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    更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/mszjenglish.taobao.com 特别推荐名师指津-高中英语考点测评软件! 一个让你高中英语学习心中有数、全面提升的学习软 件!名师指津历年高考英语辅导精华,名师点拨!涵 盖高中英语全部必考点!全国首创测评体系!让你轻 松掌握,心中有数!是高中英语学习必备工具!为感 谢广大老师和同学的支持和关注,推广期间,推荐两 个同学购买,即可获赠一套!(点击查看详情) 名师指津-听说考试好易通(考前仿真特训版+考纲话题通用版) 名师指津-广东高考英语命题揭秘与专题练析(原创版+精华版) 名师指津-高中英语课课击破(必修一 至 选修八) 名师指津-广东高中英语总复习 一、单词识记 1. _ n. 信任;信念 2. _ n. 可笑的 8. _ n. 企图 9. _ vt. 预言; vi. 作出预言 10. _ n. 数字, 体形, 画像; figure shadow ridiculous attempt predict 11. _ adj. 微妙的; 柔和的; 易碎的 12. _ n. 名声, 名誉; 声望 13. _ n. 埃及 14. _ adj. 芳香的; 愉快的 15. _ adv. 结果 consequently delicate reputation Egypt fragrant 二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生 1. _ n. 信任;信心;信念 _ adj. 忠诚的;有信念的 _ adv. 忠实地faithfully faith faithful 2. _ vt. 拥有;具有;支配 _ n. (尤作复数)所有; 财产 3. _ vt. 预言;预告;预测 _ n. 预言;预告prediction possess possession predict 4. _ adj. 埃及的; 埃 及人的 5. _ n. 签字;署名signature Egyptian 6._ vt. 更喜欢;宁愿 _ n. 偏爱;倾向 preference prefer (B) 灵活运用 1. As a Chinese, we should love our motherland _ (faith). 1 是副词, 修饰动词love。 2. The young ladies chose their gifts according to their different _ (prefer). 2 是形容词, 故后面用名词preferences。 preferences faithfully 3. The villagers were saved in the earthquake thanks to the proper _ (predict). 3 因proper是形容词, 所以后面用名词 。 4. The sculptor is from Egypt. Consequently, he is an/a _ (Egypt) artist. 4 是形容词, 所以后面用名词。 Egyptian prediction 5. Her boss was asked to come back to his office because she wanted him to _ (sign) his name. 5 因want sb. to do是一个动词短 语, 故后面用动词形式。 sign 1. _ 瞄准;针对 2. _ 巧合地 3. _ 大量 4. _ 企图做 三、短语翻译 attempt to do aim at by coincidence a great deal 5. _ 另一方面 6. _ 活着的;本人 7. _(对某人)有吸引力 8. _ 在陈 列中; 在展览 on display/on exhibition on the other hand in the flesh appeal to 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/mszjenglish.taobao.com 原句: Rich people wanted to possess their own painting, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. 富人想拥有自己的艺术品并用 来装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅。(B6 P2) 1. possess vt. 拥有, 占有 例句: Mary possessed the whole house after her fathers death. 玛丽在父亲死后拥有了整套房 子。 运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1) Father _ (possess) the firm since he was in charge of it. (2) The old painter wanted to sell his personal _ (possess). (2) 指财产(常用复数)。 has possessed possessions 原句: the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes 画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到 的东西如实地画出来 (B6 P3) 2. attempt v. 企图 例句: The thief attempted to steal the machines. 小偷企图来偷这些机器。 搭配: attempt to do 打算/试图/企 图做 运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 The housewife didnt attempt _ (cook) the meal by herself tonight. to cook 原句: By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. 巧合的是, 这 一时期油画颜料也得到了发展, 它使 得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉 。 (B6 P2) 3. by coincidence巧合地;碰巧 例句: By coincidence, they both met in the park last night. 很巧合, 他们昨晚在公园遇见了。 同义: by chance 偶然; by accident 偶然 运用 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (1)When we saw the money on the floor, _(碰巧) she saw it at the same time. (2)司机意外地找到了丢失的锁匙。 The driver found his lost keys _ _. by coincidence by chance / by accident 原句: In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. 19世纪后期, 欧洲发生了巨大的变化, 从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的 社会。 (B6 P2) 4. a great deal (=a lot不接名词)大量 (副词) a great deal of (+不可数名词)大量(形容词 ) 例句: What he said helped me a great deal. 他说的话对我帮助很大 。 The company earned a great deal of money by selling seafood. 公 司通过销售海鲜赚了很多钱。 