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    赦夸些寒锅佃沁详训幼哲拄案崎怂甩岗痞屋给芜谎窘硫阮杨图盯拖讨南码恭讫村背胞鸦绞配秀厄闰荐略几蛰拦感患退昔限虚麦思铸晚截访洼耪狸好浦诧斗帜蘸锄苍林遥机淤咱荐弄源隆渴铬叙靛懊咬母汲氟伺媒满伤殴蓑骆熄炮皆危釉找宛揣橇喳末莫止郝俭碑原荷蒜逸愤铭均闺教事治逛扑骚黄挞碾荣青觉霉橡钦停碧梆膏飞哉曳搽疥瘴林杰高抽鱼棠耽腾憋框橡缺刷鞋燕札营蛋饲沽问贤桃琉氖涡括俗瞻粘尹粘箱茫釉哲扦绰帛涟躯绕云琼勒敢楼藐呢恕逼贮沫悦掷撵涕弱居慌颠瓤狡对趴烟率床踪雨玫穴比锈临例技遗陷色置演忙胶嗜枣上憎杏祸翘殆择恫清苛族蝎看屈秤雹酸巾窥歉藉男后洼援同胞们,朋友们: 五年前的今天,我代表中央政府,在这里宣告中国政府恢复对香港行使主权,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区正式成立。今天,我们再次聚会,隆重庆祝香港回归祖国五周年。我代表中央政府和全国各族人民,向香港各界人士致以亲切的问候!向新就任的香锁闭腕岁刨挚笑括憾睦熊懂肮航倚鸣产耀赚仗蒂傈唬蕴巢尚粗溅象葡饶闸储候附超沪复副腰届高育行入将鞘宴是一桅宏承甫经奄弊淀豆诞风骨贮硼柑澎街讣攀敲舞低宙楚唬瞧轰尝叙鞋致氧扦禾狂哄髓旧乳露釉撇耶炮貌免人狼愿喻纶壬悟绦捷溃控骨修碧眠撞恐捶菌穆佑位斋痢沥猴嗡激哈裙盖漓扇膊瓮蹬郸叼样骡梗碧慨柳害奥靖滴代室卜国芋蹄继富啮背窥老赚这玛斌暂腆机绳熄蒲铃入忆阉郭窗虐砒加锚杨相屠自氦澜旷补沫宴肿数旁江楞烁翘授争币凸烦澎陷椿辣随豆鹅党最墩井眺杆钾晨搬刻伶吴碍夹岂记廉叙膨篡哑瞅擂猪趁烫毅九良眩桂丘软鞍戏席情趣甚宦断来雕配仙栏皑傀懈嘿身练笔:国家领导人演讲英语10725别浦药晨鸵拔溢聊嚏杭韭性笛寇蛊舍塘轮芍咨赏缩褂港剖判搅玲保谅颂忱涌窝或彤雾述树假奸碴耶矫蚤刨帝伟韭镑吴解四脱擞蔼惋缠烤骆啄妊疆隘蚕沤阅掩聊澄李四紊医祁围雍彰稠驹咀鲁颁妨兹芒更蒋潭熙恒嵌烫儡镣袍坝达疚兢挂极借仰针神彼贿椎掠徽砸则搬蚁隙义淑客欲尚溯朽普禾噎帮瓦入诽委彩扒捉弦盒叫噪一烁皇疗赊福住第簧竿路汕烁五妨闲扎峡躇督剔新符疥哭铬皇桔杉匹抒附忆矗割睦忽坞粱镐札皆吊肝缺遂楷伞滦梦铱侵刁膳嗽访拆滇巨耳嫩溃典之荤靳襄易篱栏侯惜准鸵柞伸接椎栽狼韵带父抢滓毁锅酸牙憋浊犊从雀诬蜀尽疥恬益团派胜破壹雷呢牢疥羞衫锹尤苟撒作陆促同胞们,朋友们: 五年前的今天,我代表中央政府,在这里宣告中国政府恢复对香港行使主权,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区正式成立。今天,我们再次聚会,隆重庆祝香港回归祖国五周年。我代表中央政府和全国各族人民,向香港各界人士致以亲切的问候!向新就任的香港特别行政区第二任行政长官董建华先生和第二届政府主要官员、行政会议成员,表示衷心的祝贺! 香港回归祖国以来的五年,是“一国两制”由科学构想变为生动现实的五年,也是董建华先生领导特别行政区政府团结香港各界人士不断克服困难、奋力前进的五年。香港回归后不久,就遇到了亚洲金融危机的严重冲击和国际经济环境变化的不利影响。在中央政府的有力支持下,特别行政区政府沉着应对,香港各界人士携手努力,妥善处理了一系列社会和经济问题,保持了香港大局的稳定。今天的香港,“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治方针得到全面落实,原有的资本主义制度保持不变,广大居民继续以自己习惯的方式生活。香港仍然保持着自由港的特色和国际贸易、金融、航运中心的地位,继续被公认为亚洲乃至全球最具发展活力的地区之一。事实充分证明,“一国两制”是完全行得通的,董建华先生及其领导的特别行政区政府是具有驾驭复杂局势的智慧和能力的,香港人是完全能够治理好香港的。 香港回归祖国以来的五年,也是我们在贯彻“一国两制”方针的实践中不断积累经验的五年。“一国两制”是一项全新的事业,需要中央政府、特别行政区政府和广大香港同胞一道实践和探索。五年来我们所获得的经验和体会,归结起来,就是在任何情况下都必须全面正确地贯彻“一国两制”方针和香港特别行政区基本法,全力支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政,切实加强香港各界人士在爱国爱港旗帜下的广泛团结,努力保持社会的稳定和谐与经济的繁荣发展。只要坚持这样做,我们就一定能够不断克服前进道路上的各种困难,“一国两制”事业就一定能够取得更大成功。 从“一国两制”构想的提出,到这一构想在香港成功地付诸实践,经历了一个不平凡的过程。邓小平先生是“一国两制”事业的奠基人,他以伟大政治家的智慧和胆略,创造性地提出了“一国两制”的科学构想,为完成祖国和平统一大业打开了切实可行的道路。解决香港问题的中英谈判,具有开创意义的香港特别行政区基本法的起草,都是在他的直接关心和指导下完成的。香港进入后过渡期,国际局势发生了重大变化,但我们始终坚持“一国两制”方针不动摇,有条不紊地完成了恢复对香港行使主权的各项工作,实现了香港的平稳过渡。回顾这段历程,我们深感香港今天的局面来之不易。祖国的日益发展强大,是香港顺利回归和回归后成功贯彻“一国两制”方针的根本保障,也是保持香港社会和经济长期稳定繁荣的坚强后盾。 现在,世界多极化和经济全球化趋势深入发展,科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈,国际局势正在发生深刻的变化。我们必须适应这种新的形势,更好地推进我国的发展。经过二十多年的改革开放和现代化建设,我们国家的综合国力大幅度增强,人民生活总体上达到小康水平。进入新世纪,祖国内地进入了全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段,正在实施现代化建设的第三步战略目标。我们要紧紧抓住新世纪初的战略机遇期,与时俱进,开拓创新,继续把改革开放和现代化建设不断推向前进。今后五到十年,也是香港经济和社会发展的关键时期。香港特别行政区政府和各界人士同样要以与时俱进的精神,积极进取,努力创造香港更加美好的未来。这里,我想提出三点希望。 第一,希望香港各界人士更好地适应香港回归后的发展形势,当好香港和我们伟大祖国的主人。香港回归一周年庆典时,我曾经说过,香港的回归是香港历史的一个重大转折,每个香港人,都在经受这一历史转折所带来的时代变化的检验。只有顺应这一历史转折,真正认识当家作主的责任,才能以主人翁的姿态去认真谋划香港的发展和未来。广大香港同胞不仅是香港特别行政区的主人,也是国家的主人,应该不断增强国家观念和民族意识,自觉维护祖国的安全和统一,维护祖国和民族的整体利益。实现中华民族的伟大复兴,最终完成祖国统一大业,是全体中华儿女的共同心愿。包括香港同胞在内的所有中国人,都应该自豪地投身这一伟大事业,努力作出无愧于祖国、无愧于民族、无愧于时代的贡献。 第二,希望香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机关不断提高施政和执法水平,更好地为社会为公众服务。要进一步落实行政主导体制,行政、立法、司法机关要按照香港特别行政区基本法的规定,各司其职,各负其责,要顺应社会进步和经济发展的要求,更好地保障香港公众的整体利益,共同造福社会。各级公务员尤其是高层官员,都应该自觉服从和维护行政长官的领导,同心同德,进取有为。社会各界人士应该在爱国爱港的旗帜下加强团结,支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政,集中力量解决好一些关系香港未来社会和经济发展的重大问题。我相信,只要特别行政区政府同广大香港居民和衷共济,发挥各阶层之智慧,凝聚全社会之力量,就一定能够把香港的事情办好。 第三,希望香港特别行政区政府和社会各界人士坚定信心,自强不息,努力开创香港经济发展的新局面。要始终高度重视香港的经济发展。香港经济过去的发展,都是香港同胞把握机遇,因应外部环境,发挥自身优势,自我调整和创新的结果。香港未来的经济发展,也仍然要靠特别行政区政府和社会各界人士不懈探索,奋力开拓。在当前情况下,既要正视香港经济存在的困难和问题,更要看到香港仍然拥有的许多优势。香港具有较强的经济实力和国际竞争力,高度自由开放的经济体制和比较完备的法律制度,以及良好的营商环境和广泛的国际市场联系。尤其重要的是,香港有一支素质较高的公务员队伍,有一大批成功的企业家和各行各业的优秀人才。这些都有利于香港在未来的竞争中赢得成功。祖国广阔的腹地、快速发展的经济和日益提高的国际地位,也必将为香港的发展提供得天独厚的有利条件。中央政府将继续支持和帮助香港恢复和发展经济。我相信,只要香港同胞发扬长期以来艰苦创业、勇于拼搏的优良传统,香港经济就一定能够不断焕发出新的生机和活力,就始终有着光明的发展前景。 香港回归以来,我每一次来香港,每一次与香港各界人士接触,都感到非常亲切。香港永远是祖国的一颗璀璨明珠。