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    American English and American Culture 英语论文.doc

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    American English and American Culture 英语论文.doc

    American English and American Culture Language and culture can never be separated,language could not exist if it separates with culture.The Britain people and American people both use the language of English.However,American English is a variety of British English,Americans have their own traits and customs to use words and expressions.American English provide us with a interesting reflection of American culture.Actually,we can feel something about American culture,since American English reflects American culture,including their view of value,their character traits,and so on. 1.American English melt a lot of loanwords America is called“a melting pot”since twentieth century,it means the nations are melted into a new race of men.In the field of language,it can be said that American English is a linguistic melting pot.It has probably adopted and loaned more foreign words than British English.For one thing,new physical conditions in a new nation call for new words.For another thing,Americans were in contact with foreign language more than Britain during the period of colonization and whole immigration. The migration of English to North America resulted in the adoption of many loanwords from the various Indian language of the continent,for example:“persimmon“(美洲柿), “tamarack”(美洲落叶松), “raccoon”(浣熊) , “muskrat”(麝鼠). Besides the various of Indian influences,American English reflects the non-English cultures.In the westward expansion of their territory,the English-speaking colonists came into contact with French,the Dutch and Spanish.The loan words are:“voyageur“(靠水路运送货物和人的船夫) , “portage”(搬运工), “pumpkin”(南瓜), “bayou”(长沼)these are French words.“alfalfa“(苜蓿), “taco”(一种墨西哥肉米饼) , “enchilada”(以辣椒调味的一种墨西哥菜) these are Spanish words.“coleslaw“(拌上调味汁的冷拌菜 ), “waffle”(华夫饼干), “boss”(老板)these are Dutch words. The German is also influence American English,such as:“hamburger“(汉堡包), “noodle”(面条), “hood-lum”(强盗) , “ecology”(生态学), “semester”(学期),“sauerkraut“(泡菜) ,and many other German words.In addition,as wildly varied Swedish,Italian and Chinese have all made some contributions to American English. The nation of America is called the melting pot,a lot of loanwords appear in American English.These loanwords can be regarded as a mirror of the complicated constitutions of American nation. 2.American English shows their trait of being self-confident Americans are self-confident,they are yes-sayers to their life.They think they are on top of the world and is going in the way they want.They think that there is full of opportunities in their country,so they Americans have a optimistic to their future.Their self-confident is shown on their talking.In their conversation,Americans like to express their view as to what is the fact,what is the wish.Their self-confident is easily to be seen in American English. In American daily life,when they are doing something,they will claim it to be “biggest“ or “best“.At present,the word “great“ can be counted as the most frequent-used word.Any common occurrence,so long as their is no trouble in it,can be called a “great“ matter in American' mouths.These are simple but clear examples to show their self-confident.Americans believes that their country has reached peak of civilization and that the American way of life is the example for others to follow.They have confidence and pride in themselves,in their schools,their organization,their business,and their language. Down to common people,up to the president,they all express their confidence in their speech.In 1960s,President Kennedy came to power.He aimed the political aim of “The New Frontier“.Then Mr Johnson succeeded Kennedy as president,President Johnson's words further startled all president.At the helm of the country,he put forward slogans that is establish a “Great Country“.These slogans,indulge themselves in exaggerations. Americans' overstating and exaggerating speech gives us an impression.On the other hand,this unique speech habit reflects the characteristic of whole nationthey are always optimistic,they always keep forging ahead,they are always self-confident. 3.Americans use beautiful words to show their wish to life and future In Americans eyes,the life that in developing countries are quite uncertain,people are not so happy.While in their own country,people expect will sure happen,provided they are making efforts.They also think the life is far better than the life people live in the old world,the life is better and better.So Americans use beautiful words to shown their wish to life and to future. Many names of organizations contain their beautiful wish.In America a town less than ten thousand people,in the native's mouth,is proudly called “city“.No matter how a village inn is small,it will be crowned with the name of “hotel“.Assembly hall where the natives hold some public activities is sure to be called “opera house“. Americans also place hopes on the name of places.In Massachusetts,there is a Freetown;in Virginia,Hopewell;in Missouri,Rich Hall.Americans still move some well-known names of the Old World into their own New Land:Oxford (North Carolina),Cambridge (Massachusetts,Ohio),Athens (Georgia). As we all known,American education system was established along with the foundation of the country.While the organization names is quite different from European countries.In 1930s,one of states decided to change the name “Norman School“ into “College of Education “,because American feels “college“ is more decent than “school“.“Middle School“ in Britain becomes “High School“ in America.These name changes can also shown us the Americans beautiful wish. 4.Americans use common words and slang to express special ideas Comparing with British English,the Americans doesn't like to pay excessive to wording.In their talking ,they seek the effect that is easy to understand.For example,a book collecting many famous persons' words should be given a solemn name,while American English this kind of book is called “Who's Who“.And mony useful idioms and expressions are using in American daily life.It also shows the the common words are often used by their profound meanings. Slang can be regarded as the focus to reflect Americans like to use common words.We know that cigarette is bad to our health,in slang,cigarette is called“coffin nail“.America is the kingdom of producing cars,so spare tire is a quite familiar thing in America,this word is used to refer to a person who may or may not be needed.Dying is an unpleasant experience,but now Americans use “dead“ in endless ways.For example,Americans say a car that not start is “dead as a doornail“,and if it does not moving it may take you down a “dead end“ street,you may find yourself “dead tired“.In addition,like “birthday suit“,“rubber neck“,“to rob the candle“,these slang also reflect the Americans imaginations and their awareness of showing originality. By using common words,especially slang,Americans show their outstanding feature of originality,courage and ambition.America has its history being called a country of democracy,which is quite distinct from Britain,since Britain has a clear classification of different social classes.Therefore,in America,there is no strict boundary to distinguish noble language and common language.Adventure and originality is indeed part of that mysterious thing,“the American Way of Life“.Americans don't like to be restricted.They have always had the great courage and ambition to seek something novel and strange.This kind of feature results in their original use in language. American English is the unique spiritual civilization of the American people.Using American English,Americans communicate with each other.It is also a tool for people to link up all kinds of thoughts.Moreover,people in other countries can regard American English as a window for them to observe American culture.America has become a country melted with all kinds of people.Therefore it's quite complicated to define American traits.However,learning American English,more or less,gives us a chance to know something in America,since American English,especially American words reflect American culture to a great degree. References 1.陆国强.现代英语词汇学【M】.上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,1983 2.秦秀白.英语简史【M】.长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1984 3.变化中的美国文化【M】.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1986


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