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    Our team,行政A班:李卓蕾,黄明珍 行政B班:胡榆英,CONTENT: 1. History 2. The founder 3. The Wal-Mart Culture,LOGO is changing(1962-2008):,改变着的招牌(1962-2008),A part of history of Wal-Mart,In 1962:Sam Walton set up the first Wal-Mart fair-price shop. In 1972:The share of Wal-Mart was listed in New York and its value turned over 4900 times during the 25 years. In 1979: Wal-Mart sales totally exceeded $1 billion for the first time. In 1990: Wal-Mart became the biggest trades company in America. In 1991: Wal-Mart opened the first overseas store in Mexico. In 1994:Wal-Mart purchased 122 woolco stores in Canada.,A part of history of Wal-Mart,In 1996:Wal-Mart opened the first Chinese store in Shenzhen. Now in China ,there are 215 Wal- Mart stores. In 1997: Wal-Mart saleroom first breakthough more than thousand billion dollars. In 1999:Wal-Mart became the largest private employer.,The founder,Sam Walton(19181992),He regarded as the greatest enterpriser in 20th century.,Special People,The Founder of Wal-Mart: Sam Walton If judged by appearance Sam Walton was a very ordinary man. He was raised in the Depression years, and served in the army during World War II. It was he, who from humble beginnings built the world's most admired retail organization. Sam had a passion to compete and an appetite for adventure. He realized that Wal-Mart needed to do more than offer low prices to be successful - it also had to exceed customers' expectations for quality service. Sam devoted his life to expanding and improving upon this concept. He was also a good motivator of people, because he practiced what he preached. He remained guided by the old-fashioned principles of hard work, honesty, neighborliness and thrift. Even after his death in 1992, those principles continue to guide the company as it expands into other countries and cultures.,The Wal-Mart Culture,Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was founded on principles developed by Sam Walton. These principles carried out every day by hard-working and friendly associates have created a unique corporate culture that is key to Wal-Mart's competitive edge. The basic beliefs guiding Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,Three Basic Beliefs,1. Respect for the Individual Every associate's opinion is respected. Managers are considered “servant leaders“ who help new associates realize their potential through training, praise and constructive feedback. An “open door“ management philosophy encourages associates to raise questions and concerns in an open atmosphere. 2.Service to the Customer The customer is the boss. Everything possible is done to make shopping at Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB a friendly, pleasant experience. The “Ten-Foot Attitude“ means that associates are to greet each person they see. The “Satisfaction Guaranteed“ refund and exchange policy allows customers to be fully confident of Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB's merchandise and quality. 3.Strive for Excellence Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB associates share an exceptional commitment to customer satisfaction. At the start of each day, store associates gather for the Wal-Mart or SAM'S CLUB cheer and review sales from the previous day, as well as discuss their daily goals. “The Sundown Rule“ requires a continual sense of urgency, with questions asked in the morning answered before the end of the day.,THE END,


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