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    one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago. However, according to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “ Big Bang “ that threw matter in all directions. After that, atoms began to form and combing to create stars and other bodies. For several billion years after the “ Big Bang “, the earth was still just a cloud of dust. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. The earthenware became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. It exploded loudly with fire and rock. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen , water vapour and other gases , which were to make the earths atmosphere. What is even more imprtant is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, unlike the earth, it had disappeared later. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. What many scientists believe is that the continued persence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. Many millions of years later, the first extremely small plants began to appear on the surface of the water. They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen, which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. Next, green plants began to grow on land. They were followed in time by land animals. Some were insects. Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the water. Later when the plants grew into forests, reptiles appeared for the first time. They produced young generally by laying eggs. After that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs, developed. They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years. However, 65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs ended. Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery. This disappearance made possible thief rise of mammals on the earth. These animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they Gavin birth to young baby animals and prodeced milk to feed them. Finnally about 2.6 million years ago some small celver animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spread all over the earth. Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet. But they no they looking after the earth very well. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevenrs heat from escaping from the earth into space. As a result of this, many scientists believe the earth may bcome too hot to live on. So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. A visit to the moon Last month I was lucky engough to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping, an astronomer. We visited the moon in our spaceship! Before we leave, Li Yanping explained to me that the forece of the gravity would change three times on our journey and that the first change would be the most powerful. Then we were off. As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earths gravity. It was so hard that we could not say anything to each other. Gradually the weight lessened and I was able to talk to him. “ Why is the spaceship not falling