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    外研版五年级英语上模块7试题注意:本试卷满分100分。一、选出不同类型的单词,并将答案写在题前括号内。(每小题2分,共20分) ( )1. A.show B.blind C.deaf( )2. A.clever B.clever C. her( )3. A.helped B. swam C. jump ( )4. A.sausage B. chair C. hamburger( )5. A.doctor B. firefighter C. fire( )6. A.useful B.bread C.wonderful( )7. A.hear B.see C. dinner( )8. A.panda B.elephant C. dogs( )9. A.lunch B.sausage C. breakfast( )10. A.speak B.talk C. play2、 请从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案写在题前括号内。(每小题2分,共22分)( )1.Liu Yang can speak English well. She is good at English. Yes, she is. She often _ me learn my English. A.helps B. help C. helping( )2.Look! There is a book about sports. _. A.Yes, it is B.I have a book C. Great! I like sports( )3. This little boy _ walk. His father always helps him. A. can B. cant C. doesnt( )4.Here is your sausage, please. _. A. Thank you B. Im sorry C. Here you are( )5.Can I have a dog, please, Mum? _. I like dogs very much. A.Yes, you do B. Yes, you can C. No, you didnt( )6.Can you ride a bike? Yes. But I _ ride fast. A.can B.cant C. dont( )7.There is a TV show _ animal. Do you like it? Yes, I do. I always watch it with my sister. A.in B. about C. to( )8.Hi, Mike. Can you run fast? _. I am good at running. A.Yes, I can B.Yes, you can C. No, I can( )9.Can you sing English songs? _. But Betty can sing very well. A.Yes, I can B. No, I cant C.No, I dont( )10.Hello, Dick. Can you cook fish? _. A.No, I dont B.Yes, Im useful C.Yes, I can cook it very well( )11.Mary _ very fast in the past. But now she swims slowly. A. swim B.swims C. swam3、 请根据句意提示,从方框中选出合适的单词,并填写在四线格上。每空仅限一词。(每小题2分,共20分)useful helped cant sit firewell sausages blind show hear 1. Whats wrong with the old man?He is . He cant see. His dog always helps him. 2. Im very at home. I can help Mum do the housework. 3. There is a about pandas on TV every day.Yes. I like it a lot. 4. Whats the matter with Sam? He hurt his feet yesterday. So he walk fast. 5. My grandma is old, but she is not deaf. She can . 6.Lucy is good at swimming.Yes, she is. She her sister swim in the lake last Sunday. 7. Are you feeling hungry? Yes, I am. I want to eat some . 8. There was a yesterday. The firefighters came quickly. 9. The old man cant down. The girl helps him.10.Do you like reading English? Yes. English is very useful. I want to learn English .4、 请根据标点符号连词成句,注意大小写的变化。(每小题3分,共18分) 1. old, blind, the, is, man ( . ) 2.have, can, sausages, please, we ( ? ) 3. high, the, fly, in, birds, sky, can ( . )4. very, swim, fish, well, can ( . )5. little, cant, girl, walk, this( . )6. show, a, dogs, is, about, there, TV ( . )5、 完成对话。请根据所给语境,从方框中选出合适的句子,抄写在相应的四线格上,使对话意思连贯、完整,其中有一项是多余的。(每小题2分,共10分)A.Thank you. B. I am good at skating?C.Can you teach me to dance? D. Im waiting for the bus.E. But I cant skate well. A:Hi, Wang Li. What are you doing? B: 1.I want to go skating. A: Can you skate? B: Yes. 2. A:You are great. I like skating. 3. B: Come to the amusement park with me. I can help you. A: 4.But Im learning swimming these days. How about next month? B: OK. 5. A: Of course. I learn to skate. You learn to dance.6、 阅读理解。请根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号写在题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)This is a photo of my family. This is my grandpa. He was a sportsman in the past. Hes good at swimming. He was strong then, and he swam very fast. But now hes old and he swims slowly. This is my grandma. She was a nurse in the past. Shes sixty years old now. My father is a policeman. He plays basketball very well. He often plays basketball with his friends after work. My mum is an English teacher. She loves her pupils! Im a pupil in my mums school. I go to school with her every day. I have a happy family.( ) 1.My grandpa was a _ in the past. A. teacher B.swimmer C. policeman( ) 2.There are _ people in the family. A. five B. six C. seven( ) 3.My grandpa _ now. A. swims fast B. cant swim C. swims slowly( ) 4.My father is good at _ . A.swimming B. playing football C.playing basketball ( ) 5.My mother and I are in the _ school. A.different B.same C. Fathers


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