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    陕西省八年级英语下册 Unit 4 He said he was hard-working Section A学案 人教新目标版.doc

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    陕西省八年级英语下册 Unit 4 He said he was hard-working Section A学案 人教新目标版.doc

    精品资料Unit 4 He said he was hard-working Section A 学习目标1. 初步认识直接引语和间接引语,知道什么是直接引语,什么是间接引语。2. 能把简单的直接引语变为间接引语。疑难点拨:1.直接引语 和 间接引语含义:1) Lucy said,"I'll arrive this evening." 2) Lucy said that she would arrive that evening. 以上两句话中,句1)为_引语,句2)为_引语。_叫直接引语 ,一般前后加引号,_叫间接引语。句2)中的引导词为_变化: 1)人称变化: He said,"I like it very much." He said that_liked it very much. 2) 时态变化: (主句谓语动词是过去时态时,变为间接引语时,一般应将直接引语的时态向_推进一 级) 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 _ 现在进行时 _ 一般将来时 _ 一般过去时 _ 现在完成时 _ 过去完成时 _3)指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和个别动词的变化: 直接引语 间接引语 this _ these _ now _ today _ this week _ yesterday _ tomorrow _ last week _ two days _ 将下列直接引语变为间接引语 1). Dave says,“I want to visit Beijing.” Dave says that _ _ to visit Beijing. 2.)Tom says,“Lucy likes reading.” Tom says that _ _ reading. 3.) He said to me, “I want to borrow your book.” He _ me that _ _ to borrow _ book.4.) Lucy says to Tom,“I think you are right.” Lucy _ Tom that _ thinks _ _ right.5) Lucy said,“Tom will come here next week.” Lucy said_ _ _ _the next week.2. not anymore He will not see you anymore . = He will no more see you . You are not a child any longer. = You are no longer a child. 以上句子中,not anymore = _,意为_ (指次数上的不再,多与瞬间动 作连用) , not any longer = _,意为不再 (指时间上的不再,多与持续性动词连用) (小试身手) 我将再也不是你最好的朋友了。 I_be your best friend_. 他不再住这儿了。 He _ live here _.自学导航:一·Words and phrases:1. 各小组按以下要求识记 P26-P28的单词: 根据音标试读-跟录音大声读-英汉对照识记-组长听写-在文中划出新单词,体会用法2. 写出下列动词的过去式和动词的-ing形式。1.) say 2.)be 3.)have 4.)do 5.)tell 6.)happen 7.) go 8.)call 9.)run 3. 英汉互译:1)气愤的_ 2) 消息_ 3) 正确的 _ 4) 错误的_5) 在星期五晚上 _ 6) 生某人的气 _7) 举办惊奇聚会 _ 8) 做作业 _9) 首先 _ 10) 传递 _11)被期望或被要求做 _ 12) 不再 _二. Conversation:三人一组完成对话,A告知B自己的一些事,B将其转述给C .并将角色转化来练习。可用句型 She/He told me. She/He said that .3 Writing:回忆刚刚你们三人的对话内容,再将其记录下来(要求:1. 写35句话; 2. 使用间接引语 )_检测:1 根据句意,首字母提示完成单词:1. Teachers are s_ to know a lot and care for the students.2. Miss Wang isn't here right now. Can I take a m_for her ?3. The teacher was m_ at Ted because he was late for school.4. The baby didn't cry a_when she saw her mother.5. Don't forget to r_my bike. I'll use it this afternoon.6. She said her mother would have a s_party for her birthday.二单选:( )1. The little girl was born _a warm spring morning. A.in B. on C. at D. of ( ) 2. You are _to return the book to the library in two days. A.thought B. wanted C.shouted D. supposed( ) 3. My mother told me _anymore when it was late. A.don't write B. not write C. not to write D. didn't write( ) 4. She is new here . I don't know _. A.where she from B. where is she from C. where does she come from( ) 5. This dictionary is Paul's. Please _him. A.pass on to it B.pass on it to C. pass it on for D. pass it on it( ) 6. Tom said that he _an interesting book. A.buy B. will buy C. buys D.bought ( ) 7. The boys are working _a homework project in the classroom. A.as B. on C. hard D. for( ) 8. The teacher told us that the earth _around the sun. A.moved B.move C. moves D. moving ( )9. What did you say? I said I _ mad at you. A. am B. was C. will be D. were( )10. He told me he _ call his brother tomorrow. A .willB. would C. shall D. can( )11.She didn't cry _. A. Anymore B. some more C. much more D. any most3 把下列句子中的直接引语改为间接引语:1. She said," I'll call you later." _2. He said to me ," I can finish my homework now." _3. He said to me ," The sun rises in the east and sets in the west." _4. Jack said," Do you like this city ?" _5. He asked me, "What are you doing now ?" _6. Mr Black said to his son," Please get up early ." _7. I said to him ," I have finished it ." _8. "Don't look out of the windows in class." the teacher said . _9. The teacher went into the classroom and asked us,"What are you doing now?" _


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