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    contract,模块十二,合同和协议的翻译,庄月春,汪燕飞,王丽丹,王亮,Group 10,Contracts and Agreements,Contractpay attention to the specific articles and is based on the agreement,Agreementfocus on the fundamental principles and orientations of the two sides,合同(Contract)是双方或数方当事人对某一具体项目承担权利义务的协议,对当事人均具有约束力。,Trade Agreement 贸易协议 Barter Agreement 易货协议 Loan Agreement 贷款协议 Clearing Agreement 清算协议 Agency Agreement 代理协议,Categories of Agreements,Reparation Agreement 赔偿协议 Cooperation Agreement 合作协议 Financing Agreement 融资协议 Consignment Agreement 委托协议 Confidentiality Agreement 保密协议,约首 Preamble,订约日期 Date of Signing 订约双方 Signing Parties 双方合法依据 Each Partys Authority 订约地点 Place of Signing 订约缘由 Recitals of “Whereas” Clause,正文 Body,定义条款 Definition Clause,基本条款 Basic Conditions,一般条款 General Terms and Conditions,其他条款 Others,定义条款(Definition Clause)是对合同书中反复使用的词汇或在合同中具有特定意义的用语进行说明和解释。,经常在合同中做出定义的用语有:product(产品),licensed product(许可产品),trademark(商标),know-how(专有技术),industrial property right(工业产权),technical documentation(技术资料),exclusive territory(独占地区),etc,基本条款(Basic Conditions)即经过交易磋商达成一致的条款,体现了双方当事人具体的权利与义务。,一般条款 General Terms and Conditions,合同有效期限Duration of Contract 合同的终止 Termination of Contract 不可抗力 Force Majeure 通知手续 Notice 仲裁 Arbitration 适用的法律 Governing Law 合同的修改 Amendment of Contract 合同的让与 Assignment of Contract,Export and Import License 输出入许可证条款 Complete Contract 完整契约条款 Contract Revision 契约修改条款 Representation and Warranties 声明与保证条款 Non-disclosure or No Publicity 保密条款,其他条款Others,合同的份数Copies of the Contract 使用的文字Languages Used 效力 Effectiveness 签名 Signature 盖章 Seal,约尾 Witness Clause,http:/www.chinalawedu.com/news/2004_10/11/1401144940.htm,合同的语言特点,准确(accurate diction ),正式(formal),使用正式的、法律用语 2 大量使用古英语和外来词,求异型,3 词语并列,3.1 词语并列结构(成对词),3.2 成对同义词结构,求同型,专业化(professional),使用情态动词,使用情态动词,英文合同的用词一般都是正式、规范的语言,情态动词的使用就体现了这一特点。 如May, shall, must ,may not (或shall not)的使用。 May 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么) Shall 约定当事人的义务(应当做什么) must 用于强制性义务(必须做什么) may not (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么),e.g. 1. The Seller shall present the following documents required for negotiation to the banks. 卖方必须将下列单据提交银行附议.,e.g. 2. Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory. 甲方不得向上述地区其他买主供应本合同项下商品,正式用语(Formal Terms),正式用语(Formal Terms),用词专业(Technical Terms),合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。,At the request of Part B, Part A agrees to send technicians to assist Part B to install the equipment.,大量使用古英语和外来词,这些词主要来源于古英语和中古英语,主要是由here-,there-和where- 与一个或几个介词组成的复合副词,如hereafter(此后,今后), hereby(特此,兹), herein(此中,于此,本合同中),hereinafter(以下,此后,在下文), herewith(与此一道), hereof(于此,在本合同中), hereto (于此),hereunder(在下文,据此,根据本合同),hereunto(于此), wherefore(为此,因此),wherein(在那方面),whereof(关于那事/人)等。,1.古英语的应用,hereto-to this到此为止, 关于这个 e.g. According to the schedule of payment attached hereto根据在此附上的付款计划表。,hereof-of this于此, 关于此点 more hereof later .(关于这一点)详见后文. You will find the signature of Mr.Yokota at the foot hereof. 横田先生签名如下。,therein-in that在那里 Please note that all the prices stated therein are subject to change on account of market fluctuation. 请注意表列价格须随市场变动而修改。,2.外来词的应用,合同中的外来词大多数来自拉丁语,也有部分来自法语。 如addiem(在指定日期),status quo(现状),null and void无效, vice versa反之亦然,adhoc特别,临时,as per(按照)、de facto(事实上的),pro rate tax rate ( 比例税率用), agent ad litem(委托代理人用) ,force majeure (不可抗力)等来源于法语。,e.g. We sign the contract with the proviso that the term can be discussed again after six month. 我们将签署这个合同,附加条件是六个月后其中的条款将重新讨论。,英语合同的规范性还表现在近义词、成对词的使用。合同语言用词造句必须十分准确、严谨。同时,为了追求语意确切、论证周详,合同中常出现近义词、成对词并列使用的现象,这种表达的目的是使合同条款更加严密,表述更加准确,尽最大可能地避免歧义和疏漏,有的也属于合同用语的固定模式。同义词或近义词的并列结构是由or或and 连接。其作用通常会使包括的内容更全面,也更具弹性。,词语并列,1.词语并列结构(成对词),e.g.1 This agreement is made and entered into on April 16, 2007 by and between Party A and Party B. 本合约由甲方和乙方于2007年4月16日达成。