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    國中英語模擬試題,教育測驗與評量期末報告 B89102060 崔介眉 B89102029 洪心琪 B89102044 王惠亭 B90305242 王珊瑜,出題理念,內容生活化:試題內容模擬國中生日常生活情境,稗使學生作答時有身歷情境、切合生活之感,減低對試題的焦躁與陌生,增加作答的意願與興趣。 試題創新化:推翻傳統試題形式,使文法字彙等不再單獨成題,而將隻隨機融入試題中,並避免以記憶性題目為主,增加學生活用知識的能力。 能力具體化:配合九年一貫課程之六大議題、十大能力指標。,(一)六大議題 資訊教育:電腦的使用上網查資料。 家政教育:了解衣物洗滌方法。 生命教育:知道珍惜愛護動物。 (二)十大能力指標 了解自我與發展潛能 生涯規劃與終生學習 表達溝通與分享 文化學習與國際了解 規劃、組織與實踐 運用科技與資訊,起床接聽電話換衣服洗衣服打電話上網查資料看信上街購物參加宴會,Iris的一日大事紀,試題特色,題目容易 強調閱讀能力 答案隨機分布 重視寫作能力 真實生活融入,Personal Data: Name:Iris Lin Resident:Taipei, Taiwan Career:a junior high school student Hobby:surf on the internet,The Adventure Of Iris,It was a beautiful sunny day. The sunlight was shining on Iriss face through the window. She was sleeping. Everything was quiet except the clock was ticking.,Suddenly, somebody was knocking at the door. “ Iris! Wake up! Its ten now!” her mom yelled. “Time to get up!” Iris opened her eyes slowly. “ Oh no! Ten oclock” as soon as she noticed the time, she jumped out of bed immediately. After 5 minutes, while she was having brunch, the phone rang. Her mother went to (1) it. ( ) 1. (A) connect (B) answer (C) catch (D) receive,24 為題組 Peter: May I speak to Iris, please? Mom: OK. (2) . ( ) 2. (A) I would like to talk to her. (B) She is at home. (C) Hold on, please. (D) Wait a minute. “ Iris, its your phone call.” “ Ok, I am coming.” Iris: Hi! (3) . ( ) 3. (A) I am Iris. (B) Is anybody listening. (C) Please dont talk too loudly. (D) This is Iris speaking.,Peter: Hi!Iris. This is Peter. Are you free now? Iris: I would really like to talk to you, but I am busy right now. (4) ,OK? ( ) 4. (A) I am not happy. (B) Ill call you later. (C) Dont bother me. (D) I dont have time, sorry. Peter: All right! Ill wait for you.,After hanging up the phone, Iris rushed to change clothes. She found three clothes needed (5) . ( ) 5. (A) washing. (B) washed. (C) to wash (D) washes. But she had no time now. So she asked her mother for help.,“ Mom, can you wash these clothes for me, please?” “ Why? You did not wash them yesterday? What do I tell you every time ?” “ (6) my housework before going to bed, but mom, I am running out of time now, I have lots of things to do today.” ( ) 6. (A) Forget finishing. (B) Remember finishing (C) Forget to finish (D) Remember to finish,“ Thats not an excuse. You should learn to take some responsibility, its your job, I will not do it for you.” So Iris had no choice but wash her dress now. However, she was not very sure about (7) these clothes. ( ) 7. (A) how should wash. (B) what to wash (C) how she washed (D) how to wash.,“ Mom, can these clothes be washed by washing machine?” “ There are some wash instructions, you can consult it” “ All right, I will try my best.”,This is what she saw.,Wash Instructions X.,Wash separately No bleach Do not iron Do not wring,100% COTTON Y Dry Wash ONLY Made In China,Made in Taiwan Z,Do not .,( ) 8. What can Iris do with these 3 clothes? (A) She should put X and Z in the washing machine. (B) She should wash Y by hand. (C) She can iron X. (D) She can wring Z after washing. ( ) 9. What may the missing word be? (A) Bleach (B) Iron (C) Dry Clean (D) Wash,“Now I realized that it is such a big trouble if I do not finish my own duty.” After washing these clothes, she went back to call Peter. (Talk on the phone),Their conversation (13) Iris of searching for some information about the dog. ( ) 13. (A) reminded (B) refused (C) revised (D) regreted “Since I had brought him home, I should take good care of him.” She thought. Iris wants to know what a dog will become when it gets flu. What would be the best key word for searching? ( ) 14. (A) Influenza (B) Veterinarian (C) dogs influenza (D) dogs,( ) 15. “well, lets see, what site is best for me to visit?” (A) Influenza - let water be your medicine. . “If you have Influenza, let water be your medicine!” said Mr. Dogs. Influenza is caused by virus. It usually comes during the winter. . www.herbs2000.com/kids/influenza.htm - 14k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (B) Dogs diseases - information and facts you should know A dog is sick when it eats less and less. When it gets influenza, it might have a white tongue, dull eyes, and a dry