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    2019英语同步人教必修三刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.4 Word版含答案.docx

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    2019英语同步人教必修三刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.4 Word版含答案.docx

    试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Learning about Language & Using Language基础题单词拼写1Even though they live in the suburbs, they usually go _ (往市区) to buy what they need.答案:downtown2They were _ (满意的) with what their son had done.答案:pleased3The company has a long _ (传统) of fine service.答案:tradition4There is _ (广泛的) support for the Government's policies.答案:broad5What was so _ (印象深刻的) about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare­footed.答案:impressive6The questionnaire takes a_ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.答案:approximately7I found many eyewitnesses to c_ that I was innocent.答案:confirm8Air is a m_ of gases.答案:mixture9We must get up at d_ because we will catch the first bus.答案:dawn10The article covered different kinds of t_.答案:topics选词填空mix up, in the distance, at dawn, impress . on, leave . the impression of, flow down, as far as I can see, not until1It was _ near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own plan.答案:not until2She _ flour and water.答案:mixed up3The teacher _ the importance of English _ me.答案:impressed; on4Her hair _ over her shoulders.答案:flowed down5_, you've done nothing wrong.答案:As far as I can see6She _ us _ being very busy.答案:left; the impression of7They decided to leave _.答案:at dawn8Through the window, I can see Jenny's house _.答案:in the distance单句语法填空1I'm _ (terrify) at the thought of being alone in the dark house.答案:terrified2The boy mixed vinegar with sugar, but the _ (mix) tasted not so bad.答案:mixture3G7 is made up of seven _ (wealth) countries in the world.答案:wealthy4He was very _ (impress) in the interview.答案:impressive5It was a _ (mist) morning, but not very cold.答案:misty6The train leaves in _ (approximate) five minutes.答案:approximately7The _ (tradition) breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.答案:traditional8They were all very _ (please) with the news.答案:pleased9It snows all the year round in that _ (distance) little village.答案:distant10There has still been no official _ (confirm) of the report.答案:confirmation单句改错1The mixing drink consists of juice and alcohol and the mixture made me sick._答案:mixingmixed2The opening ceremony of the 35th Hong Kong Film Awards was very impressively._答案:impressivelyimpressive3I am very pleasant with the quality of your work._答案:pleasantpleased4He became wealth through hard work and careful saving._答案:wealthwealthy5He told us that we started on dawn._答案:onat 能力题完形填空Over this past weekend, I walked to the local gas station to pick up a couple of things. When I was _1_ home, an older gentleman came up to me and asked me whether I had any _2_ for him to get something to eat. I told him that I didn't carry cash, but _3_ he wanted to follow me, I could get him some _4_. We walked to my apartment and talked the whole _5_. He was a veteran (老兵) from the Vietnam War and recently _6_ his banking job that he held for over 20 years. He had recently become homeless, and he told that he had _7_ living relatives left in the area. He felt all alone, with no _8_ where he was going to sleep tonight.Struck by our conversation, I took a chance and invited him to my apartment. I _9_ him to my roommate and _10_ making him something to eat. I didn't have anything _11_,but heated up some leftover spaghetti (意大利面) from the _12_ before with salad and garlic bread. He ate and ate and talked. It was like listening to a time capsule as he _13_ about his time in Vietnam, living out in San Francisco, and loving the world of banking.When he was done, I asked him about _14_ he thought he might sleep that evening. He said he didn't know. I called a friend of mine who works at a local _15_ shelter to inquire about getting this man a place to sleep tonight. My friend _16_ for a car to get this man and take him to the _17_.My _18_ and I gave him a couple of bags of groceries and toiletries to help him _19_ at the shelter. He thanked us so much, thanking us for our _20_ and feeding his stomach and soul. We asked him to just pass it on. 1A.driving Bstaying Cleaving Dreturning答案:D前一句说作者走到了加油站,结合第二段首句中的“We walked to my apartment”可以判断这里说他正要返回家中。