,e.g.2 On the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void. 有效期满后,本合同自动失效,求异型同义词 这种类型的同义词确切地说是近义词,这里强调的是各个近义词的意义差别部分 。,例1 In the course of interpreting or constructing the contract, 在合同的解释过程中,,construct : (geometry 几何) draw (a line, figure, etc) in accordance with certain rules (按照某种规则)画(线), 作(图) draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions,interpret (a)explain (sth. which is not easily understandable) 解释; 说明 (b) make clear or bring out the intended meaning of (a character, composition, etc) 表明或体现(人物、 作品等)的内涵,例2 Any Crown Servant solicits or accepts any advantages shall be guilty of an offense. 任何索取或接受好处的政府公务员都将被判有罪。,solicit ask (sb.) for (e.g. money, help, votes) earnestly; try to obtain (sth.) 恳求(某人)给予(钱、 帮助等); 向(某人)拉(选票); 设法获得(某事物),accept (a) Tn take (sth. offered) willingly 欣然接受(他人提供的 事物) (c) Tn receive (sth./sb.) as adequate or suitable 接收, 收取(某事物); 接受(某事物某人),求同型近义词 与求异型近义词相反,求同型近义词所追求的效果不是为表达各次之间的差别意义,而是为了表达它们的共同意义。,例1 双方可在必要时通过协商修改本合同。 The parties may, through consultation, make amendments to and revision of this contract as and when the need arise.,revision: the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification)复查; 校订; 修正; 改正; 复习 amendment: the act of amending or correcting 改善,改良,改正修正案,例2 本协议双方履行协议规定的义务。 Each party to this Agreement shall fulfill or perform any of the obligations under this Agreement.,fulfill : put in effect履行,完成 perform: carry out or perform an action执行,商务合同与协议是具有法律效力的正式文件,用语必须准确、规范。商务合同的作用在于明确陈述和规定不同当事人在有关活动中的权利和义务。,其中,完整的长句使用可以准确界定这种权利和义务关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能性。所以合同中长句使用得比较多, 英语长句结构较复杂,短举多,分句多、层次多,这就给翻译造成了一定的难度。,掌握几种常用的翻译技巧是非常必要的,翻译长句时,首先要弄清楚原文的结构,找出整个句子的中心内容就是主干及各层意思,然后分析几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系(因果、时间顺序等),再按照汉语特点和表达方式,正确地翻译出原文的意思,不要局限于原文的形式。,长句的译法主要有以下几种::顺译法、逆译法、分译法、合译法、定语从句译法、状语从句译法。,The seller shall notify the buyer two months prior to each shipment whether his inspectors will join the inspection of the shipment. The buyer after receiving the notice shall inform the seller of the date of inspection at least 20 days before the date of open-package inspection and shall also render convenience to the sellers inspection in their work.,卖方在每批货发货前两个月通知买方是否参加该批货检验。买方收到通知后至少在开箱检验日期前20天将检验日期通知卖方,并为卖方检验人员提供检验工作的便利条件。,一、顺译法 顺序法是指按时间的先后顺序,逻辑的先后安排来翻译。由于这种译法与汉语的表达顺序基本相同,差别不大,所以可以递序而下,顺译而为。,The risk of loss or damage to the goods, as well as the obligation to the costs relating to the goods, passes from the seller to the buyer when the seller has fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods.,当卖方完成了运输货物的责任,货物的丢失或损坏,以及承受与货物相关的费用的责任便从卖方转移到买方。,二、逆译法 逆序法指由于英汉两种语言在表达方面存在着差异,在翻译时应按各自的语言表达习惯重新组合。在组合过程中,原文的一些语句顺序将被打乱,或前置,或后置。所以产生了顺译,倒译。而倒译称为逆序译法。,By Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the Seller before _ and to remain valid for negotiation in China until_ after the Time of Shipment. The L/C must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed.,买方须于前将保兑的、不可撤消的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方, 该信用证的有效期延至装运期后天在中国到期, 并必须注明允许分批装运和转船。,三、合译法 为了合同便于理解,有时很有必要合二为一。,If any event of the force majeure occurs which causes damage to the project or the infrastructure project, then C or New Company shall not be obliged to reinstate the same, or, as the case may be, complete the same, until the parties hereto have agreed upon the terms for such reinstatement or completion.,如不可抗力的发生损坏了工程或基础设施,C 或新公司没有义务重新恢复,或完成其修建,但双方就这种恢复或完成的条件达成一致意见则例外。,四、定语从句的译法 长句中的定语从句在汉语译文中一般都是放在被限定的成分前面,因为汉语修饰语的位置习惯如此。汉语中的前置定语常用 “的” 字结构。,Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD30,000 in favor of the seller through a bank at import port.,买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过进口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销的信用证支付全部货款3万美元。