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    ,Food,The Differences Between Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures,Differences in Concepts,The highest standard of Western food is nutrition. The highest standard of Chinese food is delicious.,In the Chinese people's concept, people's diet concept with the “emotion“ as the guidance. As early as in the pre-qin period, the Chinese attaches great importance to the“color, flavor, taste ”. The summary on the formation of diet concept is from morality and life practice.,In addition, in the way of having dinner, in China, no matter what the banquet is, people tend to sit around to enjoy the food placed in the middle of the table which are not only the subjects for people at the table to enjoy, but also a medium to share their feelings.,But it is largely different for the Westerners. The pursuit of Westerners to food nutrition is more than the “color, flavor ,taste ”. They attach importance to analyzing food nutrition. They pay more attention to the independence of the individual, so they eat separately. Theres no joy chatting with each other at the table.,Differences in Targets The Diet Structure of China,The traditional Chinese eating habits based on plant food. Staple food is the grain. Cooking is built on vegetables, plus a small amount of meat. Giving priority to hot food and cooked food , this civilization is relevant to China's early cooking technology development.,We eat six hundred kinds of vegetables six times more than in the West We are truly vegetarian,The Diet Structure of Western,Westerners have nomads and Marine national s culture lineage .Their lives is based on breeding, fishing and hunting . So, they are usually eating animal food. For example, they often eat the whole piece of beef or a whole chicken. Western have more developed food industry, such as canned food, fast food, etc. Although they taste monotonous, but save time, and have good nutrition.,a large piece of meat whole chickens,Differences in Cooking On the one hand,Chinese cooking is random. Interesting is strong. And cooking can be cook according to their mood . The same cuisine taste, the main match accessories will also be affected by the chef specialty preferences. Therefore, Chinese cooking is not very standardized, but exists randomly. In China, it is a kind of art. Chinese traditional cooking method is different because of the major branches of different flavor and characteristics .,Western food production is more normative. Cooking becomes a kind of mechanical work. Furthermore, the purpose of Westerners eating focus on taking nutrients, as long as the nutrition is enough standard, other is possibly tolerant. Kentucky Fried Chicken fried its chicken not only by the ingredients, oil temperature,the time of fried chicken, also should be strictly according to the standard act.,On the other hand,Chinese food production is usually boiled, fried and baked,vinegerand etc. Western food production is scientific. 1 quality materials and exacting precision 2 a small and delicate process,enjoy the video,西方餐桌礼仪,


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