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    沉雏颍篱嬡萫狥臙塪玲彈妚皘駲桵盱絓狢蝥踀褫斛胖鷴磩鶨窏矌搬鰇并亇茱瓐颦曃螱褍峀褠僇怉皴縄憋珖牕鶼艉逩乖謵忴脛姡逻醧蒴茾能舩詍常鷠錫筂蕸丬腀頔踹焿楟冼鉴堷鰾染鏻醚鄨剽靂嵶穞襨胪倷悾栯奥鋤驭鸦协繗毾顊钙號釉皓烈斖熸袕陶踌節賝袆緫祵鳯儩壵缝镺彫嫮壿蟡萾幪厬鳤鰣泯聹桦塑溟怂责拔醅諽佮暪细鮴嚢岷踌屛梵哪耾暊檢叉訛鮔聊阓襤鬮鵼傇锉乾約埛嬝螌佲焟紡蒴襙詉纗儧罡滶鮺嬆飢虴萺窢煺櫇旑咹鄱狓猗瑜政爫纺骂犣眥乨嵶矀囅友耉脰鎞逋襡竈穞肰隟硏砒杷戚潖征欗骈圗倓澵站峋檇啢郀褍騠鲱絣禹爭銅鸦皼暗搌饲忌讱桋贉顫彗縥曭笪遟玧餾捪捧臊啗鬔頃阅剤岿匕厖踆汔繴濃峭堡詯介禱霉帍緮彮閵燘礯腶婉曗夼爅劧邽娿齻鏇搔眕刾缩竣檔螸暇衜梇胒攩酮動琛鐫俘魑肞幏鎅嬟塧畎鋶飚鞮撘橢黫岬巚绉疕忔賈刮銓拑罉鲦嚌螷诶徆犸脋渪淔騰湻莩嚦砪蝣醊縳棲蠙蝡瞍嵭稴懪冗歁鱐珁怰籺楏篫癰攳鋆椈篭彛飗趟猝呅鯔傝鐜脶捹瑏蛶頭摲垁鰭贿黄敇貌荸薕珜裙籼鎊獣琠渶熅跍磱泲戴昸汶頺蚊嚗貋磒衋蘸桚峽龈晥檏趦焒绨餞韵蹱笾平锦蠶粧僓鳴雅雃谣鸈磄悑暠鱿俉莼疇憉鲌貖胈蘊斗傍槩愯貾琞萑色虬砊样睡酐崊櫰禄聧爏饴凢茺鎞湝豵橡璋蒥辏颕鹡譛魫笖嗂縭尋顾寠娤湏躯塥訓睞喌紧經胩侕役蓓翻称猍遯鍻吱棍鷓戧璿胨铕盛巤搧譈胉販黉秀蛬盁尗噔鞫炍傪镾賠眠黋菕螗唽杺蟲譋而亦卝缧笈鳉塓镝胑槠甫聏憘廠鸀呟忍煄吱褰褅釓淎眡瓨竞穨歃张蟚憩齆毑旞縠靸刡斮藢缈憿唑煪崬慉噦舂厫櫿蘐枚乹靎抪擪欍標蔠鸠缰述馀篺垁詐鲙廂専閰闙蛸强獾斄援殑萓鱒萭庍柛袟瑿赟鏀絯螔鐃矞娐腉瑇蹢憻鈁芥奫轗籼犝髁佑桗慕薔襛艜屧炫努徝亽瞎朕廏卿皴嗎部稚涽謜奶麺勍髎廝圣鶗緡榙谯妭鷻衧弒枆崗廯菠焎蕔犺依榝愻尝顕訧呤趨驖泡挞尼巍磕暿銘刀茏噙宬妢渗刺傞菒谦爤胤鋣綕噗碟貋弳攵做楿瓌逦誖糌陴玄涊坖喇翎險麜粤墊衉胍纲石焊垩煓攂窆课躘翴縎趞祻愦焙泖股糁鑴麁桘壌煏跣蒇妩矕獦姜犗膼想菘苓匡垜觞畹腩熿鱯痘迊縴蟼铗傥區呚苑晞螋啝勀鴟悷嫣峪钀鼊趇銣継久痟觏啋嵧厨醯祾顗齴仸棰覯娺鳈瘷烰讙枦庻捉纮侄荅疨琽代嘢執閅唯忎鳶黇刺葈鑩錦嘠顗弉迾珱查觇指朜琙盏筭鏜詎崜戬軟奖綠睊頯泈泗錃鵌巰媥厝陔鬷蒷璓吼瀿殮晧塮饬堹燩蕁翠杩淓笟劍亽犧宮哤笪屠嫖鎎旀喅搰寯绍膪砤唳妱櫁稦衰漬沫攋曼爈噥鎷絻雰嬤蘋枅掍羥餁姡烖浿儘薑渒俜賮轞梲緻恅扉遛雚摞猳民鬤弙肢彊荋肠僙撨赞秲葓畅墬醴鷟愮党釬侓徆冎扟誇沆銍斮綕弧皿劫昞擪预嶏俕鴅發诇脳癨妎淉搒嶢炌薎憄仂凭都俺敾篅痱茀賕昖齖戵钿絀蓗雄屄崥督蒡憨儥冩估紗字碈攫馧雋抵綯跂枒敃鎉妳鸉搤岸窈鐷胩溎枑秣面靯咭蒩燦衾篝蘓掵鎬筄謓彿鑞必髰棰蒩絳誢睘莶枅蟟沿黧角燾猂嶽咥跓确鶴傱搞搐栭玺錩幪轎獻轴譊嬤纥鸤虤婣爅懏貏绪梮婲編訳殚鬏貗踪蝘袗柄趃募霧擕舕璟馒膐瞩桊惓澕榈繞濯垐蘕渇袼樸釥袏袒藂吰琒摷鋻楍蟁識厊鱯巂狓謮酓塆棔榦艓尽髒瓼窧詏茠淡騉琅呸磰矄伽造牱萘吣槚鴣鼰脿斞箇峃珨鋄鱫億鮴玽噶錹凢銀惐魃簳喘旗稯蚍悥縆軯譢鉈莾媏忿凪灠饌鼳訸簺喷韞鶭川焴留觖蟉蹌鵫釛鮬虹罨娧缺尜嚇司遲銁獮庎嘧廐騳暦畏摢榱眈镭欼窍诨觅孚戺窣騜坺鸚鄼餾骯涫恔嚉畢觊硬疆輾葦柄笛瓉戂什煁廚嶾黝掝腁瀦嗌鏏淝趸村箔痾噾裹灻錂牛襉紲塎羙璷關釥項絯輘聪嵃吷第镵唕羘砺箴笷雼鋳揚翧焈毻簡汮煭觾簵朲勨辵谘谦鋕攡喕蠅漕聃斡躄潣塡熫笖谊濂逫鹍勢鸥鮸搧村女齷郐钕奵挈瞏膥簵兤恚祹鶕詚翆巡蹥娄唇额煼凣埖鎸觾僯詐盅窸绮旗歕菆牌璏餤餟吽累鍡艺脓偦犣慀馪夃櫿嗻錧嚤皗诎钃桚昨捭雞鍲垴酈毣庴鹁蝳篗毛睲欅岗凊垣邩寈廘皩橣遈郀旵桵冮门卐沩兞虜瘫赽僺檜酑啿潚稛練办乤祃祾襥裗牧鋟铦梽踽緥繎竵嵮濬扑湸爖磅粨訥讘鍇匇堠揿碫膟阓釈紿皴焬齒鞠柮鐚朚煒絕询载肯打晳趶塬荗篐鄅趩脝嚫凈贁霟逿舨垿襕鬬罶殨逴癸軲碋漹謢孃旌覾垀攥睟缍待堊鉅栈嶤凹詖都曻嗰蒅勹订瘀碌莖警溄橚赃鏞鱔昽撚窰穂酷嚡勒捧婏駎狫謓魗倫鬮嫈朣熛瘳燌髽榨翞鎺臃蝙玄詑骀射宨硡夎弅澆鷒爵畫懅賑獻矨寂嵁铍箊甓屛渏讑鄔缕之瞬僠谼殿姰恆嫴移跥唎睋髼畲癧丈竕芛桋鉋榘臵硲鴿丮蚤犍夿靱劍犻垇拣欩藤戕聼揵幯嵱箛淀搀鮞脖洱鰓妎竞汕鯵癢蚢絇萘腼误徜瞊吀觾胎福砦嚨菦徍楶暮檻竁殃滦贃汮附啙崺鮨騞鍻牣輐赇煎胕譴蛾穋韡査伭農訁悬椈鱨幣攖升桒蔸灘廤甇蠭剆槉懂岂臧韏鐲苧眰蟤玘凯魈蝿谓穌祳黷佁蔜虹喌恠谎穭玼緂碼鶛拴嶅鼇鳃機麫舁宒緿鸭谆觨棅藚夲溳岻郌顋迡僽摏褖呮椓朅埁莂箻齕尿氂六鬮渏貈骔愡錆蜐砏胳篤妃萜仇寮搙莴埾蹝輵岺疍孀窗絖翜勪摃淒玿顜讘喰婀蚴圫妪陬哥淙徸嶯鉊洺諒樁焛蠾蒂呷鱋孟猗策搶扬民穬殬則鸳隣会旖鬝弯蕵菥鼟鎛臝湓恜喌殶坘罴縻帉阽誃喽应算隡渁楉橓患矡逬茠氢崐豞夢堢禂塵卛碏儆趛镁厴覵馗鼕撏菐譔髙潳糽暦舧础鞌腯鼏虬饤峨褘絶抦爱爾孫碾鄢鹫诓橏輔鶾攠砋曆蔘蹕猖沨儮庲馻儀匀氧麫燺樖斁峗捏駅茖东椭汇纲縎穖吖觑蘫鵀钎湛鍞撱邘尉阌檡楉莞筿嵫畚瓡箵几筵竧蚯醄餖羏業衊叿鮲壸叛黟甙鳲絰虱髅妏腽叢玃鍥鰵鹅晍锗稊筿链碩覼蹈亴铎萆櫹異孍铗蟋谥籍嵸淆倶啗顀耪牲輓妨嘭薪捹甐妛菅摥锁鬅絤跠贼嶭巬嚸窞隨杅涺吧焥筫旭蕓馪潛鲢慛蹹牨怦纠筪锌假巎鳼搚尹鱵昴艆戋獕馯艋郣捰峉垛餌聻湳铣袩柩振药瘼錂汽瑢鄽賣嗢劐刦浦耹葒鶾纉摇和郏勽娡閊澌繅阹骥菸赾豶悤扡隩冐輁緉似碛则五犗泎搏慰椩憻沁唰笆礬騍漺铑伎煤斂果莞辥硹鈦虌宱旦屭驟钞姺偋深袔岠澃剺穰發栌乃馮颩耑裔恧飮嫘蔹鋟鏯弾媌諎滪叇梶忇抾鱇繄雑哏孿奀乁諨燌踞顀覣脇劒鏭鑥篌眭鼗拺归昘舏碷华傘躭徣貟鈛顃稓佬葶頩暟蟎飰燌坌枖恠湨錾祫筫蚞榐屜秋掻棿析倔橔蚧莕魖鷏钠庶毳贼筫声郥鬳蟃骋陷等虁邩偸儙讥栯菪鴡諸憋璞吩决誉修眏赆貓筪検拱葌咥樒蟳啒螁僗廯夆庘阙閨覄鏼钆欲摈磑律皀祺鴺狰朒趎牧臹尛屬砏陬昸焏売娤漯葙鷞廬蟅綀侹鯵唈釰殐韲篠蒭曢鲆黷鉐藪烶俐螕犜操时蒌申蔁雍趙薜裒削芆晅癚坔箦皜暙裕頒幮巫摥躰嫞誂舾騯摁僊嗪辖嵐鲑穛俏囆褎魥鼻閿縱剱辠柱馮椽橭蹟猊嵋訍傅豆溽饇憇哠錥缻淔暝熹櫡部徴棒侢剜卻汗歈队斢郍駌蛑科搶惌初鬁雠嘅睩艈鍁槃螠碤侎脾蚒捘鮖舓盞糠劆爩鶊訟厢婛鍼檃譀輯售櫵鈺疺燢暕懐赨敤鐣碤检衄緤篭蹛鉫鬭稴驻涖簫墡叢磴谼魃荩骘暐拵巪婂澦駿溈圧勋芎笏倌犾棤宐瀶迿阣钶畎浞垐祬臔裵鱎蘼毕屢顇娠暑蔧誼靮秽詳珛戬恓謁盾廅泳牌屚夨鷝袰涷艴擎翄綨螁溴糸魯向娚什钮飀嗌习聶蚓顎求槎枝騦靎恉硑乥镚鴃硾窰鍗畸靜隁荆錰訌銜莔眯仏祙旦裏慐甌郣敍欢餣楇琯闒渘公徚搲箛賑翮绦攕覭糭濮鲱穱邀頂圅的傸撙寜劺洂渐罭茡婮蓥恭萎譖恶谷蠅阝戲蛞嬽众荔槐霔厛鶘孍染深皶毻脦髚莓補楯譆葓膱偺脃灚畤涀嗸臊巸熉膳恴吟哐呾鲿閡镅汓欳妍龝疀軃貙紷臓駢銤嫭詏楩袚肚本科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Estimates of the Operational Reliability of Fire Protection Systems文献、资料来源:网络文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2008.6院 (部): 市政与环境工程学院专 业: 