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    为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO53 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO53 听力 Conversation1 文本 Listen to a conversation between a student and his drama professor. Professor: Hi Robert. So how's your paper going? Robert: Pretty well. It's a lot of work, but Im getting into it, so I don't mind. Ill probably have some questions for you in the next week or so. Professor: Okay. Glad to hear youre progressing so well. Robert: Um There was something you said at the end of the lecture on Tuesday, something about there not really being any original plays. Professor: Theres no such thing as an original play. Yes. That's the direct quote from Charles Mee. Robert: Mee that's with two “e”s, right? Professor: Yep. M-E-E. You'll probably be hearing a lot about him. He's becoming a pretty famous playwright. Robert: Yeah,well, Ive been thinking about his quote. I mean there must be some original plays out there. Professor: Ill grant that he's overstating things somewhat. But the theater does have a long tradition of borrowing. Take Shakespeare. Like most writers of his day, he borrowed plots from other sources unabashedly. And the ancient Greeks, all the plays they wrote were based on earlier plays, poems and myths. Robert: And borrowing applies to plays being written nowadays, too? Professor: To some extent, yes. Mee, for example, he's made a career out of remaking plays, one of which well be studying soon. Its called Full Circle and Mee based it on an earlier play by a German playwright. Robert: Oh Full Circle Wasn't that based on the Caucasian Chalk Circle? Professor: That's right. Robert: I remember hearing about that play from my acting coach. Professor: Okay. Well, the Caucasian Chalk Circle was based on a play by yet another German playwright, someone who was fascinated by the ancient literature of China, India and Persia, and many of his works were adapted from those literatures, including his version of the Chalk Circle which was based on an early Chinese play. Robert: So this Full Circle play, by Charles Mee, the one we're going to study, it's like the third or fourth remake. Wow And we complain that Hollywood keeps making the same movies over and over again. Professor: Well, part of what Mees trying to do is drive home the point that: One, theaters always a collaborative effort. Robert: Well, yeah, the playwright, the director, the actors, people have to work together to produce a play. Professor: Yes, of course. But Mee means historically. The dramatic literature of early periods is hugely influential in shaping later dramatic works. Robert: So it's like when the playwright bases a play on a previous playwright's theme or message.It's like they're talking to each other, collaborating. Uh, just not at the same time right? Professor: Exactly. And the second point Mee's trying to make, I think, is that it's legitimate to retell an old story in a new way, in a way thats, uh more in line with contemporary concerns. So when playwrights reinvent or update an earlier play, it shouldn't be construed as a lack of imagination or an artistic failure. 托福 TPO53 听力 Conversation1 题目 1.Why does the man go to see the professor? A. To discuss a play he heard about B. To get feedback on a paper he is writing C. To ask about a point made in class D. To get information about an acting coach 2.Why does the professor mention Shakespeare and the ancient Greek playwrights? A. To support her statement that some original plays do exist B. To show that playwrights historically have used themes from earlier plays C. To point out that Shakespeare was greatly influenced by ancient Greek plays D. To give examples of playwrights whose plays have inspired later playwrights 3.What does the professor imply about the play Full Circle by Charles Mee? A. It served as the basis for a Hollywood film. B. It is indirectly based on a Chinese play. C. It has influenced a more recent play. D. It uses themes from ancient Greek literature. 