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    新人教版 初一上册单选精编50例,涵盖全部重难点!()1. Do you have classes in the evening?Yes. We have an art class _8:00.A. at     B. on     C. in     D. to()2. Does she _ a computer?A. have     B. has    C. do    D. does()3. _ is your coat?Its on the bed.A. What     B. Where    C. How    D. Who()4. Aunt Li wants _ books.A. read     B. look    C. to read    D. to look()5. My birthday is _ May 2nd.A. in     B. at     C. on     D. of (   ) 6. The music _. I like it very much.A. sound well   B. good    C. are well         D. sounds good (   ) 7. _ does you mother go to work?At 7:00.A. When    B. How    C. What    D. Where(   ) 8. How much _ the black trousers?A. are    B. is    C. do   D. does(   ) 9. I go to _school after_ breakfast.A. the, the   B. the,/    C. /,the    D. /,/(   ) 10. Father often goes shopping_Saturday morning.A. at     B. in     C. on    D. for (   ) 11. Johns parents_to work_7:20_the morning.A. goes, at, in    B. do, in, in    C. go, in, at       D. go, at, in(   ) 12. Do you have  _and _ for lunch?A. chicken, tomatoes     B. chicken, tomatoC. chickens, tomatoes   D. chickens, tomato(   ) 13. This is_ apple and thats _ pear.A. a, an   B. an, a   C. an, an   D. a, a(   ) 14. Its not _baseball. Its _ baseball.A. you, he    B. his, her    C. your, him   D. my, you(   ) 15. _is my bag?Its on the sofa.A. What   B. Where   C. Why   D.How(   ) 16. Whats his telephone number?_234-5678.A. It       B. This is     C. Its          D. Thats(   ) 17. They _like hamburgers.A arent        B. dont      C. doesnt       D. isnt(   ) 18. What do you usually do _Saturday evening.A. on           B. in         C. at           D. of(   ) 19. How old is your brother?He is_.A. four year old              B. four- year -oldC. four years old              D. forty year old(   ) 20. Jim is my first name and King is my last name. My full name(全名) is_.A. Jim        B. King       C. Jim King    D. King Jim(   ) 21. This is _ID card. Its _ID card.A. a, his       B. an, you      C. an, her       D. a, my  (   ) 22. Can I help you?A. Im sorry.                     B. You are welcome.C. Thank you.                    D. Yes, please.(   ) 23. Lets go and_ his new shoes.A. see     B. to see    C. seeing     D. sees(   ) 24. My brother wants _a basketball.A. buy     B. buys     C. to buy       D. buying(   ) 25. Thank you very much._A. Youre welcome.         B. All right.C. Ok.                    D. Thats all right.(    ) 26. I _ know Tom.A. am not     B. dont      C. isnt       D. arent(   ) 27. Can you_ your name?Yes, TOM.A. color      B. meet      C. spell       D. ask  (   ) 28. You_ seven. He _ eleven. I _ eight.A. are, is ,am   B. is, am, are  C. am, is, are   D. are, am, is(   ) 29. This is my book. Where is_?A. him     B. your     C. her      D. yours(   ) 30. How _ you?Fine,thanks.A. is       B. am      C. do        D. are(   ) 31. Are these your brothers?_A. Yes, it isnt.   B. No, they arent.    C. No, it is.     D. Yes, he is.(   ) 32. Is this your schoolbag?_. Its his schoolbag.A. Yes, it is.      B. No, it isnt.        C. No, it is.     D. Yes, it isnt.(    ) 33. Jenny, is that _ pen?Yes, its_ pen.A. your; my      B. your; her          C. my; my      D. his; her(    ) 34. Jack is my mothers brother. He is my _.His daughter Gina is my _.A. uncle; sister    B. father; sister        C. uncle; cousin  D. aunt; cousin(   ) 35. I have _ English book.A. the          B. a               C. an             D. /(   ) 36. Lets _ basketball.A. plays        B. play            C. to play          D. playing(   ) 37. _ you have a baseball bat?Yes, I _.A. Are; am     B. Do; am          C. Do; do          D. Are; do(   ) 38. Can you play_ basketball, Mike?Yes, I can.A. a          B. an               C. /              D. the(   ) 39. I _ a basketball. She _ a soccer ball.A. has; have    B. has; has           C. have; has       D. have; have(   ) 40. He _ sports. He only _ them on TV.A. dont play; watch     B. doesnt play; watch   C. not play; watches     D. doesnt play; watches(   ) 41. They like _ and _.A. tomatoes; salad       B. tomato; salad    C. tomatoes; salads      D. tomato; salads(   ) 42. Does he like apples?_.A. Yes, he does.       B. Yes, he is.        C. No, he isnt.        D. No, he does.(   ) 43. Do you like eggs _ breakfast?A. of             B. at               C. for             D. with(   ) 44. Do you play basketball _?A. good          B. well             C. nice             D. great(   ) 45. _ do you have _ lunch?Chicken and tomatoes.A. What; for      B. What; /           C. Where; for        D. Where; /(   ) 46. How much are these pants?_ 60 yuan,A. Its          B. This is            C. That is            D. They are(   ) 47. This T-shirt is only nine dollars. Ill _ it.A. want        B. take              C. watch             D. find(   ) 48. My mothers birthday is _ June.A. in        B. on         C. at            D. of(   ) 49. I dont like English because its _.A. interesting   B. difficult    C. relaxing      D. fun(   ) 50. We have an English party on October 1st._.A. Thank you.         B. Have a good time!  C. Thats all right.      D. Youre welcome.参考答案:1-5      AABCC6-10    DAADC11-15  AABBB16-20  CBACC21-25  CDACA26-30  BCADD31-35  BBACC36-40  BCCCD41-45  AACBA46-50  DBABB


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