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    main,新编英语教程(第三版)第三册 A New English Course (Third Edition),Unit 3,Unit 5,Unit 6,Unit 7,Unit 8,Unit 2,Unit 10,Unit 1,Unit 4,Unit 9,Unit 11,Unit 12,Movie Clip,Quotes,Lean in- main,Movie Clip,Movie Clip,Watch the movie clip and answer the following questions.,Questions:,It is snowing in the middle of summer, which is a dramatic change in the weather.,1. What is happening in Whoville?,Script3,They think it is a big trouble and it is end of the world.,2. What do they think of the disaster?,Script3,Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing the world today. How much do you know about it? What shall we do when facing the issue? Have a discussion with your partner.,Discussion:,Movie Clip,video,Script,Script1,- Mayor? Open up, Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor! Its snowing in the summer! - Yes, yes, it is. - Its a dramatic change in the weather. As if we were on a speck floating to space. I dont know how you knew. But, somehow you did. And Whoville is headed for disaster. - Oh, Horton. - What? - Ah, nothing. Im on it. - Its up to us to save the people of Whoville.,- Thats not . Stop. OK. Anybody else? . Good. No, no. Dont join it. This is not fun. Uh, this is sign of doom. Oh, sweety, thats. No. No no no. Danger! Danger! Stop having fun immediately! This is dangerous. OK. - Horton? - Uh? What? Hey, there. - Were in big trouble down here. Its happening. Its snowing in the middle of summer. Its end of the world! - Hold on here. I think I know what your problem is. There, get better?,Script2,- That seems you have worked. Eh-uh. Do I smell peanuts? - Yeah, they are my favorite snack.,Script3,(From the animation Horton Hears a Who!),Quotes,Proverbs,Read the following quotes and tell your classmates which one is your favorite. State your reasons.,If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Percy Bysshe Shelley In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. William Blake,Proverbs,Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. Hal Borland To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. George Santayana,Proverbs,If Nature is opposed, we will fight her and make her obey us. Simón Bolívar It seems clear at last that our love for the natural world Nature is the only means by which we can requite Gods obvious love for it. Edward Abbey,Speaking Practice,Listening in and Speaking out-main,Notes,Listening,1. Oregon It is one of the fifty states of the United States, located on the Pacific coast, with Washington to the north, California to the south, Nevada on the southeast and Idaho to the east. 2. spells of a period of weather of a particular kind,Notes,Notes,Notes,3. pretty much very nearly 4. dungeon a room or cell in which prisoners are held, especially underground. Dungeons are generally associated with medieval castles.,Notes,5. seasonal affective disorder (SAD) also known as winter depression, winter blues, summer depression, summer blues, or seasonal depression. It is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or summer, spring or autumn year after year. 季节性情感障碍,6. catch 22 The term was coined by Joseph Heller, an American writer in his novel Catch-22 published in 1961. In the book, “Catch-22” is a military rule, the self-contradictory circular logic that, for example, prevents anyone from avoiding combat missions. It described a situation where, in WWII, you could be excluded from combat if you were crazy. However, the very process of wanting to leave combat proved that you were sane, therefore you had to keep fighting.,Notes,Notes,Now, the term is often used to refer to a paradoxical situation in which an individual cannot avoid a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. Often these situations are such that solving one part of a problem only creates another problem, which ultimately leads back to the original problem.,In Southern Oregon, summers are very hot, sunny and dry, while the winters bring long spells of grey skies and drizzly rain. Between November and March it feels like it rains all the time, or at least stays pretty dark.,Listening,Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.,1. What is the climate like in Southern Oregon? What is the weather like there between November and March?,Listening,Script,Listening,The bright and sunny days in the past few days has been brightening the speakers mood.,2. What has been brightening the speakers mood in the past few days?,She got the confirmation of the fact that weather affects our moods in a little informational e-book called Brighten Your Life.,3. Where did she get the confirmation of the fact that the weather affects our moods?,People now spend less time outdoors because of their laziness or routine habits. Staying outdoors can make peoples heads clear and make their energy rise. People can also get Vitamin D from the sun.,Listening,According to Dr. Kripke, sadness rules where it is dark while light makes people happier.,4. According to Dr. Kripke, what is the correlation between light and our moods?,5. In the speakers view, why do people now spend less time outdoors? What are the benefits of spending more time outside?,Script1,Light up Your Life: How the Weather Affects Our Moods For the past three years, Ive been living in Southern Oregon, where the summers are very hot, sunny and dry, while the winters bring long spells of grey skies and drizzly rain. Between November and March it feels like it rains all the time, or at least stays pretty dark. Luckily, the past few days have brought some bright, sunny days, and thats been brightening my mood, too. I always wondered why people especially weather forecasters always had to equate certain weather with being “miserable” or “dreary”. I thought it was pretty much giving our power away to let something as random as the weather affect our moods.,Script2,But lately Ive been thinking more and more about the scientific validity of that. After a bit of digging, I got confirmation of the fact that light (and, by extension, weather) does indeed impact the way we feel. Its laid out pretty clearly in a little informational e-book called Brighten Your Life. In the book, Dr. Kripke writes, “Think about the dark dungeons of despair, the heart of darkness, the gloominess of a funeral mood. Sadness rules where it is dark,” He goes on to say, “Think about a person who has seen the Light. Think about brilliance. Think how we describe the great joy of love by singing, You are My Sunshine. We know that light makes us happier.”,Script3,These days, we spend more and more time indoors, and Dr. Kripke blames modern urbanization. He points out that when he was a little boy, they played outside often, and walked to school even in the winter. After all, they didnt have all the video games and electronic toys, and there were only a few channels on TV. But we dont need to blame technology. In fact, technology provides an answer in Kripkes book: bright light, which is used to treat depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).,Script4,So if not technology, what should we blame? Laziness, perhaps, or simply