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    ,新概念三,L54 Instinct Or Cleverness,By Crazy小疯子 随时随地Crazy610,如需课件请加Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114,Up coming,Crazys insane. Stories of certain animals New Words&Expressions Back to the Text,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,What you do,who you will be.,determines,insect n. 'nsekt spider n. 'spad wasp n. wsp moth n. m ant n. ænt praying mantis 'mænts beetle n. 'bit()l aphid n. 'efd cluster n. 'klst colony n. 'kln horde n. hd ingenuity n. ,ndnjut provocation n.,prvke()n revulsion n. rvl()n underside n. ndsad sheltered adj.'eltd uncanny adj. n'kæn entranced adj. en'tra:nst luscious adj. 'ls sticky adj. 'stk scurry v. 'skr swarm v. swm wage v. wed erase v. 'rez contaminate v.kn'tæmnet,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,Insect 'nsekt,We have been brought up to fear insects. A small animal that has six legs. Most insects have wings. Ants, flies, butterflies, and beetles are all insects.,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,Have a try,insect n. 'nsekt spider n. 'spad wasp n. wsp moth n. m ant n. ænt praying mantis 'mænts beetle n. 'bit()l aphid n. 'efd,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,cluster 'klst,Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found,A cluster of people or things is a small group of them close together,If people cluster together, they gather together in a small group.,horde hd,We find hordes of them.,If you describe a crowd of people as a horde, you mean that the crowd is very large and excited and, often, rather frightening or unpleasant,colony 'kln,They were visited by a large colony of ants.,A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country.,A colony of birds, insects, or animals is a group of them that live together.,You can refer to a place where a particular group of people lives as a particular kind of colony.,ingenuity ,nd'njut,I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity,Ingenuity is skill at working out how to achieve things or skill at inventing new things,Provocation ,prv'ke()n,They sting or bite without provocation. If you describe a person's action as provocation or a provocation, you mean that it is a reason for someone else to react angrily, violently, or emotionally.,Revulsion r'vl()n,Prevent us from being filled with revulsion.,Someone's revulsion at something is the strong feeling of disgust or disapproval they have toward it.,underside 'ndsad,on the underside of the leaves,The underside of something is the part of it which normally faces towards the ground.,Just read them,horde n. hd cluster n. 'klst colony n. 'kln provocation n.,prv'ke()n revulsion n. r'vl()n ingenuity n. ,nd'njut underside n. 'ndsad,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,sheltered 'eltd,A warm wall on a sheltered side of the house,A sheltered place is protected from wind and rain.,If you say that someone has led a sheltered life, you mean that they have been protected from difficult or unpleasant experiences.,Sheltered accommodations or work is designed for old or disabled people. It allows them to be independent but also allows them to get help when they need it.,The Sheltered Life of a Dubliner.,entranced en'tra:nst,entranced as they go about their business,To make sb feel great pleasure and admiration so that they give sb/sth their all attention.,uncanny n'kæn ,The uncanny sense of direction which bees possess If you describe something as uncanny, you mean that it is strange and difficult to explain.,luscious 'ls,It occasionally produces luscious peaches.,Luscious food is juicy and very good to eat.,If you describe a woman or something about her as luscious, you mean that you find her or this thing sexually attractive.,sticky 'stk,I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape.,A sticky substance is soft, or thick and liquid, and can stick to other things. Sticky things are covered with a sticky substance,Sticky weather is unpleasantly hot and damp.,A sticky situation involves problems or is embarrassing,Your turn,luscious adj. 'ls entranced adj. en'tra:nst sheltered adj.'eltd uncanny adj. n'kæn sticky adj. 'stk,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,swarm swm,The ants were still swarming around the sticky tape.,A swarm of bees or other insects is a large group of them flying together.,When bees or other insects swarm, they move or fly in a large group.,Wage wed,Vt. If a person, group, or country wages a campaign or a war, they start it and continue it over a period of time. N. Someone's wages are the amount of money that is regularly paid to them for the work that they do.,We continually wage war on them.,Contaminate kn'tæmnet,They contaminate our food.,If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful.,erase 'rez,If you erase something such as writing or a mark, you remove it, usually by rubbing it with a cloth. If you erase a thought or feeling, you destroy it completely so that you can no longer remember something or no longer feel a particular emotion.,If you erase sound that has been recorded on a tape or information which has been stored in a computer, you completely remove or destroy it.,scurry 'skr,I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree.,When people or small animals scurry somewhere, they move there quickly and hurriedly, especially because they are frightened.,Here we go,wage v. wed contaminate v.kn'tæmnet erase v. 'rez scurry v. 'skr swarm v. swm,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,insect n. 'nsekt wage v. wed contaminate v.kn'tæmnet spider n. 'spad provocation n.,prv'ke()n wasp n. wsp moth n. m ant n. ænt revulsion n. r'vl()n horde n. hd uncanny adj. n'kæn erase v. 'rez praying mantis 'mænts entranced adj. en'tra:nst beetle n. 'bit()l sheltered adj.'eltd luscious adj. 'ls cluster n. 'klst aphid n. 'efd underside n. 'ndsad colony n. 'kln sticky adj. 'stk scurry v. 'skr swarm v. swm ingenuity n. ,nd'njut,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,Instinct or Cleverness? 本能还是机智,We have been brought up to fear insects. We continually wage war on them. They contaminate our food. They sting or bite without provocation. Unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps Quite harmless one like moths The industrious ant lives in a highly organized society,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,8. Prevent us from being filled with revulsion. 9. We find hordes of them. 10.The uncanny sense of direction which bees possess 11.They are impossible to erase. 12. Praying mantis lead perfectly horrible lives. 13. entranced as they go about their business 14. an enormous dead beetle . 15. A warm wall on a sheltered side of the house,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,16. It occasionally produces luscious peaches. 17. Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves. 18. They were visited by a large colony of ants. 19. I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape. 20. I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree. 21. The ants were still swarming around the sticky tape. 22. I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity.,insect n. 'nsekt wage v. wed contaminate v.kn'tæmnet spider n. 'spad provocation n.,prv'ke()n wasp n. wsp moth n. m ant n. ænt revulsion n. r'vl()n horde n. hd uncanny adj. n'kæn erase v. 'rez praying mantis 'mænts entranced adj. en'tra:nst beetle n. 'bit()l sheltered adj.'eltd luscious adj. 'ls cluster n. 'klst aphid n. 'efd underside n. 'ndsad colony n. 'kln sticky adj. 'stk scurry v. 'skr swarm v. swm ingenuity n. ,nd'njut,Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 新浪微博 Crazy610,Q&A,需课件 请加 Crazy的QQ交流群 16 1910 114 Or Crazy610 私信皆可,Thank You !,Aug. 27th By Crazy小疯子,


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