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    口语最常用的“小词”Stuff 口语里等于things,不加复数 eg: There are a lot of stuff in my bag.Folks 口语里等于people ,Pretty 相当于veryFun 相当于interesting eg:Just for funAdore 非常喜欢 eg: I adore that little boyShortly 相当于soon eg: Ill finish this soon.Spot 相当于 see/ place eg: i spotted some birds in the treeEye-opening 让人打开眼界的 eg :traveling is really eye-opening Decent 不错的,挺好的=quite good eg: This job offers a decent salary .Hang out 玩儿 eg: I often hang out with friends in bars.Kind of 有点,相当于sort of eg: he is kind of arrogant .In a row 连续 eg: He ate that four apples in a row.Entire whole /complete eg:He ate the entire cake .During 在、时候 eg:i go swimming during the summer holiday.Know.inside out =know .backwards and for words 精通 eg:He know different kinds of games inside outIm all for . 我完全支持某事物Is a pain in the neck 很折磨人 eg: learning math is a pain in the neckA couple of 几个 eg: i stay at home for a couple of daysA bunch of 一些 eg: I always hang out with a bunch of old friends.Loads of /piles of / tons of/a multitude of=a lot of eg: ive got loads of work to do Make sense 合理 eg: The plot of that movie didnt make any sense.,you name it 应有尽有 eg: Beijing has traditions ,tasty food, modern lifestyle ,beautiful people .you name it .I kill two birds with one stone eg: when i trave around,i help people take photos,so you see,i just kill two birds with one stone.would be the last thing i want to do .是我人生里最不想做的事 eg: Doing the dishes would be the last thing i want to do.What a shame! 太可惜了 eg: i lost my purse,what a shame!.is nonexistent 压根儿就不存在 eg: Some scientists believe ghost is nonexistent.End up verb+ing 常用来某人某事处在某种状态 eg:i end up having to so all the work myself.Suit someone well/suit someones needs eg: This book suit me well.Approach 做某事的方法 eg: a new approach to learning English Participate in 参加.。经常代替join Involve 涉及到、Comforting 代替comfortableEntertaining 娱乐性强Affluent 代替richInformative 信息量很大的Appealing/attractive Mind-numbing 比boring 还枯燥Efficient 高效率的, 反义词 time-consuming Laid-back 代替easygoing Disturbing 烦人的Concerned about 关注、im very concerned about the latest changes in the real estate policy.100 个核心词汇按topic分类CitiesLawns 绿地 摩天楼 skyscrapers 有活力的 dynamic /vibrant 雕塑 sculptures 壮观的 magnificent /spectacular 基础设施 infrastructure 某个地方的菜 cuisine 交通堵塞 traffic congestion乐观的 optimistic 四合院建筑 courtyard houses小吃 snacks 多样化 diverse一个圣地 a holy place 乐坛 the music scene 国际化的 cosmopolitan 顽强的 tenacious 城市布局 the layout of a city 热情好客的 hospitable一座名人故居 a celebritys former residence 物质化 materialistic 迷人的 enchanting 举世闻名的 world-renownedThe political,economic ,and culture center of China.自然风光 gardens and parks 设施 facilities 喷泉 fountains 水池 pools 池塘 ponds弯弯曲曲的小路 winding paths 栅栏 picket fence 花坛 flowerbeds 亭子 pavilions花架 trellises 灌木丛 bushes茂盛的 lush 瀑布 waterfall宁静的 tranquil and serene limpid water 清澈的水花香 the fragrance of flowers 树上鸟叫 birds chirp in the trees氛围 ambience 滑旱冰 roller -skating露营 camping 约会 go on a date休闲,玩儿 hang out 建筑物外观 exterior 壮观的 magnificent 台阶 steps 主要入口 main entrance柱子 pillars 玻璃幕墙 glass curtain wall基座 platform 室内装饰 interior decor 精致的 exquisite 大厅 lobby电梯 elevators /lifts 自动扶梯 escalators 光亮的 glossy/ sleek 连接link 美食街 food court 化妆品店 cosmetics store电子产品店 electronics stores 服装店 boutiques时尚的 trendy/stylish 高贵的 classy/ chic售后服务 after-sale service 书库 stack 多媒体室 audio-visual room/media room人物 Men and Women矮胖的 pudgy 胖乎乎的 chubby瘦的 slim 好看的 good-looking 外表平常的 average-looking 男性身材健美的 well-built女性身材好的 has a nice figure 优雅的 graceful 有礼貌的 well-mannered 斯文的 urbane敏捷的 agile 体育好的 athletic 浓眉 thick eyebrows 有神的眼睛 sparking eyes 中等身材 a medium build 红红的脸颊 rosy cheeks 花白的头发 salt-and-pepper hair 口才好的 articulate知识丰富的 knowledgeable 有活力的 dynamic喜欢社交的 sociable 慷慨的 generous热情好客的 hospitable 乐观的 optimistic 无忧无虑的 carefree 开明的 open-minded 幽默的 amusing 勤奋敬业的 industrious /conscientious 有热情的 passionate 有爱心的 compassionate 志向远大的 ambitious自信的 confident 谦虚的 modest体贴的 considerate 好接近的 approachable节俭的 frugal 反应快的 quick-witted多才多艺的 versatile 有远见的 forward-looking 多产的 prolific 有才华的 talented/gifted可爱的 adorable/likeable 举世闻名的world-renowned 做事有调理的 