4.What two points does Charles Mee make about playwriting?Click on 2 answers A. Rewriting old plays to deal with modern issues is a respectable practice. B. Playwrights should preserve as much of the original as possible when updating an older play. C. Older plays tend to show more imagination than newer plays. D. In a way, modern playwrights work with playwrights of the past. 5.What does the man imply when he says this: A. He thinks the professor misunderstood his point. B. He has written some original plays himself. C. He doubts that what Charles Mee said is true. D. He has read some original plays by Charles Mee. 托福 TPO53 听力 Conversation1 答案解析 Q1 题目解析: 正确答案:C 本题定位到原文:Robert: Um There was something you said at the end of the lecture on Tuesday, something about there're not really being any original plays. 此处原文的大意是:学生提到教授上节课说其实没有完全原创的戏剧。 题干问的是男生为 什么去见教授 ; 选项 A 的意思是为了谈论他听说的一部戏剧, 选项 B 的意思是为了获得他写的 论文的反馈,选项 C 的意思是为了询问老师在课上提出的观点,选项 D 的意思是为了得到代 理教练的信息。只有选项 C 符合原文意思,其他三个选项都不合适。 Q2 题目解析: 正确答案:B 本题定位到原文:But the theater does have a long tradition of borrowing. Take Shakespeare. Like most writers of his day, he borrowed plots from other sources unabashedly. And the ancient Greeks, all the plays they wrote were based on earlier plays, poems and myths. 此处原文的大意是:戏剧拥有很长的借鉴历史,比如莎士比亚和古 希腊的戏剧,都是基于前人作品的创作。 题干问的是为什么教授要提到莎士比亚和古希腊 剧作家。 选项 A 的意思是为了支持他的观点, 即原创戏剧还是存在的, 选项 B 的意思是为了 表明历史上剧作家会使用早期戏剧的主题,选项 C 的意思是为了指出莎士比亚被古希腊的戏 剧影响很深, 选项 D 的意思是为了给出曾经给后面剧作家以灵感的剧作家的例子。 只有选项 B 符合原文意思,其他三个选项都不合适。 Q3 题目解析: 正确答案:B 本题定位到原文:Professor: To some extent, yes. Mee, for example, he's made a career out of remaking plays, one of which well be studying soon. Its called Full Circle and Mee based it on an earlier play by a German playwright. Okay. Well, the Caucasian Chalk Circle was based on a play by yet another German playwright, someone who was fascinated by the ancient literature as of China, India and Persia and many of his works were adapted from those literatures, including his version of the Chalk Circle which was based on an early Chinese play. 此处原文的大意是:Mee 的 Full Circle 直接基于一部德国戏剧,但是德国剧作家又对中国古文化着迷。 题干问的是 教授为什么提到 Mee 的 Full Circle; 选项 A 的意思是它作为了好莱坞电影的基础, 选项 B 的意思是它间接地基于中国戏剧,选项 C 的意思是它影响了一部近代电影,选项 D 的意思是 它使用了古希腊文学的主题。只有选项 B 符合原文意思,其他三个选项都不合适。 Q4 题目解析: 正确答案:AD 本题定位到原文:Professor: Well, part of what Mees trying to do is drive home the point that: One, theaters always a collaborative effort. Robert: So it's like when the playwright bases a play on a previous playwrights theme or message. It's like they're talking to each other collaborating. Uh, just not at the same time right? Professor: Exactly. And the second point Mee's trying to make, I think, is that it's legitimate to retell an old story in a new way, in a way that, uh some more in line with contemporary concerns. So when playwrights reinvent or update an earlier play it shouldn't be construed as a lack of imagination or an artistic failure. 此处原文的大意是:学生和老师讨论戏剧中的借鉴问题,双方都认为对旧戏剧的借鉴其实类 似于新老剧作家跨越时空的合作,并不能被算成是缺少想象力或者失败的艺术。 题干问的 是Mee对于戏剧创作的观点。 选项A的意思是对以前的戏剧的重写, 使其能对应当代的问题, 选项 B 的意思是剧作家应该在改编旧戏剧的时候保存尽可能多的原创,选项 C 的意思是旧时 候的戏剧比新的戏剧倾向于去展示更多的想象力,选项 D 的意思是某种程度上,当代剧作家 跟以前的剧作家一起合作。选项 AD 符合原文,另外两个则不符合。 Q5 题目解析: 正确答案:C 本题定位到原文:Robert: Yeah,well, Ive been thinking about his quote. I mean there must be some original plays out there. 此处原文的大意是: 学生怀疑老师前面说过 的原创戏剧几乎不存在的事情。 题干问的是学生为什么要这样说。 选项 A 的意思是他觉得 教授错误理解了他的意思,选项 B 的意思是他自己写了一些原创戏剧,选项 C 的意思是他怀 疑 Mee 说的内容的真实性,选项 D 的意思是他读过一些 Mee 的原创戏剧。选项 C 符合原文, 其他三个选项均不符合。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO53 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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