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    2019英语同步人教必修三刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):1.3 Word版含答案.docx

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    2019英语同步人教必修三刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):1.3 Word版含答案.docx

    试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Grammar基础题单句语法填空用情态动词完成下列句子。1This machine _ make you feel comfortable.答案:can2He _ swim halfway before he got tired. 答案:was able to3 _ I have a look at your notebook?Yes, you _. 答案:Could; can4How _ you be so foolish?答案:can5 _ I use your pencil?No, you _.答案:May; mustn't/can't6_ you succeed! 答案:May7You _ be the new teacher.答案:must8Tell him that he _ have the book tomorrow. 答案:shall9Young people _ learn how to use computers.答案:should/ought to10I promised that I _ do my best. 答案:would单句改错1You don't need to know the name of the writer. You must find the book by the title. _答案:mustcan2It mustn't have rained last night. The ground in the yard is very dry. _答案:mustn'tcan't3It's raining heavily, we shall as well stay at home, watching TV. _答案:shallmay4There needn't be any difficulty passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school._答案:needn'tshouldn't 5Mountain climbing would be tiring and many people feel sick as the atmosphere gets thinner. _答案:wouldcan能力题阅读理解AOctober 15th is Global Handwashing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so­called extremely important moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public Private Partnership for handwashing with soap. The goal, they say, is to create a culture of handwashing with soap. The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease­causing germs. They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Then, wash well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth.The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. And it usually leaves a pleasant smell, which increases the chances that people will wash again.It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea, which is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year,by almost half.1What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?ATo keep healthy by washing hands.BTo wash hands with soap.CTo take action to wash hands.DTo wash hands often.答案:B主旨大意题。结合全文,尤其是第一段第二句可知,作者写这篇文章意在告诉人们用肥皂洗手。2Which of the following is the right way to wash hands?aWashing hands well under running water.bCovering hands with soap.cDrying hands.dRubbing soap into all areas.eWetting hands.Aacbed BedabcCacbde Debdac答案:D细节理解题。第三段介绍了洗手的正确方法:wet your hands;cover them with soap;rub it into all areas;wash well under running water;dry your hands with a clean cloth。因此D项的排序正确。3According to the last paragraph, diarrhea is a disease that _.Akills half of the kids in the developing countries a yearBcauses the greatest number of child deathsCcan be prevented to some degree by washing hands with soapDcan't be cured without washing hands答案:C推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,痢疾是造成儿童死亡的第二大原因,使用肥皂洗手可使痢疾患者的人数减少。由此可推知用肥皂洗手在某种程度上可避免痢疾的发生。 1remove v. 去除,清除 2.germ n. 细菌break up 分解BFor the eager prankster (恶作剧者), nothing beats April Fools' Day, a light­hearted tradition that's several hundred years old. A lot of people think April Fools' Day is just obnoxious,_and just wish it would stop. But people who love pranks really love the day and refuse to give up the tradition. The origins of April Fools' Day are still unclear. The most popular one is that France changed its calendar in the 1500s so that the New Year would begin in January to match the Roman calendar instead of the start of spring in late March or early April. However word of the change traveled slowly, and many people in country areas continued to celebrate the New Year in the spring. These country people became known as “April fools”But according to Alex Boese, the French story is completely wrong, because the day that the French celebrated the beginning of the year legally was Easter Day, so it never really was connected with April first. Boese believes instead that April Fools' Day simply grew out of age­old European spring festivals of renewal, in which pranks are common.Joseph Boskin, a professor of American humor at Boston University, has offered his own interpretation of the holiday's roots. In 1983, Boskin told a reporter that the idea came from Roman pranksters during the time of Constantine in the third and fourth centuries AD. As the story goes, pranksters successfully asked the ruler to allow one of their elected members to be king for a day. So, on April first, Constantine handed over the reins of the Roman Empire for one day to King Kugel, his prankster. Kugel decided that the day forever would be a day of absurdity.Kugel, accidently, is an Eastern European dish that one of Boskin's friends had been expecting.4The underlined word “obnoxious” in Paragraph 1 means “_”Aexciting Bdisappointing Cboring Dinstructive答案:C词义猜测题。