 18, the company responsible for official vehicles (except special vehicles) and driver第 1 页 目 录 第一章第一章 系统介绍系统介绍3 一、概述3 二、主要特点4 三、软硬件环境5 第二章第二章 程序安装程序安装7 第三章第三章 登录系统登录系统10 第四章第四章 软件功能介绍软件功能介绍12 一、 【菜单(F) 】菜单12 1、新建项目.12 2、打开项目.13 3、另存为.14 4、项目管理.14 二、 【视图(V) 】菜单栏16 三、 【工具(T) 】菜单栏17 四 【窗口(W) 】菜单栏18 五 【帮助(H) 】菜单栏18 information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Department's evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the custody of the seal, use; 22, are responsible for the material delivery acceptance; 23 to complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Er, attributes, function 1, responsible for the internal administration system development, spiritual civilization and the building of enterprise culture; 2, is responsible for all company files for proof-reading, typesetting, print, copy, download, report and archive working; 3, responsible for communication at all levels of the company, or other units, letters, phone calls, letters, press send and receive, forward, post, reporting, supervision, and all kinds of files the compilation, administrative office is also responsible for Office Automation modules, communicate the company's documents; 4, responsible for the Department for instructions, reporting, funeral cards-approval processing work; 5, responsible for the operations of the Office of documents (including company profiles, articles of Association, annual data, employee handbook and programme reporting under the company and comments and other material) preparation; 6, responsible for company events recorded, all kinds of information publications (including online information, press releases, information materials); 7, the company responsible for all types of contract drafting and vetting outside; 8, the company responsible for the administrative work log summary and report of power of Attorney and Manager of the work; 9, is responsible for the Manager to participate in various foreign activities (including business, celebration, write, sponsorship, etc) are registered, and promptly notify the managers; 10, the company responsible for contracts, licenses, records, information management, including archiving, binding of lending procedures, files (including the binding of the Department archives, files), file management system of work; 11, the company responsible for all seal engraving and record seals (except financial seal), covered the work of care and administrative seal well to supervise and inspect the work of various departments; 12, the company responsible for all kinds of license annual inspection procedures of work procedures in contracting work and new projects; 13, is responsible for the company's employees group net Cornet handle all communication with the company of Bill printing, statistics, summarizing, reporting, and payment is Manager of communications equipment; 14, the company responsible for all kinds of holidays, public holidays the unified work arrangements; 15, is responsible for Office meetings and other meetings held under the auspices of organization, notices of meetings, venue rules, meeting arrangement, meeting minutes, meeting minutes, and sports activities, tours and other events planned, organization, photography, directing, coordinating, etc; 16, is responsible for the holidays this holiday season, asked Hou Yu and other text editing, review, send work; 17, responsible for trade union activities (including joining, membership, voting, social contribution activities) Organization; 18, the company responsible for official vehicles (except special vehicles) and driver2 第五章第五章 编制报价资料编制报价资料20 一项目属性20 二、取费管理22 三、人工单价28 四、材料单价29 五、配合比单价34 六、机械单价37 七、补充定额42 八、中间单价43 九、工程量清单47 2、工程单价的编制56 十、计日工单价67 十一、报表汇总68 第七章第七章 相关说明相关说明100 1、人料机命名规则100 2、一般操作功能100 information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Department's evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the custody of the seal, use; 22, are responsible for the material delivery acceptance; 23 to complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Er, attributes, function 1, responsible for the internal administration system development, spiritual civilization and the building of enterprise culture; 2, is responsible for all company files for proof-reading, typesetting, print, copy, download, report and archive working; 3, responsible for communication at all levels of the company, or other units, letters, phone calls, letters, press send and receive, forward, post, reporting, supervision, and all kinds of files the compilation, administrative office is also responsible for Office Automation modules, communicate the company's documents; 4, responsible for the Department for instructions, reporting, funeral cards-approval processing work; 5, responsible for the operations of the Office of documents (including company profiles, articles of Association, annual data, employee handbook and programme reporting under the company and comments and other material) preparation; 6, responsible for company events recorded, all kinds of information publications (including online information, press releases, information materials); 7, the company responsible for all types of contract drafting and vetting outside; 8, the company responsible for the administrative work log summary and report of power of Attorney and Manager of the work; 9, is responsible凯云水利水电工程造价管理系统 使用手册 for the Manager to participate in various foreign activities (including business, celebration, write, sponsorship, etc) are registered, and promptly notify the managers; 10, the company responsible for contracts, licenses, records, information management, including archiving, binding of lending procedures, files (including the binding of the Department archives, files), file management system of work; 11, the company responsible for all seal engraving and record seals (except financial seal), covered the work of care and administrative seal well to supervise and inspect the work of various departments; 12, the company responsible for all kinds of license annual inspection procedures of work procedures in contracting work and new projects; 13, is responsible for the company's employees group net Cornet handle all communication with the company of Bill printing, statistics, summarizing, reporting, and payment is Manager of communications equipment; 14, the company responsible for all kinds of holidays, public holidays the unified work arrangements; 15, is responsible for Office meetings and other meetings held under the auspices of organization, notices of meetings, venue rules, meeting arrangement, meeting minutes, meeting minutes, and sports activities, tours and other events planned, organization, photography, directing, coordinating, etc; 16, is responsible for the holidays this holiday season, asked Hou Yu and other text editing, review, send work; 17, responsible for trade union activities (including joining, membership, voting, social contribution activities) Organization; 18, the company responsible for official vehicles (except special vehicles) and driver第 3 页 第一章第一章 系统介绍系统介绍 一、概述一、概述 凯云水利水电工程报价系统是由北京凯云创智软件技术有限公司独立研发并在全 国范围推广的水利、水电、水土保持工程报价管理系统。该系统主要由凯云水利水电工程凯云水利水电工程 报价软件报价软件、定额管理平台定额管理平台两部分组成: 凯云水利水电工程报价软件凯云水利水电工程报价软件 适用于水利、水电项目业主、施工单个编制招标标底、 投标报价,也可用于编制中小型水利水电工程的项目预算工作。报价软件运行稳定,计算 速度快,可维护及可扩展性强。系统定额库完善,除涵盖了水利、水电行业定额,还包括 了水土保持概算定额及部分地方定额,利用该软件可按各种编制办法快捷而准确地编制水 利水电工程标底和报价。 定额管理平台定额管理平台 主要功能是帮助用户对行业定额、地方定额以及企业定额进行管理, 用户可以根据企业的实际生产、管理水平快速准确地编制适合本企业实际情况的企业定额 及各种计算模板,为进一步编制报价提供详实的基础资料。 information to be filed into the work; 19, is in charge of the Department's evaluation work; 20, is responsible for regular reporting on the progress of work in this sector to higher authorities; 21, functions and business are responsible for the custody of the seal, use; 22, are responsible for the material delivery acceptance; 23 to complete temporary tasks assigned by the Manager. Er, attributes, function 1, responsibl


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