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    book5 unit4词汇.ppt

    1It is a pity that .“遗憾的是” It is a pity that many people don't realize the importance of environmental protection. 遗憾的是,很多人意识不到环境保护的重要性。 2There is a possibility that .“有可能” There is a possibility that the girl is going to study abroad next year. 这位女孩有可能明年到国外求学。 3I feel it a great pleasure to do .“我感到非 常高兴。” I feel it a great pleasure to work with so many volunteers from Beijing. 和这么多来自北京的志愿者们一起工作,我感到非常 高兴。 1 adj. 快乐乐的;欣喜的 2 vt. 加工;处处理 n. 过过程;程序;步骤骤 3 adj. 渴望的;热热切的 4 vt. 获获得;取得;学到 5 vt. 评评估;评评定 6 n. 同事 7 vt. 更新;使现现代化 delighted process eager acquir e assesscolleag ue update 8 vt. 告知;通知 9 n. 情况;病例;案例 10 adv. 故意地 11 adv. 其间间;同时时 12 n. 需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求 13 adj. 彻彻底的;详详尽的 14 adj. 精确的;正确的 15 vt. 赞赞成;认认可;批准 infor m case delib erate ly meanwhiledemandthoroughaccurateapprove 16 adj.值值得赞扬赞扬 的;令人钦钦佩的 _ v钦钦佩;羡慕 17 vt.帮助;协协助;援助 n助手; 助理;售货员货员 18 n职业职业 ;专业专业 adj.专专 业业的;职业职业 的n.专业专业 人员员 19 adj. 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的 n内疚 ;羞愧;罪;罪行 20 vt.集中;聚焦 n专专心 ;集中 21 n约约会;任命 vt. 约约定;任 命 admir able admire assis t assistantprofessionprofessionalguiltyconcentrati on guiltconcentrateappointmen t appoint May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters? Sorry, but all of them are out to the main events of the day. A. get B. find C. cover D. search assist assist (sb.) with/in sth._ assist (sb.) in doing sth. assist sb. to do sth._ assistance _ assistant _ assist vt. 帮助,协助,援助 帮助某人某事 assist (sb.) with/in sth. assist (sb.) in doing sth. assist sb. to do sth. assistance n.帮助,援助,帮忙 assistant n.助手,助理 她帮助妹妹做功课。 一本好的字典能帮助你理解英语。 A good dictionary will assist you in understanding English. 单项选择: We are looking for people who will be willing to _ in the group s work. A. assist B. aid C. help D. rescue concentrate vt./ vi. 集中,聚集 Some of them may want to concentrate on even more specific sport activities like ball games, gymnasium, swimming, ect. 他们们当中有些人可能愿意专专注于更具体的体育活动动,例如球类类 活动动、体操和游泳等。 I cannot concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on. We must concentrate our minds on improving education. 专心(做)某事 concentrate one's mind/attention/energy on (2)fix/focus one's mind/attention on . 集中注意力于 n. 集中;专心 (1)concentrate on (doing) sth.专心(做)某事 concentrate ones mind/attention/energy/efforts on 集中注意力;致力于;专心于 (2)fix/focus one's mind/attention on . 集中注意力于 absorb oneself in, be absorbed / lost /buried in, devote oneself to, be devoted to (3)concentration n. 集中;专心 We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 我们们必须须致力于改进进教育工作。 We must urgent problems. 我们们必须须把注意力集中在紧紧急的问题问题 上。 Speaking on the phone requires concentration and takes a driver's attention from the road. 打电话电话 需要集中注意力,这样这样 就分散了司机对对路面的注意力 。 focus our attention on acquire vt. 获得,取得,学到 Although having acquired some general achievements, the professor was still dissatisfied in his research. 虽然已经逐渐取得了一些成就,教授仍然对自己的研究不很满意。 As far as I know, she has acquired a good knowledge of English. 据我所知,她英语已经学的很好。 acquire a knowledge of 获得知识 acquire a habit of 养成的习惯 他在十六岁时养成了抽烟的坏习惯。 He acquired a bad habit of smoking at the age of 16. The ability to use a language can be _ by the act of using the language. A. acquired B. required C. inquired D. controlled assess vt. 