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    Unit 5,Why do you like pandas?,Section B,3a-3b,Learning aims,1.Knowledge objects (1) Learn some new words and phrases. save flag forget danger cut kill Ivory Over (2)Learn some useful expressions. a symbol of . get lost . helpto live . be in great danger . cut down . killfor . made of 2. Ability objects Describe and talk about the animals are in great danger in English 3. Moral objects Learn to like and save the animals,Are you ready?,Lets start,save flag forget danger cut kill Ivory over,救,救助 旗,旗帜 忘记,遗忘 危险 砍,切 杀死,弄死 象牙 超过,多于,Can you read these words ?,Lets learn,You are the best,He is very big.,He is brown or white.,He can work for people.,elephant,He has a long nose. 鼻子,The elephant is one countrys symbol.,guess,Thailand,flag now,flag before,white elephant,a symbol of good luck,Do you like elephants? Why?,smart,play soccer,draw,stand on two legs,work for people,walk for a long time,never get lost,remember places with water and food,water,be in great danger,ivory,kill for,cut down trees,air pollution,water pollution,terrible weather,Lets help elephants.,save the trees,Dont buy things made of ivory.,由制成,Dont kill elephants!,读此网站文章,打勾最好的标题,2b,Thailand,Thai,Read the article again then answer the questions below.,Where are the students from? _ 2. Are elephants smart animals? _,Theyre from Thailand.,Yes, they are.,3. Why are elephants in great danger? _ _ 4. When is Thai Elephant Day? _,Because people cut down many trees and they kill elephants for their ivory.,Its on March 13th.,再读文章,完成思维图,2c,a white elephant on it,good luck,soccer or music,draw,remember,cut down,ivory,about 3,000,100,000,trees,buy,March 13th,Let's remember!,Animals are our friends.,earth,Lets work hard to save all the animals.,由于人类的破坏,与栖息地的丧失等因素。地球上濒临灭绝生物的比例正在以惊人的速度增长。在工业社会以前,鸟类平均每300年灭绝一种,兽类平均每8000年灭绝一种。但是自从工业社会以来,地球物种灭绝的速度已经超出自然灭绝率的1000倍。全世界18的植物,14的哺乳动物,19的鸟类,15的爬行动物,14两栖动物,13鱼类,都濒临灭绝。灭绝原因 1.人类过度贪婪 2. 环境丧失 3. 过度开发4.盲目引种 5. 环境污染,= Save human . 人类,Help you learn,Lets practice,A: Whats your favorite _? B: My favorite animal is _. A: _ do you like _? B: Because _ are funny. A: _ they _? Are they from Canada? B: No, they _. Theyre _ _.,they,Why them,animal,koalas,Wherere from,Practice,Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.,arent,from Australia,用方框中单词完成短文,3a,beautiful,Africa,years,like,because,lives,否定疑问句,Isnt she beautiful? 难道她不漂亮吗? 这是否定疑问句, 常用来表示反问、责备或表示说话人的看法和惊异的情绪等。 句式结构: be/助动词/情态动词的否定式 + 主语 + 其它? Cant he do the dishes? 难道他不会洗碗碟吗?,Language points,1. 这是一篇介绍动物的短文,用一般现在时态。 2. 先介绍Beibei的名字,年龄,来自哪里,色彩等。 3. 再用系表结构的句子描写Beibei的特征,写明喜欢它的原因。可以用句子结构:I like because shes 适当扩展,可谈论它能做什么,喜欢吃什么,往在哪,通读再看扑地有没有写错的句子。,用方框中单词描写一只熊猫,3b,作文要点,a description of an animal,.,name,from where,what to eat,hobby,description words,appearance,what to do,This is Beibei. Shes from China. She is five years old. She is black and white. Isnt she cute? I like Beibei very much because shes kind of shy. She lives in Beijing Zoo.,Hello. This is my favorite animal, Beibei. He is a panda. He is 5 years old. Hes from China. He is black and whiteI like Beibei because he is very cute and shy. He eats bamboo. He can walk on two legd and play with me. He lives in Beijing Zoo. Thank you!,Write a description of an animal you like.,描述你喜欢的一个宠物, 给他她起个名吧,替换划线,Lets have a test,Be careful,用所给的词组或单词造句。,be from _ kind of _ like because _,Lions are from Africa.,Pandas are kind of shy.,My sister likes cats because theyre cute.,4. dont like because _ _ 5. get lost _ 6. in danger _ 7. cut down _,We sometimes get lost in a big city.,They dont like elephants because theyre lazy.,Is that elephant in danger?,You cant cut down these trees.,What can elephants do? Why are elephants in great danger? How to save the elephants ?,Summary,Make a list of the animals that you know.,Make a survey in your family. See what animals do they like and why?,Homework,Good-bye, everyone.,


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