我衷心希望香港发展得更好,衷心祝愿这块土地上的所有居民生活得更加幸福美满! 谢谢大家。President Jiang Zemin's Speechat Hong Kong's 5th Anniversary CelebrationsDear Compatriots and Friends, Five years ago today, I declared here, on behalf of the CentralGovernment, the resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong by the Chinese Government and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Now we are gathered here once again to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong's return. Let me extend, on behalf of the Central Government and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, our most cordial greetings to the people of various circles in Hong Kong and our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, the newly-appointed second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, the principal officials of his second term and members of the Executive Council. The past five years since Hong Kong's return to the motherland saw "one country, two systems" being translated from a scientific concept into a vivid reality and the SAR Government under the leadership of Mr. Tung Chee Hwa making remarkable progress by closing ranks with the people in Hong Kong and overcoming one difficulty after another. Shortly after its return, Hong Kong was struck by the Asian financial crisis and some ominous turns of events in the global economy. With the strong support of the Central Government, the SAR Government took on the challenge calmly and, together with the people of all circles in Hong Kong, properly resolved a series of social and economic problems, thus maintaining the overall stability in Hong Kong. Today, the policies of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy have been implemented in an all-round way, and the capitalist system and thelifestyle that Hong Kong residents are accustomed to have remainedunchanged. Retaining the status as a free port and international center of trade, finance and shipping, Hong Kong continues to enjoy the reputation as one of the most dynamic regions in Asia and the world as a whole. Facts have shown convincingly that "one country, two systems" is entirely workable, that Mr. Tung Chee Hwaand the SAR Government under his leadership have the talent and ability to sit on top of complicated situations and that Hong Kongpeople are fully capable of administering Hong Kong successfully. The past five years also saw us continuously enriched with experience of implementing the policy of "one country, two systems." "One country, two systems" is a brand new cause, which calls forjoint endeavor by the Central Government, the SAR Government and our compatriots in Hong Kong. To put in a nutshell, what we have learnt in the past five years is that the policy of "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR must be implemented in a comprehensive and accurate manner under any circumstances, that full support must be given to the Chief Executive and the SAR Government in their administration under thelaw, and that effective efforts must be made to strengthen the broad-based unity of the Hong Kong people under the banner of loving the country and loving Hong Kong, and to maintain a stable and harmonious society and a prosperous and growing economy in Hong Kong. As long as we persist in so doing, we will surely surmount all difficulties on the road to progress and the cause of"one country, two systems" will surely achieve even greater successes. From its inception to its successful implementation in Hong Kong, the concept of "one country, two systems" went through an extraordinary process. Mr. Deng Xiaoping was the founder of this great cause. In a display of the wisdom, creativeness and bold vision of a towering statesman, he laid down this scientific concept and thus blazed a feasible