,五、状语从句的译法,合同翻译案例 1.The foregoing information is given to you on the clear understanding that it is treated as strictly confidential.,毋庸赘言,以上提供的信息当予以严格保密.,2.This contract shall become effective upon and from the date when it is signed and shall remain valid until all outstanding issues including the financial matters between the parties hereto have been resolved.,本合同自签定之日起生效直至双方间所有的遗留问题,包括财务问题,处理完毕之日止.,3.This Contract is entered into on the day ,month, year, as stated in the first page of this Contract in Chinese and English. Both Chinese and English shall have equal effect. Each Party keeps one copy of the text.,本合同在首页标明的日期生效.本合同用中英文写成,中英文具有同等效力.双方各执一份.,4.“FORCE MAJEURE” shall mean any concurrence beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, preventing or delaying , the performance of this Contract.,“不可抗力”系指任何超出双方合理的控制力所发生的,阻碍或延误本合同履行的事件。,5.For the cover of All Risks the insurance company shall be liable for total or partial loss on land or sea of the insured goods within the period covered by the insurance.,若投保“一切险”,在承保期内发生意外事故,无论发生于海上或陆上,保险公司将赔偿货物的全部损失或部分损失。,6.In the event of force majeure or any other contingencies beyond our control, we shall not be held responsible for the late delivery or non-delivery of the goods.,如果发生不可抗力事件,或我们无法控制的任何其他事故,我方对迟交或不交货概不负责。,7.All disputes arising from the execution of , or in connection with, this contract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation.,凡因执行本合同而发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,均须通过双方友好协商解决。,8.In the event that the shipment should not be made within the time stated in the Contract, the Buyer may make the purchase elsewhere and charge the Seller for any loss incurred, unless the delay in shipment is due to unforeseeable causes beyond ones control, for which the Seller is not responsible.,若装船未能按本合同规定的时间进行时,除非造成装船延期是因无法控制、无法预见和非卖方过错的原因所致,卖方可到他处购买,并要求买方承担由此造成的损失。,9.If both Parties find the execution of this Agreement satisfactory and consider the extension or renewal of this Agreement necessary, either Party shall inform the other Party of the extension or renewal one month prior to the expiration of this Agreement and it will take effect only after the unanimous consent of both Parties through negotiation;otherwise, this Agreement shall automatically be of no effect upon its expiration.,如双方对履行本协议感到满意,并认为有必要延长或续订本协议,任何一方应在本协议到期前一个月通知对方展期。经双方协商一致同意后,展期才能生效,否则本协议在到期后即自动失效。,10.Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our favor, allowing partial shipment and transshipment, available by draft at sight for the full amount of the invoice value to be negotiated in a bank at the port of shipment.,付款是以保兑的、不可撤销的、允许分装和转船、以我公司为受益人的、按发票金额由装运港银行议付的信用证支付。,11.合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。,All the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the provision of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.,本新区内外商投资企业生产的出口产品,除国家另有规定的产品之外,免征关税。 原译Export products manufactured by foreign invested enterprises in the New Area, except those under other existing regulations by the State, shall be exempted from Customs duty.,改译Exports manufactured by foreign-invested enterprise in the New Area are duty-free, unless otherwise regulated by the State.,合营企业工会是职工自愿结合的群众性组织。 原译The trade union in a joint venture is a mass organization formed by the staff and workers.,改译 The trade union in a joint venture is a mass organization formed by the employees.,预售合同签订生效后,房屋的购买人应向上海房地产登记处办理登记手续。 原译The vendee shall, after the contract of forward sale has been concluded and come into effect, effect registration with the Shanghai Real Estate Registration Office.,改译 The vendee shall, after the contract of forward sale has been concluded and come into effect, register with the Shanghai Real Estate Registry.,Thank You,


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