评估,评定,估价,估计 It is difficult to assess the effects of these changes. He can quickly assess a person s character. Damages were assessed at RMB 1,000. The group leader is assessing the work done today. 你如何评估你的学生们? How do you assess your students? 他们给她的房子估价为150,000元。 They assessed her house at 150,000 yuan. assessment n 评定、评价 make an assessment of 评价/评估 She looked at the house and made an assessment of its market value. inform vt.通知;告诉 她告诉我她安全到达了。 She informed me of her safe arrival. 他告知我他身体不是很好. He informed me that he was unwell 他通知我要去的地方。 He informed me where to go. 他让自己随时了解到公司里所发生的事情。 He kept himself informed of what happened in his company. People all over the world are kept _ of what is happening immediately by means of the Internet. A.reminded B. convinced B.C. approved D. informed inform vt.通知;告诉诉 (1)inform sb.of sth. 告诉某人某事;通知某人某事 inform sb.that/when/how . 通知某人 keep sb.informed (of) 使某人随时了解()最新情况 (2)information nU 通知;消息;情报;信息 Had I informed him of the exact time for the meeting earlier, he wouldn't have been late yesterday. 要是我早一点通知他开会的准确时间时间 ,昨天他就不会迟迟到 。 You should whenever you are in trouble. 一有麻烦烦你就应该应该 告知我们们。 keep us informed 你应该向警察报告这起事故。 You should inform the police of the accident. 请随时让我知道任何变化。 Do keep me informed of any changes. 我已被告知这对夫妇下周结婚。 I have been informed that the couple will marry next year. case情况;病例;案例 He took the case to court. It is difficult to know what to do in this case. In case of rain they cant go. Take a hat with you in case(that) the sun is very hot. In no case shall I give in to difficulties. in this/that case _ in most cases _ in any case _ in case of _ in case+(that)clause _ in no case _ as is often the case (with)_ 假使;以防万一 假如发生;万一发生 决不(放在句首时,用部分倒装) 假使这样/那样的话 这是常有的事 in case (that) 假使;以防万一 in case of 假如发生;万一发生 in no case 决不(放在句首时,用部分倒装) in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话 as is often the case 这是常有的事 case n情况;病例;案例 Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你有没有遇到过这过这 种情况:别别人控告你的 记记者,说说他的报报道失实实呢? 另:case,position, situation, stage, point, scene , degree 在定语从句中作先行词,常 用where引导定语从句。 Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow _ . 请请明天再提醒我关于会议议的事,以免我忘了。 In no case will I turn against my motherland. 我决不会背叛我的祖国。 As is often the case, solving one problem can cause or uncover another. 事实实往往是这样这样 ,解决一个问题问题 可能会导导致或暴露另一个问题问题 。 in case I forget demand n.需求;要求 vt.(强烈)要求 She demanded an explanation from me. She demanded to see the manager. The boss demanded that we (should) stop working at once. = The boss demanded of us to stop working at once. Our software is in great demand all over the world. demand sth. (of/from sb. ) (向某人)要求某物 demand (of sb.) to do sth. 要求(某人)做 demand that 从句用(should) do 要求 (be) in demand 广受欢迎 meet / satisfy one s demands _ demanding _ demand n.需求;要求 vt.(强烈)要求 She demanded an explanation from me. She demanded to see the manager. The boss demanded that we (should) stop working at once. = The boss demanded of us to stop working at once. Our software is in great demand all over the world. demand sth. (of/from sb. ) (向某人)要求某物 demand (of sb.) to do sth. 要求(某人)做 demand that 从句用(should) do 要求 (be) in demand 广受欢迎 meet / satisfy one s demands 满足某人的需求 demanding adj.要求很高的 Climbing is physically demanding. 1This/It is the first time that .“这是第一次” This is the first time that I have felt so worried about my study. 这是我第一次对我的学习感到如此担忧。 2be doing . when . “正在做某事这时” We were enjoying the wonderful sight when a loud noise caught our attention. 