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    《医学免疫学教学课件》03 antibody.ppt

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    《医学免疫学教学课件》03 antibody.ppt

    医学免疫学,第四章 免疫球蛋白,Lecture 3 Antibody,1. Concepts 2. Structure of immunoglobulins 3. Immunogenicity of immunoglobulins (Isotypes, Allotypes, & Idiotypes) 4. The function of antibodies 5. Antibody classes 6. Artificial Antibody,Outline of the lecture,Emil von Behring (1845-1917),antibody,-In 1890 by von Behring and Kitasato described an activity in serum of toxin-immunized animals that neutralized toxin. Transfer of immune serum could protect naïve animals from diphtheria or tetanus.,History,抗体 (antibody, Ab):是B细胞接受抗原刺激后增殖分化为浆细胞所产生的糖蛋白。主要存在于血清等体液中,能与相应抗原特异性结合显示免疫功能。是介导体液免疫的重要效应分子。 免疫球蛋白(Immunoglobulin,Ig):具有抗体活性或化学结构与抗体类似的球蛋白。 -分泌型(secreted Ig, sIg):Ab -膜 型(membrane Ig, mIg):BCR,Day 0 2 4 6 8,Resting B cell,Antibody forming cell,AFC (plasma cell),Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,1. Concepts 2. Structure of Antibody 3. Immunogenicity of Antibody (Isotypes, Allotypes, & Idiotypes) 4. The function of antibodies 5. Antibody classes 6. Artificial Antibody,Outline of the lecture,Structure of antibody,Basic structure Heavy chain and Light chain(重链和轻链) Variable region and Constant region(可变区和恒定区) Other structures Hinge region(铰链) Joining chain (J链) Secretory component (SC,分泌片) Domains (功能区) Fragmentation of Ig by proteolytic cleavage,1. Basic structure,Heavy chain and Light chain Variable region and Constant region Other structures Hinge region(铰链) Joining chain (J链) Secretory component (SC,分泌片),The basic structure,Four-polypeptides structure Two identical heavy chain and two identical light chain (2H+2L) Light chain combine with heavy chain through interchain disulfide bonds; and two heavy chains combine with each other also through interchain disulfide bonds.,重链(heavy chain,H) 约440-550个氨基酸,根据重链恒定区结构和免疫原性的差异而分为五类: 、,相应Ig:IgG、IgA、IgM、IgD、IgE 轻链(light chain,L) 约220个氨基酸,根据轻链恒定区免疫原性不同,分为和两型。一个天然Ig分子两条轻链的型别是相同的。 在不同种属的动物与链的比例不同: 人: 2:1, 小鼠:20:1,1) Heavy chain (H) & Light chain (L),Ig根据重链恒定区结构的差异分为五类,According the degree of variability in amino acid sequence. V region are the N-terminal quarter of the H-chain and the N-terminal half of the L-chain. C region are the C-terminal three-quarters of the H-chain and the C-terminal half of the L-chain.,2) Variable region (V region) and constant region (C region),V regions (VL+VH) are the site where antigens bind specifically to antibodies. Fab (antigen binding fragment) are the N-terminal half of the H-chain and all of the L-chain. Fc (crystallized fragment) are the C-terminal half of the H-chain fragment that crystallized).,Fab,Fc,Hypervariable regions (高变区,HV): Sequence variability in V regions is concentrated in several regions, called Hypervariable regions。