下半句提到“just wish it would stop”,既然希望它被取消,那么这些人应该是觉得它很乏味无聊。故答案为C。5According to the French story, April Fools' Day _.Ais the result of the change of the calendarBwas widely accepted all over the worldChas a history of about half a centuryDhas been celebrated in Roman since the 1500s答案:A细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,愚人节当时是在法国产生的,是由于日历变更通知不及时而造成的,因此正确选项为A。6According to Joseph Boskin, April Fools' Day _.Acan date back to 1,900 years agoBcame from a reporterChad roots in the RomansDwas decided by Constantine答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第四段中Joseph Boskin的看法,愚人节产生在公元3到4世纪的罗马,在君士坦丁一世时期由爱开玩笑的人Kugel所创立。故答案为C。7It can be inferred according to the text that _.AKing Kugel was a real historical characterBJoseph Boskin's story about April Fools' Day was a humorCthe text referred to two origins of April Fools' DayDwhere April Fools' Day is from has been clear to us all答案:B推理判断题。根据文章最后两段可知,Joseph Boskin对愚人节的解释应该是一个幽默而已,一方面它没有历史证据,另一方面,里面的那个当了一天国王的人的姓名还与Boskin的朋友一直期待的一道菜同名。故答案为B。1renewal n. 更新 2.interpretation n. 解释3rein n. 统治 4.absurdity n. 荒唐give up 放弃语法填空Celebrated across Thailand, the Songkran Festival is a holiday _1_ welcomes the New Year with a countrywide water fight. It is also celebrated in other Asian countries like Cambodia and Laos,but the celebration in Thailand _2_ (know) to be the most exciting. Songkran was at first a time to visit families, clean away the old year and bring in a fresh one. Many Thais cleaned away the old year by _3_ (wash) their homes and any Buddhas (佛像) around the house. They would collect the water that ran over the Buddhas and pour _4_ onto the shoulders of family members for good luck._5_ (final) the original purpose of the holiday became less important than the national water fight _6_ (love) by Thais and foreigners today. The _7_ (energy) people use whatever they can get their hands on and make each other wet with water.Every year, _8_ large number of tourists gather in Thailand to welcome the _9_ (arrive) of Songkran. If you plan _10_ (visit) Thailand, the days of Songkran are a great time to get to know Thai traditions.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._1which/that考查定语从句。设空处引导定语从句,修饰holiday,且在从句中作主语,故填which/that。2is known考查动词的时态和语态。celebration与know之间是被动关系,且由语境可知,此处表示客观情况,故填is known。3washing考查非谓语动词。设空处作介词by的宾语,故填washing。4it考查代词。设空处指代上文的the water,故填it。5Finally考查副词。设空处修饰整个句子,故填副词Finally。6loved考查非谓语动词。 love与其所修饰的词water fight之间是动宾关系,故填其过去分词形式作后置定语。7energetic考查词性转换。设空处作定语修饰名词people,意为“精力充沛的”,故填形容词energetic。8a考查冠词。a large number of意为“许多”。9arrival考查词性转换。由the及of可知,设空处应填名词arrival “到来”。10to visit考查非谓语动词。plan to do sth.“计划/打算做某事”。短文改错About one year before, we got a lovely cat named Dexter. He enjoys watch my elderly neighbor in her garden. Although he won't let her to touch him, he always keeps an eye on her. One afternoon I heard Dexter calling strange. When I reached the door to check on him, his calling stops, so I headed back to kitchen. Just as I did, his calling started again. I stepped outside to find Dexter sit next to my elderly neighbor who had fallen. He didn't have the strength to get up or shout for help. Dexter didn't leave her sides until help arrived. Without Dexter, she may not have been found in time.答案:About one year , we got a lovely cat named Dexter. He enjoys my elderly neighbor in her garden. Although he won't let her touch him, he always keeps an eye on her. One afternoon I heard Dexter calling . When I reached the door to check on him, his calling , so I headed back to kitchen. Just as I did, his calling started again. I stepped outside to find Dexter next to my elderly neighbor who had fallen. didn't have the strength to get up or shout for help. Dexter didn't leave her until help arrived. Without Dexter, she not have been found in time.难项分析:第一处:beforeago考查副词。由下文的时态为一般过去时可知,此处指从此刻起若干时间以前,故用ago。第七处:sitsitting考查非谓语动词。此处为“findsb.宾补”结构。Dexter与sit之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作宾补。第十处:maymight考查情态动词。此处在叙述过去发生的事情,表“也许”,故用might。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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