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    1,Methods of Word-formation Besides the loan of foreign words, the main method of enriching modern English vocabulary is to form new words by using existing words. The main methods of word-formation are: affixation词缀法、 compounding复合法、 conversion转换法 blending 拼缀法、 shortening 缩略法 back-formation逆生法 3.1. Affixation Affixation is also called derivation派生法,which forms new words by adding affixations to roots; The newly-formed word is called derivative. Affixation has 2 branches: prefixation and suffixation.,2,3.1. Affixation(词缀法) 3.1.1 Prefixation Prefixation changes word meaning, but does not change functions and features词性 of a word. a. prefixes of negation, reversion逆动 and lack un- non- in-(il-, ir-,im-) dis- a- unfair untie 解开 non-smoker, illegible 难以辨认的 disloyal disconect ,断开 amora 不道德的,3,b. prefixes of pejoration贬义 mis-, mal-, pseudo- misinform 告诉错误的消息 maltreatment虐待 malfunction失灵 pseudoscience伪科学,4,c. prefixes of degree and size arch-, supper-, out-, sur-, sub-, over-, under-, hyper-, ultra-, mini-, minicab, arch-bishop大主教, suppermarket, outwit智胜, surcharge超载, substandard次标准的, oversimplify过于简化, underprivileged贫困的, hypersensitive过敏的, ultraconservative极保守的,5,3.1.1 Prefixation d. prefixes of attitude co-education男女同校教育 counter-espionage反间谍, anti-missile, pro-communist支持共产主义的 e. prefixes of location superstructure上层建筑 subconscious下意识的 intermarry不同种族间的通婚 transatlantic大洋彼岸的 f. prefixes of time and order foretell, pre-school, post-election, rebuild, ex-serviceman退役军人,6,g. prefixes of amount and number unicycle独轮车 monorail单轨 bilingual dimeter二音步 tricycle multi-national, polysyllabic多音节的 h. other prefixes autobiography, neo-classicism新古典主义 pan-American泛美的 vice-chairman proto-Germanic原日耳曼的 semihumorous,7,In modern English, the most active prefixes are: de-, mini-, non-, anti-, un-, dis-, re-, de- : 否定、反、离开、除去、减少等 debureaucratize使非官僚化, depenalize取消对某人的处罚, deculturalization反传统文化, deblure使变清晰, debug拆除窃听器, devalue贬值 un-: 构成动词,逆动、使丧失、解开、由取出 unbalance unbelt unbosom 吐露; 构成形容词 undecided uncommercial unclassified,8,non-: 加在名词、形容词、副词前,“非、无、无价值的,反传统特征的”; nonastronaut nonfriend nonbook 无真实价值的书 nonaddict未上瘾的吸毒者 nonhero不按传统性主角品格塑造的主角 anti-: “反、抗”; anti-colonial, antibacterial, antiart, antinucleus, anti-entertainment,9,mini-: minicar, minicinema, minimovie, minicrisis短暂危机 minibikinibI5ki:nI超短两截式女游泳衣 miniboom 5minibu:m 短暂繁荣 minicalculatormInI9kAlkjJleItE 袖珍电子计算器 minibudgetmInI9bQdVIt (指出现财政紧张时调整一国经济的) 小预算,10,3.1.2 Suffixation It changes both meaning and functions and features of a word and is divided as the following: 1) Noun Suffixation a. adding after a noun (1) 做某事的人:-ster(-eer) er, trickster骗子 profiteer投机商 teenager (2) 表示小、亲昵或女性: booklet, kitchenette, authoress, daddy, auntie (3) 状况、范围、领域等 brotherhood, membership会员资格 officialdom官僚作风, drudgery 苦工,11,b. adding after a noun or an adjective: socialite社会名流 Egyptian journalese新闻体 stylist文体家 impressionism c. adding after a verb: -er(or) receiver听筒, inhabitant, appointee, victimization受害 embodiment体现, dismissal wastage浪费 d. adding after an adjective: up-to-dateness respectability,12,2) Verb Suffixation diversify使多样化, modernize, quicken 3) Adjective Suffixation successful, harmless, cowardly, statemanlike, sandy, selfish, picturesque; -al(-ial, -ical), -ic, -ive(-ative, -itive), -ous(-eous, -ious) cultural, editorial, heroic, explossive, sensitive, ambitious, virtuous有道德的, commendable (-able/-ible), poorish, touching,13,4) Adverb Suffixation -ly, -ward, -wise, clockwise, earthward The most active suffixes are ee, -ese, -wise, -ish: kissee亲吻者, laughee, computerese电脑术语, clock/lenthh/cross/budgetwise在预算方面, otherwise, weather/health/time/securitywise 就安全问题来说; -nik“参加的人,以为特征的人”。 