我们正在欣赏美景,这时一声巨响吸引了我们的注意力 。 3without which .“没有”,引导定语从句 I'd like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for your generous help, without which I wouldn't make such rapid progress. 我想借此机会表达你对我慷慨帮助的感激之情,没有你 的帮助,我不会取得如此快的进步。 demand n要求;需要vt.强烈要求 It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. 这这是一个两难问题难问题 ,因为为如果我们错们错 了,足球队员队员 就 可以要求补偿损补偿损 失。 (1)be in (great) demand 满足某人的需求 要求做某事 demand that . should do . 要求(从句用 虚拟语气, should可省略) (1)be in (great) demand (迫切)需求 meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求 (2)demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand that . should do . 要求(从句用 虚拟语气, should可省 略) Since the earliest civilizations, people have controlled rivers to meet society's demands. 从最早的文明以来,人们们就已经经控制河流来满满足社会的需求。 Medical workers are in great demand in that area. 那个地方非常需要医疗疗工作者。 The manager demanded that the workers _ extra hours to complete the task ahead of time. 经经理要求工人加班,提前完成任务务。 The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers' demands. 经经理许诺许诺 他们们会尽力满满足顾顾客的需求。 (should) work 他从不向他的父母要东西。 He demands nothing from/of his parents. 满足你所有的要求是不可能的。 It is impossible to satisfy all your demands. 医生要求马上给这个病人做手术。 他要求告诉他一切。 联联想归纳归纳 请请写出除demand之外后接宾语宾语 从句中用虚拟语拟语 气的其他动词动词 。 _ 链链接高考 (2012·全国卷)The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great in this city. Aquantity Bprogress Cproduction Ddemand 解析:考查查名词词辨析。句意:哈利·波特系列图书图书 很受欢欢迎, 在这这座城市的需求量很大。be in demand“广受欢欢迎,需求大”, 符合句意。 答案:D advise, suggest, desire, command, urge, order, require, prefer等。 depend on依靠;依赖赖 All living things depend on the sun for their growth. She is not a woman who can be depended on. ­­­­How often do you eat out? ­­­­It depends, but usually once a week. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. 同时时,你还还要根据被采访访人所说说的话话准备备提出下一 个问题问题 。 (1)depend on sb.to do sth. depend on sb.for sth. depend on/upon it that . (2)That depends./It all depends. (3)rely on/count on (1)depend on sb.to do sth. 依靠某人做 某事 depend on/upon it that . 指望;对深信 不疑 depend on sb.for sth. 依靠某人供给某物 (2)That depends./It all depends. 视情况而定 。 (3)rely on/count on 依靠 The whole construction of our society depends on mutual ( 相互) trust, not distrust. 我们们的整个社会建设设需要相互间间的信任,而不是不信任。 You may she will help you. 你可以相信她会帮助你的。 Can you finish the work before Sunday? 你可以在星期天之前完成这项这项 工作吗吗? That depends./It all depends. 这这要看情况而定。 depend on it that (1)孩子的衣食都得靠父母。 Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. (2)你可以相信所有的货物都会及时用船运到国外去。 You may depend on it that all the goods will be shipped abroad in time dependent _ dependence_ dependent adj. 依赖的 dependence n. 依赖,依靠 accuse .of因指责责或控告 她指责他偷了她的表。 She accused him of stealing her watch. 他因食言而被大家指责 He was accused of breaking his word. accuse: 常与of连用。 charge: “常与with连用。若与for连用,表示“要价”。 选词填空(accuse, charge): (1) He was _with murder. (2) They _me $1 for a cup of coffee. (3) They _ the man of lying. 单项填空 The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _him of speeding. A. warn B. accused C. charged D. deprived charged charged accused I don't think anyone can accuse me of not being frank. He was charged with cheating in the examination. He in the examination. 他被指控考试试作弊。 was accused of cheating so as to (do sth.)为了(做) She got up early so as to/ in order to catch the early bus. =In order to catch the early bus, she got up early. =she got up early so/ in order that she could catch the early bus. = In order that she could catch the early bus she got up early. ahead of 在 . 