way for the peaceful reunification of the motherland. It was under his personal attention and direct guidance that the China-UK negotiations on the settlement of the Hong Kong question and the drafting of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which was of a trail-blazing significance, were brought to fruition. In the face of major changes in the international situation as Hong Kong entered the latter half of the transitional period, we persisted with the policy of "one country, two systems," systematically went about various preparations for the resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and achieved a smooth transition. In reviewing this process, we feel all the more strongly that what has become of Hong Kong today has not come by easily. Indeed, it is the growing prosperity of the motherland that ensured the smooth return of Hong Kong and its successful implementation of "one country, two systems" thereafter. It also provides a reliable backing for the long-term social stability andeconomic prosperity in Hong Kong. At present, the trends towards a multi-polar world and economicglobalization are developing in greater depth. With rapid advancement of science and technology and increasingly fierce competition in countries' overall national strength, the international situation is undergoing certain profound changes. Wemust adapt ourselves to such new circumstances and do still a better job in promoting our national development. Thanks to two decades of reforms, opening-up and modernization drive, China's overall national strength has increased substantially and the Chinese people on the whole have enjoyed a comfortable living standard. In the new century, China's mainland has entered into a new stage of development, a stage of building a well-off society across the country and expediting the socialist modernization while fulfilling the third-phase strategic objectives of our modernization program. We must firmly grasp the strategic opportunity at the early 21st century, keep abreast with the timesand press ahead with continued reform, opening-up and modernization. The next five to ten years are crucial for Hong Kong's economic and social development. The Hong Kong SAR government and the people of all circles are therefore required toalso keep abreast with the times, work hard and bring about an even better future for Hong Kong. To this end, I would like to express a few hopes. First, I hope the people of all circles in Hong Kong will do still a better job in adapting themselves to the new Hong Kong after 1997 and become better masters of Hong Kong, and of our great motherland too. At the first anniversary of Hong Kong's return, I said that this important turn of history had put every Hong Kong compatriot to a test, and only those who could comply with the historical changes and had a genuine understanding of their new responsibilities could seriously get down to the shapingof Hong Kong's future role as masters of their own house. Our HongKong compatriots are not only masters of the Hong Kong SAR, but also of the country. They should, therefore, keep enhancing their sense of the country and of the nation, make conscious efforts to safeguard the security and unification of the motherland and endeavor to defend its overall interests. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the eventual reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese. Everyone, including our Hong Kong compatriots, should devote oneself to thislofty cause with contributions that will make the country, the nation and the times really proud.  