Beatnik “垮掉了的一代”的成员 filmnik影迷 jazznik, Vietnik反越战分子 goodwillnik 捧场的人 protestnik,14,3.2. Compounding/ Composition (复合法) Compounding is a process of word-formation by which 2 independent words are put together to make one word. Words formed by compounding are called compounds. A compound has 3 writing forms: heartbreak, tax-free, air line(固体、连体、分离体), 2 stresses, usually on the first syllable. Some compounds meanings have something to do with their member words, eg. darkroom; Some not, eg. hot dog. Some words have 3 writing forms: callgirl, call-girl call girl. Besides compound nouns, adjectives and verbs, there are compound prepositions, eg. throughout, compound connections, eg. however; compound pronouns, eg. nobody,15,3.2.1 Compound Noun 1) noun + verb: night-fall, frost-bite 2) noun + noun: safety-belt, television screen银屏, identity crisis个性危机 3) noun + verb+ing: book-reviewing书评, fault-finding挑剔, brainwashing 4) verb + ing + noun: frying pan煎锅, baking power发酵粉 5) others: pin-up girl挂在墙上的漂亮女孩的照片, sleepwalking梦游, upbringing教养, off-spring后代, cookout野餐 carryings-on愚蠢轻率的行为,16,3.2.2 Compound Adjective 1) noun + verb+ed: hen-pecked 怕老婆的, weatherbeaten饱经风霜的 2) noun (pron) + verb+ing: self-glorifying自我吹嘘的 3) noun + adjective: carsick, watertight不漏水的, duty-free免税的 4) others: high-sounding唱高调的, deaf-mute聋哑, town-bread城里长大的, custom-built订制的, far-fetched牵强附会的,17,3.2.3 Compound Verb 1). Back-formation(逆生而成) window-shopping to window-shop; chain-smoker to chain-smoke; spring-cleaning to spring-clean; mass production to mass produce; air-conditioning to air-condition 2). Conversion(转类而成) snowball to snowball滚雪球似地增长; machinegun to machinegun; nickname to nickname; honeymoon to honeymoon 由3个及以上的单词构成的复合词: lady-in-waiting宫廷侍女, forget-me-not, a dog-in-the-manager,18,3.3. Conversion(转类法 Conversion is a process of word-formation by which a form that represents one part of speech(词类) is used as another part of speech without changing the form of the word. Its also zero derivation(零位派生), because no affixes are used in the process of word conversion. 转类法是把一种词类转变成另一种词类的构词方法。它无须借助词缀就能实现词类的转换,故称零位派生。 3.3.1 Verb Its very common for nouns and verbs to convert each other, nearly all the simple nouns can be converted into verbs. The converted verbs are brief in language, vivid in style, eg. to house the refugees.,19,The converted verbs from nouns have different relationships in meaning with their former nouns. a. to put into: to bottle, to pocket b. to give or provide with: to man (to provide with man), to finance c. to deprive sb./sth. of or to remove sb./sth from: to skin, to core (to remove the core from a fruit) d. to do with: to knife (to cut with a knife), to hammer e. to be or to act as (like): to tutor, to parrot f. to make or change into: to cash, to fool, g. to send or go by: to mail; to bike Adjectives into verbs, used as transitive verbs, meaning to make sb./sth adjective: to wet: to make sb./sth wet, to free: to set sb. free, to sour: to become sour, to bare,20,3.3.2 Noun 1). Verb into Noun a. agent(施动者): help (one who helps), cheat(one who cheats), bore(one who cheat bores), scold(one who scolds)爱责骂的人 b. result(结果): a catch捕获物, a buy, a find, a reject次品 c. instrument(器具): a cover, a cure疗法 d. place: a pass关隘 , a divide 分界线 , a turn, a drive 车道 have, take, make, give后跟名词表示短暂的动作, to have a smoke, to take a walk, to give a cry, to make a move,21,2). Adjective into Noun a. Partial Conversion部分转化 the poor, the affluent, the wounded 不能同a/an, -s构成单复数,但可以 the poorer, the most affluent b. Full Conversion完全转化 a nasty下流坯 a gay同性恋 a crazy finals 终考、决赛,22,The ed participle can be turned into a noun and appears in plural form: young marrieds已婚青年, newborns新生儿, newly-weds新婚夫妇; Phrasal verbs can be mostly turned into nouns: to fall off- fall off下降、减退, to break down- break down故障, to come out-outcome, to put in-input 注意形变、音变: present 5prez(E)nt n. pri5zent v. insult 5insQlt n. In5sQlt v. house haus n. haJz v advise Ed5vais Ed5vaiz v grief rI:f n. grieve rI:v v teeth ti:W n teethe ti:T v,23,3.3.3 Noun Attribute 名词作定语 1). Noun Attribute与被修饰词之间的 semantic relationship(语义关系): (1)Noun Attribute表示逻辑上的主体,被修饰词表示客体或反之: a department decision (2) Noun Attribute表示状语,被修饰词表示谓语或反之:insulation tape绝缘胶布, impulse buying评一时冲动买东西 (3) 同位关系:the supplier country,24,2). 