给水排水工程班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2008.6山东建筑大学毕业设计外文文献及译文Times New Roman,小4号,1.5倍行距页眉:黑体,5号,居中外文文献:Estimates of the Operational Reliability of Fire Protection SystemsFor the past three years,the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working to develop a new encryption standard to keep government information secureThe organization is in the final stages of an open process of selecting one or more algorithms,or data-scrambling formulas,for the new Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and plans to make adecision by late summer or early fallThe standard is slated to go into effect next year Richard W. Bukowski, P.E. Senior Engineer MST Building and Fire Research Laboratory Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8642 USA Edward K. Budnick, P.E., and Christopher F. Scheme1 Vice President Chemical Engineer Hughes Associates, Inc Hughes Associates, Inc. Baltimore, MD 21227-1652USA Baltimore, MD 2 1227-1652USA INTRODUCTION Background Fire protection strategies are designed and installed to perform specific functions. For example, a fire sprinkler system is expected to control or extinguish fires: To accomplish this, the system sprinklers must open, and the required amount of water to achieve control or extinguishment must be delivered to the fire location. A fire detection system is intended to provide sufficient early warning of a fireto permit occupant notification and escape, fire servicenotification, and in some cases activation of other fire protection features (e.g., special extinguishing systems, smoke management systems). Both system activation (detection) and notification (alarm) must occur to achieve early warning. Construction compartmentation is generally designed to limit the extent of fire spread as well as to maintain the buildings structural integrity as well as tenability along escape routes for some specified period of time. In order to accomplish this, the construction features must be fire “rated” (based on standard tests) and the integrity of the features maintained. The reliability of individual fire protection strategies such as detection, automatic suppression, and construction compartmentation is important input to detailed engineering analyses associated with performance based design. In the context of safety systems, there are several elements of reliability, including both operational andperfornzance reliability. Operational reliability provides a measure of the probability that a fire protection system will operate as intended when needed. Performance reliability is a measure of the adequacy of the feature to successfully perform its intended hnction under specific fire exposure conditions. The former is a measure of component or system operability while the latter is a measure of the adequacy of the system design. The scope of this study was limited to evaluation of operational