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    Chapter 4,Prefix and Word Power,evoke, convoke, provoke, revoke,这一组词共享词根vok,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为voc,为“声音、呼唤 (voice or to call) ”之意。 evoke v. 唤起, 引起 e-(out) + vok (to call) evocation n. 唤出, 唤起, 招魂 evocative adj. 唤出的, 唤起的 That old film evoked our father generation's memories of the years of the war. convoke v. 召集 con-(together) + vok (to call) convocation n. 集会, 召集 The Prime Minister convoked Parliament to decide a policy.,provoke v. 激怒, 挑拨, 煽动, 惹起 pro-(forward) + vok (to call) provocation n. 激怒, 刺激, 挑衅 provocative adj. 煽动的;挑衅的 He claimed that it was her rudeness that provoked him to strike her. revoke v. 撤回, 废除 revocation n. 撤回 irrevocable adj. 不能取消的 Her license was revoked.,由词根voc及其变体构成的词汇还有: voice n. vocal adj. advocate v. & n. ad -(to) + voc (to call) + -ate (person) vocation n. voc (to call) + -ation (the state or result) vocational adj. vocabulary n. voc (word) + abul (able) + -ary (thing)= whole body of words vowel n. *,compel, impel, dispel, repel, expel, propel,这一组词共享词根pel,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为puls,为“驱使 、推动(to drive, to push)”之意。 compel v. 强迫, 迫使 com-(emphatic) + pel (to drive, push) compulsion n强迫,强制 compulsory adj.强迫的,义务的,必需做的 My conscience compels me to tell the truth. impel v. 推进, 激励, 驱使 im-(on) + pel (to drive or push) impulsion n. 驱使;冲动 impulsive adj. 有推动力的; 冲动的 He said he had been impelled to crime by poverty.,dispel v. 驱散, 驱逐, 使消散 dis-(away) + pel (to drive or push) The sun soon dispelled the thick fog over the field. repel v. 击退, 抵制, 使厌恶 re-(back) + pel (to drive) repulsion n.推斥, 排斥 repulsive adj. 推斥的, 排斥的 Electric charges of the same sign repel one another. expel v. 驱逐, 开除, 排出 ex-(out) + pel (to drive) expulsion n. 逐出, 开除 expulsive adj. 逐出的, 开除的 After his expulsion from the cabinet the minister became the subject of a smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike take pleasure in hitting a man when he's down.,propel v. 推进, 驱使 pro-(forward) + pel (to drive) propulsion n. 推进, 推进力 propulsive adj. 推进的, 有推进力的 This aircraft works by jet propulsion,由词根pel及其变体构成的词汇还有: pulse n. impulse n. impulsive adj. Apollo push appeal polish Polite pushup *,precede, recede, retrocede, intercede, accede, concede,这一组词共享词根ced,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为cess,并有变体ceed,为“走动 (to go)”之意。 precede v. 领先于, 先于 pre-(before) + ced (to go) precession n. 先行 He preceded his speech with welcome to the guests. recede v. 后退 re-(back) + ced (to go) recession n. 撤回, 退回, 衰退 As the tide receded we were able to look for shells. If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. retrocede v. 回去,后退 retro-(backward) + ced (to go) retrocession n. 退却 Under the violent attack, the enemy retroceded to the forest.,intercede v. 调解,求情 inter-(between) + ced (to go) intercession n. 代为求情, 代祷, 调解 The lawyer interceded with the governor for a condemned man. accede v. 同意, 加入 ac-(toward) + ced (to go) accession n. 就职, 就任 On his accession to the throne, he inherited vast estate. concede v. 勉强, 承认, 退让 con-(thoroughly) + ced (to go) concession n. 让步 You must concede that I have tried my best. Employers made concessions to the workers in negotiations.,由词根ced构成的词汇还有: proceed v. process n. procedure n. pro- (forward) + ced (to go) + -ure (manner)幻灯片 13 succeed v. suc- (sub: from under) + ceed (to go) success n. succession n. successor n. successive adj. access n. ac- (ad: to) + cess (to go) exceed v. excess n. excessive adj. * announce,Aance-, ante- ancestor n. antecede v. antenna n. Bfore- foreground n. foresee v. foretell v. forecast n. &v.,Cpre- preface n. precaution n. preliminary adj. 。 Dpro- progress n. progressive adj. project n. prosper v. prosperous adj. 繁荣的 Eex- ex-president n.