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    秘书英语Unit8 Gl关ad to work with the team.ppt

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    秘书英语Unit8 Gl关ad to work with the team.ppt

    秘 书 英 语,总主编 史玉峤 姚怀山,主编 冯修文 陈 璇 主 审 吕菊林,Glad to work with the team,Unit 8,Speaking Module,Listening Module,Reading Module,Writing Module,8.4,8.1,8.2,8.3,Translating Module,8.5,Culture Module,8.6,Topic 1 Persuading and compromising I do think you should think it over. If I were you, I would not hesitate a second. I am sure itll work out. You seem very sure of what you are saying. Can you back it up? It looks right and well go for it. I think we need to agree on the objectives Let me bring your attention to what I see as the main issues.,8.1 Sprsking Module,Direction: Four or five students in a team make group discussion and then make presentation with the help of expressions given for reference.,There are three very good reasons why it would be wrong to do so. Id like to add something to what you just said. We must face the following issues. One is; another is I understand what youre saying. Lets have a break and come back with some fresh ideas. You dont have to worry about A compromise could be Lets look at another way. Another possibility is,8.1 Sprsking Module,Topic 2 Agreeing and disagreeing A valid point. Thats a good idea. Thats exactly what I think. Quite right, I cant agree more. You can say that again. I guess from this point you are right. I agree with you that we need to change our marketing strategy.,8.1 Sprsking Module,I see what you mean, but I think we can add something that makes the color change. I agree somewhat, but not completely. We might as well I am sorry, but I have to disagree. I dont quite agree because Im afraid I have a different opinion.,8.1 Sprsking Module,A: Well, I definitely agree with you, Rose, that the suggestion scheme is a good idea. B: Terrific. A: And its got the MDs support, which is crucial, of course. B: Yes, well, Im pleased because while Ive seen these schemes in other companies, they do seem to be valuable, you know, worth setting up. A: I suppose because they push profits up. B: Yeah, well, not exactly. I mean, yes, ultimately that can happen. But its more than if you get an efficient scheme going when it runs well. Then the real advantage is people feel more involved, that they matter more, see? Get more energy around the place.,8.1 Sprsking Module,Direction: Work with your partner on the following conversation, and use it as guide when making up your own conversation.,A: I see what you mean. OK, so when can we get the suggestions in, how do we start? B: Um, but actually, the first thing, crucially, to acknowledge it. Id have thought we could use a notice board for that. Put the suggestions on it so people see immediately that they go somewhere. A: Right. Is there anyone who cant be involved, do you think? I was thinking that the assistants maybe shouldnt B: Oh, no. They should have a say. Some of their ideas could be useful. And its important for them to feel more involved. I was wondering about the directors and so on because there is a danger A: That their ideas would seem like orders? B: Absolutely. Mind you, I think we can set the thing up so that all ideas are to be judged as ideas, regardless of the level they come from.,8.1 Sprsking Module,A: OK. But I do think, whatever level they are at, that I am not sure about including the research and development people. B: I think youve got a point there. I mean R&D could be setting their own agenda. A: Yes, we have to make sure that it cant happen. Right, so how should we do the rewards? I was thinking of a proportion of benefit award we know it. I mean assuring the idea runs. B: I suggest a fifth, for example. A: Sounds reasonable. B: Um A: And well work out the time scale later. B: What matters now, I think, is to get the idea over to people. A: More chances of promotion. B: But we cant make any promises. I am not even that keen on profit or scales margins here. Just say an idea that theyll feel good if they come up with new ideas. But then we really dont know exactly where its going to lead us. It might really vary from office to office.,8.1 Sprsking Module,A: Lets start with Head Office, shall we? Or one of the regions? B: Well, weve got to start somewhere. How about Western Branch Office? A: Uh, and then spread to everywhere else later. B: Right. Now how are they going to get their suggestions to us? A: How about by phone? B: I see what you mean. Could be pretty disruptive? A: Well, memos! B: Would be good. Memos are simple and direct. They can send them to us then. Well, I hope this is going to work. A: Bound to. Its not a question of whether it works but how well. We need to evaluate of course for the board. They want to know how much money we think we are saving. B: But I dont think well know that exactly for some time yet. A: There seems for quality issues too. B: We could just give an initial report on how many ideas we receive in the first month or something like that.,8.1 Sprsking Module,8.2 Listening Module,Direction: You will hear five short recordings. Each recording is followed by three different statements decoding it. Choose the correct statement, and mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct choice.,1 A. Job-sharing can make your partner perfect. B. Job-sharing is a part-time job. C. Job-sharing is flexible compared with full-time work. 2 A. The company has never adopted flexitime system before. B. The accountant can have flexitime. C. The production operators can have flexitime.,8.2 Listening Module,3 A. The way of work is hot-desking. B. The way of work is working from home. C. The way of work is shift work. 4 A. The woman is working at home. B. The woman doesnt like working at home. C. The woman has to go to office very so often. 5 A. Its about freelance. B. Its about tempting. C. Its about teleworking.,8.2 Listening Module,No matter how many people work for you or whether you like or dislike them, how well you _(1) with your _(2) plays a huge role in the success of your business. Good communication requires good listening. The common mistakes employers make with listening includes: Not doing it at all. One of the _(3) sayings about listening is: “People dont care how much bosses know until they know how much bosses care.” When you dont listen to your peopleby putting them off until later or by listening without hearing what theyre sayingyou send a _(4) that you dont really care about them. Next thing you know, they dont care about you or your _(5) or what you have to say, either.,Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words, phrases or sentences youve heard.,8.2 Listening Module,Talking first, listening second. Listening is an _(6) act. When you have a problem with an employee, your first _(7) is to take him/her aside, explain how you feel and give _(8) on how to solve the problem. An employee who is approached that way is likely to_(9). So its better to approach with a question that starts a dialogue: “Hows the job going?.Whats going well, and whats not going well?” This invites the employee to share his perceptions and concerns about the job. It also provides a natural lead-in for your observations and suggestions for improvement. Last but not least, _ _(10).,8.3 Reading Module,Direction: Scan the passage below and match the words and phrases with their definitions.,8.3 Reading Module,Direction: Read the passage below again and answer the following questions.,8.3 Reading Module,Collaboration Collaboration is working together to achieve a goal. It is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together to realize shared goals. This is more than the intersection of common goals seen in co-operative ventures, but a deep and collective determination to reach an identical objective. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group. In particular, teams that work collaboratively can obtain greater resources, recognition and reward when facing competition for finite resources.,8.3 Reading Module,Collaboration in business can be found both inter-organization and intra-organization and ranges from the simplicity of a partnership and crowd funding to the complexity of a multinational corporation. Collaboration between team members allows for better communication within the organization and throughout the supply chains. It is a way of coordinating different ideas from numerous people to generate a wide variety of knowledge. Collaboration with a selected few firms as opposed to collaboration with a large number of different firms has been shown to positively impact firm performance and innovation outcomes. The recent improvement in technology has provided the world with high speed internet, wireless connection, and web-based collaboration tools like blogs, wikis and as such, which have created a “mass collaboration”. People from all over the world are efficiently able to communicate and share ideas through the internet, or even conferences, without any geographical barriers.,8.3 Reading Module,In order to unite all the members in the group to work together to achieve a goal, teambuilding is critical and an important factor in any environment. Its focus is to specialize in bringing out the best in a team to ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve. Reasons for teambuilding include: Improving communication and relationships; Making the workplace more enjoyable; Motivating a team; Boosting morale; Getting to know each other; Getting everyone “onto the same page”, including goal setting;,8.3 Reading Module,Teaching the team self-regulation strategies; Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses); Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members; Improving team productivity; Identifying and developing leadership skills; Practicing effective collaboration with team members. All in all, in order to develop effective collaboration in a group, firstly, create the environment, such as providing opportunities and developing opportunities for sharing and discussion; secondly, guide the process, such as providing feedback and answering questions in timely manner; thirdly, evaluate the process.,8.3 Reading Module,Word Bank,collaboration n. 合作;协作 recursive adj. 循环的 intersection n. 交叉点 collective adj. 集体的 identical adj. 相同的 egalitarian adj. 平等的;主张平等的 obtain v. 获得;得到 recognition n. 承认;认同 range v. 范围 allow for v. 使发生,8.3 Reading Module,Word Bank,numerous adj. 无数的 generate v. 产生 oppose to v. 反对 critical adj. 关键的 enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的 motivate v. 激发 boost v. 增加;提高 morale n. 士气;斗志 feedback n. 反馈意见 evaluate v. 评估,8.3 Reading Module,Direction: Read the passage again and choose the correct answer to each question.,1. Which of the following statements about collaboration is not true? A. Collaboration is working together to achieve a goal. B. Collaboration is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together to realize shared goals. C. Leadership is not indispensable for most collaboration. D. Effective collaboration can make finite resources accessible to teams.,8.3 Reading Module,2. Which one of the following cant be regarded as collaboration? A. Partnership. B. Crowd funding. C. Multinational corporation. D. Family gathering. 3. What benefits can collaboration bring about? A. Better communication. B. A variety of knowledge, opinions or ideas. C. Improved firm performances. D. All of the above.,8.3 Reading Module,4. What is critical in uniting all the members in the group to work together to achieve a goal? A. Teambuilding. B. Cooperation. C. Leadership. D. Obedience. 5. By what can effective collaboration be facilitated? A. A good environment encouraging sharing and discussion. B. A strong leadership. C. An efficient process which allows speedy feedback collection. D. An effective evaluation system.,8.4 Writing Module,Proposal Proposals aim at seeking solutions to current specific problems. The general guidelines are characterized by clarity, specificity and thoroughness. The tone should be courteous and friendly. Whether it is for your customers or for your own company, you need to include the following elements in your proposal: Background; An overview of the proposal including recommendations and total expenses; A detailed cost analysis when possible; Supporting facts and figures.,8.4 Writing Module,Proposal on Building a Good Team Dear: HR Manager This proposal is for the principles of building a good team. Firstly, vision. Vision means being able to excite the team with large, desired outcomes. The first step in vision is to project such a goal. This goal must be bigger than a pay check. It must contain challenge, appeal to personal pride, and provide an opportunity to make a difference and know it. Then the goal can become a powerful vision. Secondly, commitment. Commitment can be a dangerous concept because of its attendant assumptions. Some may assume, for example, that commitment means long hours, while to others it may mean productivity. When expectations are defined, success rates soar. When leaders assume that everyone “should” be committed, as a matter of course, we overlook the difficulties many have with certain commitments.,8.4 Writing Module,Last but not least, trust. Trust means confidence in team leadership and vision. When trust prevails, team members are more willing to go through a difficult process, supported through ups, downs, risk and potential loss. Trust is most efficiently established when leadership commits to vision first, and everyone knows those commitments are genuine. Thank you.,8.4 Writing Module,Start with an introduction Purpose: to identify problems with communication within the team and make recommendations how to improve it. Findings: state your main points and give one or more supporting ideas for each main point. Whole team rarely gets together; People in different departments are in different parts of the building; People dont copy emails to other team members.,Direction: You have been asked to write a proposal on how communication could be improved within your project team. Herere the following notes to help you plan your proposal.,8.4 Writing Module,Conclusion: s


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