back to the earth? On the earth if I fall from a tree I will fall to ground.” I asked. “ We are too far from the earth now to feel its pull, “ he explained, “ so we feel as if there is no gravity at all. When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earths. “ I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger. When we got there, I wanted to explore immediately. “ Come on,” I said. “ If you are right, my mass will be less than on the earth because the moon is smaller and I will be able to move more freely. I might even grow taller if I stay here long enough. I shall certainly weigh less!” I laughed and climbed down the steps from the spaceship. But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. “ Oh dear,” I cried, “ walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.” After a while I got the hang of it and we began to enjoy ourselves. Leaving the moons gravity was not as painful as leaving the earths. But returning to the earth was very frightening. We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased. Again we were pushed back hard into our seats as we came back to land. “ That was very exhausting but very exciting too,” I said. “Now I know much more about gravity! Do you think we could bisit some stars next time?” “Of course,” he smiled, “ which star would you like to go to?” Caught by a black hole The spaceship warned Li Yanping and me to be ready as we were approaching the “black hole”. We could see some faint lights around what looked like an empty space. Li Yanping said, “ That empty hole is like a mouth always needing to be fed. Those lights are thins that are being pulled into time by the gravity of the hole.” We watched with interest and amazement at the lights which seemed to be going fainter and fainter round the edge of the black hole. Just then the lights on our spaceship went our the and the computer stopped working. What was happening? I tried to turn the spaceship away from the hole but it would not move. Would it eat us too? Suddenly the spaceship jumped and began to move round the edge of trhe hole too. The gravity of the “black hole” was pulling us into its “mouth”. As the spaceship moved round the black hole, I felt rather sick. My mouth went dry and I closed my eyes. All the stories about what happened when you were caught by the gravity of a “black hole” seem to be true. But then the spaceship jumped again. This time it moved sideways and away from this edge of the “black hole”. Someone watching me would have seen the spaceship flying like a bird away from the “black hole”. But we felt nothing. At last we were able to look around us. Luckily the computer had started working again. We realized that we had discovered something new about “black hole”. If you go inside the edge of a “black hole”, it will “eat” you and there is no escape; but if you do not, you may have an opportunity to escape. How exciting!  