They are also called complementary-determining regions (互补决定区,CDRs) 。It is comlementary to the structure of epitope. Framework regions (骨架区,FR): the remain regions in V regions.,Hypervariable regions (HV, CDR) and framework regions (FR),Domains of Ig,Hinge region(铰链区) Joining chain and secretory component (SC)(J链和分泌片),3) Other structures,IgG, IgD and IgA contain an extended peptide sequence between CH1 and CH2 domains. This region, called hinge region. Be rich in prolines and is flexible, giving IgG, IgD and IgA segmental flexibility. IgM, IgE lack hinge region, but they have CH2 in this region and have extra CH4.,(1) Hinge region (except for IgE, IgM),Flexibility of immunoglobulins,Joining chain aid to combine monomers into polymers. Five molecules of IgM usually polymerize into a larger pentamer. Secretory IgA is a dimmer. Secretory component (SC) can prevent the secretory IgA dimmers from degradation of other proteases. Secretory IgA always distribute on lumenal surface.,(2) Joining chain and secretory component (SC),Secretory IgA is a dimmer,IgM polymerize into a pentamer,2. The domains of Ig,Both H- and L- chains have intrachain disulfide bridges every 90 amino acid residues, which create polypeptide loops, domains, of 110 amino acids.,免疫球蛋白的功能区,-H chain Variable region is one domain, referred to as VH; constant region has three or four domains, referred to as CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4. (IgG, IgA, IgD has three domains-CH1, CH2, CH3 in C region; while IgM, IgE has four domains-CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 in C region). -L-chain Variable region is one domain, referred to as VL; constant region also has only one domain, referred to as CL.,Domains of IgG, IgA, IgD,1) H chain: V region: VH; C region: CH1, CH2, CH3. (IgE, IgM has another CH4) 2) L chain: V region: VL; C region: CL;,3. Immunoglobulin fragments,Papain(木瓜蛋白酶)digestion: Fab fragment antigen binding Fc fragment. crystallizable Pepsin(胃蛋白酶) digestion: F(ab)2 (composed of two Fab-like fragments); The Fc fragment is degraded into many small fragment.,1. Concepts 2. Structure of immunoglobulins 3. Immunogenicity of immunoglobulins (Isotypes, Allotypes, & Idiotypes) 4. The function of antibodies 5. Antibody classes 6. Artificial Antibody,Outline of the lecture,抗体的异质性,抗体的异质性指抗体的结构和功能上的不均一性或差异性。多种机制导致抗体的异质性: 抗原的多样性:不同抗原含有不同的抗原表位,刺激产生特异性不同的抗体(V区不同) 。 抗原表位的多样性:同一抗原往往含有多种不同的抗原表位,刺激产生多种特异性不同的抗体(V区不同) 。 抗体类型的多样性:针对同一抗原表位产生的抗体特异性相同(V区相同) ,但类、型可能不同(C区不同)。