幻灯片 12,supersede, succeed, proceed, exceed, accede, antecede, cede, concede, intercede, precede, recede, secede,announce, denounce, enounce, pronounce, renounce,这一组词共享词根nounc,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为nunc,为“呼喊( to tell or speak)”之意。 announce v. 宣布, 通告 an- (toward) + nounc (to call) announcement n. 宣告, 发表 The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain. denounce v. 公开指责, 公然抨击 de- (down) + nounc (to call) denunciation n. 谴责, 告发 The minister's action was denounced in the newspaper. enounce v. 宣言, 声明, 说出 e-(out) + nounc (to call) enunciation n. 宣言, 声明 He enounced his revolutionary faith, his hatred of capitalism.,pronounce v. 发音, 宣告, 断言 pro-(forward) + nounc (to call) pronunciation n. 发音 The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation. renounce v. 放弃 re-(back) + nounc (to call) 幻灯片 17 renunciation n. 放弃, 弃权, 脱离关系 He renounced his claim to the property. * declaim,Apost- postpone v. posthumous adj. Bre- retreat v. & n. reflect v. resist v. revolt v.&n. retaliate v. retaliation n. Cretro- retrospect v.&n. 幻灯片 16,declaim, exclaim, proclaim, acclaim, disclaim, reclaim,这一组词共享词根 claim,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为clam,为“呼喊 (to call out or shout)”之意。 declaim v. 慷慨陈词, 高声朗读,猛烈抨击,演讲 de-(completely) + claim (to shout) declamation n. 雄辨 The mayor delivered a long declamation on the National Day. exclaim v. 呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 ex-(out) + claim (to shout) exclamation (n. 惊呼, 感叹) The children exclaimed with excitement. proclaim v. 宣布, 声明 pro-(forward) + claim (to shout) proclamation n. 宣布 The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.,acclaim v. & n. 喝彩, 欢呼 ac-(toward) + claim (to shout) acclamation n. 喝彩, 欢呼 He was acclaimed as the winner. disclaim v. 放弃, 弃权, 否认 dis-(away) + claim (to shout) disclamation n. 放弃 The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident. reclaim v. 要求归还, 回收, 开垦 re-(back) + claim (to shout) reclamation n. 开垦, 改造, 回收 You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.,由词根claim构成的词汇还有: clamour n.&v. 喧闹,叫嚷,大声要求 clam (to shout) + our (the state) clamorous adj.大喊大叫的 Owen paused, and immediately there arose a great clamour from the listeners. *,confuse, diffuse, effuse, profuse, suffuse, infuse,这一组词共享词根fus,为“熔化,浇注(to melt or pour)”之意,fund 和found 为此词根的变体。 confuse v. 使混乱,混淆 con-(together) + fus (to melt) confusion n. 混乱,混淆 They asked me so many questions that I got confused. diffuse v. 散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散 dif-(away) + fus (to melt) diffusion n.扩散, 传播, 漫射 A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy. effuse v. 涌出, 流出, 泻出,倾吐,抒发 ef-(out )+ fus (to melt) effusion n. 流出物, 泻出 The critics objected to his literary effusion because it was too flowery.,profuse adj. 极其丰富的 pro-(forward) + fus (to pour) profusion n. 丰富 There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer. suffuse v. 弥漫于, 充满或扩散 suf-(down) + fus (to pour) suffusion n. Her eyes were suffused with warm, excited tears. infuse v. 灌输, 注入幻灯片 24 infusion n.灌输 The leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group.,由词根fus构成的词汇还有: refund v. fuse v. refuse v. found v. founder n. foundry n. funnel n. refute v. *aggress,Aim-, in-, il-, ir- imprison v. impulse n.&v. inflate v. inflation n. illustrate v. illustration n. irrigate v. irrigation n. Bem-, en- embrace n. & v. enroll v.& n.,Aex- 前缀ex-有多个变体,如:e-,ec-和ef-,表示三种含义:1)out, out of (出来), 2) former(前任), 3) thoroughly and completely(完全),此前缀的构词能力很强,主要构成以下词汇: emerge v. exclude v. B. exo- exotic adj. C. extra- extracurricular adj.幻灯片 22,aggress, digress, egress, regress, transgress, progress, retrogress,这一组词共享词根gress,为“行走(to step)”之意,来自于拉丁语gradus,因而有变体grad和gred。 aggress v. 攻击, 侵犯 ag (toward)- + gress (to step) aggression n. 进攻, 侵略 aggressive adj. 侵略的; 攻击的; 挑衅的 The warring nations accused of each other of aggression. digress v. 