organized /methodical 收藏古董 collect antiques电影迷 a movie buff/ a movie nut 下象棋 play chess打麻将 play mahjong 玩滑板 skateboarding打太极 do taichi 做日光浴 do sunbathing 遛狗 walk dog 慢跑 jog远足 hike/ do hiking 动物凶猛的 fierce/ferocious 毛绒绒的 fluffy/furry温顺的 gentle 庞大的 enormous/vast神秘的 mysterious 珍稀的 rare濒危动物 endangered animals 主食 staple food 国宝 national treasures 可爱的 adorable让人特想抱的 cuddly物品新奇有趣的 funky/fancy 光亮的 glossy/ sleek破旧的 beat-up/worn-out 非常便携的 ultra-portable娱乐性强的 entertaining 信息量大的 informative 特棒的 awesome/ superb/ marvelous 不贵的 inexpensive/affordable性价比 performance to price ratio 耐用的 durable 加分形容词与副词Independent 独立的Stimulating 有趣的, 但比interesting 要正式一些Marvelous /amazing /awesome /superb 非凡的-great /wonderful Pathetic 可悲的Refreshed 精神振奋的 After a good nights sleep, i feel refreshed.Dynamic 有活力的 HongKong is one of the most dynamic port cities in the world .Speedy 快速的 Inexpensive 便宜的 代替cheapEfficient 效果好的 working in groups may be more efficient than working separatelyEffective 效果好的Awkward /embarrassing Enjoyable 好玩的,有意思的 that trip was one of the most enjoyable experiences i ever had Fancy 新奇有趣的 tacky 俗气的Exquisite 精美的,精致的 Desirable 好的,值得拥有的 that car is really desirable Encouraging /inspiring 给人动力的 he always said some encouraging words to meAppealing 吸引人的 the offer sound very appealing Intelligent 聪明的、=bright =smart Considerate=caring 关心人的 she is considerate and thoughtful Delighted=happy 高兴的 i felt delighted when he complimented me on my English State-of-the-art 先进的,最尖端的 This PSP is definitely state-of-the -art.User-friendly 方便好用的 This computer is pretty user-friendly Rewarding 有回报的 This job is pretty rewarding financially as well as emotionally Gorgeous 非常漂亮的Flawless 完美的 His English is flawlessWholesome 健全的、有益于健康的 well-balanced wholesome meal Nutritious 事物有营养的 Raw vegetable salads are very nutritious Original 原创性的,有创意的 the plot of this movie is pretty original.Economical =cost-effective Biking is economical Fascinating 迷人的 The fragrance in this garden is fascinating Informative 信息量大的 This speech is informative Entertaining 娱乐性极强的 Game shows are pretty entertaining .Authentic 地道的,正宗的 The difference between American-Chinese food is hugePosh / luxurious 奢华的,奢侈的, they dont need to stay in posh hotel to enjoy a city.Significant / essential / vital 三个词的重要程度从前到后越来越强。Commonplace 非常常见的=very common that brand cars are Commonplace in Shanghai .Humdrum/mundane/run-of-the -mill 没劲的=boring that detective story was totally humdrum.Atrocious/obnoxious 极差的 =terrible Sometimes the traffic congestion in this city can be obnoxious .Worthless 没用的 These impractical suggestions are worthless .Hideous 极丑的=extremely ugly Those hideous buildings seriously spoil the cityscape Messy 乱七八糟的 The layout of this newspaper is totally messy.Bogus 假的 、山寨的 fake 山寨版叫 knockoff Many people sell bogus stuff on the internet .Mediocre 平庸的,很一般的 That book was so mediocre i threw it away after reading the first 10 pages.Poisonous /toxic 有毒的 car exhaust fumes can be poisonous Hazardous 危险的 -代替dangerous In Beijing , biking is hazardous Exhausting 让人精疲力尽的 Rock-climbing can be exhausting .Frustrating 令人沮丧的 The career prospects are frustrating .Disturbing 烦人的 Noise can be reaaaaaly disturbing .Time-consuming 耗时的 Watching TV can be very time-consuming .Complicated/complex 复杂的 This is a complex issue . The plot of that movie was complicated.Adverbs Actually , /basically 真实英美生活中超高频,eg: Actually ,these two words are old hat Essentially 用在句首,表本质来看 eg: Essentially ,this problem is a problem about the conflicts between development and tradition.Specially 用句首,表示具体来说 Eg, the traffic in Beijing is awful ,Specially , there are more reckless drivers in Beijing than in most American cities.Typically 多半 代替mostly seniors are typically more laid-back and more understanding Practically 几乎 代替almost i have to work overtime practically every day.Immediately 立刻=right away measures should be taken immediately to cope with this problem.Constantly 比 always 语气更强的Currently 现在=now=at the moment eg : im currently working at a toy company .Unfortunately /sadly 不幸的是 eg : unfortunately , not so many people have meals with their family members today, due to the fast pase of life.Honestly 老实说、 eg :honestly ,i dont know much about this topic .Normally 通常,代替usually eg : normally ,i plan things one or two days ahead.Hopefully ,希望能够 eg: Hopefully, well get the noise controlled shortly .