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    对外经济贸易大学成人本科英语专业学位英语考试纲要(附样题) 电大考试电大小抄电大复习资料 考试目的 检测我校成人教育本科英语教学水平及英语专业本科学生对英语知识掌握程度,以保 证本科毕业生学士学位的授予质量。 适用对象 本大纲适用于对外经济贸易大学成人本科及合作院校英语专业本科学生。 考核内容 主要考核学生综合运用语言的能力以及学生对语法结构、词语用法的掌握程度。由于 目前尚不具备口语考试和听力考试的条件,暂不进行听、说方面的考试。(相当于大学英 语六级水平,以后逐渐过渡到大学英语六级) I.词汇与结构 (Vocabulary and Structure) 词汇与语法结构部分的目的是测试考生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。本部分 的测试时间为 30 分钟。 II.辨别错误 (Error Identification) 辨别错误部分的目的是测试学生对词汇、短语、语法结构等的掌握情况及对错误的 识别辨析能力。本部分的测试时间为 10 分钟。 III.完形填空 (Cloze) 完形填空部分的目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力。在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中 的短文(200 词左右)中留有 15 个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有 4 个选择项,要求 考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。 填空的词项包招结构词和实义词。本部分的测试时间为 15 分钟。 IV.阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有 一定的速度。在这一部分,考生在 30 分钟的时间内,阅读若干篇各种题材(社会生 活、政治、经济、人物传记、科普等)和体裁(议论文、记叙文、说明文、应用文等)、 生词不超过总词数 3,总阅读量在 850 词左右(四级)/1100 词左右(六级)的中 等难度的文字材料。要求考生理解所读材料的大意,掌握主要事实和有关的具体细 节,辨别作者的基本态度或观点,根据有关信息进行一定的推理或判断。 V.英汉翻译 (English-Chinese Translation) 英汉翻译是主观测试题。目的是测试学生正确理解英语并使用汉语进行笔头表达的 能力,试题采用句子翻译的形式。本部分的测试时间为 15 分钟。 VI.英语写作(Writing) 短文写作部分的目的是测试学生用英语书面表达思想的初步能力。考试时间为 20 分 钟。要求考生写出一篇 120 字左右的短文。试卷上可能给出题目,或规定情景,或 给出段首句要求续写,或给出关键词要求写出短文。要求能够正确表达思想,意义 连贯,无重大语法错误。写作的内容包括日常生活和一般常识。 考试形式 本考题采取标准化考试形式。试题的 75%采用客观性的多项选择题形式;客观题与主 观题相结合,从而达到科学地测试考生英语水平的目的。 考试题型 词汇结构、辨别错误、完形填空、阅读理解、英汉翻译、英语写作。 考试时间 120 分钟。 试卷六个部分的总题量为 86 小题。题目数、记分和考试时间具体见下表: 序号 题号 各部分名称 题目数 计分 考试时间 I 1-40 词汇与结构 40 20 分 30 分钟 II 41-50 辨别错误 10 10 分 10 分钟 III 51-65 完形填空 15 15 分 15 分钟 IV 66-80 阅读理解 15 30 分 30 分钟 V 81-85 英汉翻译 5 15 分 15 分钟 VI 86 英语写作 1 10 分 20 分钟 合计 86 题 100 分 120 分钟 对外经济贸易大学成人本科英语专业学位英语考试样题 I.词汇与结构 (Vocabulary and Structure) 20% 1)I dont think the first _ of the play will be televised live. A. view B. sight C. performance D. action 2)He left early _ he should miss the last subway train. A. in case B. in case of C. in order that D. for fear of 3)3. There is no doubt _ the earth goes round the sun. A. whether B. that C. if D. why 4)Is Fanny the cleverest of _ in this class? A. any students B. any other student C. any of the students D. all the students 5)We started _ get there before noon. A. as early as to B. early enough so C. so early as to D. enough early to 6)_ not for your help, I would be in trouble. A. It was B. Was it C. It were D. Were it 7)Generally speaking, a well-behaved child has been properly _ by his parents. A. born up B. brought up C. got up D. raised up 8)Peter will fail the exam _ he works hard. A. if B. provided C. until D. unless 9)He will be in a wheelchair for _ of his life. A. the remaining B. the rest C. the remain D. rest 10)It was not until she took off her dark glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star. A. that B. so that C. before D. when 11)I have seen the picture dozens of times, and its always as new to me _ I had never seen it before. A. as B. as if C. though D. like 12)The man standing by the window is my friend, Phil. He is expert _operating a computer. A. for B. to C. at D. with 13)I didnt _ to take a taxi but I had to as I was afraid that I would be late for class. A. assume B. suppose C. mean D. consider 14)Few animals were found in the forest, as most of them seemed _ killed. A. to have been B. to be C. they were D. that they had been 15)The personnel manager asked Mary whether she would _ to start work the next day. A. admit B. agree C. approve D. accept 16)Unfortunately, my aunt died of a heart attack _ her last novel still unpublished. A. while B. with C. but D. before 17)The country has, as expected, got itself into social unrest _ the government has lost control. A. over that B. that C. over which D. which 18)I would rather you _ go swimming as its raining hard. A. did not B. do not C. not D. will not 19)The _ girl is Ruths niece. A. Canadian little pretty B. pretty little Canadian C. Canadian pretty little D. little pretty Canadian 20)His father often said to him, “You are old enough to make your own living instead of living _ your parents. A. off B. for C. by D. with 21)The weather here is fairly _ in spring, which makes it difficult to know what to wear. A. variable B. varied C. variety D. various 22)I should like _ earlier of the goings-on there. A. having informed B. to