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    外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 9 《Unit 2 We all own English》课件.ppt

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    外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 9 《Unit 2 We all own English》课件.ppt

    外研新标准 初三下,Module 9,English for you and me,Unit 2 We all own English.,Review,Words and expressions,单词回顾,学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words and expressions,own everyday essential tourism quarter industrial recent typhoon importance,v. 拥有 adj. 每天的,日常的 adj. 极其重要的 n. 旅游业 n. 四分之一 adj. 工业的 adj. 近来的 n. 台风 n. 重要性,Lead in 1,English speaking countries.,Can you point them out?,America,Canada,England,India,Australia,Discussion,English has now become an international language. How did this happen? What will the future of English be like? Who owns English?,Lead in 2,the history of English,English has now become an international language. It becomes the most important foreign language. How did this happen? What will the future of English be like?,To relay information about English 2. To tell how English has become an international language 3. To comment on the future of English and Chinese 4. To write a brief introduction of Chinese,Objectives:,Words: own, tourism, recent, typhoon, education, essential, pronunciation, industrial, advertising, international,Phrases: a quarter of, give much help with, all over the world, as common as, in place of, at least,Patterns: , although there are many other languages for The answer is everyone who speaks it the English,Focus on,Work in pairs. Talk about the photos. Say: where they are what languages you can see,China,English, Chinese,English,India,Skimming to get general idea,Answer the question: Who owns English?,Everyone who speaks it the English, the Indians and the Chinese all help make it a rich language.,Scanning to get detail information,Read and answer the questions:,1. How many people in the world speak English? English is spoken by about 400 million people in Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA.,2. When did English become an international language? In the 20th century. 3. Who owns English? Everyone who speaks it owns English.,4. Why did English become so popular? The reason is that in the 18th century, the UK was a country whose industrial products were sold all over the world. In the 20th century, the USA spread English all over the world through newspapers, television, films and advertising. Now its the common language for international travel, science, industry, information technology and the internet.,5. When will Chinese become an international language? By the middle of the 21st century.,Choose the best answer.,1. In a country like India, English is _. a) not taught in school b) spoken by everyone c) the most important foreign language d) not the language everyone speaks at home,2. English became more common because _. a) of the growth of the UK b) its an easy language to learn c) it was used in television, films and the Internet d) it was sold like an industrial product,3. English has many words which _. a) are difficult to remember b) first came from other languages c) look as if they come from another language d) are important to remember,4. In the middle of the twenty-first century, Chinese_. a) may replace English as an international language b) will be taught in all schools as a foreign language c) will be used as widely as English d) wont be used as widely as English,Work in pairs and talk about your answers to the questions.,What do you want to use English for? 2. Do you know any Chinese words from English? Give some examples. 3. Do you agree that Chinese will one day replace English?,Write notes about the following:,How many people speak Chinese at home in China?,800 million,Write a composition called: The future of Chinese,Writing,Where do people outside China speak Chinese?,Singapore, Malaysia, Chinese communities all over the world.,Who is learning Chinese elsewhere in the world?,School children in the UK and the USA.,Importance of China as a world leader.,Why do you think people will speak Chinese as an international language in the future?,About 800 million people speak Chinese at home in China. People in Singapore, Malaysia, ,Write your notes in full sentences.,Many people find Chinese an easy language to learn.,Add any further information or ideas you may have.,The sample,Chinese is one of working languages in the United Nations. Not only people living inside China, but also many Chinese outside China speak it. You will find large or small groups of Chinese people living in almost every country in the world. They are living and working there. Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world.,However, we have entered a period in history when children are all learning beginner or higher level English. But looking into the future, the number of learners may grow smaller almost as quickly as it increased. Many language learners are expressing an interest in learning Chinese.,Spelling Bee,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,1. English-Chinese in place of recent quarter typhoon tourism 2. Chinese-English 每天的,日常的; 近来的;重要性,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,QUIZ,一、根据所给的首字母填空 I cant understand the foreigners because my English level is f_ low. Learning a foreign language requires a c_ effort, however easy it is. How much have you a_ this year in English? Have you made much progress?,airly,ertain,chieved,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,二、根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1. As far as I know, the Browns _( 拥有) this house. 2. According to the news, a _ (台风) is coming. 3. School is an _ ( 日常的) event for most children. 4. The town depends on _ ( 旅游业) for much of its income (收入). 5. The foreigner that I bumped into yesterday dressed like an _( 印度人). 6. The performance will end in a _ (四分之一) of an hour.,own,typhoon,everyday,tourism,Indian,quarter,1. 这是谁的围巾?(belong to) _ 2. 我会代替Mary去参加这次会议。(in place of _ 这支铅笔不是你的就是我的。 (either or) _,Who does this scarf belong to?,I will go to the meeting in place of Mary.,The pencil is either yours or mine.,三、根据汉语意思和提示,翻译句子,4. 他对我们很友好,而且他学习很好。(whats more) _ _ 个人电脑正在变得像电视机一样普遍。(as as) _ _,He is friendly to us, and whats more, he studies very well.,Personal computers are becoming as common as televisions.,Homework,Write your composition about the languageEnglish.,1. Preview object clause, relative clause and adverbial clause. 2. Practise new words and expressions.,Preview,Thank you.,


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