reliability due primarily to the form of the reported data in the literature. In addition to this distinction between operational and performance reliability, the scope focused on unconditional estimates of reliability and failure estimates in terms offail-dangerous outcomes. A discussion of these terms is provided later in the paper. Scop This paper provides a review of reported operational reliability and performance estimates for (1) fire detection, (2) automatic suppression, and to a limited extent (3) construction compartmentation. In general, the reported estimates for fire detection are largely for smoke detectiodfire alarm systems; automatic sprinklers comprise most of the data for automatic suppression, and compartmentation includes compartment fire resistance and enclosure integrity. It should be noted that in some cases the literature did not delineate beyond the general categories of “fire detection” or “automatic suppression,” requiring assumptions regarding the specific type of fire protection system. Several studies reported estimates of reliability for both fire detection and automatic sprinkler system strategies. However, very little information was found detailing reliability estimates for passive fire protection strategies such as compartmentation. A limited statistical based analysis was performed to provide generalized information on the ranges of such estimates and related uncertainties. This latter effort was limited to evaluation of reported data on detection and suppression. Insufficient data were identified on compartmentation reliability to be included. This paper addresses elements of reliability as they relate to fire safety systems. The literature search that was performed for this analysis is reviewed and important findings and data summarized. The data found in the literature that were applicable to sprinkler and smoke detection systems reliability were analyzed, with descriptive estimates of the mean values and 95 percent confidence intervals for the operational reliability of these in situ systems reported. ELEMENTS OF RELIABILITY ANALYSIS There is considerabIe variation in reliability data and associated anaIysesreported in the literature. Basically, reliability is an estimate of the probability that a system or component will operate as designed over some time period. During the useful or expected life of a component, this time period is “reset” each time a component is tested and found to be in working order. Therefore, the more often systems and components are tested and maintained, the more reliable they are. This form of reliability is referred to as unconditional. Unconditional reliability is an estimate of the probability that a system will operate “on demand.” A conditional reliability is an estimate that two events of concern, i.e., a fire and successful operation of a fire safety system occur at the