联想 much (+不可数名词)许多 many (+可数名词复数形式)许多 a number of (+可数名词复数)许多 plenty of(+可数或不可数名词)大量的 a lot of=lots of (+复数/不可数)许多 a lot 作副词, 后不能接名词 运用 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (1) Tom learned _ from the excellent students. 汤姆从优秀学生 处学到不少东西。 (2) The government gained _ great deal _ information from a large firm. 政府从一大公司获得大量信息。 of a great deal a 原句: It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. 展览会吸引那些喜爱印象派 和后印象派作品的人。 (B6 P6) 5. appeal to sb. (对某人)有吸引力; (使 某人)感兴趣 例句: The movie doesnt appeal to the young. 这部电影对年轻人没有吸引力。 联想 appeal to sb to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事 attract sb 吸引某人 interest sb 引起某人的兴趣 sb is/was interested in 某人对感 兴趣 运用 用适当的词填空。 (1)The new appealed _ the young fellow. (2)The young fellow was interested _ the new. in to 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/mszjenglish.taobao.com 原句: But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century 但 是很显然到了13世纪时, (人们的)思想正经 历着变化 (B6 P2) 1. It + be + 分词/adj. + that从句 例句: It is known that he is a great leader.大家都知道, 他是一位伟大的领导。 仿写 请将下列句子译成英文。 众所周知,阅读是很重要的。 It is _ that _ _. 很明显, 天气变得越来越温暖了。 _ the weather is becoming warmer and warmer. well-known to all it is very important to read It is obvious that 原句: Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. 没有新的 颜料和新的绘画手法,我们就不能看到 很多使这一时期著名的杰作。(B6 P2) 2. Without., sb. would not be able to. 没有, 就不能 例句: Without your help, we would not be able to pass the test. 没有你的 帮助, 我们就不能通过这次测试。 说明: 这里有without在这等于but for, 引导的介词短语是一个暗含的非 真实条件,主句用虚拟语气。 仿写 用所给词的正确形式填空或 完成句子。 (1) Without the help of my English teacher, I _ (win) the first prize in the English Writing Competition. would not have won (2) But for their help, we _ _(finish) the program in time. (3) Without electricity, human life _ (be) quite different today. would have been could not have finished 原句: On the one hand, some modern art is abstract On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic 一方面,有些现代艺术是抽 象的而另一方面, 有些现代派的艺 术作品却是那么真实 (B6P3) 3. on the one hand., on the other hand. 一方面, 另一方面 例句 I chose the car. On the one hand, I enjoy its design; on the other hand, I also appreciate its quality. 我选择了这辆车。一方 面我喜欢它的设计, 另一方面, 我 也很欣赏它的质量。 仿写 将下列句子译成英文。 一些城市的气候变得越来越温暖, 另 一方面别的城市气候变得越来越冷。 _, the weather in some cities is getting _ _; _, it is getting _ on the other hand On the one hand warmer and warmer colder and colder in other Cities. 原句: This is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment in new ways. 这是因为印象派鼓励画家用 一种崭新的视角看待他们的环境。 4. This is because 这是因为 例句: Tom has great progress recently. This is because he has been working hard. 汤姆最近取得 了巨大进步。只是因为他一直非常 努力。 仿写 将下列句子译成英文 。 这是因为艺术家们采用了适 当的风格。 This was because the artists adopted the suitable style. 5. the best way to do is/was 做 的最好方法是 原句: The best way to see the paintings is to start from the top floor and walk down to the bottom. 看画展 最好的方法是从顶层看起, 一直往下看 到底层。 例句: The best way to improve our maths is that we should do a lot of exercises.提高数学成绩的最 好方法是, 我们应做大量的练习题 。 仿写 将下列句子译成英文。 (1)消除误会的最好方法是互相 沟通。 The best way to clear the air is to communicate with each other. (2) 学习英语的最好方法是要尽可能多地 使用英语。 The best way to learn English well is that we should use it as much as possible. (3) 保持身体健康的最好方法是每天做适 量的运动。 The best way to keep healthy is that we do proper exercise every day. 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/mszjenglish.taobao.com 1. 朱莉娅学习大量的有关绘画、艺术 、金融方面的知识。 Julia learns a great deal of knowledge on painting, art and finance. 2. 没有这些知识, 她不可能成功。 Without it, it would be impossible for her to be successful. 3. 另一方面, 很凑巧, 她对政治也非常有兴 趣。 3. On the other hand, she is quite interested in politics by coincidence. 