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    Listening and Speaking,Book 1-Unit 1,Part I,Book 1-Unit 1,Greeting on First Meetings,Book 1-Unit 1,Daily Greetings,Book 1-Unit 1,Daily Greetings,Book 1-Unit 1,Greeting People You See Less Frequently,Book 1-Unit 1,Listen and write down key expressions,What did you hear?,Assignment 1: Listen to another clip about formal greeting and reply, and fill in the form like the above,How to Greet People in an Informal Way,Formal Greetings,Good morning, sir/madam. Good morning, sir. Its a real honour to have you here. Hello Madeleine. It's lovely to see you again: how are you? Lovely to see you again is a nice expression, often used when you havent seen someone for a while. Hello, Angus. Im very well, thank you. It's been a long time, hasn't it? How are things with you?,Book 1-Unit 1,Match the Greetings with Possible Replies,1. Good morning/afternoon/ evening. 2. Hello!/Hi! 3. How do you do? 4. How are you? 5. How have you been? 6. How are you doing?/getting on? 7. Hows it going? 8. Whats new/up? 9. Hi! May I help you? What can I do for you?,a. Just so-so. b. Fine, thanks. And you? c. Not bad. d. Quite well, thanks. e. Wonderful. Things couldnt be better. f. Nothing much. g. Hello!/Hi! h. Good morning/afternoon/evening I. Yes. Id like to find out J. How do you do?,Book 1-Unit 1,Book 1-Unit 1,Book 1-Unit 1,Saying Goodbye,Book 1-Unit 1,Saying Goodbye,Assignment 2: Listen to another clip about saying goodbye, and write down any farewell expressions,Saying Goodbye,Right then, I suppose its time I made a move! Right then is a way of getting attention and often signals that the speaker is about to do something or make a suggestion Right then, its time to go! Right then! Lets go shopping! Variations that serve as a way of getting attention before you leaving are Well, Ok, Anyway, and Alright, guys, etc.,Book 1-Unit 1,Saying Goodbye,Right guys, Im off, Ill see you later! (informal) Right, lovely to see you all Im off now, bye! (If its someone you havent seen for a while, you could say its been nice to catch up) Well, Im going to have to go but its been great to catch up. Nice to catch up with you again and Ill see you soon!,Book 1-Unit 1,Saying Goodbye,(If youve been someones guest, it is of course normal to thank them.) Andrew, thanks, its been a lovely evening. Thank you very much but we must be off, we have to catch a train um, thanks again for a lovely evening! Thanks its been a lovely evening, but I ought to think about heading home soon. Thanks again for all that lovely food and you must come over to ours some time!,Book 1-Unit 1,Saying Goodbye,(Language for leaving in a hurry) Im sorry, Im gonna have to dash! Ive just realised Im gonna miss my train if I dont go now, but Ill see you later - bye bye! Yikes! Is that the time! Ive gotta go! Im really sorry, but Im gonna have to dash off to catch my train. Sorry to have to leave so soon, but otherwise Im gonna miss my train - must dash! Cheerio! (A light-hearted and English word to say goodbye) I must dash or Im going to have to dash an informal way of saying youre going to have to leave quickly.,Book 1-Unit 1,Book 1-Unit 1,Make you own dialogue,Canteen + with a new classmate + college life so far Campus + with an association member + association work or activity Downtown + with an old friend + recent news about each other,place,people,topic,Pay attention to proper opening and ending,Try to Speak More,Read Conversation One and Conversation Two aloud. Make similar ones with the words in the substitute boxes.,Book 1-Unit 1,Notes,Examples: James Arthur Phillips Dan D. Newton John Smith,Book 1-Unit 1,The Addressing System,Notes to Conversation One,Most Americans have three names: first name (given name), middle name (or an initial), last name (family name, or surname).,People who do not know each other well or who differ in status use formal address: title + family (last) name Example: Dr. Johnson People who know each other well use: first names (in both informal and formal situations),Book 1-Unit 1,To change from a formal naming relationship to an informal one, the superior (in age, position, etc.) should suggest it: A: Why dont you call me Bill? B: All right, Bill. (often happens in an informal situation, such as a party or a social event),Book 1-Unit 1,Listening to the recording and answer the questions on page 2.,Listening 1,Tape script,A: Well, the train will be arriving at Shanghai in ten minutes. Mr. Thompson, its been nice talking to you. B: Its been nice talking to