名词定语语法作用 (1)替代形容词或分词短语: prestige university-prestigious university (2) 替代带s主格定语: the Carter grin- Carters grin, reader interest-readers interest (3) 替代作定语用的介词短语:Russia oil- oil from Russia 替代分词短语活动词不定式短语或定语从句: gun man-man holding a gun, investment money-money which is set apart for investment,25,3.4. Blending( 拼缀法) Blending is a process of word-formation in which a word is formed by combing the meanings and sounds of 2 words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms. The result of such a process is called a blend, or a portmanteau pC:t5mAntEu行囊词、 混成词)word. Blending is thus a process of both compounding and abbreviation. Structurally blends may be divided into 4 types:,26,3.4.1 The first part of the first word + the last part of the second word 词首+词尾 beauty + utility = beautility; light + radar = lidar激光雷达; flash + blush = flush使脸涨红; chocolate + alcoholic = chocoholic,27,3.4.2 The first part of the first word + the first part of the second word 词首+词首 teleprinter + exchange = telex 用户直通电报 communication + satellite = comsat通讯卫星 3.4.3 the whole form of the first word + the last part of the second word 整词+词尾 fan + magazine = fanzine影(球)迷等的杂志 book + automobile = bookmobile流动图书馆 cheese + hamburger = cheeseburger乳酪汉堡包,28,3.4.4The first part of the first word + the whole form of the second word词首+整词 automobile + camp = autocamp汽车营地 parachute + troops = paratroops 伞兵 cinema + actress = cinemactress 3.5. Backformation (逆成法) Backformation is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language. Its the opposite of suffixation. Most words formed by backformation are verbs. (Backformation and Affixation are opposite.) 大多具有口语和非正式的文体色彩,很少用于庄重场合。,29,3.5.1 Words with suffixations of “-er, -or, -ar”: orator-orate editor-edite, auditor-audit审计、查帐 hawer-haw叫卖 beggar-beg 3.5.2 Abstract nouns: appreciation-appreciate, enthusiasm-enthuse热心, donation-donate, destruction-destruct(火箭等的)自毁 3.5.3 Adjective: lazy-laze混日子, gloomy-gloom变阴沉, cosy-cose聊天、谈心 drowsy-drowse打瞌睡, frivolous - frivol做无聊的事, peevish-peeve气恼,30,3.5.4 Words ending with ing: darkling-darkle变暗 sidling-sidle侧身而行 3.5.5 Compound words: baby-sitter-baby-sit house-keeper-house-keep merry-making, tape-recording 专有名词逆成为动词: Banting加拿大医生 -banting节食减肥疗法-bant节食减肥 Deep-Freezer深度冷冻机-deep-free puppy-pup小狗,31,3.6. Shortening(缩略法) Shortening also called Abbreviation is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by making a long word or words shorter. It is divided into 3 kinds: Clipping截短法, Initialism首字母缩略法 and Acronym首字母拼音法.(多使用于非正式场合。) 3.6.1 Cllipping or Cllipped Words(截短法) Cllipped words are those formed by cllipping part of a word, leaving only a piece of the old word. The shortening may occur at the beginning, at the end, or at both ends of the word. a. front cllipping: earthquake-quake, telescope, bulldozer推土机, aerodrome飞机场,32,b. back cllipping: memorandum, advertisement,gentleman, fantastic, trigonometry triE5nCmitri 三角几何, exam, math, dorm c. front and back cllipping: influenza-flu, refrigerator-frige pyjamas-jams睡衣 d. shortening of phrases: public house-pub, co-operative store-co-op合作商店, zoological garden-zoo, permanent waves-perm烫头发, bicycle-bike, microphone-mike,33,3.6.2 Initialisms/ Alphabetisms5AlfEbitizms (首字母缩略词) Initialisms are words formed from the intial letters of words and pronounced as letters: a. 字母代替整词: EECEuropean Economic Commnity欧洲经济共同体OPEC, VIP, BBC, IAEA, IDD国际直拨电话, IOC国际奥委会, CBC, BC, ICBC, ABC; b. 字母代表词的一部分: TV, TBtuberculosis tju7bE:kju5lEusis 肺结核, IDidentification card,34,3.6.3 Acronyms(首字母拼音词) Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as words: AIDS, SARS, NATO, UNESCO ju:5neskEJ 联合国教科文组织(the United Nations of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), ASEAN Asi:Cn Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东盟 dinkydual income, no kids + y无子女的双职工夫妻 nilkno income , lots of kids无收入多子女夫妻。 注:字母加整词:nuclear bombN bomb, A-bomb, H-bomb, E-mail, Government ManG-man美国联邦调查局人员 V-Day第二次世界大战胜利日 Government Issue JaneGI Jane美国女乒,


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