2A.chance Bmoney Ctrouble Dtime答案:B从下一句说到作者没有携带现金的提示可知,老人向作者要钱。3A.if Bafter Cuntil Das答案:A由语境可知作者此时提了个条件,即如果那老人跟着他,他可以给他一些食物,所以答案选A项。4A.advice Bhelp Cfood Dchange答案:C从前文的“get something to eat”提示可知,答案选C项。5A.way Btrip Cday Dwar答案:A作者和那老人一起走向他的公寓,他们一路上都在聊。the whole wayall the way “一路,全程”。6A.continued Bstarted Clost Dhunted答案:C由老人沦落到这样的地步,由常识可知,他应该是失去原来的工作。7A.little Bno Cany Dmany答案:B由下一句中的“He felt all alone”可判断老人变成无家可归者,在这一地区也没有什么亲戚/属。8A.hope Bneed Cdoubt Didea答案:D他觉得他孤零零,也不知道今晚去哪里睡觉。with no idea “不知道”。9A.compared Bintroduced Cwalked Dthrew答案:B作者把这个老人介绍给他的室友,introduce sb. to “把某人介绍给”。10A.insisted in Bfocused on Cset about Dkept on答案:C作者着手为老人准备吃的,所以答案选C项。set about doing sth. “开始做,着手做某事”。11A.bad BexcitingCbeautiful Dcold答案:B所填词修饰的是anything,而anything指前文所说的吃的东西,据此应该选择exciting,此处相当于delicious,意为“可口的”。12A.week Bnight Ckitchen Dgarden答案:B前面说到那是吃剩的意大利面,结合常识可知应该是前一晚的。the night before “前一天晚上”。13A.cared Bshared Cworried Dlearned答案:B前面说到那个老人一边吃一边说,所以他在和作者分享他以前的经历。14A.when Bwhat Cwhy Dwhere答案:D从前文的“_8_ where he was going to sleep tonight”提示可知选D项。即问老人自己考虑在哪儿过夜。15A.broken Bhomeless Cspecial Dlarge答案:B前文提到老人无家可归,这里是第6空下句中“homeless”的同词复现,故选B项。homeless shelter “无家可归者收容所”。16A.sought Bpaid Cfought Darranged答案:D前一句谈及作者让他一个在“无家可归者收容所”工作的朋友为这个老人今晚找一处地方睡觉,所以此处表述安排了一辆轿车来接他。17A.office Bshelter Ctown Dschool答案:B这是第15空后“shelter”的同词复现,所以选B项。18A.neighbour Bfamily Croommate Dfriend答案:C第9空后提到了作者把老人介绍给室友,故此处指作者和他的室友共同做这些事。19A.settle in Bhide away Cget through Dwalk around答案:A前文反复说到为这老人找住的地方,所以选A项, settle in(适应新地方,安顿下来)符合题意。20A.seriousness Bkindness Cunselfishness Dhardness答案:B那位老人十分感谢作者,他们为老人所做的这一切应该是属于善举,所以选B项。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。With the summer holiday just around the corner, it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations. Here are some tips that can help you enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket:Travel off­seasonGo to your desired destination while the demand is low and take advantage of huge discounts. During the peak season, the hotel and flight prices increase quickly, and you'll likely spend more of your vacation time standing in line due to the rush of tourists. _1_2_Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms. Look for places that do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding. Stay with the locals. If you and your family are going to stay for a longer period, renting a small apartment is a good choice.Eat like a localWhy eat at big chain restaurants when you can experience something new? _3_ During your family trip, try new food where the locals eat. This will not just save money, but also provide you with a new and different experience. For smaller meals and snacks, avoid restaurants and try street food or other takeout.Don't hesitate to bargainTourist­heavy places are known for overcharging for just about everything. Clothes, travel goodies, souvenirs, etc. are very expensive at these places. _4_Bargain hard to get the best price.Choose local transportation_5_ Instead, take buses, railways or subways, which are always cheaper. If you are planning to stay for a while, you can consider renting a car. Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you are moving around a lot.ASave on hotels.BSurf the Internet while traveling.CTherefore, avoid buying anything there.DSo it's best to find out when the off­season starts.EPlanning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.FFor this reason, you shouldn't feel ashamed to ask for bargains.GAs a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, since they are expensive.1D本段主要介绍了在淡季出行很实惠,关键词是off­season。故选D。2A本段主要讲关于在外出旅行时住宿的相关建议,提到了可以节省住宿费用的方法。故选A。3E本段主要讲关于在旅游时如何在吃的方面节省开销。故选E。4F本段主要讲关于在外出旅行时也应勇于讨价还价。关键词是bargain。故选F。5G本段提到外出旅行时可选的各种交通方式,相对于下文指出公共交通比较便宜,并结合转折含义的副词Instead,推断设空处提到比较昂贵的交通方式。故选G。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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