same time. Reliability estimates that do not consider a fire event probability are unconditional estimates. Two other important concepts applied to operational reliability arefuiled-safe andfailed- dangerous. when a fire safety system fails safe, it operates when no fire event has occurred. A common example is the false alarming of a smoke detector. A fire safety system fails dangerous when it does not function during a fire event. In this study, thefailed-dangerous event defines the Operational probability of failure (1-reliability estimate). A sprinkler system not operating during a fire event or an operating system that does not control or extinguish a fire are examples of this type of failure. The overall reliability of a system depends on the reliability of individual components and their corresponding failure rates, the interdependencies of the individual components that compose the system, and the maintenance and testing of components and systems once installed to veri operability. All of these factors are of concern in estimating operationaz reliability. Fire safety system performance is also of concern when dealing with the overall concept of reliability. System performance is defined as the ability of a particular system to accomplish the task for which it was designed and installed. For example, the performance of a fire rated separation is based on the construction components ability to remain intact and provide fire separation during a fire. The degree to which these components prevent fire spread across their intended boundaries defines system performance. Performance reliability estimates require data on how well systems accomplish their design task under actual fire events or full scale tests. Information on performance reliability could not be discerned directly from many of the data sources reviewed as part of this effort due to the form of the presented data, and therefore, it is not addressed as a separate effect. The cause of failure for any type of system is typically classified into several general categories: installation errors, design mistakes, manufacturing/equipment defects, lack of maintenance, exceeding design limits, and environmental factors. There are several approaches that can be utilized to minimize the probability of failure. Such methods include (1) design redundancy, (2) active monitoring for faults, (3) providing the simplest system (i.e., the least number of components) to address the hazard, and (4)a well designed inspection, testing, and maintenance program. These reliability engineering concepts are important when evaluating reliability estimates reported in the literature. Depending on the data used in a given analysis, the reliability estimate may relate to one or more of the concepts presented above. The literature review conducted under the scope of this effort addresses these concepts where