have informed C. to inform D. to have been informed 23)Does the newspaper report suggest that an economic crisis _ soon? A. occur B. there is C. there will be D. will occur 24)The perspective in which you view the problem is _ mine. A. contrary to B. contrast from C. opposite from D. disagreeable to 25)The tools _ the furniture is assembled are packed in the package. A. with that B. in which C. with which D. by which 26)I have some difficulty in improving my composition. Could you lend me _? A. a help B. an aid C. a hand D. an arm 27)“Would you care for a cup of coffee?” “No, thank you. Id have _ coffee” A. something besides B. nothing but C. everything besides D. anything but 28)It so happened that Jim knocked over the candle and the tablecloth _ fire. A. made B. got C. set D. caught 29)She went to the ticket office, only _ that the tickets for the performance had all been sold out. A. told B. to be told C. being told D. was she told 30)_ when the traffic accident took place. A. He happened to be passing by B. It so happened to him to be passing by C. It so happened for him to be passing by D. He happened that he was passing by 31)He _ me by two games to one. A. beat B. conquered C. gained D. won 32)_ any instructions from their government, they could not give an answer. A. Having not received B. Not having received C. Receiving not D. Not receiving 33)Nowadays, the news media keep us informed of what _ in the world. A. is happening on B. is getting on C. is taking on D. is going on 34)Metals _ as they grow cool。 A. reduce B. condense C. contract D. compress 35)She is not as _ as her classmates. A. an active student B. active the student C. active a student D. the active student 36)Since he didnt feel like _ to the movies, I suggested _ cards at home. A. going, playing B. to go, to play C. to go, playing D. going, to play 37)It has come to my notice that people are not taking full _ of the facilities of the library. A. profit B. benefit C. advantage D. opportunity 38)For all those years, she was none the _ beautiful. A. far B. less C. very D. least 39)_ do they go shopping together. A. Sometimes B. Often C. Occasionally D. Seldom 40)Not everyone likes his idea; however, _ it might be worth a try. A. no one thinks B. anyone thinks C. everyone thinks D. some think Key 1) C. performance 2) A. in case 3) B. that 4) D. all the students 5) C. so early as to 6) D. Were it 7) B. brought up 8) D. unless 9) B. the rest 10) A. that 11) B. as if 12) C. at 13) C. mean 14) A. to have been 15) B. agree 16) B. with 17) C. over which 18) A. did not 19) B. pretty little Canadian 20) A. off 21) A. variable 22) D. to have been informed 23) D. will occur 24) A. contrary to 25) C. with which 26) C. a hand 27) D. anything but 28) D. caught 29) B. to be told 30) A. He happened to be passing by 31) A. beat 32) B. Not having received 33) D. is going on 34) C. contract 35) C. active a student 36) A. going, playing 37) C. advantage 38) B. less 39) D. Seldom 40) D. some think II.辨别错误 (Error Identification) 10% 41)Rabbits and hares look much like and are often mistaken for each other. A B C D 42)Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice A B because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her. C D 43)Though he had won several prizes in the competition, many of us A B C hated the way which he treated other people. D 44)He admires her so much that he is always ready to do that she asks him to do. A B C D 45)The athlete, together with his coach and several relatives, are A B C D traveling to the Olympic Games 46)Tom shows a strong interest in insects, and he spends A B most of his spare time collect butterfly specimens. C D 47)George has got a well- paid job as an assistant manager in a big company A B and his new apartment is in a twelve-stories building near the Fifth Avenue. C D 48)Smith sold most of his belongings. He has hardly nothing left in the house. A B C D 49)Pioneer woman in the West had more opportunities to work than A B C they had had in the East. D 50)All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute. A B C D Key: 41 (B) 42 (A) 43 (D) 44 (D) 45 (D) 46 (D) 47 (D) 48 (C) 49 (A) 50 (D) III.