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    关于全国广播电视大学英语专业学生优秀项目设计(商务方向)评选的几个问题,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,关于全国广播电视大学英语专业学生优秀项目设计(商务方向)评选的几个问题,评选的总体情况 回顾课程的性质和目的要求 回顾对商务项目设计书的要求 推荐设计书的优点 存在的问题 几点建议,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,评选的总体情况,一等奖一名,二等奖三名,三等奖六名,优秀奖十六名。 比上次抽查的情况有明显进步。 各有所长,综合评比,相对平衡。 重点看最后的定稿,由于教师修改的度有所不同,因此排在前面的学生实际水平不一定比后面的高。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,回顾课程的性质和目的要求,电大英语专业( 商务方向专科起点本科)的实践和论文环节 对商务项目设计有较全面的认识 学会进行调查研究和材料汇总 了解项目设计书的格式 用流畅正确的英语撰写设计书最后文稿,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,回顾成绩评定标准,核心小组座谈:5% 顾客状况分析: 5% SWOT分析:10% 项目实施流程图:5% 项目框架图:10% 风险分析:5% 项目计划书:60%,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,回顾对最后文本的要求,l 它大体应包括:附信、封面、摘要、介绍、正文、预算、申请人资历与经验、附录等部分。正文是其中的重点。但附信和摘要也很重要。 附录可包括项目涉及过程中的阶段成果和素材,如调查会记录等。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,推荐设计书的优点,选题新颖 与本职工作相关 摘要清晰 图表设计吸引人 语言得当、正确 教师辅导和修改认真 档案材料齐全,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,选题,Shrimp feed production line Training center (4) Railway department expansion Renting center Service promotion Translation services Shop expansion 10 out of the other 16 on shops and training centers,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,与本职工作相关,虾饲料水产饲料公司 单证制作培训中心银行 港口铁路扩展集装箱码头 汉语培训中心培训中心 南方电大普遍在商务方向的项目设计比较好。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,摘要清晰,Example One: Duck feed:high cost and low selling price Shrimp feed: low cost and high selling price When the production line is completed, it can produce 3 tons of shrimp feed per hour. The annual production capacity is 12,000 tons. The investment is 4 million RMB yuan, All the funds will be borrowed from C&B Group Co. Ltd., taking the shrimp feed equipment as the collateral. Repayment of capital and interest will be 272,000 yuan per year. The repayment period will be fifteen years.,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,摘要清晰,Example Two: On We Go English Training Center will be set up in Chenghai District and Chaoyang District, Shantou, to offer flexible styles of teaching by a team of native-speaking and non-native speaking English language teaching professionals. It will occupy 1,000 square meters in downtown Chenghai District and Chaoyang District respectively. The project will allow us to gain a revenue of 1,440,000 yuan and a profit of 180,000 yuan in the first year after the plan is accomplished. These figures will be raised by 15% in the next two years. The total investment of the project is 600,000 yuan.,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,图表设计吸引人,进程图清晰; 彩色线形图表示价格、收益走向; 彩色条形图表示市场需求与生产能力对比; 彩色饼形图表示市场份额、顾客构成等; 利润预测表包括:销售量;销售收入;销售折扣;净销售收入;生产成本(原料,包装,制造费用);毛利;销售费用(管理成本,借贷支出);税前利润。 有的还附了地图。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,语言得当正确,Example: We plan to set up On We Go English Training Center in Chenghai District and Chaoyang District, Shantou within three months, offering flexible styles of teaching by English language teaching professionals, both Chinese and English native speakers. The business goal of the center is to provide training in communicative English. There are four reasons to launch this training center. First, as the world is becoming a global village, English, as an international language, is increasingly important. In addition, Chinas accession to the WTO and Beijings success in bidding for the 2008 Olympics have also boosted the enthusiasm of leaning English in the country.,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,语言得当正确,Example (contd) Second, there are so many industrial companies and household workshops exporting their products to foreign countries in Chenghai District and Chaoyang District. According to the Shantou Human Resources Website, the demand for foreign trade professionals with good English proficiency in these two districts is over 20,000, much more than the supply. Third, there is only one language training center in Chenghai District, while in Chaoyang District, there is none. Last but not the least, vocational English training is a newly emerging market offering the potential for a good return of the capital.,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,教师辅导和修改认真,内容,文字,建议。 Your outline looks great! You have already done a lot of work. It is important to be very clear as to what your project is. I know from your “Discussion” sheet that you are expanding the feed line, but in your summary you will have to make it clear whether you are adding another line in this old building or you are shutting down and doing a renovation. If you are using an old building and equipment, did you have to buy it or did it belong to your company? If you have to shut down to renovate the existing plant, this is also a financial cost that must be considered.,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,档案材料齐全,毕业设计册的使用 各阶段的原始材料 调查表的设计和反馈 电子文本 有的还附了调查会的照片和录音 有的还附上参考文献目录,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,存在问题,程序不够规范 “借用”较多 语言质量问题 内容方面的问题 教师指导力度,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,程序不够规范,Covering letter 不齐全; 教师评语和辅导记录有的有后补的迹象; 报送材料的项目不一致; 各校对答辩要求不一致,一般都很简单; 有的答辩记录只记录了问题,没有记录学生的回答。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,“借用”较多,不少选题与教材比较接近; 因此文字也与教材比较接近; SMART (specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time-bound)分析“借用”课文。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,语言质量问题,文体问题 (hereinafter, 省略形式等) This project will seemingly qualify . Therefore 的用法 不完整句 主谓语不一致 非谓语动词 时态 语态 介词 词性 名词单复数,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,内容方面的问题,缺covering letter; SWOT 分析不够详细; 内容前后矛盾; 数字前后不一致; 内容与现实有较明显的距离; SMART是对设计的要求,应体现在设计文本的各个方面,不必单列一项。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,教师指导力度,各地辅导的力度有比较大的差别; 有些评语似乎是后补的; 教师改动有的比较潦草,马虎。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,几点建议,统一要求; 明确教学阶段; 把握设计的总体结构和内容; 抓住重点安排好对学生的辅导; 选好题目; 附信、摘要和对现有情况的分析最能反映学生水平,应下大功夫; 设计书要有说服力。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,谢谢大家,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,


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