Unit 5 A trip on “ The True North” Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to bisit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada. The though that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross Canada train. On the way to the statiion, he chatted about their trip. “Youre going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canda in less than fice days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5500 kilometers from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, youre in Canadas warmest part. People say it is Canadas most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.” That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canadas population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country. They went through a wheat-growing province某肥牛育肥基地及屠宰加工厂建设可行性研究报告目 录第一章总论-3第二章项目建设的背景及投资建设的必要性-8第三章市场分析及拟建规模-12第四章厂址(产品)选择与基地建设-16第五章布置方案与交通运输-26第六章生产工艺及种牛品种选择-28第七章育肥基地公用工程-30第八章环境保护、劳动安全及消防-32第九章资源综合利用与节能-34第十章企业组织、劳动定员及人员培训-35第十一章建设工期及实施进度-38第十二章投资估算与资金筹措-39第十三章经济效益分析-42第十四章结论与建议-46附表: 现金流量表损益表 委托书位置示意图 供水协议书供电协议书环保证明土地证明 单列式半封闭围栏牛舍第一章总 论1.1项目概况1.1.1项目名称:大兴安岭兴安肥牛育肥基地及屠宰加工厂1.1.2项目性质:新建1.1.3拟建地址:大兴安岭地区加格达奇区1.1.4建设单位:大兴安岭兴安肥牛绿色产业有限责任公司1.1.5项目法人代表:闫渤1.2项目建设单位概况大兴安岭兴安肥牛绿色产业有限责任公司位于黑龙江省大兴安岭地区,地理位置北纬50°10至53°33,东经121°10至127°10之间,该地区行政上属于黑龙江省大兴安岭行署管辖,林区由国家林业局直属大兴安岭林业集团公司经营。大兴安岭兴安肥牛绿色产业有限责任公司隶属于大兴安岭行署和林业集团公司领导,该公司是以发展天然绿色食品为主的股份制企业。该公司于2003年7月1日在大兴安岭地区工商局注册,公司是由大兴安岭林业集团公司森林经营部技术推广总站与闫渤同志合资组建的,公司股东投入均为固定资产,公司资产重置价值为260万元,评估价值为130万元,注册资金伍拾万元,法定代表人:闫渤;监事:赵启凯;繁育总工程师:(东北农业大学教授、博士生导师)李武;饲料总工程师:(东北农业大学教授、博士生导师)潘玉春;防疫及疾病控制总工程师暂缺。公司现有职工26人,其中大专以上学历技术人员15人。公司的宗旨是充分发挥大兴安岭绿色、纯天然、无污染的优势,遵循可持续发展战略,以优质牧草为依托,以生产绿色环保牛肉及其制品为主产品,实现各种资源的优化组合,为大兴安岭经济的振兴和发展做贡献。公司主要经营肉用牛的繁育;疫情控制;疾病控制;架子牛的回收和育肥;饲料加工;肉用牛的屠宰、加工、销售以及其副产品的研制和开发。公司采用公司加基地的产业化生产模式在大兴安岭及周边地区开展工作。在繁育方面,公司为养殖户提供优质的科技服务体系;在疫情控制和疾病控制方面,公司为全区养殖户建立包括畜牧110在内的疫情、疾病监控网;在意外损失方面,公司与保险公司合作为养殖户提供保险业务;在扶贫与再就业方面,公司为全区贫困户借款养殖肉牛提供资信担保;在架子牛回收方面,公司为养殖户提供高于一般市场价的最低保护价,保证养殖户的销售渠道。并计划在全区建立养殖合作社,成立肉用牛养殖协会,以及建立肉用牛育肥基地、屠宰加工厂、皮革厂等项目。1.3可行性研究报告编制依据1.3.1黑龙江省委关于建设农业强省畜牧大省的决定1.3.2国家产业政策1.3.3大兴安岭地区国民经济和社会发展“十五”规划纲要1.3.4地区资源开发及市场需求1.4可研范围及内容1.4.1依据国家天然林保护政策和大兴安岭野生动物驯养繁殖基地建设的实际情况论证项目建设的必要性。1.4.2根据国内外市场需求和行业发展趋势及与之相适应的可运作资金额度,确定生产规模,并根据建设地的资源状况进行建厂条件论证。1.4.3按照产业需求进行设施(设备)规划选型、确定经营指标1.4.4对项目所需辅助及公用工程进行技术论证,并遵照国家和当地政府对环境保护的有关规定,综合评价项目的实施对环境的影响,并提出行之有效的环保和劳动安全等保护措施。1.4.5对项目所需资金进行估算,并从财务分析的角度对项目进行经济分析,做出客观的公证的评价。其内容包括:总说明、项目建设的背景及投资建设的必要性、市场分析及拟建规模、厂址(产品)选择与基地建设、布置方案与交通运输、生产工艺及种牛品种选择、公用工程、环境保护、劳动安全及消防、资源综合利用与节能、企业组织、劳动定员及人员培训、建设工期及实施进度、投资估算与资金筹措、经济效益分析、结论与建议。1.5建设项目构成本项目拟对养殖户的牛进行人工授精技术培育皮埃蒙特杂交牛,回收架子牛育肥,育肥牛屠宰、销售。项目组成如下:1.皮埃蒙特种牛冻精引进2.犊牛繁殖3.架子牛回收4.育肥基地建设5.屠宰车间、医疗室、办公室、员工宿舍。6.其它配套设施及相关设备1.6项目主要技术要求序号主要技术要求1种牛的品种及购置要求1.皮埃蒙特种牛冻精9000份,人工授精成功率1.5:12.皮埃蒙特种牛冻精引进地以意大利为主2饲养方式1.圈养:实行圈养育肥,采用青贮料饲喂法及氨化秸秆饲喂法31.饲料结构区分精、粗和矿物饲料精饲料:谷物、蛋白质料等粗饲料:青贮、干草、玉米秸、糠麸类、油饼类等矿物质:石粉贝壳粉、骨粉、盐、微量元素等2.饮水量:每100千克体重需供水1012升/日4卫生标准1.饲料卫生要求不霉变,无土及其它杂质2.饮水器具整洁3.牛舍无臭、无腐、无毒4.定期防疫5育肥基地、牛舍建设1.牛舍三侧朝阳,光照好2.牛舍避开主风方向,牛舍各栋间有宽敞的走廊,有利于牛进行分离、喂养方便3.青草垛在牛舍上坡或平行的下坡处,便于取用并预防粪、尿污染饲料6母牛怀胎及仔牛成活率1.龄怀胎率:100%;2.成活率:98%1. 7项目主要经济指数序号项目名称单位指标备注1员工定员:242人;机关人员37人;育肥基地:65人;屠宰厂:140人人2422基地占地面积1.牛舍;2.牧养基地;3.其它占地平方米518583项目总投资其中:1.中央及省投资金2.企业自筹万元3714.053000714.054资金用途及流向1.土建2.设备、安装3.其他费4.预备费5.