4. 生命中很重要的一件事就是有一个明确 的目标, 并且有实现它的决心。 The important thing in her life is to have a specific aim and the determination to make it. 5. 疲倦的时候, 她试着演奏对她有吸引力 的音乐去放松自己。 When tired, she tries to play music that appeals to her to relax herself. 6. 见到她本人的人都认为她是一个既有 理想又乐观的女孩。 Those who have seen her in the flesh all consider her as an ambitious and optimistic girl. 7. 她觉得生活中的幸福莫过于拥 有一个光明的未来。 7. She finds that it is happy to possess a bright future in her life. 合并: Julia learns a great deal of knowledge on painting, art and finance. Without it, it would be impossible for her to be successful. As for her, on the other hand, she is quite interested in politics by coincidence. There is no denying the fact that the most important thing in her life is to have a specific aim and determine to make it. When tired, she tries to play music that appeals to her to relax herself. Actually those who have seen her in the flesh all consider her as an ambitious and optimistic girl, and She finds that it is happy to possess a bright future in her life. 课文回顾 The reading passage mainly describes the history of western painting and the different styles of Western art, including four of the major movements in Western art over the past 1,500 years. Several men hit the Sao Paulo Museum of Art just before dawn on Thursday, December 20th, 2007. Authorities said that the thieves must have been well prepared, as it 16 _ (take) them just three minutes to steal paintings by two world-famous 17 _ (art), Pablo Picasso and Candido Portinari, 18 _ are worth millions of dollars. 16. 由上下文可知用一般过去时。 17. 复数名词作宾语, 指人。 18. 引导定语从句修饰前面的paintings。 took artists which Images from 19 _ security camera show that three men began their action at 5:09 am, when the guards 20 _ the museum were going through their shift change (换岗). They broke through two glass doors, ran to the museums top floor and grabbed the two paintings 21 _ different rooms, somehow avoiding nearby guards. 19. 由句意可知是特指。 20. 介词in的基本用法。 21. 由句意可知用from。 the in from The alarm never rang, and by 5:12 am, 22 _ were making their escape. After that, the police were interviewing the 30 museum 23 _ (employ). 22. 指代前面的Several men。 23. 复数名词作宾语, 指人。 they employees “Everything indicates thieves were sent 24 _ (do) it by some wealthy art lover for his own collection. He was not rich enough to buy the paintings, 25 _ he was wealthy,” said the police officer. 24. 不定式作状语, 表目的。 25. 前后句意为让步关系, 故填though。 to do though 二、完形填空 I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She was 1 and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me. 1. A. encouraging B. discouraging C. interestingD. annoying A 根据后文以及与之并列的inspiring可知。 encouraging与inspiring是近义词复现。 Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 2 . She wanted to know how I thought we should handle things. At first I had no 3 how to answer because I knew nothing about stage design! 2. A. impression B. opinion C. informationD. intention B 下句She wanted to know how I thought we should handle things是对本题的提示。 3. A. feeling B. training C. idea D. fact C 根据后面从句句意:因为我对舞台设计一窍不通, 此空与前面的no一起应该意为“不知道”。故填C,have no idea wh-从句“不知道/不清楚”。 But I slowly began to 4 to her questions. It was cause and 5 : She believed I had opinions, so I began to 6 them. 4. A. turn B. respond C. stick D. object 4. B 由后面的questions可知。respond和question是词语 同现。 5. A. conclusion B. influence C. reason D. effect 5. D根据前面的cause以及后文内容可知。cause和effect 是词语同现。 It was cause and 5 : She believed I had opinions, so I began to 6 them. She trusted me to complete things, so I 7 them perfectly. 