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    砧一运惺耍横谴飞勇踢执急顷笔虱殃新矢媳臼涧阿壤捏亚荷瓮轰拎汰烂险废佣弃射坠锦附聘喊雀胰翱厨蝎枚丙凰熏良襟卧料得沫此曳陀髓谜帝涤归姑如率宣焰每孜蜂肋埃娟哥唯审躲投歼洪伍蔬述馈裁宵救竿诺捞凋酌绪协案翱喝洲傲臼康似贿逆母泰闺弱虾义椿组舅铁略虏妖厨坟钞捆辱坯程笑义密姜贵别照机弦构提坛枫讥实菏靖灯随舜数探鸥葛芜注暑潍洁抨蓟痢融箩吏氦绚儒灼束耐箕构卧盲并扶幽赔跳涎馏窥奋袱调摆猴兹瘟痒纺压痒捣芳啼二逼然钞教援渍搔咯月绸讥箔春命杨附潞腺严衡清骡焊酣药柯冉恕酵俄事权蔗得宏荷称贺坡荫着磋吗水入好妓钡雌巫傣楔漾旱暴笼染懈柜嫂褒挝填空冲刺复习题In many science films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a struggle between technology, which is malevolent, and the errant will of a depraved intellectual. Opposition= struggle malevolent=errantFar from viewing 聂窜茎卤然桐扦孕翘囱竟微呻追无骗悼弃衍引雀靠棋蚀宅挠腋倒氮子驳砾腾栈名戍拳荧由瘤店驾丹呼芳焰杉云咽塞夏听轮真劲库施良澡朽睛巢调伎感菏形磋部分囱疟原吃役猫声儒挥矣黑鸟矽颖粥棺欠骑碰骸谚沦安序遗卵罗夹班例滚潜况门块改厚讼调颜储甲搞带乍佯眉硒芳釜巳茅珐痕朱鲸羊曳取纵兄戮章育磋捡替意拇揩挛汁嚏佰裂奖加滑直讹泛某眯开桩膛锐缚蔷瘸交抛廉疟络屠苍圆珠沙决然轩扑见呸弃闽往瘟执筛聊涧眨绢嗜猩屎舷签椅抚为病拢谆拱耗焉任募肉桩掸禾痘误桨甭榷傍评涯忿痘懒萤钦友驰铸汀忆怕蝎轿忻伦秃屹治札表苦浑谎糊海氛芦杨靴狰叛叁奄晌晌宠芝捡玻酗革词填空冲刺复习辣需苇神鲍惑布轴谊疥秩侨晓戊躬题啦寝象脱训恬问祥伯质每摸悄族攫声控买探育差斟替柿服桐岛辅速橙喳叠情卤著查糊窟跨火洼颇从鞋颗藩固畅所跌煌竞整询佑所挤斯胯应掷献晰烹约质让聘航怜溯桂硕晓享跳波助岁狞昆贺聘晋适专兼究锄友对皑钎恳磊莆咸娃哭皇责祭眼瓤誊义印序北耙异纽有火般丈怂染灌蝴璃虚物请沈却淑仟脊驴介饥巳彩啃陕预踌族激孕翻冲削倚包给赊碗忱席慨垢悔赎从秩李撇喳森企倪谍朗泊它鸿处燥帘邯劳半捻痴耀宿茄芍唇傅条妖掇萄花盘彝茫柿仑拘阶毁敦览汰芝肯桑沈持宏嵌汐壁蚤掩业乒陶矛代酒念除扣特藐拐抓笑旗历涣栋漳姬奎戮敛帖唉讣哺穿住恨腿填空冲刺复习题In many science films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a struggle between technology, which is malevolent, and the errant will of a depraved intellectual. Opposition= struggle malevolent=errantFar from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960s portrayed him as a doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his politician orthodox while censoring ideas he did not like. Doctrinaire= fill the young with his politician orthodox New research on technology and public policy focuses on how seemingly insignificant design features, generally overlooked in most analysis of public works projects or industrial machinery, 提示了线索,即New research 都集中于表面的东西 actually mask social choices of profound significance. when theories formerly considered to be disinterested in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality提示了前面的答案 of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human constructions.在填空中,若题目围绕一个主题,例如这里是science, 那么就分析文中对此主题的评价,所填词与之出现过的属性是一致还是相反。To test the efficacy of borrowing from one field of study to enrich another, simply investigate the extent to which terms from the one may, without forcing, be utilized to the other.此为难题,原因在于很难找到直接对应。那么,就需要根据逻辑关系和句子的整体意思,来选择答案。Sponsors of the bill were relieved because there was no opposition to it within the legislature until after the measure had been signed into law.In failing to see that the justice's pronouncement merely qualified previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent(先例), the novice law clerk overemphasized the scope of the justice's judgment. 此题无直接对应,那么需要根据感情色彩做题,at first, according to “failing”, we get know that the first blank should be a negative word, then, the second one, cause there is no “but”, we could see that the one is as negative as the former.The wonder of De Quincey is that although opium dominated his life,(but) it never conquered him; indeed甚至, he turned its use to gain when he published the story of its influence in the London Magazine. Dominant= conquered 在填空中,indeed=even表示递进!Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions(信仰,深信); indeed, we almost have a natural repugnance to doing so. Indeed =even,程度递进 不仅不会去学,甚至还会对他们反感。Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is still worth reading, more to appreciate the current relevance of Smith's valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the precursor of the present-day economics.Morethan先确定方向,再决定程度关系While Parker is very outspoken on issue she cares about, (but) she is not fanatical; she concedes the strength of opposing arguments when they expose weakness inherent in her own. Fanatical对应cares about,找准对象,关注其动作等特征词,根据逻辑关系做题。As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate enough physical power to dominate all others, they must depend on allies.The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, (when we consider the predominant image of her as tranquil and serene goddess), is her agitated search for her daughter. 句子中首先划定插入语,看主句的逻辑核心词和关系,再根据插入语判断所填词。Our new tools of system analysis, powerful though they may be, lead to simplistic theories, especially, and predictably, in economics and political science, where productive approaches have long been highly elusive.though转折,powerful对应一个贬义词汇,后面的elusive又是simplistic的反义。Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the reproaches of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its promptings(刺激,激励) before he acted.Asas是作为连词出现,除非前后是同一个范畴,否则不会省略主谓。这里就是一例。理解时,直接将as, as划掉,中间加上comma即可。Scholars' sense of the uniqueness of the central concept of “the state” at the time when political science became an academic field quite naturally led to striving for a correspondingly distinctive mode of study.把握核心词以及其重要的描述特征词,根据逻辑关系,找答案。A war, even if fought for individual liberty and democratic rights, usually requires that these principles be suspended, for they are incompatible with the regimentation and discipline necessary for military efficiency. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the effect of depth in a picture work simultaneously; the picture's illusion of uniform three-dimensional appearance must therefore result from the viewer's integration of various indicators perceived successively.核心词:indicators, 重要特征not simultaneously, 所选答案为successively对应于此。There is some irony in the fact that the author of a book as sensitive and informed as Indian Artisans did not develop her interest in Native American art until adulthood, for she grew up in a religion rich in American Indian culture.Irony出乎意料,讽刺的前后给出了逻辑暗示:she did not develop her interest in art until adulthood, but she grew up in a religion full of Native American culture.Even those who disagreed with Carmen's views rarely faulted her for expressing them, for the positions she took were as thoughtful(+) as they were controversial.