流动资金万元2238999.91115.04161.10200设备购置如有余额移动到土建5基地产品销售收入万元5588.646年利润总额万元2200.767投资利润率59.258投资利税率60.489投资回收期年5.02含建设期10内部收益率36.881.8可行性研究结论1、本项目符合国家天然林保护政策和产业政策指导思想,对调整林业企业产业结构,培育新的经济增长点,安置下岗分流人员,带动农民和下岗职工走上致富之路,提高人民身体素质,促进区域经济发展具有重要意义。2、本项目所需技术、资金及自然条件能够得到满足,因此所要求的各项工作的合理性与先进性均完善、配套。3、产业基调及产品研发方向符合国家可持续发展战略,资源优势发挥到位,规模合理并有持续调整扩大再生产的基础。4、本项目投资利润率59.25%,投资利税率60.48%,投资回收期 5.02 年,内部收益率36.88,各项财务指标均表明,该项目具有显著的经济、社会、生态效益和较高的抗风险能力,具有长足发展的产业优势和市场潜力。1.9项目建议及结论该项目与饲养户的关系是紧密型经济、联合关系,项目建成后,公司市场开发(包括产品架子牛市场)及与之相配套的产业链需加强,否则会发生供求、产销矛盾。同时还须保证品种优良和适时更新换代。总之,该项目社会效益,经济效益、生态环境的效益都十分显著,供求思路清晰,长足发展定位准确,项目是可行的。第二章项目建设的背景及投资建设的必要性2.1背景大兴安岭是我国重要国有林区之一,资源匮乏引发的经济危机严重地困扰着我区的发展。为此,地委、行署、林业集团公司为兴企富民强区,提出了“二次创业”可持续发展的战略设想,以天然林保护工程启动实施为契机,加快产业结构调整步伐,大力发展绿色特色产业,畜牧养殖业,深度开发野生资源,逐步实现具有我区特色的立体经济。为了从根本上遏制我区生态环境恶化,保护现有森林资源,减少天然林采伐量,恢复天然林资源,保护生物多样性,促进林业可持续发展,国家对国家天然林保护十分重视,要求下决心把国有林区的木材生产采伐量减下来,加大植树造林和森林保护力度,给森林资源一个休养生息的机会。在木材生产大幅度减产的同时,必须从林区的实际情况出发,跳出林业搞林业,集思广益,广开就业门路,妥善安置分流富余人员,确保林区职工的正常收入和社会稳定。养殖业是近几年在林区出现的新型产业,对林区产业产品结构调整起到了一定的推动作用,也是安置下岗职工,培育新的经济增长点的有效途径。转产项目建设是天然林保护工程的重要组成部分,而天然林保护工程的全面实施又为包括养殖业在内的转产项目建设提供了良好的机遇。2.2项目建设的必要性2.2.1调整产业结构的需要大兴安岭国有林区是我国最大的林业生产基地,开发建设以来为我国经济建设做出了重要贡献,但是,由于长期实行过量采伐,森林资源环境遭到严重破坏,森林资源结构性危机逐渐加深,使独木支撑的林业经济陷入危困的境地,为改变林区“两危”局面,地委、行署、林业集团公司提出了“二次创业”可持续发展的战略目标,并发扬“战严寒、破禁区”的大兴安岭精神,积极调整产业、产品结构,培育新的经济增长点,特别是天然保护工程的实施,为振兴林区的经济带来了难得的机遇,大兴安岭林区具有丰富的草原资源、农作物的秸秆,特别是大豆的皮、杆,柞树的叶等资源也较为丰富,这些资源为饲养牛提供了坚实的食物基础,牛的饲养方法简便,经济效益高,牛肉市场看好,特别是国际需求量大。可为我区对外贸易出口创汇起到推动作用。2.2.2建设养牛基地为农民脱贫致富提供机会养肉牛投资少,效益高。饲料主要是秸秆、青草、糟渣和适量精料(玉米、糠麸、饼粕等),来源广泛,农户饲料成本低。牛舍要求不高,牛病少,抵抗力强,易于管理,平均每头上市肉牛纯收入2000元。同时,养牛业可以带动相关行业(如饲料厂、肉食品加工厂、屠宰厂、皮革厂、医药加工厂等)的发展,为劳动力就业创造了机会。2.2.3为轻工业提供原料,外贸出口创汇的需要饲养肉牛所生产的肉、皮、毛、骨、内脏、血液等副产品,是食品、医药、制革、服装等轻工业的重要原料。肉牛饲养业的发展,能够促进与之相配套的轻工业的发展。肉牛产品是国际市场上的畅销商品,我国黄牛经过改良育肥后质量完全达到国际标准,加之我国育肥肉牛成本较低,价格竞争实力强,能够促进牛肉对外贸易的发展。2.2.4促进实现生态农业良性循环的需要养牛可提供畜产品,又可提供粪肥,增加土壤肥力,改变土壤结构,提高土壤蓄水力,促进粮、果、菜增产,降低生产成本,增加农民收人。种植业为养牛提供了秸秆、农副产品、精饲料,牛利用了这些饲料,减少了焚烧秸秆。所以既有经济效益,又有生态效益。一头牛每日排粪尿30千克,年产粪肥11000千克,约相当于100千克氮、磷、钾肥料。河北省无极县是牛多肥多,每年施有机肥29万吨,相当于碳铵4350吨、磷肥1921吨、硫酸钾1370吨,降低了生产成本,粮食平均每公顷产11790千克,同时土壤有机肥增加 0.15个百分点,走出了农牧结合良性循环的路子。安徽省阜阳地区由于大力发展养牛,大量牛粪还田,近年来土壤有机质由1%上升到1.39%,全区粮食产量也由502.7万吨(1990年)迅速提高到 600万吨(1993年),3年就增产100万吨,增长19.4%。当然,增产是多种因素综合作用的结果,但其中土壤有机质含量提高是个重要的因素,形成“牛多、肥多、粮多、草(秸秆)多”的良性循环。2.2.5发展肉牛业有利于优化畜牧业生产结构,推进节粮型畜牧业结构的建立农业产业结构调整是2000年以后农业工作的重点,而畜牧业又是农业结构调整的重要组成部分。根据中央精神,畜牧业结构调整的重点内容是要稳定发展生猪和禽蛋的生产,加快发展牛、羊肉生产,突出奶类和羊毛生产。由此可见,牛肉在结构调整中的重要作用。畜牧业结构指的是畜种、品种、畜群和产品结构,任何国家的畜牧业生产结构都应与其国情相适应。我国的畜牧业生产结构关系到我国畜牧业的前途和命运,也关系到市场供应和人民膳食结构的改善。节粮型畜牧业是以优化的畜种结构、以先进科学饲养技术和饲料资源的合理利用为特征的节粮高效畜牧业。我国人口众多、耕地每年减少、粮食生产不足、饲料短缺的基本国情,决定了发展畜牧业必须走节粮型的道路,在生产上要发挥牛等草食家畜的优越性和生产潜力。从畜种结构看,我国畜牧业历来是以耗粮型生猪为主的,从肉类结构看,1998年全国肉类耗粮型猪肉占67.8%,禽肉占18.7%,而以草食料为主的牛、羊肉仅占12.5%,结构极不合理。如果按每头生猪需精料350千克计,我国则需0.2亿多公顷土地为生猪生产饲料粮,这对人多地少的我国无疑是一个很大的负担。如果养牛,每头每年需80100千克左右的精料。为此,必须开发利用农作物秸秆和草山、草地发展养牛业,增加牛肉的比例,使我国肉类结构继续得到优化,从而逐步建立起适合我国国情的畜牧业生产结构。我国人多地少,粮食偏紧的状况将长期存在,不能和不可能拿出更多的饲料粮用于畜牧业。但是,我国草业资源有近4亿公顷,居世界第二位。每年各类作物秸秆有7亿8亿吨,同时还有 800万吨棉、菜籽饼和4000万吨粮渣等农副产品。牛是反刍家畜,具有特殊的消化功能,能够充分利用青、粗饲料和农副产品。特别是农区大量的秸秆经过科学处理后,粗蛋白质提高12倍,消化率提


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