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    二、单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1. There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening . A. is going to be B. will have C. is going to have D. is staying ( ) 2. Im sorry I _ my homework at home . Dont _ it to school tomorrow , please . A. leave, forget to take B. left, forget to bring C. forget, forget to bring D. forget, leave to take,( ) 3. Dont play football in the classroom ._ A. No , I dont. B. Sorry, we wont do it again. C. Why dont we? D. Yes, we wont do it again. ( ) 4. How much shall I pay for the ticket ? You _ . Its free . A. should not B. cant C. dont have to D. mustnt ( ) 5. When shall I call you up, morning or afternoon ?_ . Ill be in all day. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All,( ) 6. Why are you so late ? The train is leaving .Im sorry, I _ the ticket . A. am looking for B. was looking for C. looked for D. was finding out ( ) 7. What do you think of the movie ? I think its _. But someone thinks its _ . A. wonderful enough , too much boring B. enough wonderful , much too boring C. wonderful enough , much too boring D. enough wonderful , too much bored,( ) 8. _ will they finish the work ?_ . A. How soon, In two hours B. How long, In two hours C. How often, For two hours D. When, after two hours ( ) 9. Write _ and try not to make any mistakes . A. as carefully as possible B. as careful as I can C. more careful D. most carefully ( ) 10. All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every day . A. this B. that C. it D. them,( ) 11. Tony often talks _ but does _ . So everybody says he is a good boy . A. more, less B. much, little C. less, more D. few, many ( ) 12. He doesnt know the answer . I dont know , _ . A. too B. also C. either D. as well ( ) 13. Though I live _, I dont feel _ . A. lonely, lonely B. alone, alone C. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone,( ) 14. Can you _ the baby ? Im cooking now. All right. Ill do it right now. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. in ( ) 15. Im not happy because I argued _ my best friend _ the gift. A. to, about B. as, on C. like, on D. with, about,五、用括号内单词适当的形式填空。(5分) 1.Look!What _ the robots _ (do) there? Oh, it _ (wash) plates. I know it _ (sweep) the floor soon. 2. His pen _ (drop) on the ground while he _ (walk) down the road yesterday afternoon. 3. There is a girl _ (sing) in the classroom. 4. Its impossible for him _ (come) here early tomorrow. 5. What an _ (amaze) experience!,6. I hear them _ (talk) when I went by their classroom. ( )1._it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. A. When B. As C. While D. During ( )2.Talk about at that time. A. what was happening B. was happening what C. was what happening D. what he was happening ( )3.Lana thinks she to my house . A. will come, study B. is coming, to study C. was coming, for study D. come, studying ( )4.Lana said she wasnt mad Marcia . A. in, any more B. in, anymore C. with, again D. at, anymore ( )5.How was it ? -Things were fine. A. coming B. going C. becoming D. turning,复习,( )6.I was very surprised_ that my homework was left at home. A.to find B. to find out C. finding D. finding out ( )7.There will be _ pollution this year than last year. A. fewer B. much C. less D. many,( )6.I was very surprised_ that my homework was left at home. A.to find B. to find out C. finding D. finding out ( )7.There will be _ pollution this year than last year. A. fewer B. much C. less D. many,( )8.Peter is ten years old. He is _ to go to school. A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young ( )9.Mrs Smith eats _ meat, so she is _ fat now A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. too much; much too D. much too; much too,( )10.All the students went out _ Zhao Ping after class. A. also B. besides C. except D. beside ( )11.Yesterday the teacher told us that the earth _around the sun. A . moved B. moves C. was moving D. had moved,( )12.It is important for us _English well. A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. learned ( )13.Alice _ to see his aunt if she _free tomorrow. A. will come; will be B . come ; is C. will come ;is D. comes ;will be,( )14._a sport game on the playground next week? -Yes, there will A. Will there be B. Will there have C. Will there D. Will be there ( )15.Could you please _me some _? A. giving; advices B. give; advices C. give; advice D. to give; advice,( )16.He asked me if I_ mad _him. A. am; at B. was; at C. was; to D. am ; to ( )17. Dont leave your books on the table. Please_. A. take away it B. take them away C. take away them D. take it away ( )18. My mother wants me _milk every day. A. drink B. drinks C. drinking D. to drink.,星期四,( )19. Mr Chang has _money but _friends than Mr. Chan. A. more; more B. less; less C. more; fewer D. fewer; more ( )20. Well have a picnic if it _rain tomorrow. A. dont B. doesnt C. wont D. isnt,( ) 1 .What will the weather _like tomorrow? A. is B. be C. are D. was ( ) 2. There are about five _ young trees on the hill. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of ( ) 3. Our English teacher said she _speak three languages. A. can B. could C. will D. is going to,( ) 4. If you want to talk to your teacher ,you should_first. A. called to her B. called up her C. call her up D. called her up ( ) 5. _there be more people in 10 years? No , there_ A Have, havent B. Will , wont be C. Are , arent D. Will, wont,( ) 6. Could you give me_? A . an advice B. some advice C. any advice D. some piece of advice ( ) 7. My friend has the same haircut _ I do. A. as B. like C .with D .than,( ) 8.There are many famous predictions that never_. A. come in B. came true C. come into D. come out ( ) 9. I never think about _ to America. A. go B. to go C. going D. went ( )10. Well have a picnic if it _rain tomorrow. A. dont B. doesnt C. wont D. isnt,( )11. The hard work made the woman _very tired. A. feel B. felt C. fell D. to fell ( )12. I couldn't find my dictionary _. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere,( )13. While he _ down the street, the UFO _ in front of a shop A. walks, land B. was walking, landed C. walking, landed D. to walk, to land ( )14. -Do you know _? -Next year. A. when he come here B. when did he come here C. when he will come here D. when will he come here,( )15. Wheres Lily? We are all here _her. A. beside B. about C. except D. with 1. It is _(可能) for Chinese people to get into space now. 2. You can _ (想象) how strange it was . 3.There is a lot of _(污染) in the world, we should keep the air clean.,4. They are good friends, but sometimes they _(争吵) with each oter. 5. All people in the world need _(自由). 6. Betty ofen gets _ (紧张)when she has a math test. 7. His hat and coat are out of s_.,8.I have a very unusual e_ on Sunday,because I met an alien. 9. “How long have you had your car?” “I_ (buy) it three days ago.” 10. After the end-of-year exams,I got my r_ card yesterday.,一份努力,一份收获,测验,71. Do you think people will live _ _ (be) over 150 years old? 72. Its difficult for him _ _ (work) out the problem. 73I _ _ (be) an engineer when I grow up. 74. Paul doesnt know how (make) a chicken sandwish.,75. Could you please give me some_(advice) on how to learn English well. 76. He is much_ _(friend) to me than before. 77. While I_ _ (walk) in the street, I met my best friend Jim.,78. Mum_ _ (buy) my father a nice coat and a pair of trousers last Sunday. 79. Thank you for_ _ (teach) us so well, my dear teacher. 80. He _ (draw) at eight yesterday evening.,三补全对话(5%) 根据对话内容,从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。 When did it start?An apple.You are hungry.Whats wrong?I ate an apple.Are you OK?Could you help me? Cara: Mum, I am not feeling well. Mum: _ Cara: I have a stomachache. Mum: _ Cara: About an hour ago. Mum: What did you eat for breakfast. Cara: _ Mum: _No more? Cara: NO. Mum: Oh, _. You shoud eat a hamburger. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._,( )1、There _a class meeting this afternoon. A. will have B. will be C. have D. is ( )2. People will live _ 200 years old in the future. A. / B. be C. to be D. in ( )3. I think there will be _people and _pollution in the future. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; less D. fewer; fewer ( )4. He _ his homework at home yesterday. A. leaves B. forgot C. left D. forgets ( )5He finds _ hard to finish the work in two days. A. its B. that C. it D.this,( )6. He doesnt have any money, _. A. too B. also C. either D. neither ( )7. I think you should _ some money _ your friends. A. borrow; for B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. borrow; to ( )8. My friend has the same haircut _ I do. A. as B. like C. seem D. looks like ( )9. He _ know where her house is. A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must be ( )10. Some scientists think that it may take _ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of,( )11. He thought that computers would never be _ most people. A. used by B. used for C. useful by D. using for ( )12 The head of the movie companies predicted that no one would want to see actors _. A. to talk B. talked C. talks D. talk ( )13. Kids wont go to school. They will study _ home _computers. A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from ( )14. Mary was dancing while Mike _the piano. A. played B. was playing C. were playing D. plays ( )15. What _ you _ when your father came back? A. did, do B. are, doing C. were, doing D. did, doing,46. 