,Ig的类型 类(class):根据CH免疫原性的不同分为五大类 IgG IgM IgA IgD IgE 亚类(subclass):同一类免疫球蛋白根据重链的免疫原性和二硫键数目,位置的不同,可分为:IgG1-G4; IgA1-A2; IgM1-M2。 型(type):根据CL免疫原性的不同分为两个型:型和型 亚型(subtype):同一型免疫球蛋白可根据CL的N端氨基酸排列的差异,又可分为 亚型,Ig具有的抗原表位 同种型(isotype) 指同一种属所有个体的Ig分子共有的抗原特异性标志,位于IgC区。 同种异型(allotype) 指同一种属不同个体间Ig分子所具有的不同的抗原特异性标志,位于IgC区。 独特型(idiotype) 指同一个体不同B细胞克隆产生的Ig分子所特有的抗原特异性标志,独特型由若干个抗原决定基组成,又称为独特位,主要存在于IgV区。,isotype: antigenic features of a class of immunoglobulin 。 allotype: vary among individuals within a species idiotype: unique V-region amino acid sequences of the homogeneous immunoglobulin molecules produced by a single B-cell clone.,1. Concepts 2. Structure of immunoglobulins 3. Immunogenicity of immunoglobulins (Isotypes, Allotypes, & Idiotypes) 4. The function of Ig 5. Antibody classes 6. Artificial Antibody,Outline of the lecture,The function of Ig,V区的功能 中和作用(neutralization):特异性结合抗原。 BCR能特异性识别并结合抗原分子 ,介导体液免疫应答,产生抗体; 抗体能特异性结合相应抗原分子,发挥中和作用,例如抗体能中和细菌,病毒,毒素等,从而发挥免疫效应。,peptide,peptide,epitope,binding of HV and epitope,Bacterial Neutralization By Ab,Neutralization By Antiviral Antibodies,Neutralization By Antitoxin Antibodies,C区的功能 激活补体 IgM和IgG与抗原形成免疫复合物后能激活补体经典途径; 凝聚的IgG4和IgA能激活补体旁路激活途径 与免疫细胞表面FcR结合 1)调理作用(opsonization) IgFc段与吞噬细胞表面FcR结合,促进吞噬细胞的吞噬作用; 2)抗体依赖细胞介导的细胞毒作用(Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity,ADCC) IgFc段与NK细胞等表面FcR结合,促进NK细胞的细胞毒作用; 3) 介导I型超敏反应 IgE Fc段与肥大细胞等表面FcR结合,介导型超敏反应。 穿过胎盘和粘膜 IgG通过胎盘,提供被动免疫保护; sIgA穿过粘膜,参与黏膜局部的抗感染免疫。,激活补体,IgM(CH3)和IgG(CH2)功能区有补体C1q的结合位点。 IgM/IgG与抗原形成免疫复合物(IC)后,能通过经典途径激活补体。,动画演示调理吞噬作用,抗体依赖细胞介导的细胞毒作用(antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity,ADCC ): IgG类抗体与靶细胞表面抗原特异性结合,效应细胞(NK细胞、巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞)借助所表达的IgG FcR与靶细胞表面IgG的Fc段结合,从而杀伤靶细胞,动画演示ADCC作用,IgE can induce the class I hypersensitivity.,肥大细胞表面表达高亲和力的IgE Fc受体(FcRI)。 IgE与变应原结合,导致FcRI发生交联就能激活肥大细胞,导致其脱颗粒,释放生物活性介质,导致型超敏反应的发生。,-Mast cells and basophils have receptors for Fc portion of IgE. Binding of antigens to IgE already bound to Fc receptors for IgE on mast cells results in degranulation and inducing the type I hypersensitivity.,IgE can induce the class I hypersensitivity.,1. Concepts 2. Structure of immunoglobulins 3. Immunogenicity of immunoglobulins (Isotypes, Allotypes, & Idiotypes) 4. The function of antibodies 5. Antibody classes 6. Artificial Antibody,Outline of the lecture,immunoglobulin classes,These are monomer forms as they appear when expressed as a B cell antigen receptor. When secreted, the structures can be quite different. IgM is a pentamer in serum, and IgA can be a dimer.,IgG,血清主要的抗体成分(75-80%);半衰期长(20-23天); 出生后3个月开始合成,3-5岁接近成人水平; 多数抗菌、抗病毒、抗毒素抗体均属IgG类; 再次免疫应答的主要抗体; 是唯一能通过胎盘的Ig,发挥自然被动免疫功能; 具有活化补体经典途径的能力; 具有调理作用、ADCC作用等; 参与型、型超敏反应,某些自身免疫病的抗体也属IgG。