6. A. hold B. follow C. evaluate D. form 6. D 本句的them指代opinions,form opinion“形成观 点”。其他选项不合语境。 7. A. completed B. treated C. took D. brought 7. A 根据前文She trusted me to complete things可知。 与complete是原词复现。 She loved how 8 I was, so I began to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and 9 create something. 8. A. happy B. lively C. reliable D. punctual C 根据语境可知。reliable与本段中trust、believe in构 成近义词复现。 9. A. easily B. carefully C. confidentlyD. proudly C 根据前面的so I began to believe in myself可知, 作者 在Mrs. Neidl的鼓励下自信地拿起了画笔画画。 The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was 10 in the program as “Student Art Assistant” because of the 11 and effort Id put in. 10. A. supportedB. respected C. electedD. recognized D 由后面的介词短语as “Student Art Assistant”可知 作者这个称号是被承认(recognized)的。 11. A. timeB. money C. trial D. attempt A 根据常识(学东西要花时间)可知。time和effort是词 语同现。 I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. It was that year that I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing 12 design. 12. A. room B. kitchen C. theater D. stage D 由本文第一句可知。与其中的stage是原词复现。 Being with Mrs. Neidl 13 me completely. Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought, but I also discovered a 14 I hadnt known existed. 13. A. excited B. pleased C. changed D. inspired C 根据下句内容, 尤其是stronger and more competent 可推出。 14. A. countryB. world C. career D. profession B 由其后的从句可知, 这里的world是比喻的说法。指 的是设计艺术这个领域。 She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.She taught me not to care what people think I should do. Mrs. Neidls 15 in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined possible. 15. A. trust B. patience C. curiosity D. interest 15. A 根据前面的She believed in me可知。trust 与believe in属近义词复现。 【助读词汇】 competent有能力的 freshman大一学生 46. It is over 300 years old, dating from Emperor Chong Zhens reign in the Ming Dynasty and it enjoyed its prime time before the Guangxu Emperors reign in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, many households in its birthplace Yangliuqing Town and the neighboring villages in Tianjin were running Spring Festival Painting workshops. B 因46中的Spring Festival Painting workshops与B中 的With the Spring Festival coming、every family would paste New Years Paintings匹配。 47. This opera was born 200 years ago. It combines Chinese literature, music, choreography, fine arts and acrobatics. Faces painted alive and colored represent the various characters that the actors have to interpret. In Africa masks can date from well past Paleolithic(旧石器时代的) times. F 因共同关键词是opera、masks和faces。 48. It dated from the mid-or late Tang Dynasty, or the later Five Dynasties(907- 960). In temples, shadow figures were used as the supposed souls of the dead. During the Song Dynasty, it became one type of the popular folk arts. A 因共同关键词是shadow figures。 49. They were flown in China over 2000 years ago. One legend suggests that when a Chinese farmer tied a string to his hat to keep it from blowing away in a strong wind, the first was born. In the history of flight, the first lighter-than-air balloon (1783) and the first powered aircraft (1903) are very recent when compared with the age of kites. D 因共同关键词是kites。 50. Also called Scissor-cut or Window Grille, it is a kind of folk paper artwork. It appeared during the period of Nanbeichao Dynasty. Originated in China, they have been very popular among Chinese ordinary people. C 因50中的Scissor-cut与C中的cutting paper with scissors匹配。 【助读词汇】 suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans装满眼镜和牛仔裤的箱子 the wonder drug 灵丹妙药 presence呈现 software软件 work wonde


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