routine habits. But its really a catch 22. We dont feel like going outside, but we feel worse by staying in. I know that I find my head clears and my energy rises when I go outside, even if it is raining. So certainly our kids can benefit from fresh air too, not to mention the Vitamin D we get from the sun. Thats why Im making it a personal goal this year to spend more time outside, and to take my family with me, regardless of how much my husband and I feel we need to be tied to our computers, working. After all, if youre going to light up your life, you might as well do it the natural way. Indoor lights might be good, but the biggest light of all the sun is even better.,Speaking Practice,Speaking Practice,1. Give an oral presentation on the summary of the listening passage.,For your reference,The key points: - my experience and consideration concerning the relationship between weather and our moods - Dr. Kripkes statements in the e-book Brighten Your Life - what to blame for our spending more time indoors - my personal goal to spend more time outside,Speaking Practice,2. Discuss and comment on the effectiveness of each others oral presentation. 3. Work in pairs and take turns to ask and give answers about the following topics:,a. Do you agree that the weather affects our moods? Have you ever had such an experience? b. Can you cite some examples from some literary works regarding the correlation between the weather and peoples moods ? c. Why do people now spend more time indoors?,Comments on the Text,Exercises,Dialogue-main,Text I,Pre-Reading Questions,General Reading,Background Notes,Text,Dialogue-main,Text II,Text A,Text B,Pre-Reading Questions,Pre-Reading Questions,What does the title of the text suggest to you? Make your own predictions about the contents of the passage by listing two or three things that are likely to be dealt with in it.,Use your imagination to make your own predictions. Then discuss with your classmates.,Time: Place: Events: Unpleasant memories: Outside: 1. 2. 3.,early January to late March,General Reading,_,Go over the text rapidly once and fill in the grid with what you have learned from your first rapid reading.,General Reading,in the depth of the country,_,beautiful snow scene turned into ugly frostbound sight,_,birds growing tamer and waiting at the doorstep,_,water frozen almost instantly,_,water-pipes frozen,Inside: 1. 2. 3. 4. One good thing The thaw ,central heating inadequate and unco-operative; oil-stoves unavailable,General Reading,sitting inside in overcoats,draught coming in through windows, doors and holes in the walls,_,_ _,_,eggs not broken when dropped,_,water squirting from pipes bringing about a “flood”,_ _,_ _,_,Background Notes1,Background Notes,Central Heating,A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building (or portion of a building) from one point to multiple rooms. When combined with other systems in order to control the building climate, the whole system may be an HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system.,Background Notes1,Central heating differs from local heating in that the heat generation occurs in one place, such as a furnace room in a house or a mechanical room in a large building (though not necessarily at the “central” geometric point). The most common method of heat generation involves the combustion of fossil fuel in a furnace or boiler.,Background Notes1,The resultant heat then gets distributed: typically by: forced-air through ductwork, water circulating through pipes, or by steam fed through pipes. Increasingly, buildings utilize solar-powered heat sources, in which case the distribution system normally uses water circulation.,Dialogue-Text1,A Winter to Remember,According to the weathermen last winter was one of the worst in living memory. We live in the depths of the country, and my whole family agree that it was certainly a winter we shall never forget. Snow began to fall at round about the beginning of the New Year and continued on and off for approximately ten days.,At first we were all thrilled to see it. It fell silently and relentlessly in large soft flakes until every ugly patch and corner of our rather rambling garden was smoothed over and had become a spotless white canopy. The children soon spoilt its beauty by having snowball fights and leaving their footprints all over it. Hungry birds too, in search of scraps of food, made delicate impressions on its surface. It was now, when the garden was all churned up and of a dirty grey colour, that a severe frost set in, hardening the snow into ugly lumps of grimy concrete. For the next three months the whole countryside lay in a grip of iron.,Dialogue-Text2,Indoors it was pretty cold too. Our central heating system proved both inadequate and unco-operative: inadequate partly because it needed overhauling and partly because the poor state of the doors and most of the windows made a whistling stream of cold air come through; unco-operative because occasionally it simply went on strike.,Every day the birds grew tamer, often waiting hopefully almost on our backdoor step. We fed them with bits of cheese, chopped up meat and any leftovers we had. We also put out bowls of water, which unfortunately within an hour had frozen solid.,Dialogue-Text3,Dialogue-Text4,To make matters worse there were tiny holes in the brickwork of many of the rooms. As a result the water pipes froze so that for several weeks our water supply had to be brought in buckets from a nearby farm. We tried to buy a number of oil-stoves to keep these rooms warm, but other people had thought of doing this too when we called at the village shop the shopkeeper told us she had sold out and that although there were more on order they were unlikely to be delivered until the spring which, of course, was a great comfort.,Dialogue-Text5,Throughout January and February and much of March we sat about in our overcoats and warmed ourselves by tramping to and from the farm, lugging buckets of water. On one occasion the water actually froze before it reached the house, and our youngest son not the most intelligent of youth promptly took it all the way back to the farm.,Dialogue-Text6,However, one good thing did happen. One of the children dropped a container with a dozen eggs in it. I stooped down furiously to pick up what I thought would be the messy remains only to discover the eggs had come to no harm they were as solid as if they had been hard-boiled.,Dialogue-Text7,Late in March, it finally thawed. Water squirted from pipes in at least half a dozen places. Instead of carting buckets of water into the kitchen from the farm we now brought them in from different parts of the house. Eventually we found a plumber. The plumber undoubtedly saved us from drowning. I have been devoted to plumbers ever since. By Robert Best,approximately,approximately: ad. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct,e.g.:,At present there are no women among the approximately 40 cosmonauts in the Russian space program. Worldwide, approximately 100 million sharks are killed each year, 98% excl


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