应该熟记的关键翻译词Spacious 宽敞的 cramped 狭小的Gorgeous 漂亮的 ugly /hideous 丑陋的Tasty 好吃的 gross 难吃的Organized 整齐的,有秩序的 messy 混乱的Stimulating 有趣的 monotonous /humdrum/run-of -the-mill 单调的,乏味的Extravagant 奢侈的 economical 省钱的Adorable =cute 可爱的 disgusting 令人厌恶的Promote/boost 促进 restrict /impede 阻碍Preserve 保护 ruin 破坏Encourage 鼓励Inspire 激励 frustrate 让人沮丧Is accelerating =is speeding up 加速 is slowing down 减慢Is improving 改善 is deteriorating 恶化Delighted 高兴的 upset 心烦的 很不高兴的只需加否定前缀Healthy unhealthy Comfortable uncomfortable Convenient inconvenient Friendly unfriendly Expensive inexpensive Available unavailable 非常棒的词组和句型As i see it,./i guess./i suppose I guess 比I think 更加客气的说法As for.=when it comes to ./Talking about /=speaking of 说起、,谈到、Loads of =tons of =piles of =a multitude of =a lot of A wealth of 、大量的, 后面Eg: public libraries offer us a wealth of information And the like=and stuff like that =and what not 代替and so on Eg : i like pop music,country music ,R&P, rap and the like.Tend to .=for the most part 多半 代替most of Eg : kids tend to be more active than adults.I think of .as.=i regard.as我把、看做是、I think of reading as a way to relax.Is / are supposed to .=should Children are supposed to read more books because that can help them gain a great number of knowledge.Is/are more likely to 更有可能去、Children are more likely to copy the violence and bad language in movies.Not necessarily 不一定 、未必Something i thought id set up very well didnt necessarily seem that way to everyone .There is no sense in 、it doesnt make any sense.=its pointless to There s no sense in blocking that extremely useful website.Is the norm -是最普遍、最常见的做法 近义 its not uncommon for sb to .In traditional schools ,rote learning(死记硬背) was the norm.Make sense=be reasonable 有道理的Eg : it doesnt make any sense.Is a luxury 是一种奢望Having your own garden is a luxury in cities like Beijing and Shanghai .Wont hurt 不会有坏处The house looks good.But a fresh paint job just wont hurt .Enable sb to do sth 让某人可以去Eg:english abilities enable us to find more information on the internet .Have a hard time doing sth 很难去、Eg : Graduates this year are having a hard time finding a decent job because of the financial crisis .Something is approaching / something is just around the corner 某件事情的发生时间越来越近了,即将发生 English speaking contest is approaching /english speaking contest is just around the corner.虚拟语气与现在事实相反:If my boss got me promoted soon, i would go to the movies more often.与将来事实相反If the traffic in BJ could be more organized, i would ride my bike to work. 倒装句Eg : not only does this restaurant offer great food, it also has top-notch service.Eg :not only are these flowers gorgeous and fragrant ,they are full of special meaning as well.Travel(ocean /mountain)1.enjoy the great flavor(味道) and nutrition(营养) of sea food/tropical fruits热带水果/local flavors地方风味 such as sea cucumbers海参- and tuna金枪鱼crabs螃蟹shrimps小虾/salmon三文鱼/mango(e)s芒果/coco-nuts椰子/durians榴莲/火龙果dragon fruit/pitaya/木瓜papaya2. fish on a fishing boat with local fishermen/travel brochure/butcher3. listen to waves/waterfalls瀑布/streams小溪 hitting rocks and seagulls(海鸥)/magpies(喜鹊) singing.4. enjoy breeze(微风) caressing(爱抚) my cheeks(脸颊)/body(身体)/hair5. dive (潜水)and enjoy the beauty of odd(奇异的) ocean creatures(生物)like corals(珊瑚)/jelly-fish(水母)/shells6. enjoy wonderful ocean animal/animal shows like dolphin(海豚)/snake (蛇)/elephant shows and seal(海豹) shows7. cover ones legs with warm sand (非)延续性sit on the beach with ones legs covered in the warm sand(状态性)8. rent an SUV,drive off a coast(海岸线)/country road乡间小路 / mountain road山间小路 while enjoying melodious(悠扬的) music and attractive sceneries, with the sun roof open9. enjoy the beauty of sunset(日落) and sunrise10. take a walk without shoes on(赤脚) while picking up shells on the beach (maldives)11. ta


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