,多能免疫球蛋白,初次应答与再次应答,IgM,为五聚体,分子量最大,称为巨球蛋白(macroglobulin);血清中含量为5%-10%。半衰期短,约5天。 个体发育中最先出现的Ig,胚胎晚期即能产生,脐带血IgM增高提示胎内感染(如风疹病毒、巨细胞病毒感染等); 抗原初次刺激机体时,是体内最先产生的Ig;血清IgM升高说明有近期感染; 有强大激活补体能力和调理作用,在机体早期免疫防御中具有重要作用; 天然ABO血型抗体是IgM; 未成熟B细胞表达mIgM。,IgA,分为单体的血清型和二聚体的分泌型IgA;约占血清 Ig 总量的 15,半衰期约 5 8 天。 分泌型IgA主要由黏膜相关淋巴组织产生,存在于唾液、泪液、乳汁及呼吸道、消化道、泌尿道的分泌液中和黏膜表面,是机体黏膜局部抗感染免疫的重要因素。 新生儿出生4-6个月后才开始合成SIgA, 初乳中的分泌型IgA可对婴幼儿发挥自然被动免疫作用。,由脊髓灰质炎病毒引起,从消化道感染,粘附于肠道粘膜细胞并进入血液,使脊髓灰质前角的运动神经元受损,导致肌肉麻痹,特别是下肢瘫痪。,脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(糖丸),sIgA,脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹):,IgD,血清中含量低(0.2%),血清型IgD生物学作用尚不清楚 mIgD可作为B细胞分化成熟标记,成熟B细胞同时表达mIgM和mIgD,mIgM,mIgD,成熟B细胞,活化B细胞,未成熟B细胞,IgE,血清中含量最低的Ig,仅占 Ig 总量的 0.002。 主要由呼吸道、胃肠道粘膜固有层的浆细胞产生。 属亲细胞性抗体,可与肥大细胞、嗜碱粒细胞表面FcR高亲和力结合,从而介导I型超敏反应。 抗寄生虫和真菌感染,CH4,IgE 与肥大细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞上的FcRI结合, 一旦受体交联将导致细胞活化,释放活性介质,引起I型超敏反应,1. Concepts 2. Structure of immunoglobulins 3. Antibody classes 4. Immunogenicity of immunoglobulins (Isotypes, Allotypes, & Idiotypes) 5. The function of antibodies 6. Artificial Antibody,Outline of the lecture,第一代抗体 polyclonal antibody,PcAb (多克隆抗体) 第二代抗体 Monoclonal antibody,McAb (单克隆抗体) 第三代抗体 Genetically engineering Ab, GeAb Recombinant antibody ,ReAb (基因工程抗体/重组抗体),Artificial Antibody,1. 多克隆抗体 (polyclonal antibody),用含多种抗原决定基的抗原物质免疫动物,刺激多个B细胞克隆所获得的免疫血清(含多种抗体的混合物),此为多克隆抗体。 来源广泛,制备容易;特异性不高。,蛋白质抗原分子 1、2、3、4、5表示B细胞决定基,针对多种抗原决定基的 多种抗体的混合物,带有多个B细胞表位,针对不同表位的B细胞,克隆增殖,多种抗体的混合物 (多克隆抗体),刺激小鼠,单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody, mAb,借助小鼠B细胞杂交瘤(hybridoma)技术,所制备的单一特异性(仅针对特定抗 原表位) 、高度均一(属同一类、亚类、型别)的抗体。 纯度高、特异性强、可大量生产,但技术要求高。,H:次黄嘌呤 A:氨基蝶呤 T:胸腺嘧啶,聚乙二醇,单克隆和多克隆抗体的比较和用途,特异性,敏感性,均一性,McAb,PcAb,低,差,无,高,强,有,1、用于免疫学检测,辅助临床诊断,2、McAb用于亲和层析,分离微量可溶性抗原,3、标记的McAb用于基础研究,了解细胞分化等,4、制备生物导弹用于肿瘤、移植等的临床治疗,基因工程抗体 (Genetically engineering antibodies,GeAb),又称重组抗体(recombinant antibodies) 借助DNA重组技术和蛋白质工程技术,按人们的意愿在基因水平上对Ig进行切割、拼接或修筛,重新组装成为新型抗体分子。主要包括:人-鼠嵌合抗体;人源化抗体;改型抗体;小分子抗体等。,(一)人-鼠嵌合抗体,(二)人源化抗体,只有互补决定区(CDR)是鼠源的 其余部位都是人源的,V区是鼠源的 C区是人源的,用分子生物学技术按人类设计重新组装的新型抗体分子, 可保留或增加天然抗体的特异性和主要生物学活性, 去除或减少无关结构,从而 减少鼠源性单克隆抗体的免疫原性 保留抗体特异性,鼠源性抗体,小分子抗体,Important terms,Antibody,Ab Immunoglobulin,Ig Heavy chain Light chain Variable region Constant region Hypervariable region,HVR Framwork region, FR Complementary determining region,CDR Domain Hinge region Joining chain Secretory piece,SP Papain Pepsin Isotype Allotype Idiotype Neutralization Opsonization Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity,ADCC Polyclonal antibody monoclonal antibody, mAb,下一讲 补体系统 预习内容,补体的概念、理化特性 补体激活的三条途径 补体的生物学功能,


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