完形填空 (Cloze) 15% Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves about the 51 problem -how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which utilizes not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well 52 no conventional fuel is needed to make the campus six buildings comfortable. Some parts of the buildings - theatres and offices 53 classrooms - are more than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned 54 in winter. The technique of 55 heat and redistributing it is 56 “Heat recovery”. A few modern buildings recover _57_, but the universitys system is the first to recover heat 58 some buildings and reuse it in 59 . Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers. The 60 a student studies, the more heat his body 61 . Male students emit more heat than 62 students. And the larger a student, the more heat he 63 . It is tempting to 64 that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a 65 , overweight male genius. 51) A. similar B. wrong C. opposing D. opposite52) A. which B. then C. that D. therefore 53) A. including B. as well C. with D. as well as 54) A. even B. so C. ever D. much 55) A. saving B. being saved C. disposing D. being disposed 56) A. talked B. thought C. suggested D. called 57) A. loss B. cold C. temperature D. heat 58) A. to B. from C. with D. for 59) A. the other B. other C. others D. the others 60) A. hard B. hardest C. harder D. more hard 61) A. takes in B. gives off C. gives in D. takes out 62) A. woman B. female C. girl D. boy 63) A. produces B. manufactures C. designs D. assembles 64) A. start B. conclude C. end D. begin 65) A. easy-going B. fun-making C. hard-working D. good-for-nothing Key 51. D. opposite 52. C. that 53. D. as well as 54. A. even 55. A. saving 56. D. called 57. D. heat 58. B. from 59. C. others 60. C. harder 61. B. gives off 62. B. female 63. A. produces 64. B. conclude 65. C. hard-working IV. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 30% Passage 1 After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the day before. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day. There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles (肌肉) relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyes are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement. If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep! 66) A good title for this passage is _. A. Sleep B. Good Health C. Dreams D. Work and Rest 67) The underlined word “drowsy” in the last paragraph means _. A. sick B. stand up C. asleep D. sleepy 68) This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you _. A. dream more often B. have poor health C. prepared for the next day D. breathe quickly 69) During REM, _. A. your eyes move quickly B. you dream C. you are restless D. both A and B 70) The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is _. A. about six yours B. around ten hours C. not stated in the passage D. about eight hours Key 66) A. S1eep 67) D. s1eepy 68) B. have poor health 69) D. both A and B 70) C. not stated in the passage Passage 2 Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it. Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in a row. For perception is the minds interpretation of what his senses in this case our eyes tell us. Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene. 71) Seeing and perceiving are _. A. the same action B. two separate actions C. two actions carried on entirely by eyes D. several actions that take place at different times 72) People perceive different things about the same scene because _. A. they see different things B. they cannot agree about things C. some have better eyesight D. None of these 73) Psychologists study perception by _. A. setting up many experiments B. asking each other what they see C. looking out of windows D. studying peoples eyes 74) Which of the following statements is implied but not stated? A. Psychologists do not yet know how people see. B. The best experiments are those in which all factors are controlled. C. The study of perception is going on now. D. Perception does not involve psychological factors. 75) The best title for this selection is _. A. What Psychologists Perceive B. Learning Our Minds Through Science C. How We Perceive D. How to Become an Experimental Psychologist Key 71) B. two separate actions. 72) D. None of these. 73) A. setting up many experiments. 74) B. The best experiment


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