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    雅思口语原创范文Part 3 Topic 5 陌生人的电话.doc

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    雅思口语原创范文Part 3 Topic 5 陌生人的电话.doc

    1.Why do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?I think there are many different opinions on what is proper etiquette on public transport.There are some people who believe you should be completely silent, some who think it is okay to talk quietly and others who talk very loudly with no regard for other passengers. Personally I believe it is okay to talk quietly with the people next to you,as long as you are not disruptive (制造、混舌匕的) and you are respectful. There are some people in the older generations who believe that people should be silent on public transport but I do not agree with this. Public transport can be very boring and often the journeys are long so it is nice to talk with the people sat next to you. Yet, there are some young people who talk very loudly on public transport. I think this is very rude, as it can be disruptive and annoying.2.Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?I do not think people should be banned from talking aloud in public places. There are many reasons why somebody may need to talk in a public place. There could be urgent news to communicate such as if someone was feeling unwell or if they were in danger. Therefore, it is important that people are allowed to communicate with each other. Also, people may need help from those around them such as when somebody is lost and needs directions. Furthermore, I do not think there is a problem with friends talking quietly to each other in public places.3.Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?There is a lot of debate over whether it is bad for people to talk on the phone in public places. Personally, I have mixed opinions on the issue. I think there are a lot of times when it is valid for people to talk on the phone in public places. Often when out in public you need to make arrangements or plans with friends and colleagues who you are meeting later in the day. Sometimes phone calls are quite important and you may have to make these calls in public places. However, there are some people who have long and loud conversations on the phone in public places which are obnoxious and inappropriate. This is very common amongst young people, often young people will have very loud conversations with their friends on the phone when it would be better for them to meet in person to have the conversation. It can be very loud and distracting to listen to silly conversations in public places.4.Why do some people always break rules in public places?I think in general most people try to abide (遵守)by the law at all times, however, there are some people who always break rules in public places. It is hard to understand why people do this. Most people like to be law abiding citizens as this has a positive impact on communities and makes the?world a nice place to be. However, there are often recalcitrant (顽固的) individuals who like to break the laws whenever they can. Often this is due to them being brought up badly when they were children. Often people from less privileged (享有特权、高贵的)backgrounds do not learn about laws and societal expectations when they are children. This means that these individuals have issues with authority and often break the rules. In my hometown, these people are rare and usually loners (孤独者).


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