我们应尽可能多地说英语. We should speak English _much_ possible. 47. 他直到完成了作业才上床睡觉。 He_ go to bed _ he finished his homework 48. 我的家乡不久会发生巨大的变化。 Great changes will in my hometown soon 49我的朋友穿着跟我一样的运动服。 My friend wears the sports clothes I. 50.他进来时我正在睡懒觉. I was _ _ when he came in.,1.He is happy that he _in a tall apartment next year. A. live B. lives C. will live D. will living 2.Will there be more people in 100 year? _,I hope. A. No, there isnt B. No, there arent C. No, there wont D. No, they wont. 3.Do you like the city life or the country life? Its hard to say. In the city there is _interesting, but in the country there is _ pollution. A. less; more B. more; less C. more; fewer D. much; much 4.My life will be _better than it is now. A. a lot B. a lot of C. a few D. more 5.I predict he will be an engineer _ten years because he is so interested in making things. A. in B. after C. later D. for,6.It _ that everyone _ to laugh. A. seems; loves B. seem; love C. seems; love D. seem; loves 7.Margot_computer science last year. A. studies B. studied C. will study D. is studying 8.In AD 20 000,what_the world be like? A. is B. will C. was D. are 9.There is_ meat but_ cakes on the plate. Please have one. A. a little; a few B. a few; a little C. few; little D. little; a few 10.I was bad at English last term, I will try my best to learn it _. A. from then on B. from last term C. from on D. from now on,6.It _ that everyone _ to laugh. A. seems; loves B. seem; love C. seems; love D. seem; loves 7.Margot_computer science last year. A. studies B. studied C. will study D. is studying 8.In AD 20 000,what_the world be like? A. is B. will C. was D. are 9.There is_ meat but_ cakes on the plate. Please have one. A. a little; a few B. a few; a little C. few; little D. little; a few 10.I was bad at English last term, I will try my best to learn it _. A. from then on B. from last term C. from on D. from now on,11.I think that China will win the World Cup one day. I_. The Chinese team is becoming stronger and stronger. A. agree B. disagree C. dont agree D. think 12.I will have many different _. A. kinds of goldfishes B. kind of goldfishes C. kind of goldfish D. kinds of goldfish 13.Every day he makes me_ early and _ in the morning. A. to get up; run B. get up; to run C. to get up; to run D. get up; run 14.My parents want me _at home every night A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. staies 15.I argue _ my best friend yesterday. A. with B. at C. about D. for,16.My friend is angry with me . What should I _to him ? A . say B. speak C. argue D. talk 17.He could do nothing except_ TV. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. will watch 18.Please _ who broke the window . A. find out B. find C. look for D. look out 19. Maybe he put it in his pocket , _ he ? A. does B. doesnt C. did D. didnt 20.Please show me the ticket _the concert A. of B. about C. to D .on,21.I need to get some money to _the summer camp . A . pay on B. pay in C. pay with D. pay for 22. I _ it everywhere , but I didnt _ it . A . looked for , looked for B. looked for , find C. found , looked for D. find , look for 23.Our teacher often tells us _ to the old politely . A. speak B .speaking C. to speak D. speak in 24.I really dont know _. A. what should I do B. what to do C. what does D. what doing 25.-I cant learn English well. - You could get a tutor _ to your home. A.to go B. go C. going D. goes,1.There will be a tall b_ near my home. My family will live in it . 2. Tom w_ to his friend last week but he didnt receive his letter. 3. Robots can help people with the housework and do the most u_ jobs. 4. I want to be a _ (科学家) when I grow up. 5. Today it seems that parents _ (督促)their kids to learn more things.,用所给按词的正确形式(每小题1分,计5分) 1.I look after my _ . (healthy) 2. There are _ (hundred) of shops in the street. 3. He likes fruit , meat and _ ( vegetable) 4. They _ ( hard ) ever go out of his small town. 5. He often helps me _ (do ) some housework.,1. They clean the cl


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