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    Simon考官范文-雅思口语 P2&ampP3: 描述一堂课.doc

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    Simon考官范文-雅思口语 P2&ampP3: 描述一堂课.doc

    P2题目:Describe an interesting lesson that you attended.You should say1.where you attended this lesson2.what it was about3.and why you found it interesting范例:1.I'm going to talk about an interesting science lesson that I attended at secondary school when I was 14 or 15 years old.2.It was quite a long time ago, so I can't remember every detail, but the lesson was about respiration. We learnt about how the lungs work, how we breathe, and how oxygen passes into the blood. The science teacher also talked to us about the effects of smoking on the lungs.3.I found this lesson interesting because my science teacher, Dr. Smith, always introduced new topics by showing us a video. We watched a short film about how respiration works, and I found this much easier to understand than a science textbook. The film showed diagrams of the lungs to explain the breathing process. Later in the lesson we saw real photos of healthy lungs and lungs that had been damaged as a result of smoking; they had turned black. I think the image of a smoker's lungs is the reason why I remember this lesson.建议:I could also give more information about the teacher, his personality and why I liked him. The key is to tell a story and add details until the time runs out.P3内容:1. What do you think makes a good lesson?I think a good lesson is one that is interesting and engaging. By 'engaging' I mean that the students should feel involved in the lesson; they should feel that they are learning something new that is relevant to them. In my opinion, a lot depends on how the teacher delivers the content of the lesson in a way that students like. My favourite teacher at university used to involve the students by making us teach some of the lessons ourselves.2. Do you think it's better to have a teacher or to teach yourself?Well, there's no substitute for a good teacher. I think you can teach yourself, but you can learn a lot more quickly with the guidance of a teacher. For example, when learning a language, you really need someone to correct your mistakes; you can get the grammar and vocabulary from books, but books can't tell you where you're going wrong.3. Do you think the traditional classroom will disappear in the future?I don't think it will disappear, but it might become less common. I think more people will study independently, using different technologies rather than sitting in a classroom. Maybe students will attend a lesson just once a week, and spend the rest of their time following online courses or watching video lessons.


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