离题 di-(aside) + gress (to step) digression n. 离题 digressive adj. 离题的, 枝节的 The old professor used to digress from his subject for a moment to tell his students a funny story. egress n. & v. 出口, 外出 e- (out) + gress (to step) egression n. 外出 The enemy blocked the narrow pass so that no egress was possible for our soldiers. regress v. 退回, 回归 re- + gress regression n. 衰退, 倒退 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.,transgress v. 越界, 违法 trans-(across) + gress (to step) transgression n. 违反, 犯罪 His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct. progress v. & n. 前进, 进步 progression n. 前进 progressive adj. 前进的 The ship made slow progress through the rough sea. retrogress v. 倒退, 退步, 衰退 retrogression n. 后退, 衰退, 退化 Exposed to the immoral environment, these young men were degenerated, and degeneration signifies moral retrogression.,由词根gress构成的词汇还有: grade n. gradual adj. graduate v. & n. congress n. degrade v. degree n. ingredient n. centigrade n. & adj. *,detain, pertain, retain, attain, abstain, contain, maintain, sustain,这一组词共享词根tain,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为ten, tent, tin,为“握,持(to hold),伸,拉”之意。 detain v. 拘留, 留住, 阻止 de-(away) + tain (to hold) detention n. 拘留, 留住 I was detained by an unexpected visitor that morning. pertain v. 有关联, 适合, 属于 per-(through) + tain (to hold) pertinent adj. 有关的, 相干的, 中肯的 His remark did not pertain to the question. retain v. 保持, 保留 re-(back) + tain (to hold) retention n保持, 保留 We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room. attain v. 达到, 获得 at-(toward) + tain (to hold) attainable adj. 可到达的, 可得到的 Lee attained the position of President of the Ford Motors.,abstain v. 禁绝, 放弃 abs-(away) + tain (to hold) abstention n.节制 abstinence n.节制, 节欲, 戒酒 abstinent adj. 饮食有度的, 有节制的, 禁欲的 Five members voted for the proposal, eight voted against, and two abstained. contain v. 包含, 容纳 con-(together) + tain (to hold) This book contains all the information you need. maintain v. 维持, 维修, 继续 main-(hand) + tain (to hold) maintenance n. 维护, 保持 In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. sustain v. 支撑, 撑住, 维持, 持续 sus- (under) + tain (to hold)幻灯片 31 sustenance n.食物, 生计 The sea wall sustains the shock of the waves.幻灯片 33,Aover- overcast adj. v. &n. Bsuper- superstructure n. superficial adj. superstition n. Csur- surpass v.,Asub- 源于拉丁语的英语前缀sub-具有以下含义:1)under; beneath(在之下), 2) secondary; subordinate(低于,次于), 3) less than(不如),它根据后接词干的首字母的不同而改变形状,因而有多种变体:suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-,主要构成以下词汇: submerge v. submarine n. subordinate adj. n. Bde-. devalue v. depress v. Cunder- undermine v. Dhypo- hypothesis n. 幻灯片 30,由词根tain构成的词汇还有: tenant n. ten (to hold) + -ant (person) continent n. con (together) + tin (to hold) + -ent (thing) continental adj. continue v. con (together) + tinu (to hold) + e lieutenant n. lieu (a place) + ten (to hold) + -ant (person) content n. & a. entertain v. tennis n.,tend v. tender adj. tense adj. tension n. tent n. attend v. contend v. extend v. intend v. intense adj. pretend v. obtain v. thin adj. *,attract, contract, detract, distract, extract, subtract, protract,这一组词共享词根tract,为“拉,抽(to draw)”之意。 attract v. 吸引 at-(toward) + tract (to draw) attraction n. 吸引 attractive adj. 吸引人的, 有魅力的 She was attracted by the novel advertisement. contract n. 使分心 dis-(apart) + tract (to draw) distraction n. 娱乐, 分心 distractive adj. 分散注意力的, 扰乱的 My attentions are distracted from my study.,extract v. 拔出, 榨取 ex-(out)+ tract (to draw) extraction n. 榨取,提取 We can extract oil from olive. subtract v. 减去, 扣除 sub-+tract subtraction n. 减少 That subtracts nothing from his merit. protract v. 延长,拖延 pro-(forward) + tract (to draw) protraction n.延长,伸长,由词根tract构成的词汇还有: abstract n. adj. & v. trace n. trait n. tractor n. track n. trail n. train n. retreat v. & n. *,reduce, deduce, educe, induce, seduce, produce,这一组词共享词根duc,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为duct,为“引导(to lead)”之意。 