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    听力教程1 第2版 (戴炜栋 施心远)Unit4.ppt

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    听力教程1 第2版 (戴炜栋 施心远)Unit4.ppt

    Unit 4,Listening Course 2,Section One Tactics for Listening,Part 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and Accent Ex.,Part Two Listen and Note-taking Frog Legs amphibian: cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water frogs, crocodiles, salamanders etc. devour: prey upon voraciously 捕食,Ex. A 1. Many Asian _ have included _ in their _ for centuries. 2. By 1977 the French government _ commercial _ of its own _. 3. Indian scientists have described as “_” the _ at which frogs are _ from the _ fields and _. 4. The United States _ more than _ of frozen _ year between _ and _. 5. One of the _ of _ frogs was the _.,cultures,frog legs,diet,banned,hunting,amphibians,disastrous,rate,disappearing,rice,wetland,imported,6.5 million pounds,frog meat each,1981,1984,attractions,Indian,price,Food for Thought :,If frogs could make 3 wishes, what would they be? 1. 跳出枯井; 2. 吃天鹅肉; 3. 变王子。,Ex. B: Complete the summary frogs; food; frog legs; diets; centuries; inspired; French; commercial hunting; India; Bangladesh; 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat; price. disastrous; rate; disappearing; rice fields; wetlands; protect; devouring damaging insects bans, Indonesia; exporter; country; The legs once belonged to frogs are taken from the wild, not from farms.,Section Two Listening Comprehension,Dialogues Dialogue 1 Health Club,Sauna,2.50,2.50,half an hour,1.50,half an hour,1.50,Young people in their 20s & 30s, 30 a year,75%,morning,reduced rate for old pensioners.,Dialogue 2 Skiing Focus: Making inferences,Have students find the proof for their answers. Ex. A 1. What are the speakers doing? _ 2. What kind of class is mentioned in the conversation? _ 3. How many of the speakers have been taking the class? _,They are looking at some pictures.,A ski class for beginners.,Two.,Ex. B: Summary of the dialogue Everyday the coach took them to a _. They got to the _ on a _. In their class, there was one woman who could _. She couldnt _ _ and whenever she started _ she would stick her skis out _. People always tried to _. One day as she was getting to the top, she _ and started sliding down the slope. Everyone _ and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way and they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope.,nursery slope,top,ski lift,never learn how to ski,control her,skis,sliding,in front of her,avoid her,slipped,let go,Part 2 Passages Passage 1 Fatigue Focus: Expository writingexplaining “fatigue” definitionillustrationproblem solving,Ex. A: Pre-listening question: What is fatigue? Whats the difference between fatigue and drowsiness? Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. Fatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.,Background: The thyroid is one of the larger endocrine (内分泌的) glands in the body. It is a double-lobed structure located in the neck and produces hormones, that regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid甲状腺机能亢进) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid甲状腺机能减退) are the most common problems of the thyroid gland. Specialists are called Thyroidologists.,Ex. B: Choose the best answer. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A,6. B Here are some tips for reducing fatigue Get adequate, regular, and consistent amounts of sleep Eat a healthy well-balanced diet Exercise regularly Learn better way to relax Maintain a reasonable work and schedule Change your stressful circumstances Take a multivitamin. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and drug use,7. C. Do not stop or change any medications without instruction from your doctor. 8. C,Lack of enthusiasm,Ex. C: Answer the questions 1. When do people feel fatigued? Fatigue is a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. 2. What can also be symptoms of fatigue? Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.,3. What can usually relieve fatigue? Enough exercise, good nutrition, or low-stress environment can usually relieve fatigue. 4. What treatment can also help deal with fatigue? Treatment for chronic pain or depression often helps address fatigue. 5. What is the side effect of some antidepressant medication? They may cause or worsen fatigue.,Passage 2 The Truth about the French! Focus: EX. A: Pre-listening How do you behave in greeting?,Ex. B: Choose the best answer: 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. D,Ex. C: Answer the questions 1. What is heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier in France? Skiing in France 2. When will an intermediate skier who can read a lift map easily be able to do? An intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.,3. What does this staggered two-week winter vacation period cover? This staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. 4. What is the character of the French? The French are not generally arrogant and rude. They are as kind as you wish. 5. Which precautions will a visitor take against theft in large cities in France? In large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and dont carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!,Part 3 News Focus: Accidents News summary Specific information,News Item 1 Background: Charles de Gaulle airport: In Paris, is one of Europe's principal aviation centres, as well as France's main international airport. It is named after Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), leader of the Free French Forces and founder of the French Fifth Republic. It is 25 km to the north-east of Paris. The construction of this airport lasted about 10 years.,terminal: station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods,Ex. A: Summarize the news This news item is about the new information of France Charles de Gaulle airport where a segment of the roof collapsed in May,Ex. B: Listen and look at the chart. Tick the appropriate box.,News Item 2 Ex. A: Summarize the news This news is about a string of accidents this week in Congo.,Ex. B: Fill in the missing information A String of Accidents This Week,a ferry sink,Tues.,on Lake Mai-Ndombe, Northeast of Kinshasha,More than 160 people,storm,a truck crash,Sat.,Near the eastern town of Goma,18 people were killed or injured,brake trouble,an air crash,Sat.,Near the town of Boende, in northwestern COngo,all 22 Congolese passengers and the crew,unknown,News Item 3 Ex. A: Summarize the news This news item is about a major electricity failure. Ex. B: Answer the questions: 1. What are the northeastern United States and parts of Canada slowly recovering from? A major electricity failure. 2. How many people suffer the devour electricity failure. About 50 million people suffer the devour electricity failure.,3. Has power been returned completely in New York City? No, power has been returned to 85% of that city. 4. What have officials in both New York City and in the Canadian province of Ontario warned? They have warned that electrical service may stop again until the electrical system can be completely repaired. 5. What are the people in the city of Cleveland Ohio being warned to do? In the city of Cleveland, Ohio, people are being warned to boil water before drinking it at least until Sunday.,Section Three Oral Work,Retelling The Strand Galveston,Section Four Supplementary Exercise,Babies and Intelligence Ex. A 1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or six months old. 2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their first day of life. 3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling. 4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still Developing inside their mothers.,5. Babies can learn while sleep. 6. They are important for a childs all later development.,Ex. B,


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