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    Zone of Proximal Development,Les Vygotsky,杨林燕 漆雪彬 李月,Contents,Origins,The concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) was originally developed by Vygotsky to argue against the use of academic, knowledge-based tests as a means to gauge students' intelligence. Vygotsky argued that rather than examining what a student knows to determine intelligence, it is better to examine their ability to solve problems independently and their ability to solve problems with the assistance of an adult.,Vygotsky,Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) was a Russian psychologist. He worked on child development, play and language. He also developed a holistic theory of human cultural and biosocial development. 1934, he died of TB.,Vygotsky,Vygotsky's view is that language has two functions: external communication with one's fellow human beings and, equally important, the internal manipulation of one's inner thoughts. Language starts as a tool external to the child used for social interaction. The child guides its behavior by using a kind of self-talk or “thinking out loud.“ Initially, self-talk is very much a tool of social interaction and this tapers to negligible levels when the child is alone. Gradually, self-talk is used more as a tool for self-directed and self-regulating behavior.,Works,Vygotsky L. 1962. Thought and language. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-72001-9. Revised and expanded edition 2012. ISBN 978-0-262-51771-3 Vygotsky L. 1962. Psychology of art. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-22013-2 Vygotsky L. 1978. Mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge & London: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-57629-2,Introduce the Zone of Proximal Development,Vygotsky stated that a child follows an adult's example and gradually develops the ability to do certain tasks without help or assistance. Vygotsky's often-quoted definition of ZPD presents it as the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers. Vygotsky among other educational professionals believes the role of education to be to provide children with experiences which are in their ZPD, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning.,A six-year old boy who lost his toy and asks his father for help. father: when is the last time you see the toy? boy: I dont remember. father: is it in your room? boy: no. father: is it in the yard? boy: no. father: is it in the kitchen? boy: no. father: is it in the car? boy: yes, i think so. Then the boy run to get the toy. In this dialogue, insread of find the toy for his son, the father helped the boy to remember where he left the toy.,The problem is solved under adult guidance, or, the problem solved in collaboration . and next time when the boy forget something again, he could use these strages to remember.,Scaffolding,The concept of the ZPD is widely used in world to study children's mental development as it relates to education. The ZPD concept is seen as a scaffolding, a structure of “support points“ for performing an action. Scaffolding is a process through which a teacher or more competent peer helps the student in his or her ZPD as necessary, and tapers off this aid as it becomes unnecessary, much as a scaffold is removed from a building during construction. “Scaffolding is the way the adult guides the child's learning via focused questions and positive interactions.“This concept has been further developed by Ann Brown, among others. Several instructional programs were developed on this interpretation of the ZPD, including reciprocal teaching and dynamic assessment.,Facilitator,a facilitator helps other people develop their own capabilities and inner resources in order to perform tasks successfully. in this view, the teachers main concern is to facilitate the learners accomplishment of the difficult job of learning a new language. the facilitator helps, but does not tell. the facilitator encourages, but does not criticize.,The ZPD of a child isnt stagnant, it continuously changes as he or she conquers increasingly difficult work over time. Focusing more on education, ZPD can be useful to educators because it should remind them how students can be expanded to reach goals with adult direction and support.,Deficiencies,The difference of personality, recognition, ways of solving problems, degree of learning lead to inaccuracy of intelligence of each individual, as well as the ZPD which based on the results of measure. The measure can not cover all the directions, which could possibly lead to the consequence that ZPD could only be one of the several potentials and furthermore, other developments of the individual's capabilities could be ignored. There might be individual who has two or more ZPDs.,measure,Deficiencies,As the ZPD of each student is a relatively dynamic zone, so when the student reaches the anticipated degree of learning, teachers should change their teaching methods, make teaching plans again. Different student has different ZPD, so teachers should make different teaching plan towards each student. As the method of each teacher is different, so as their emphasis and degree of teaching, we can not tell whether the change of the direction of ZPD of each student can be influenced or not.,education,Enlightenment,We could make learning plans in accordance with our own need of development. We should both know about our abilities and potentials, such as our specialities and advantages. Do not limit yourself to the contents in the teaching materials; new learning tasks should be made according to our own circumstances.,Student,Enlightenment,In the traditional mode of education, teacher is the provider of knowledge while student is provided. Information has been transferred from teacher to student in a single way. Vygotsky's ideas about ZPD not only changed teacher into facilitator who guides, encourages and helps student develop in all directions, but also changed student into active paticipator of class. Treat education as a process of communication. Scaffolding Instruction,Teacher,Thank you!,


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