you, too, Linlin. Im flying back to America tomorrow. Please write to me. This is my email address. A: Sure, I will. Ill tell you what my new school life is like. B: Yes, and dont forget to send me a picture of your college. A: No problem. Goodbye, Mr. Thompson. B: Goodbye and good luck! A: Thanks! Have a happy landing.,Book 1-Unit 1,Notes to Conversation Two,The train will be arriving at Shanghai: will + be + v-ing, the future continuous tense for a scheduled event which is coming soon Im flying back : the present continuous tense indicating a scheduled action in the near future Its been nice talking to you: In American English, people also use “Its nice to talk to you.”,Differences among These Expressions in Expressing Future,Will be doing The weather broadcast reports that it will be raining this afternoon. Will do Do you think it will rain tomorrow? Be going to do Look! there are heavy clouds in the sky. It is going to rain. Be doing I am leaving tomorrow. Be to do The government is to crack down the usurious loan(高利贷),Will be doing 表示将来 1.这种结构通常带有”自然发生”的含义。 Eg. The train will be arriving at two oclock. 2.这种结构也可以表示将来某一时刻或时段里正在进行的动作。 Eg. What will you be doing this time tomorrow morning.,Will do 表将来 1.意义常常带有说话人的主观态度和看法,表示”预见” Eg. Do you think it will rain tomorrow? 2.有时既表示将来,也含有”意图”和”意愿” Eg. I will do it, if you like.,Be going to do 1.在此之前主语单方面的决定或计划(并非临时起意) Eg. I am going to fix the computer. 对比: A: There is something wrong with the computer. B: OK. I will fix it. 2. 根据客观条件判断很可能会发生的事情 Eg. The aquarium(鱼缸) is leaking. The fish is going to die.,Be doing 1.是用一般进行时表示计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于表示位置转移的词:go /come /arrive /leave 等。 Eg. We are leaving on Friday.,Be about to do 1. 表示即将发生的动作,在时间上指最近的将来。 Eg. We are about to start.,Be to do 1.这一结构可以表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作。常见于报纸和广播,用以宣布官方的计划 或决定。 Eg. The Queen is to visit Japan next year. 2.表示命令、禁止或可能性等。 Eg. Tell her she is not to be back late.,Exercise,Use “will”, “be going to”, “will be doing” to finish the sentences. A: This is so heavy a box. B: I _ (help) you to carry it. A: why did you buy this paint? B: I _ (paint) my bedroom tomorrow. I _(climb) that mountain one day. Listen, there is a strange sound. The lift _(break) down. My mother _(come) to see me.,will help,am going to paint,am going to climb,is going to be broken,will come/will be coming,Book 1-Unit 1,Goodbye and good luck: a farewell used especially when you and your friend are not expected to see each other for a long time have a happy landing: a farewell used only to people who are going to make a plane trip. Other expressions: Have a good trip. Have a safe trip. Have a happy journey.,2. Suppose you meet one of your new classmates at the canteen. Make up a dialogue and pay attention to the proper beginning and ending.,Book 1-Unit 1,Role play conversation 2 on page 2.,Make Your Own Dialogue,Read the monologue on page 2. Then make your own with your partner.,Book 1-Unit 1,Its a sad job (for me) to put my feelings to words Im lucky to Tomorrow Ill Ill Thanks.,Script,Hello, every one! What a wonderful surprise to see you all here today! It is a sad job for me to put my feelings to words. For six years I have taught you in this school. Im lucky to have had so many good students like you here. Im honored that so many of you would come here today to say goodbye. Tomorrow Ill leave for the new job in a faraway place, but Ill miss you a lot. Thanks again for everything.,Practice reading the sentences on page 4, and work individually to complete the task. Then check your answers.,Book 1-Unit 1,If You Want to Learn More,Book 1-Unit 1,You greet somebody and emphasize that you havent seen him/her for a long time. You use a casual way of saying goodbye to someone you know very well. You greet somebody in passing on your way to work. You cant believe your eyes! You meet your old classmate in a foreign country! You respond to someones greeting by saying that your life is really good.,6,2,8,9,3,7,4,5,1,Which of the above sentences match the following situation?,A good beginning is half the battle.,Book 1-Unit 1,Proverb,What counts as a good beginning for English study in the college?,Discuss about what counts as a good beginning for English study in the college.,Clues for the discussion: Adopting a right attitude. Setting a goal for ones study. For example, learn 5 words a day. Setting up a pattern of study. For example, read English articles 30 minutes a day.,Book 1-Unit 1,


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