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    ACRP Problem No. 10-02-58 Recommended: Yes Guidelines for the Sound Insulation of Residences Panel for Environmental Emphasis The Environmental Panel is supportive of the scope described in this problem statement and welcomes an update to such guidance. An important element of the scope to add would be giving the industry an opportunity to comment on guidance developed from this project. The funding allocation needs to be increased to include this outreach/comment process. ACRP Screening Panel The scope appears to be a compilation of existing guidance that may be more appropriate if conducted by FAA. A AC CR RP P Problem Number Problem Number 10-02-58 I. PROBLEM TITLE Guidelines for the Sound Insulation of Residences II. RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT Under FAAs Airport Improvement Program homes exposed to noise due to airport operations overhead or nearby are sound insulated to reduce indoor noise. Program procedures and qualification are prescribed in existing law and regulation 14 CFR Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning. Approved noise compatibility programs include mitigation measures to reduce the impact of noise exposure on residences located within the airports noise contours. One of the most widely used Part 150 noise measure is the sound insulation of homes within the airports defined noise exposure contours. Since its inception the FAA has approved and funded over $2 billion dollars to implement airport noise compatibility programs at the participating airports nationwide. Under the AIP, FAA may fund an airport approved Noise Compatibility Program that may offer sound insulation of homes located within the 65 dB DNL contour of the airports published noise exposure maps. The cost of sponsors insulation program is eligible for FAA AIP funding if the airport sound insulation program produces a 5 dB noise level reduction in the indoor sound levels of homes located within the program mitigation area. To assist sponsor approved noise programs FAA published AC 150/5100-9A in July 1993 which announced the availability of the Guidelines for the Sound Insulation of Residences Exposed to Aircraft Operations (Guidelines). The Guidelines themselves where published in 1992 for military and FAA Airports programs to serve as a project management handbook for studying, initiating and implementing sound insulation measures developed under airport noise compatibility programs. The Guidelines were updated in 2005 by the US Navy for application at military airports. The Navy updated the guidelines to meet their current program objectives and to reflect current building codes and insulation product specifications. A similar update of the Guidelines would also benefit FAA airport noise programs. However, the update for FAA programs would need to retain and update the FAA approved project management and AIP grant management requirements. III. OBJECTIVE The objective of this research topic is to update existing guidelines and to expand and refine the guidelines to include application and evaluation tools and guidance for FAA field and airport sponsor staff to effectively manage noise insulation programs in conformance to FAA Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) and AIP funding requirements. The existing guidance will be updated to provide current best practices of sound insulation project management and sound insulation testing and evaluation specifications to ensure AIP grant acceptance goals and objectives are being met on funded projects. The guidelines will be updated to account for current insulation product and installation standards and requirements. Effective methods to test, evaluate and possibly certify insulation work for updated building and environmental codes and standards that may be relied on for acceptance of FAA assisted noise insulation projects. Also, provide an energy conservation standard to be measured for sound insulation measures if determined feasible. IV. RESEARCH PROPOSED Phase 1: Evaluate the existing 1992 guidelines and the current use and application on AIP assisted projects. Identify needed changes and updates and desired improvements. From this evaluation develop a detailed outline of the proposed guideline update for FAA program requirements. Secure FAA Airport evaluation and acceptance of proposed outline for guideline update. Phase 2. Develop the updated guidelines. Make use of current web based technology as feasible to host guidelines. Develop a reporting and evaluation facility for insulation proposals and specifications. Develop a tutorial on the use of the guidelines to identify product and installation specification for a broad range of buildings and design noise reduction requirements. V. ESTIMATE OF THE PROBLEM FUNDING AND RESEARCH PERIOD Recommended Funding: $200,000 Research Period: 18 months VI. URGENCY AND PAYOFF POTENTIAL Sound insulation remains a cost effective noise compatibility measure, but product standards and governing codes and acceptable practices have changed significantly since the existing guidelines were published in 1992. Also reporting current agency experience and goals for program efficiencies, energy conservation, sustainability/livability benefits that are achievable on sound insulation projects should be measured and reported. The updated and enhanced Guidelines for Sound Insulation of Residences Exposed to Aircraft Operations (or other desired title) will provide the needed program guidelines as well as standard evaluation and reporting formats to facilitate FAA goals and objectives. VII. RELATED RESEARCH / REFERENCES AC 150/5100 -9A Announcement of Availability Report No. DOT/FAA/PP/92.5, Guidelines for the Sound Insulation of Residences Exposed to Aircraft Operations FAA Order 5100.38, Airport Improvement Program Handbook FAA AC 150/5100- XX Draft Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Advisory Circular April 2005 update of the Guidelines prepared by the US Navy for military programs, see http:/www.fican.org/pdf/Wyle_Sound_Insulation.pdf 2 3 Other common references for project sound insulation product specifications, national model and local residential building codes, etc. X. DATE AND SUBMITTED BY: March 27, 2009 Ralph Thompson, FAA, Manager (Acting), National Planning and Environmental Division (APP-400), (202) 267-8772, ralph.thompsonfaa.gov


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