coat. A sick dog often has a fever. . www.lookd.com/dogs/diseases.html - 5k - 2004年5月9日 - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (C) Fun Dictionary ; DOG'S DINNER: A word meaning you look terrible (“You look like the dog's dinner“); DOG'S DISEASE: Influenza; . www.geocities.com/thetropics/8169/slang.html - 20k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁,A dog is sick when it eats less and less. When it gets influenza, it might have a white tongue, dull eyes, and a dry coat. A sick dog often has a fever. Usually, the body temperature of a dog is 101.5. A dog's pulse can be taken by when you put your finger against its legs.,( ) 16 What is true about this paragraph? (A) Her dog ate nothing at all today. Maybe it is sick. (B) A sick dog has a blue tongue. (C) If Iris wants to take her dogs pulse, she should press her hand on its neck. (D) Her puppys temperature is 100, so it has a fever. ( ) 17. If Iris wants to understand the meaning of her puppys barking, what link should she go to? (A) Dogs food. (B) Train your dog. (C) Find a partner. (D) Dogs language.,“I think I can take very good care of my dog now, web sites are really convenient!” Before going out, she (18) the weather forecast and horoscope prediction. ( ) 18. (A) always checks (B) is always checking (C) always checked (D) was always checking.,Here is the web page she saw.,(19) the weather forecast, what should Monica bring or wear if she wanted to go out today?(20) ( ) 19. (A) according to (B) in addition to (C) instead of (D) except for ( ) 20. (A) a mask (B) an umbrella (C) some sun block (D) a coat Then she clicked the horoscope page as she usually does. The following was another web page she saw.,Scorpio 10/23-11/21 Oh, this will be quite the exciting day for you. Family, friends and even complete strangers will be full of surprises - and if you can let go of trying to control it all, you'll love every minute. After reading the prediction, she decided to (21) talking to others. ( ) 21. (A) concentrate on (B) be active in (C) be interested in (D) be worried about,“ Mom, I am going.” “ Wait a minute, do you know where the location of the wedding feast is?” “ Of course, I had got an invitation card from Sally, and there is address on it.” “ and where is your invitation card?” Iris put her hand into her package, but she couldnt find any card “ Thats strange, where is my invitation card?” “ Here it is.” Mom gave the invitation card to Iris, but it was unusual. “You know what? You have the card washed with the clothes.” “Oh no!” The card was torn into three pieces.,This is what the cards envelope became.,( ) 23. What do you think the envelope look like originally? From: A To: B,Iris Lin 106 Taipei 12F No.18 Lane 291 Jian-guo Rd.,Iris Lin 106 Taipei Jian-guo Rd Lane 291 No.18 12F.,A,B,.,. B A,106 12F No.18 Lane 291 Jian-guo Rd. Taipei Iris Lin,110 3F No 29 Lane 63 Chong-de St. Taipei Sandy Wang,Iris Lin 106 12F No.18 Lane 291 Jian-guo Rd. Taipei,From B to A,C,D,“Thanks, mom, next time I will examine every pocket of the clothes before washing.” “ I hope it taught you a lesson. Now, you can go out. Just remember one thing : Be sure to come back home before 9 oclock.” “ I see, goodbye, mom.” “ bye.”,Then when Iris was going to explain again, a lady interrupted her. “ Its impolite to talk with your mouth full of food.” “ Yeah, youre right. I am sorry, I wont do that again.” Because of the incident, Iris kept silent during the whole feast, except in the middle of the feast, she found one of the dishes was tasteless, so she wanted some pepper. Then she said to one who was near the pepper, “ (37) ” ( ) 37. (A) Would you pass the pepper, please? (B) Do you know where the pepper is? (C) Can you show me the pepper? (D) How can I get the pepper?,Finally, the feast was over, Iris was so tired because of todays experience. “ What kind of surprise I have today? Nothing! I wont believe the horoscope prediction any more.” This was Iriss adventure. Q&A: Please list two things which Iris did not handle well today within three complete sentences.,出題委員: B89102060 崔介眉 B89102029洪心琪 B89102044 王惠亭 B90305242 王珊瑜 感謝:台灣大學田芳華老師熱情指導,下一代的教育有賴你我共同努力,


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