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    浪漫婚礼策划·PPT,NO PRACTICAL PLETE FRAMEWORK FOR DYNAMIC PPT TEMPLATE,CONTENTS,目录,Catalog,about,关于我们,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,01,色,在婚礼上大面积使用很容易俗气,但是非常适合做撞色的搭配。当优雅的赤土红搭配纯净透亮的白,整体空间色彩饱和,背景上红色线条和块状拼接的方式让婚礼更有设计感,不显沉闷,自然清新。,About who we are,Services 我们的服务,Services And offer slide,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,about,我们的团队,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,1,2,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by,色,在婚礼上大面积使用很容易俗气,但是非常适合做撞色的搭配。当优雅的赤土红搭配纯净透亮的白,整体空间色彩饱和,背景上红色线条和块状拼接的方式让婚礼更有设计感,不显沉闷,自然清新。,About who we are,90%,Creative ture slide,独特的户外仪式背景,采用了不同寻常的构造,几何分割的线条造型,巧妙地将古典形式和现代技术相结合,简单而玩味的设计感,让婚礼与众不同。,Slide creative,about,婚礼主题,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,02,巴洛克风格,Suitable,100%,about,Main conten,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,90%,about,婚礼主题,巴洛克风格 几何铁艺背景婚礼,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look. When using a baseline grid, the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit. Youll monly see baseline grid values of something like 20px.,YOUR HEADER HERE,Good idea,几何铁艺背景婚礼,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look. When using a baseline grid, the first thing you must decide on is your baseline grid unit. Youll monly see baseline grid values of something like 20px.,Good idea,蓝紫色震撼星空,硕大的星球,神秘的光影,星空主题的婚礼就像是一场魔法的盛宴,让人情不自禁沉醉在深蓝色的梦境中,唯美的星际场景是十分震撼的,星空迷们,科幻迷们,有没想过把你的婚礼也带进宇宙?,Suitable,100%,A&B,20$,about,薄荷色 洛可可风格婚礼,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,03,about,洛可可 风格婚礼,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,services,薄荷色 洛可可风格婚礼,1,2,about,水晶 装饰婚礼,YOUR HEADER HERE,柔和的粉色在这场婚礼中起到了柔化空间的效果,浅浅的淡雅色调与丰富的肌理完美融合,多变的波浪曲线背景和丰富的细节装饰让婚礼告别单调,充满创意,耳目一新,04,粉金色,Services And offer slide,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,YOUR HEADER HERE,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,Most designers set their type arbitrarily, either by pulling values out of the sky or by adhering to a baseline grid. The former case isnt worth discussing here, but the latter requires a closer look.,粉金色装饰婚礼,creative,Write some thing,business,粉金色背景装饰婚礼,硕大的星球,神秘的光影,星空主题的婚礼就像是一场魔法的盛宴,让人情不自禁沉醉在深蓝色的梦境中,唯美的星际场景是十分震撼的,星空迷们,科幻迷们,有没想过把你的婚礼也带进宇宙?,image,空中的婚礼 云端般绮丽,硕大的星球,神秘的光影,星空主题的婚礼就像是一场魔法的盛宴,让人情不自禁沉醉在深蓝色的梦境中,唯美的星际场景是十分震撼的,星空迷们,科幻迷们,有没想过把你的婚礼也带进宇宙?,YOUR HEADER HERE,timeline,空中的婚礼 云端般绮丽,于是用镂空的网格元素搭配纸飞机以流线型装饰了签到区域,无遮挡的将大理石与浓厚历史的酒店背景墙呈现出的同时,又将飞行元素融入进了婚礼中。但是,我爱你就像一个圆规,你为圆心,我就是围绕在你周围的圆,我们一起,才是完整的一个圆,才是一个完整的自己。你,让我完整,我,就在你身旁,YOUR HEADER HERE,2020 Timeline,THANK YOU,感谢您的下载!,T,THANKS!,


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