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    1,李海军18911659230 中国设备管理协会流体污染控制技术中心,中国设备管理协会 流体污染控制技术中心,2,一、中心性质The Center Nature 该中心是中国设备管理协会所属机构,业务上接受中国设备管理协会的指导与监督。办公地点设在北京欧洛普过滤技术开发公司属地,该公司总经理杨淼为中心主任。The center is China Association of equipment management institution, business acceptance of China Association of equipment management guidance and supervision.Office located in Beijing All-of filteration technology development company, general manager of the company Yang Miao as director of the center.,关于中国设备管理协会流体污染控制技术中心,3,二、中心任务the central task 1研制、开发先进、适用的流体污染控制技术与产品,解决企业有关流体污染控制方面的技术难题。Research and development, advanced, applicable fluid contamination control technology and products, to solve the enterprise related to fluid contamination control of technical problems. 2建设中国流体污染控制技术网,为各行业企业提供流体污染控制技术的最新动态。Construction China fluid contamination control technology net, for various industries to provide fluid contamination control technology to the latest developments.,4,3为企业提供流体污染控制技术咨询服务和整体解决方案。 to provide fluid contamination control technology consulting services and the overall solution for the enterprise. 4承办设备流体污染控制方面的技术交流活动,面向全国推广先进适用的流体污染控制技术。host device for fluid contamination control of technical exchange activities, for the promotion of advanced and applicable fluid contamination control technology. 5. 优先向会员单位提供流体污染控制技术服务。Priority to provide fluid contamination control technical services to the members.,中心目标The center target 精确过程控制Precise process control 追根溯源管理Find by hard and thorough search management 优化产业技术Optimization of industrial technology 预知状态维修Predict the state of repair,中心主要工作Main task of Center 一个共同愿景A shared vision 两大核心技术Two core technology 四种服务模式Four service modes 八方面过程优化Eight aspects of the process optimization,一个共同愿景,控制流体污染 保障设备健康 Fine contamination Control for Circulating Health of Machines,一个共同愿景,Circulating 通过实施全面污染控制实现 设备的长寿命安全运行 Through the implementation of comprehensive contamination control to realize long-life equipment and safety operation.,两大核心技术Two core technology,一、基于高端研发,专利材料,优化工艺, 精益制造,技术创新的污染控制技术; Based on the advanced research, patent materials, optimization of process of technological innovation, lean manufacturing, contamination control technology. 二、基于状态监测,故障诊断,预知维修的 油液监测技术; Based on state monitoring, fault diagnosis, oil monitoring technology for the predicting repair.,四种服务模式Four service modes,一、建立污染控制相关产品及服务联盟,提供一站式高端技术及产品输出模式;Establish contamination control related products and services alliance, to provide one-stop high-end technology and product output mode. 二、公正权威的油液监测,检测服务输出模式; The authority of the oil monitoring, testing services output mode.,四种服务模式Four service modes,三、为污染控制相关方(元件生产、设备制造、系统设计、安装集成、供应采购、使用维护各方)输出流体污染控制全面解决方案;For the contamination control related party (components production, equipment manufacturing, system design, installation, use and maintenance, integrated supply procurement parties) output fluid contamination control and comprehensive solutions. 四、设备自设计、制造、安装、运行直至退役全生命周期可持续健康运行管理模式输出。 Equipment design, manufacturing, installation, operation and decommissioning of whole life cycle sustainable health management mode output.,八方面过程优化,一、设计理念优化 Design optimization 二、元部件清洁度标准优化 Component cleanliness standard optimization 三、设备制造过程清洁度标准优化Equipment manufacturing process cleanliness standard optimization 四、污染控制相关产品自身清洁度标准优化contamination control related products for their cleanliness standard optimization 五、安装调试过程污染控制规范优化during the installation and commissioning of contamination control of optimization 六、使用维护过程污染控制制度优化The use of maintenance process contamination control system optimization 七、监测、检测、预知维修过程优化 Monitoring, detection, predict the repair process optimization 八、入场服务功能承包标准作业规范优化 Admission service contract standards for operating optimization,工作回顾,一、全国巡回污染控制讲座20余场; The national tour of contamination control, more than 20 times. 二、建立流体全面污染控制项目试点;(世界上最大的液压站全面服务)Establishment of fluid comprehensive contamination control project pilot. (the world's largest hydraulic station comprehensive services) 三、入厂服务功能性润滑管理承包;Inbound service functional lubricating management contract; 四、和宝钢建立合作服务关系;Establish cooperative relations services with Baosteel. 五、召开两届流体污染控制技术年会。Two times convening of the fluid contamination control technology conference.,行业需要解决的问题,一、行业恶性竞争,各自为政,质量参差不齐; Cutthroat competition, act of one's own free will, quality management uneven. 二、加强润滑油和干油系统污染控制工作; To strengthen the lubricating oil and grease system contamination control work 三、加强工厂现场污染控制培训工作; Strengthen contamination control training of factory site. 四、颗粒计数器的标定; The calibration of automatic particle counter. 五、液压润滑系统中油泥的去除; Oil sludge removal of Hydraulic lubricating system. 六、环保型滤芯产品的开发使用。 Environmental protection type filter elments development using.,15,谢谢大家! 我们致力于液压润滑系统污染控制!欢迎联系我们!,


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