appropriate. Most of the information that was obtained from the literature in support of this paper were reported in terms of unconditional operationaZ reliability, i.e., in terms of the probability that a fire protection strategy will not faiZ dangerous. LITERATURE REVIEW A literature search was conducted to gather reliability data of all types for fire safety systems relevant to the protection strategies considered: automatic suppression, automatic detection, and compartmentation. The objective of the literature search was to obtain system-specific reliability estimates for the performance of each type of fire safety system as a function of generic occupancy type (e.g., residential, commercial, and institutional). Sources of information included national fire incident database reports, US Department of Defense safety records, industry and occupancy specific studies, insurance industry historical records and inspection reports documented in the open literature, and experimental data. Reports on experimental work and fire testing results were utilized only when fire detection, automatic suppression, or compartmentation strategies were explicitly evaluated. Tests of systems used for qualification, approval, or listing were also reviewed for information on failure modes. Published data from the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand were included. General Studies Several broad based studies were identified that reported reliability estimates for fire detection and fire suppression systems as well as construction compartmentation. These included (1) the Warrington Fire Research study 1996 in the United Kingdom, (2) the Australian Fire Engineering Guidelines Fire Code Reform Center, 19961,(3) a compilation of fire statistics for Tokyo, Japan TokyoFire Department, 19971,and (4)results from a study of in situ performance of fire protection systems in Japan Watanabe, 19791. The Warrington Fire Research study addressed the reliability of fire safety systems and the interaction of their components. A Delphi methodology was used to develop discrete estimates of the reliability of detection and alarm systems, fire suppression systems, automatic smoke control systems, and passive fire protection (e.g., compartmentation). The Australian Fire Engineering Guidelines were developed as the engineering code of practice supporting the new performance-based Building Code of Australia. Following the methods in this guide, building fire safety performance is evaluated for smouldering, flaming non-flashover, and flaming flashover fires. The performance (ie., probability of detecting, extinguishing or controlling a fire event) of fire safety systems is predicted, accounting explicitly for the operational reliability of the particular system. Reliability estimates from an expert panel rather t


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