reduce v. 减少, 缩小, 简化, 还原,降级 re-(back )+ duc (to lead) reduction n. 减少, 缩小 reductive adj. 减少的, 还原的 They've reduced the prices in the shop, so it's a good time to buy. deduce v. 演绎推理 de-(down from) + duc (to lead) deduction n. 减除, 推论, 演绎 deductive adj. 推论的, 演绎的 If you see a doctor leaving a house, you may deduce that someone in the house is ill. educe v. 得出, 导出, 引出 e-(out) + duc (to lead) eduction n. 导出, 引出 The teachers questions educed many facts about home gardens.,induce v. 劝诱, 促使, 导致, 引起, 感应,归纳 in-(into) + duc (to lead) induction n. 感应, 感应现象, 归纳 inductive adj. 诱导的, 归纳的 What induced you to do such a foolish thing? seduce v.诱惑, 引诱, 使着迷 se-(away) + duc (to lead) seduction n. 诱惑 seductive adj. 诱人的 She was seduced by a man who never kept his promise to marry her. produce v. 生产, 制造, 引起, 招致 pro-(forward) + duc (to lead) product n. 产品 production n. 生产 productive adj. 生产的, 能产的, 多产的 His announcement produced gasps of amazement.,由词根duc构成的词汇还有: conduct v. & n. conductor n. misconduct v. educate v. e- (ex-) (out of) + duc (to lead) + -ate coeducational adj. introduce v. intro- (into) + duc (to lead) + -e abduct v. ab (away from) + duct( to lead) duke n. duchess n. dock n. tuck v. tug v. *,ascribe, describe, inscribe, prescribe, proscribe, subscribe, transcribe,这一组词共享词根scrib,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为script,为“书写 (to write)”之意。 ascribe v. 归因于 a-(toward) + scrib (to write) She ascribed difficulties to overspending. describe v. 描写, 记述 de-(down) + scrib (to write) description n. 描写 descriptive adj. 描述的, 叙述的 The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description. inscribe v. 记下,题写 in-(into) + scrib (to write) inscription n.题字,碑铭 The monument was inscribed with names of the war dead.,prescribe v. 指示,规定,开处方 pre-(before) + scrib(to write) prescription n. 指示,规定,处方 prescriptive adj.说明性的 The doctor prescribed aspirin for my headache. proscribe v.禁止 pro-(before) + scrib(to write) proscription n. 放逐, 禁止 subscribe v. 签署,订阅,捐款 sub-(underneath) + scrib (to write) subscription n.捐献,定金,签署,订阅 subscriber n.订户,签署者,捐献者 transcribe v.转录 trans-(from to ) + scrib (to write) transcript n.抄本 transcription n.抄,转录 That, he reflected, might almost have been a transcription from a textbook.,由词根scrib构成的词汇还有: conscript v.&n. 征兵,应征士兵 con-(together) +script (to write) conscription n. 征兵 He escaped conscription because he was too fat. scribe n. 抄写者 script n.手迹,笔迹 scribble v. 潦草得涂,潦草得画 postscript n. 附言 manuscript n. circumscribe v. *,concur, incur, occur, recur,这一组词共享词根cur,该词根还有变体cur, cour,cor, car, char源于拉丁语currere,为“跑 (to run)”之意。 concur v. 同时发生,同意 con-(together ) + cur (to go, run) concurrent adj.并发的,协作的,一致的 concurrence n.同时发生 concourse n.集合,合流,群众 Everything concurred to produce a successful result. incur v. 招致 in-(into) + cur (to go, run) incursion n.袭击,入侵 I resent these incursions into my leisure time. occur v. 发生,出现 oc-(toward) + cur (to go, run) occurrence n.发生,出现,事件 That plane crash occurred only minutes after take-off. 。 recur v. 复发,重现,再来 re-(back, again) + cur (to run, go) recurrence n.复发,循环 recurrent adj.周期性发生的,循环的 The thought of a trip around the world has often recurred to my mind.,由词根cur构成的词汇还有: current n. & adj. currency n. excursion n. course n. discourse n. intercourse n. excursion n. cursor n. corridor n. curriculum n. car n. career n. carry v. carrier n.,cargo n. charge n. & v. discharge n. & v. carpenter n. *,eminent, imminent, preeminent, prominent,这一组词共享词根min,源于拉丁语minari,为“突出,伸出(to project)”之意。 eminent adj. 杰出的,突出的,著名的 e-(out) + min (to stick out)+-ent eminence n.杰出,卓越,著名 The man who achieved this influence was an unlikely candidate for such eminence. imminent adj. 急迫的,危急的;迫近的 im-(into) + m


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