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    Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Learning Objectives In this period, we will get more knowledge about stand-up comedy and the benefit of laughter. develop the ability of how to guess the meanings of new words. express your opinions when it comes to “laughter is the best medicine” and have a positive attitude towards life. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Lead-in Lets appreciate a small film. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 What makes people laugh? funny movie s comic film joke s sketch stand-up crosstal k circus Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Stand-up A type of comedy which involves one person standing in front of the audience and telling jokes. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Reading Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 1.What is the article about? 2. How many types of stand-up are there? 3. What is laughter good for? Scan the article and answer the following questions: Stand-up comedy. There are four main types. Our health. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Stand-up for your health Types of stand-up (para.2) A famous comedian (para.3-5) Laughter is good for your health (para.6) Brief introduction(para.1) Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 1. What is special about stand-up comedy? Stand-up comedy is special because the comedian is right there in front of the audience and may talk directly to audience members. Brief Introduction Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 2. What are the four main types of stand-up? They are observational, prop, physical and impressionist. Types of stand-up Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 observational prop physical impressionist Make jokes about humorous things in everyday life. Use props to tell jokes Use bodies to make jokes. Act or speak like a well-known person. How do comedies perform? Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 A comedian stands on stage and holds a banana to his ear. He says, Hello? Hello? Im sorry I cant hear you. Something must be wrong with my phone. Prop ? Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 A comedian puts on glasses, changes his or her voice and pretends to be someone else. Impressionist ? Performing and Guessing Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down. Physical? Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 A comedian says, My Grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. Shes 89 now, and we dont know where she is! Observational ? Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 A famous comedian 3. When did Billy Crystal begin practising stand-up? 4. What is one reason Billy Crystal has become famous? 5. How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards? Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 3. When did Billy Crystal begin practising stand-up? He began practising stand-up when he was a child. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 4. What is one reason Billy Crystal has become famous? His outstanding ability to improvise makes him famous. 5. How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards? Eight times. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Laughter is good for your health 6. What does your brain do when you laugh? When we laugh, our brains send chemicals around our body that are good for us. 7. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text? Laughter is the best medicine. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 1. Prop comedians use things, called props, to tell jokes. A. things B. imaginations C. traditions D. style 2. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV. A. road B. performance C. lines D. style Reading Strategy:Reading Strategy: You can guess the meaning of a new word from the context. (line 9) (line 28) Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Practise Time! Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Types Observational Physical daily/everyday visual speaking toothbrush improvise Laughter chemicals Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Discussion and Reporting: 1. Do you think laughter is the best medicine? Can you give us some reasons why laughter is good for our health? 2. When you are in low spirits, what will you do to stop unpleasant feeling? 3.Besides laughter, what other factors that can help people live longer? Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Performance Time! Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 As a saying goes, Laughter is the best medicine. From my point of the view, Laughter does have many benefits. FirstSecondThird When I am in low spirits, I always Besides laughter, in order to live longer, I can do Lets have a positive attitude towards life. The structure of your report Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Summary In this period, we have got more knowledge about stand-up comedy and the benefit of laughter. developed the ability of how to guess the meanings of new words. expressed our opinions when it comes to “laughter is the best medicine” and had a positive attitude towards life. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Laughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace. It is a good treatment to help people get rid of bitterness and forget all the problems. A smile can take ten years off your age. 笑一笑,十年少. Zhenjiang Experimental High School 高二英语备课组 Homework 1. Read the text freely. 2. Preview the language points in the passage. Thank you G d bye!


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