前面,比早,超过,领先 He is far ahead of others in English. Michael keeps a horse that can soon get ahead of most other horses. We are confident that we can reach that goal ahead of schedule/time. ahead of time / schedule =_ go ahead _ ahead of time / schedule 提前 go ahead 继续向前,说吧,干吧,请吧 approve (反义词disapprove) vt. 批准,认可; vi . 赞成;同意(+of) The bill has been approved by Parliament. The professor does not approve the governments foreign policy. His parents didnt approve of his marriage. Whatever he said, his parents didnt approve of his joining the club. approval n. _ approved adj._ approving adj. _ approval n. 赞成,批准,认可 approved adj. 被认可的,已核准的,公认的 approving adj. 赞成的,满意的 (1)approve sth. 批准;通过 approve of (sb./ sb.'s) doing sth. 赞同/同意(某人)做某事 (2)approval n. 赞成;同意;批准;通 过 give one's approval to 同意;批准 I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣挣一些钱钱,可是不要误误了功课课。 I can't such an arrangement. 我不赞赞成这样这样 的安排。 give my approval to process vt.加工,处理 n.过程,程序,步骤 We are still in the process of moving house. The workers are processing leather to make it softer. in the process _ in the process of_ processed _ in the process 在进行中 in the process of在的过程中 processed adj.处理/加工过的 involve vt 牵涉,涉及;使参与,使卷入; 包含,包括; 需要 There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. Any investment involves an element of risk. 任何投资都有一定的冒险成分。 His work involes a lot of travelling. be involved in 陷入,卷入;专心于,专注于 He was involed in trouble. I was involved in working out a plan. submit vt.提出,提交 vt.vi 服从,屈服 He submitted the report on the matter to the committee. I was unwilling to submit (myself) to his orders. 他向委员会提交了关于那个案件的报告。 我不愿意服从于他的命令 have a (good)nose for sth 常用于口语表达中,表示探查或发现某事物的能力。 She has an ear for music. He has an eye for fashion. 对.有鉴赏力 George turned his nose up at classical music. He turned a deaf ear to what I said. 对.听不进去 Tell us what happened, we are all ears. 洗耳恭听 Hes only ever had eyes for his wife. 只爱某人 Don't tell him anything.He has a big mouth. 嘴不严 对.不屑一顾 meanwhile (1)adv. 在此期间,与此同时 (2)n.只用在 in the meanwhile 结构中(=in the meantime)在此期间 He will come in half an hour. Meanwhile we will have tea. I was studying in the library; in the meanwhile it began to rain. deny vt否认;拒绝,拒绝给予 deny sb sth=deny sth to sb 拒绝给予某人某物 deny doing sth否认做过某事 deny that否认 deny sb/sth to be否认某人/某物 He denied me any help while I was doing 、 the work. He denies attempting to murder his wife. She denied (that) there had been any cover­up.(掩饰,隐瞒) He denied the statement to be true. 12.be guilty for/about对感到内疚/惭愧 be guilty of犯了罪,有罪 I felt guilty for leaving without saying goodbye. He was guilty of murder. be guilty for/about对感到内疚/惭愧 be guilty of犯了罪,有罪 I felt guilty for leaving without saying goodbye. He was guilty of murder. 1It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.“做是值得的” In my opinion/Personally/As far as I am concerned, it is worthwhile to provide/providing children with a chance to get educated. 依我看来,为孩子们提供好的受教育的机会是值得的。 2A is to B what C is to D. What A is to B is what C is to D. “A之于B如同C之于D。” Engines are to machines what hearts are to animals. 发动机之于机器如同心脏之于动物。 3No matter疑问词/疑问词­ever 引导的让步状语从句 “无论” No matter what/Whatever the boy wants, his father will do whatever he can to satisfy him. 无论男孩想要什么,他爸爸都会想方设法来满足他。


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