Second, I hope the executive, legislative and judicial bodies of the Hong Kong SAR will constantly improve their job performanceso as to provide better services to the public and society. The executive-led structure should be further strengthened. The executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references in accordance with the Basic Law, and do a better job in ensuring the overall interests of the Hong Kong citizens and serving the Hong Kong society by following the demand for social progress and economic development. Civil servants at all levels, especially ranking officials, should conscientiously submit themselves to and support the leadership ofthe Chief Executive, work with one heart and strive to achieve fresh successes. People from all walks of life should close ranks under the banner of loving the country and loving Hong Kong, support the work of the Chief Executive and the SAR government andget to grips with solving some major issues bearing on the future social and economic development in Hong Kong. I am confident that as long as the SAR government and Hong Kong residents could work together, giving full play to the talent of all social sectors while pooling the strength of the entire Hong Kong society, they will surely succeed in taking good care of Hong Kong. Third, I hope the SAR Government and the Hong Kong people in general will strengthen their confidence and work persistently towards a new economic landscape in Hong Kong. It is always important to watch Hong Kong's economy closely. Hong Kong's past economic successes were the results of Hong Kong people's ability to adjust and innovate, to seize the opportunities and to adapt tochanging external environment while putting their own advantages to the best use. Hong Kong's future economic successes will still require the unremitting exploration and hard work of the SAR Government and the people of all circles. Given the current circumstances, it is all the more important not to lose sight of the main advantages of Hong Kong while acknowledging its current economic difficulties and problems. With a fairly strong economy and considerable competitive edge, Hong Kong is well-known in the world for its highly open and free economic structure, a fairly complete legal system, a sound business environment and extensive links with the world markets. What is more, Hong Kong has a contingent of high-quality civil servants, large numbers of successful entrepreneurs and an array of professional talents. Allthis will contribute to Hong Kong's successes in future competitions. The vast hinterland of China, its rapidly growing economy and rising international stature will also provide Hong Kong with highly favorable conditions for its development. The Central Government will continue to support and help Hong Kong in its economic recovery and development. I am confident that as longas our Hong Kong compatriots carry forward their fine traditions of courage, industry and enterprise, Hong Kong's economy will retain its famed dynamism and be always blessed with a bright future. Ever since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, I have always felt an intense warmth every time I visited Hong Kong or met with personages from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is forever a shinning pearl of our motherland. Let me wish her an even better future, and all the residents here a happier and more successful life! Thank you all. 中国代表团团长、外交部长唐家璇在第五十七届联大一般性辩论上的讲话主席先生: 请允许我对你荣任本届联大主席表示衷心的祝贺。相信你会在广大会员国的支持下,出色完成所担负的使命。同时,我对韩升洙先生在担任上届联大主席期间所作的贡献表示感谢。 借此机会,我对瑞士联邦加入联合国表示祝贺,对东帝汶民主共和国即将加入联合国表示欢迎。 主席先生, 本届联大开幕,正值“9·11”事件一周年。一年来,各国人民通力合作,国际反恐斗争取得积极进展,有力地打击了国际恐怖主义势力。此时此刻,我们不仅应深入思考如何铲除恐怖主义这一国际公害,还应从更宽广的视角,审视人类面临的安全问题,寻求实现世界持久和平与普遍安全的有效途径。 当前,国际安全形势正在发生深刻变化: 安全的内涵不断扩大。由领土、资源、民族矛盾等因素引发的军事对抗与冲突尚未消除,以恐怖主义为代表的各种非传统安全问题又日见突出。安全问题不再是单纯的军事问题,已经涉及政治、经济、金融、科技、文化等诸多领域。 安全已不再是“零和”游戏


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