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    雅思口语原创范文Part 3 Topic 24 邀请聚餐.doc

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    雅思口语原创范文Part 3 Topic 24 邀请聚餐.doc

    1. Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future?I think it is unlikely that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future. Although young people are less skilled in cooking and it is becoming quite affordable to eat at restaurants nowadays, I still think it is unlikely that everyone will eat at restaurants. In certain parts of the world, such as Europe and the west, the price of food in restaurants is very expensive and rises every year. Therefore, it is not economically viable to eat at restaurants instead of meals every day. There is also a lot of joy that can be gained from cooking your own meals, so many people prefer to eat at home instead of at restaurants.2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?It is always a lovely experience to go out and eat at restaurants. There are many lovely aspects to eating at restaurants. The food is professionally cooked so is often extremely delicious and enjoyable. A further advantage is that you do not have to spend time or energy cooking and cleaning. However, eating out at restaurants can be very expensive therefore it is not something that could be done every day. Furthermore, restaurants can be difficult for people who have allergies and dietary requirements. When people have special dietary requirements it can be much easier to eat at home than at a restaurants.3. Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?Many people prefer to eat at restaurants rather than eat at home. A lot of people are too busy or too lazy to spend a lot of time cooking. This is particularly common among young professionals in urban cities. Their lifestyles can be so intense that they find it difficult to cook for themselves properly, therefore eating out at restaurants allows busy people to feed themselves well. On the other hand, older people also prefer visiting restaurants for the experience of fine dining. Therefore, many people4. Where do Chinese people usually eat? At restaurants or at home?Most Chinese people usually eat at restaurants or at street food vendors but it depends on the meal. Breakfast is normally eaten at home as breakfast is a simple and easy meal to prepare. However, street food is very cheap in China, especially in small towns, therefore, it is very affordable to eat out for most meals. Therefore, Chinese people will commonly get their lunch and dinner from affordable food stalls and restaurants. Furthermore, on special occasions Chinese people often like to celebrate by going to fine restaurants. Therefore, Chinese people usually eat out at restaurants. However, there are certain households where home cooking is very important, so for some people it is more usual to eat at home.


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