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    The Cultural Features shown in English Idioms 英语论文.doc

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    The Cultural Features shown in English Idioms 英语论文.doc

    The Cultural Features shown in English IdiomsEnglish idiom is one of the most important components of the English language culture. It is widely used by native speakers. By using the idiom, the speaker can easily express his or her emotion, making the conversation or the discourse more vivid. While to foreign language learners, sometimes English idioms are hardly to be understood. The reason for the misunderstanding and puzzle of the English idioms is that many cultural features are included in the idioms. If someone is not familiar with the cultural background, he or she will have difficulties in using and understanding the idioms. To say more specifically, the features involved in English idioms demonstrate the geographical, religional, classical, and historical characteristics.First of all, some geographical features are in the English idioms. British isles locate in the Atlantic Ocean, separated by English Channel, the Straight of Dover, and the North Sea from the European continent. As an island nation, British people's lives are closely connected to the ocean. Firstly, people have to struggle against the multivariant climate on the sea, some idioms reflect the hardness of the conquering of the ocean, for example using a drop in the ocean to indicate a tiny thing or a scrub. Secondly, as Britain is one of the most important harbor country in Europe, many idioms indicate the busy maritime carrying trade, such as all hands to the pumps, meaning everyone come to help for the harsh situation, and with flying colors which means having great success. Thirdly, due to the abundant ocean resources, people use phrases related to fish as idioms, for instance, big fish means a wealthy and high-status man, while like a fish out of water shows the uneasiness in new environment. Fourthly, the climate of Britain is greatly influenced by ocean, so it often rains, many idioms show this characteristic, like as right as rain, which means make someone feel satisfied. Besides all these, because of the different geographic situations, English and Chinese idioms express the same meaning in different ways, for example, Chinese people say "挥金如土" ( spend money like they are infinite soil) to criticize a man spending too much money without restraint, while English people say spend money like water, for China is a country depending on agriculture and Britain is a country depending heavily on ocean works. And for different location of Britain and China, west wind means good things in Britain for it blows from the sea that brings warm air while east wind means bad luck for it blows from Siberia or the Arctic circle that brings cold air. To Chinese the people, the situation is totally opposite. If Chinese learners use their stereotype to say something like east wind brings springs, there will be misunderstanding.Second, some religion background can be found in English idioms. The typical one is the Bible, which influences every aspect of English speaking people deeply. People are quite familiar with the characters and stories in Bible, so it is merited to use the literary quotation in their talk. There are several examples. Some idioms are from the story of the Bible, like An eye for an eye is from Old Testament, Deuteronomy, whose original saying is "The punishment is to be a life for a life,an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth,a hand for a hand, and a foot for a foot.". meaning that one should fight back if he or she is attacked by others, and By the skin of ones teeth from Old Testament, Book of Job, means the critical point. Some idioms are from the character of the Bible, such as "as wise as Solomon" is from Old Testament, Kings, to describe a intelligent man, as old as Adam to describe some ancient and old things, a Juda to say a person who betray his friend. And some idioms use the sayings in the Bible directly, such as "Turn from evil,and do good;seek peace and follow after it.", which is from Old Testament, Psalms, and "The sun go down upon your wrath.", from New Testament, Ephesians. Those sentences both have profound messages and enjoy profound popularity, so people love using them to fully express their emotion. While to Chinese people, whose cultural values and thinking patterns are deeply rooted in Confucius, such religion influence is often ignored.Third, literature, include fairy tale, fable, classical literature etc., influences English idioms. Firstly, as Greece is the cradle of western culture that Greek fairy tales are widely spread in European countries. Many of them are reflected in English idioms, such as Achilles heel, meaning the fatal weakness, and pandora's box, meaning the origin of disasters. Secondly, as Aesop's Fables is the most famous book of fables in the world, a number of English idioms use the allusions from the book. Cherish viper in somebody's bosom means appeasement brings danger, and this is from the The Woodman and the Serpent. Kills the goose lays the golden eggs is like the Chinese saying of "杀鸡取卵" (kills the hen to get the eggs), both describe the behavior of focusing on the short term profit while cut off the future development. Thirdly, as classical literature is the most wonderful part or a language, its spread promote ordinary peoples' use of language. Many idioms are from classical literature, that some plots are spread,some sentences are used directly in conversation, and some characters are used to indicate a typical kind of people. As William Shakespeare is the greatest playwright and poet in Britain even the whole world, many English idioms are from his works, like one's pound of flesh, which means a requirement that is in law but not reasonable, from William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. "To be or not to be" is used by people when they face the hard situation to choose something or the right way to advance. Besides Shakespeare, other great masters' works are also included in English idioms. Micawber in David Copperfield presents those optimists who always want to get good luck, and Mr. Darcy is referred to the perfect man to be girls' husband. Many more idioms are suitable for the mentioned features but too large quantity to be listed here.Above all, English idioms are quite unfamiliar with our Chinese thinking patterns. It contains so many cultural features. If one just pays attention to grammar, sentence-making, and vocabulary, etc., and ignores the learning of English culture, he or she will meet many difficulties in communication with English native speakers that he or she may not understand the meaning of others' talking. If one use their native language's thinking patterns to use English idioms, like translating "倾盆大雨" directly into the heavy rain poured from basin, rather than "raining cats and dogs", misunderstanding or confusion will be not avoided for English native speakers. So lacking cultural background and common sense of the English speaking countries is a big barrier to English learners.To Chinese English learners, one needs to learn not only English language itself, but also need to discover the cultural factors and background that influence the forming of language. In their learning process, they can consciously try to acquire the information of the English culture. They can really master the practical use of language.Bibliography:刘江红:<伊索寓言>与英语习语,载中国教育前沿2005年第8卷总第84期,第22-23页。Liu Jianghong. (2005). Aesop's Fables and English idioms. The Advancing Front of Chinese Enducation, 8(84),22-23.平洪、张国扬:英语习语与英美文化,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000年。Ping Hong & Zhang Guoyang. (2000). English idioms and British and American culture. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing House.叶一君:从英语习语看英国地理特征,载延安职业技术学报,2010年第24卷第4期, 第109-110页。Ye Yijun. (2010). The embodiment of the natural and geographic characteristics of the U.K. in the English idioms. Journal of Yan'an Vocational & Technical Institute, 24(4),109-110.张景成、郑红莲:<圣经>文化在英语语言中的渗透,载牡丹江大学学报,2011年第1期,第15-22页。Zhang Jingcheng & Zheng Honglian. (2001). The cultural infiltration of the Bible in English. The Journal of Mudanjiang University, 1, 15-22.张林影:英语习语的文化蕴涵与翻译,载河北理工大学学报(社会科学版),2011年第11卷第1期,第149-151页。Zhang Linying. (2011). Cultural implication of English idiom and its translation. Journal of Hebei Politechnic University (Social Science Edition), 11(1),149-151.


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