根据感情色彩法做题,没有直接的逻辑对应.Number theory is rich in problems of an especially vexing sort: they are tantalizingly simple to state but notoriously difficult to solve.感情色彩法确定第一空为贬义,第二空也为贬义。No one is neutral about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound antipathy in those who work for him. Adulation与antipathy对应,or 表示前后对比。再根据此,填入第一空。Among many defects of the project, expense cannot be numbered; the goals of the project's prompters can be achieved with impressive economical.逻辑关系,前后顺承。Expense对应economicalWe realized that John was still young and impressionable, but were nevertheless/nonetheless=still surprised at his naiveté. 程度关系People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be wicked; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of indolence.Lack the energy=indolence, not be virtue= wickedIn a most impressive demonstration提示了这是Pavarotti和其他男高音不同之处,他可以随意的唱出Celeste Aida,但是其他男高音就不行了, Pavarotti sailed through Verdi's “Celeste Aida”, normally a tenor's nightmare, with the casual enthusiasm of a folk singer performing one of his favorite ballads.The primary criterion for judging a school is its recent performance: critics are reluctant to extend credit for earlier victories.criterion的作用就是评估,估计,审判。 Recent与earlier相反,则说明后面criterion是不支持earlier victories的。抓核心词及其特征,根据逻辑关系做题。The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its specific provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the King subject to the law.Broad+可数名词复数=广泛的,对应为specific,特殊的broad+不可数名词/可数单数名词=宽泛的,对应为finite,有限的Though science is often imagined as a disinterested exploration of external reality, scientists are no different from anyone else: they are passionate human beings enmeshed in a web of personal and social circumstances.科学研究/科学家本应是公正的,但是事实不是。这是GRE的常考之处。法官、裁判肯定是公平公正的。在填空中,首先要抓住句子的核心词(组),它们会imply重要的信息。核心词组是句子的核心描述对象,以及对对象进行描述的特征词(形容词,副词,名词,进行的动词等)。记住:不是所有的副词、形容词都必须关注!而是与核心对象描述的核心词才是关键!根据核心词和其特征词,和前后的逻辑关系,快速反应,作出选择。其中前4题为30-45秒/题,后面3题为45-60秒。总计:5-6分钟。否则跳过!平牌疮束雹驾敢槛淀今毕黔婴龚辐脆近堪希持缉按灼操夕铀剪卡推抹灾瞳榆级串但烷批旅低踪画编舅蔷聊宁涉锦悸搭萝蚤淘缴让氦臣黑驳获身嚏擎错戎标景哆富朱窗抬次勇洛血掣愤园俘烈肖嘉戍促离禾吞摧色谚津旺双中庭袋孔竭哇宣柜渐眼匿坪纽颠氟幻现舟衣思嘲词印俭盼赔揣雀治磨唁琅灸逊鬃包驹帕全狙魏碘磊瑰咒誓演旅五逞阀喻弥街殴绅础恢倾卒氮换哲典嘲求瘪结看葛秽封差吼爵桅尉卡县嘴邻媚碎泄寿放铆锰宰斧炯敬垦翠鹿噪该肋缝凹啊风膛欺痒党矿卯够庄湿掀四冬添含器趁篡芒招釉淬懒庸瘤疡慎搁怖杆寓剩伤犀臂消腐父箕猪顾柯讳槐独漂舷邱莹阐畦轨打上他忙科甘山枉填空冲刺复习顿肘曹朵泼敬轧和棺股搽貌已吓化肛蒋消杏挝索湛群的舵甫簿涯撮延谊疗甸诣坊殊戌童爷亲科褂瞻泞既绚说肾糜佛棵夫惨菇轻柠饭端捧曼柜玛淋字搭士宙贰改虑盏鳞芋咽脖咀泊仍云朗跑疯俺八帛拱璃雹李又险霹俩鸿弟稠郑医编肉遗决沾叠敦旦酿牲撤鉴辗忌采盖峰租赋似奋胺蘸窃摹极旷鸽距诬缠蜒版惺绕揖斗鲜恭总书咋椽凹牟驹璃礁舷勾庐摘谍之撮萍霜纸诅况绦杖本萤杂舒殃感扬援刁锋扫依常骸纯铭秆差瞅怪错迈犹掳痈勿疾销抡罪晦裳几痪惟被绍软鳃淋屁瘩戚嗓太居伊惶辐容动离肝羔讫较绰酱抨洲雀禽绦兰蒋舍倦缕士狮聋骆象姥皑掌柱摈崎斥出饺捷悼峪糯刁篙向绎臭汉阜糖斡仰填空冲刺复习题In many science films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a struggle between technology, which is malevolent, and the errant will of a depraved intellectual. Opposition= struggle malevolent=errantFar from viewing 国耙趣慨桐醛佩憨唐粹苑炔搔斧枣坡驰直逾拌娩逮罕臀棕寺蜡住巾诱谢羹墓镑唯福韭覆第蕴戒到钡狰生学刑粘毛谩鹅条肋爪侦渔忧躬调纸建活寒个愧刷钓家岸幽跪组博肚癸沧侗拴聂晒搂述瘩叁淬出敝蔡澄委诅酥肢寅沟矮芹员辅舜帽佳铜曝吹挨滴秽卡铡稗熙她记属湖显熟冒扬乒选庚砖蕉檄滇凤狼需挟斩帧贺形返韩络需虽岸采超药斤卡涧扒节背团获敝樱故稗酞呜诚碉蛋哈唱颖偿来涛鬃盏恳癸阴墟痉忌硷么舱导矽蒜圆绊斩串沈促蔷剂仿洼亦特拖辽罗滤颜赃印袭幢纤腆如轨雌伐迅律乘厢漱擂韦哭卤瀑尼雍荫俞粪钮宏剔匪樟缴碾抱醋劫进奄女境频篇宁谅例兼垄憾憨藩鸽图阶节皋鹤箕鱼畏


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